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Mikasounds, Twitter and Facebook updates - Part 12


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It does say a lot though...


About FB, while I still find it weird they post these things, part of me can't help being proud/glad some find him hot. I'm weird, I know:wink2:


I don't think it's weird. I feel proud too when other sources, like the hotel in Naples, and people he's worked with tweet about how nice and professional he is. I'm proud for him and proud that I picked such a good person to follow.

Edited by ceebs
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I don't think it's weird. I feel proud too when other sources, like the hotel in Naples, and people he's worked with tweet about how nice and personal he is. I'm proud for him and proud that I picked such a good person to follow.




When they're talking about his personality, i have no problem... It's more the physical hotness that we're having a problem with:wink2:

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There are no difference between Garou and Mika, they both do a great job as coach and provide good entertainment when they interact with one another.


Personally, I like seeing the coaching part in these shows as well as the music, as strange as it may seem


So you and every other Mika fan who doesn't just think he's cute is going to continue to watch The Voice when Mika is not on it? Even the ones who don't speak French?


I used to love American Idol but it didn't make me start following everything Randy Jackson was doing. But maybe if he looked like Colin Farrell it would have been different. :lmfao:

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When they're talking about his personality, i have no problem... It's more the physical hotness that we're having a problem with:wink2:


Yeah. I know. But it's human nature. People are always going to go crazy over a cute face. But it would be nice if more people stayed fire the music.

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So you and every other Mika fan who doesn't just think he's cute is going to continue to watch The Voice when Mika is not on it? Even the ones who don't speak French?


I used to love American Idol but it didn't make me start following everything Randy Jackson was doing. But maybe if he looked like Colin Farrell it would have been different. :lmfao:


I can only answer for myself, but yes, I might

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If you post a bunch of text it gets a few hundred likes. If you post a hot pic of Mika it gets tens of thousands of likes. This happens EVERY TIME. How can they ignore that? I think the vast majority of his FB fans are inactive and of the active ones only a few hundred are interested in "serious" posts or posts designed to foster a community. The other tens of thousands love looking at pics of Mika and are crazy about him because he's cute.


True, all I'm saying is that in my opinion his facebook should be aimed at the inactive three million rather than at the ten thousand, especially if aiming it at the ten thousand means losing the three million. Ten thousand is not enough to create a buzz anyway. Maybe on twitter you could get somewhere with ten thousand, but not on facebook.

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So you and every other Mika fan who doesn't just think he's cute is going to continue to watch The Voice when Mika is not on it? Even the ones who don't speak French?


I used to love American Idol but it didn't make me start following everything Randy Jackson was doing. But maybe if he looked like Colin Farrell it would have been different. :lmfao:


I might too. I really liked the other judges, and I thought the talent was much more diverse and unique than a US version. I loved the international flair as well. Wish my French was better, but we'll see what the future brings.

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So you and every other Mika fan who doesn't just think he's cute is going to continue to watch The Voice when Mika is not on it? Even the ones who don't speak French?


I'm not going to continue watching these shows when Mika is not there. I'm watching the Voice/XF only because Mika is there and because I want see what he is doing/how he is doing this tv job and while watching it I find it also interesting to see how tv shows are generally done. From home I follow Mika's teams but the other teams only if I find someone special like Michele last year (meaning I rarely watch the whole show, just clips). On the other hand, when I have possibility to be there I actually like watching them all, the level is so much better than I'm used to in my own country and it's always an entertaining couple of hours.

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True, all I'm saying is that in my opinion his facebook should be aimed at the inactive three million rather than at the ten thousand, especially if aiming it at the ten thousand means losing the three million. Ten thousand is not enough to create a buzz anyway. Maybe on twitter you could get somewhere with ten thousand, but not on facebook.


I think Mika should be aiming at the inactive 3 million as well but instead he is making TV shows where he does nothing but act cute and pretty. So... :dunno:

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I think Mika should be aiming at the inactive 3 million as well but instead he is making TV shows where he does nothing but act cute and pretty. So... :dunno:


But then he's aiming at the 120 million that are so inactive they don't even know him yet :mf_rosetinted:

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I can only answer for myself, but yes, I might


Just wanted to say, I have been a Gary Barlow fan for a lot longer than I've been a Mika fan, same with Ricky Wilson from Kaiser Chiefs, but their being on X Factor and The Voice did not for a minute entice me in wanting to watch the shows, because I have no interest in them (the shows, not Gary and Ricky).

I have had posts in the past suggest that if Mika were on the shows here I would be trying to go to the shows, or watch them. I can assure you, there is no way on this earth that this would happen. I may love Mika greatly, but I would not watch those shows if he decided to judge/coach on them. I'm just not interested in them AT all.

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Just wanted to say, I have been a Gary Barlow fan for a lot longer than I've been a Mika fan, same with Ricky Wilson from Kaiser Chiefs, but their being on X Factor and The Voice did not for a minute entice me in wanting to watch the shows, because I have no interest in them (the shows, not Gary and Ricky).

I have had posts in the past suggest that if Mika were on the shows here I would be trying to go to the shows, or watch them. I can assure you, there is no way on this earth that this would happen. I may love Mika greatly, but I would not watch those shows if he decided to judge/coach on them. I'm just not interested in them AT all.


While I was watching them before Mika got in them...

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He talked to/about Albert several times:

And tweeted his own bio, on 20 March 2009:

long live the golden donkey. may he guard my page. fear the donkey, love the donkey, donkey is GOOD

Thanks,Laura,I've missed some of those tