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2013 - Rock Oz'Arènes Festival, Avenches, Switzerland - 17 August - REPORTS/PICS/VIDEOS


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Mail Amelie


Hello Daniela & MFC


We apologize for this situtation, which was misunderstood by both sides to apologize apologize.


After a conversation with you was a young woman with short black hair, white top and Hotpens and said we should at 16:05 clock at the entrance Flayer. I do not know what is the truth now and thought it was your statement.


So I waited 30 minutes. No one came.


Back in the office of another of my colleagues told him that my fan club Mika ran into the arena to find a place.



Once again our apologies.


In the hope that you enjoyed the concert.



Dear Amelia,

oh no, please do not apologize. As you say, this is a misunderstanding. We understand that you have five minutes to bring Mika kommtdie Flayer on the stage. It's not about who is to blame. But we can say why it has not worked out with the Flayer the other MFC fans. While everyone understands that


I have instructed anyone to talk to them. Only that I spoke with them.

I do not know why other then discussed in our agreements. Maybe there was too little faith in me. As mentioned linguistic misunderstandings. I'm sorry!


The concert was great. Thank you for your support in M & G. It was much more important and memorable. You and your team have been a great help. A big thank you. On behalf of the MFC & and me.


With our sincere thanks and best regards Daniela & MFC




Amélie courrier


Bonjour Daniela & MFC


Nous nous excusons pour cette situtation, qui a été mal compris par les deux parties en excusons. Désolé.



Après une conversation avec vous était une jeune femme aux cheveux courts noir, haut blanc et Hotpens et a dit que nous devrions faire l'écorcheur 16:05 horloge à l'entrée. Je ne sais pas quelle est la vérité maintenant et pensait que c'était votre déclaration.


Alors j'ai attendu 30 minutes. Personne n'est venu.


De retour au bureau d'un autre de mes collègues lui ont dit que mon fan club Mika a couru dans l'arène pour trouver une place.



Encore une fois toutes nos excuses.


Dans l'espoir que vous avez apprécié le concert.



Chère Amélie,

oh non, s'il vous plaît ne vous excusez pas. Comme vous le dites, c'est un malentendu. Nous comprenons que cinq minutes avant Mika seulement apporter Flayer sur la scène. Il ne s'agit pas de savoir qui est à blâmer. Mais nous pouvons vous dire pourquoi cela ne fonctionne pas les autres fans de Mika. Alors que tout le monde comprenne que


J'ai donné des instructions à quiconque de parler avec eux. Seulement ce que je me suis entretenu avec eux.

Je ne sais pas pourquoi d'autres ensuite discuté dans nos accords. Peut-être qu'il y avait trop peu de confiance en moi. Comme mentionné malentendus linguistiques. Je suis désolé!


Le concert était génial. Merci pour votre soutien en M & G. Il était beaucoup plus important et mémorable. Vous et votre équipe avez été d'une grande aide. Un grand merci. Au nom du MFC & et moi.


Avec nos sincères remerciements et mes meilleures salutations Daniela & MFC

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(report part 2)


the show was simply amazing, definitely goes in the list of my faves! <3 although i didn't understand much of his french talking and could only see his hat when he sat at the piano cause the stage was so high, and i had hoped to hear live your life or step with me or maybe overrated, or at least popular song... but mika sang every word like he really meant it. there was so much intensity and feeling in his performance, like i had hardly ever seen it before. :wub2: the crowd was on fire, the band rocked... and then, shortly before midnight, mika started to sing origin of love. during the song, LED balloons and phone lights started to glow, it became more and more, and after the song the lady from the festival team gave mika the cake on stage, there were several banners, and we all sang happy birthday (or rather bon anniversaire). even without the flyers, it was an amazing and wonderful moment. :wub2: next came underwater, and the glowing balloons fitted very well to that too! at some point they all flew towards the stage (and later the security guys had lots of fun with making them burst and sticking the led lights to their ears, noses or wherever! :lmfao:).


we also had several other things, not for the whole crowd but just among ourselves, like miri said maybe it was a bit too much at once... :teehee: party hats and confetti and blue wigs (isa's funny idea relating to the interview where mika had said that he'd colour his hair blue when he turns 50 :naughty:) and happy birthday banners... of course we forgot half of that stuff, but it didn't matter. the confetti found its use for celebrate later.


at one point there were red admiral's hats, i don't remember where they came from but one was on curtis' head, the other one on mika's. at the end of the show the band and crew came on stage with confetti and streamer cannons and shot them at mika. and at one point mika tried to get melachi on stage but didn't succeed. it was only as much so i realized what was happening, and i guess from the back you might've seen her, but she only was at the side, wouldn't go further, so i couldn't see her because of the high stage. i'll see if my husband has it on video, he was in the back and filming nearly the whole show.


btw, i loved that my husband was there, tho he didn't stand in the front with me, but still we experienced the same gig, it was the first time since compiegne. :wub2: it was a last minute decision, as nanou had a spare ticket (thanks again nanou!). after the doors opened, he took care of the champagne, so we wouldn't have to leave it in the hot car (during the day we had it in the shade with us in the queue) - it was well protected in a big box with styrofoam flakes but i was worried about it, since temperatures in the car in the sun can get so high. so he took it in our car and turned the AC on for an hour or so, until daeni's car wasn't in the sun anymore. :wub2:


daeni had parked her car across from the backstage entrance, all the presents were in there, and we thought we could just meet up there after the show with my husband, get the presents, and then see what happens. well, like i said before, a few minutes before the show we got to hear that there was a plan for a m&g that would start right from the barriers in the venue... so of course i was worried. the car with the presents outside, my husband with the key somewhere in the back of the venue, and us in the front, where we had to stay. to complete the chaos, my phone battery was close to zero, because i had forgotten again that data roaming sucks up the battery within 2-3 hours. xD luckily saskia borrowed me her phone, so i told hubby to meet us at the barriers right after the show... thank god he's fast! ;-) and when mika's stage manager arrived to pick us up, nina talked with him regarding the presents, so with help of the lady from the festival team we went through the backstage area straight out the back, to the car, got the bag and the box, and then hurried back to join the others in the backstage tent they had reserved for us. don't think i have to mention that i felt a little bit stressed. :teehee:


in the tent we unpacked the stuff (i.e. mfc presents, our personal presents, a huge pack of confetti we had kept in the car for the french mfcers, nina's big camera, and the cake saskia had made the day before, including 30 candles), arranged it on the only table, and then thought about how we could get a bit of order in the situation of ca. 40 mfcers wanting to give mika presents and congratulate him. we didn't get far with that, when suddenly i heard a loud "bang!" behind me and confetti was raining down on us. mika had arrived and obviously had burst one of the celebrate balloons behind us, that were filled with confetti (first i thought it was a confetti cannon, but i saw a burst balloon on the table later...). :naughty: i tried (and managed :teehee:) to get his attention to daeni, who was holding the ROH present - and well, you know the rest of this story from the videos. :wub2: obviously he first thought the champagne was the present and thanked us for it, until i told him it was actually the card! xD i even forgot to film his reaction (thank god many others did!), my bag was somewhere behind him and i was busy just standing there and grinning like an idiot. :naughty:


next was saskia's cake, and then it was the korean girl's turn, who showed him their whole video they had brought for him on dvd, and afterwards i finally got the chance to give him the mfc book. the personal card/present i had for him i just laid on the table to the other stuff, since there was too much going on, and it wasn't that important. hope he saw it later. only then i slowly started to awake from my trance and realized that apart from mfc there suddenly were at least a dozen other fans crowded around us, waiting for autographs. no idea where they came from, but i tried to organize at least a bit so they would go to mika only from one side and not appear behind his back. guess that was the security guard part of my personality kicking in (i work part-time as a security at concerts), i just was worried about mika being mobbed and mfcers not getting to give him their presents. damn me that i always feel responsible in such situations, when actually i just should've relaxed! :aah: luckily at one point mika gave me something useful to do by shoving a bottle of champagne in my hand and telling me to pour it and hand it out. :naughty: after all champagne glasses had been distributed, i gave the bottle to miri, so she could join the toast. only after that, with a glass of champagne in my hand, music in the background and sitting at the jacuzzi, i was finally able to relax and not care too much anymore about the fans that were following mika up to his tent. i just hope he has this party in good memory, like we do, and felt more happy than stressed.


i said hi to tim, chatted a bit with joy, joked with craig about jumping in the jacuzzi, and just generally hung out with my friends, not even caring anymore where mika was at that moment (guess that can be blamed on the champagne, lol! :naughty:). at one point when a great song was on, i went over to the little dancefloor near the bar and danced a bit. isa and a few other mfcers were nearby, chatting with the bassist (?) of caravan palace - but when after a few minutes i wanted to go back to saskia, miri and daeni, they were gone. i learned that mika's stage manager had thrown everyone out and they weren't allowed to go back in, so i had to leave as well. :sad: what a shame, i would've loved to just hang out a bit! daeni later told me that the reason the fans got thrown out was that 2 of them were taking pictures through the gaps of mika's tent. :doh: thank you very much. :sneaky2:


anyway, it probably was better that we left, since it was already late, we had a trip of an hour ahead of us and daeni had to stay awake because she was driving, she's not such a party-addict like me :teehee: (and i definitely couldn't have been driving anymore after 3 glasses of champagne, haha!).


now many many thanks to:

mika for just being the incredible himself that he is,

daeni for all the organization with the festival team, for being our host and driver and for all the help she gave us with everything we needed,

christine for her wonderful gift idea & organization that made this m+g so special,

deb for organizing the gift and making sure team mika knew that it was important for us to meet mika after the show,

sui for her amazing card design,

guy for all the precious input regarding the printing,

saskia and miri for the cake and the fun,

nanou for the ticket for my husband,

nina for the lovely belated wedding present,

everyone who contributed to mika's birthday surprises and gifts,

and generally everyone i met in avenches, it was fab to spend time with all of you! :huglove:

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I don't get why people are so disrespectful to take pictures when obviously he was done with the m&g. That is ruining it for everyone.


I was so disappointed to hear something like that happened. He gave us a lot of time before going to his tent (it was VERY generous, really) and after that we were allowed to have fun in the center area and drink our champagne (very generous again) and it didn't even come to my mind some people would go and disturb him by taking photos :aah: Seriously :aah: It was really crowded though and I believe all long time fans I know behaved nicely (I hope Mark saw that too).


@Karin Thanks for the reports! :flowers2:

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It was really crowded though and I believe all long time fans I know behaved nicely (I hope Mark saw that too).


If he chucked everyone out I guess he wasn't taking any chances. I am sorry for all the non MFC fans out there who think it is unfair that MFC is in charge of who gets into the M&Gs and cries and moans and creates a massive drama about it until someone lets them in but THIS is exactly the reason why. I don't know who was doing this but at least when everyone knows one another it is easier to set the expectation of how one is to behave. We made the mistake once of allowing in girls who were obviously big fans but they were not MFCers and once Mika appeared they would not do as we asked. This created problems with Team Mika who had 100 other people to deal with and didn't want 2 "MFCers" running loose and not doing as they were told. When people are not part of the group they feel no social pressure to behave. They know there are not going to be any real consequences for them and they don't care if they ruin it for other fans, on that day and for potential M&Gs in the future.


I don't know about Mark but at least I think Mika knows after all these years who can be trusted not to act like savages. But I can understand why these huge M&Gs in Europe are so few and far between. If everything is not tightly controlled all it takes is one or two people getting out of line to ruin it.


Karin thank you so much for insisting that Mika speak to you and Daeni first and for holding his attention while people were constantly trying to interrupt him. The purpose of this M&G was to give him the MFC gifts on behalf of the 100 or so people who worked on them and couldn't be there. And in that respect it was perfect, thank you. :flowers2:

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If he chucked everyone out I guess he wasn't taking any chances. I am sorry for all the non MFC fans out there who think it is unfair that MFC is in charge of who gets into the M&Gs and cries and moans and creates a massive drama about it until someone lets them in but THIS is exactly the reason why. I don't know who was doing this but at least when everyone knows one another it is easier to set the expectation of how one is to behave. We made the mistake once of allowing in girls who were obviously big fans but they were not MFCers and once Mika appeared they would not do as we asked. This created problems with Team Mika who had 100 other people to deal with and didn't want 2 "MFCers" running loose and not doing as they were told. When people are not part of the group they feel no social pressure to behave. They know there are not going to be any real consequences for them and they don't care if they ruin it for other fans, on that day and for potential M&Gs in the future.


I don't know about Mark but at least I think Mika knows after all these years who can be trusted not to act like savages. But I can understand why these huge M&Gs in Europe are so few and far between. If everything is not tightly controlled all it takes is one or two people getting out of line to ruin it.


Karin thank you so much for insisting that Mika speak to you and Daeni first and for holding his attention while people were constantly trying to interrupt him. The purpose of this M&G was to give him the MFC gifts on behalf of the 100 or so people who worked on them and couldn't be there. And in that respect it was perfect, thank you. :flowers2:


That is why I was glad that I was given the authority to set rules in Colmar. Some might have felt it was too strict, but especially when we let non-MFCers in, I wanted it all to be controlled because it is hard to keep control of a group bigger than 20 people. But it worked as everybody had their moment and Mika was free to move around wherever he wanted to without getting mobbed.


I think the problem is that people forget the boundaries. They forget that in reality Mika is not a big popstar but just a guy who happens to be a singer and who also needs private time away from people who want things from him. It is him who should be the one to decide how long he is going to stay and meet fans and not the other way around. He does not owe us anything. Just stay calm and if you've had your moment, move on. Chasing him and mobbing him and invading his privacy is only going to put you in a bad light.

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If he chucked everyone out I guess he wasn't taking any chances. I am sorry for all the non MFC fans out there who think it is unfair that MFC is in charge of who gets into the M&Gs and cries and moans and creates a massive drama about it until someone lets them in but THIS is exactly the reason why. I don't know who was doing this but at least when everyone knows one another it is easier to set the expectation of how one is to behave. We made the mistake once of allowing in girls who were obviously big fans but they were not MFCers and once Mika appeared they would not do as we asked. This created problems with Team Mika who had 100 other people to deal with and didn't want 2 "MFCers" running loose and not doing as they were told. When people are not part of the group they feel no social pressure to behave. They know there are not going to be any real consequences for them and they don't care if they ruin it for other fans, on that day and for potential M&Gs in the future.


I don't know about Mark but at least I think Mika knows after all these years who can be trusted not to act like savages. But I can understand why these huge M&Gs in Europe are so few and far between. If everything is not tightly controlled all it takes is one or two people getting out of line to ruin it.


Karin thank you so much for insisting that Mika speak to you and Daeni first and for holding his attention while people were constantly trying to interrupt him. The purpose of this M&G was to give him the MFC gifts on behalf of the 100 or so people who worked on them and couldn't be there. And in that respect it was perfect, thank you. :flowers2:


The fans who took photos of Mika in his tent are MFC members, more than 2 because I saw 3 and Ninie saw one other doing that before and she is a long time MFCer :doh:

There are some really disrespectful fans :sneaky2:

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The fans who took photos of Mika in his tent are MFC members, more than 2 because I saw 3 and Ninie saw one other doing that before and she is a long time MFCer :doh:

There are some really disrespectful fans :sneaky2:


If that is the case I hope they feel warned not to this this again now.

Edited by IngievV
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That is why I was glad that I was given the authority to set rules in Colmar. Some might have felt it was too strict, but especially when we let non-MFCers in, I wanted it all to be controlled because it is hard to keep control of a group bigger than 20 people. But it worked as everybody had their moment and Mika was free to move around wherever he wanted to without getting mobbed.



yes, that really would have helped. if it hadn't been so very short notice and/or we'd had more space in the tent, like in colmar, i'm sure we could've worked out a plan. but the organization of this m&g was just really chaotic, so no wonder the m&g itself was chaotic too. but tbh i had the impression that i was more stressed by it than mika was. :teehee: he didn't really seem to mind the mobbing. it's sad tho that he can't trust his fans to leave him alone when he retires to his private space. :sad: like nina said, it was really generous to let us in, and even more generous to let us stay around after the m&g... i had expected them to throw us out right after.


The fans who took photos of Mika in his tent are MFC members, more than 2 because I saw 3 and Ninie saw one other doing that before and she is a long time MFCer :doh:

There are some really disrespectful fans :sneaky2:


:aah: i had still hoped that daeni might've misinterpreted something, but sad to hear that it's even worse than i thought. :no:

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I didn't pay attention what was happening outside Mika's tent so I had no idea people were taking photos there. He had clearly told he needs to go, the situation was too crowded for normal conversations and he had already given us a lot of time. I thought they asked people out simply because it was too noisy and a lot of people in a small space and I tried to help with guiding everyone out. I feel bad thinking some fans didn't behave (MFCers or non-MFCers). Oh dear. At least the MFC gift giving went well.

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The fans who took photos of Mika in his tent are MFC members, more than 2 because I saw 3 and Ninie saw one other doing that before and she is a long time MFCer :doh:

There are some really disrespectful fans :sneaky2:


That's sad.

Btw, can someone remind me who is Mark?

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There are some really disrespectful fans :sneaky2:


Yes there are sadly and yes some of them are MFCers. But if there are 40-75 fans running around and it's not controlled this is what happens because no one is held to account for their actions.

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Mika knows who most fans are, either by name or face recognition, no matter if they are on MFC or not, which is a good thing.


he'll remember for example that when (ex: Rose) is around him, she doesn't go wild & crazy and step out of bound


it becomes a problem when people don't realize that enough is enough.


In the M & G in Montreal, he made it clear that it was time for him to leave (and us), we said goodbye to him & left. Then the festival people guided everyone out of the area (they made it clear they wanted to go home too :naughty:)

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That's sad.

Btw, can someone remind me who is Mark?


The stage manager :wink2:


I didn't notice the picture-taking either. When Karin asked me to help her organize people not mobbing him and asking him for autographs we tried but after a short time we gave up, it was just impossible because there were so many people and especially so many people we didn't know. Why would they do something a random fan told them to? It's just very sad that some people don't have enough respect to leave a person alone when that person clearly asks them to do so. :sneaky2:

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Mika knows who most fans are, either by name or face recognition, no matter if they are on MFC or not, which is a good thing.


he'll remember for example that when (ex: Rose) is around him, she doesn't go wild & crazy and step out of bound


it becomes a problem when people don't realize that enough is enough.


In the M & G in Montreal, he made it clear that it was time for him to leave (and us), we said goodbye to him & left. Then the festival people guided everyone out of the area (they made it clear they wanted to go home too :naughty:)


Really Guy? Rose is one of the worst mobbers in the history of mobbers. :glasses2:

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here are my videos (haven't checked hubby's yet... if anything from the show is missing from what has been uploaded by mfcers, i'll upload his too:wink2:):


Edited by mellody
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here are my videos (haven't checked hubby's yet... if anything from the show is missing from what has been uploaded by mfcers, i'll upload his too:wink2:):



(i'll add the ones of the m+g to this post later, first have to eat something now. :teehee:)


Thank you!


So I tried to translate what he said:


Before Blue Eyes:


"[...] last show for 2013. No, it's not because of that that I'm happy! But yes, it's my last show for 2013. And I'm happy that it's in a place like this! Tonight, ladies and gentlemen, in this arena, I don't feel like I'm Caesar, I feel a little as the slave who will be eaten up by the lion! Who is the lion, we will see..."


Before Billy Brown:


"Not only because it's the last gig of 2013, before I hide and I do a fourth album! But also because tonight, ladies and gentlemen, the lion is not a lion, the lion is that I'm getting old. It's over, kids, I'm an adult now. Tonight I'm 30! But not yet! During this gig, I'm turning 30. If someone sings "happy birthday", I swear I'll... [he hits the piano]"



(other translation are coming)

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Before Big Girls:


"Avenches, I will remember this night for a long time, because after this night I will [... ? can't hear. "Be"?] 30 times more sad. I will be 30 times an asshole, 30 times a hero, 30 times older, 30 times closer to God... (doing as if God was sending a lightning) I'm dead!"


OOL and surprise:


[with the balloon and the flowers] "this one is beautiful, this one is ugly. I'm 30, I'm allowed! When you are 30, you are allowed to be an asshole!

I make a wish, and the wish is that... after having done this for 8 years, my wish is that when I will be 40 years old, I will be in the same position than the one I am right now, thank you."




"your balloon is very beautiful. But..."



Mellody, I think there is a problem with your link of intro of Lollipop, I'm arriving on the Happy Ending video once again :wink2:

Thank you very much for these videos, love it! :wub2:

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Before Billy Brown:


"Not only because it's the last gig of 2013, before I hide and I do a fourth album! But also because tonight, ladies and gentlemen, the lion is not a lion, the lion is that I'm getting old. It's over, kids, I'm an adult now. Tonight I'm 30! But not yet! During this gig, I'm turning 30. If someone sings "happy birthday", I swear I'll... [he hits the piano]"


too bad for him that i don't understand french. :mf_rosetinted::naughty:


thanks for the translations! :flowers2:


Mellody, I think there is a problem with your link of intro of Lollipop, I'm arriving on the Happy Ending video once again :wink2:

Thank you very much for these videos, love it! :wub2:


thank you, i fixed it. :thumb_yello:


LOL, i noticed he was talking about his birthday, but i didn't realize how negative he was! :aah: hadn't he always said that becoming 30 wasn't a big thing for him? :teehee: so either he just did it for entertainment, or all this talking he got about the 30th birthday being such a big change has finally made him change his mind. :naughty:

Edited by mellody
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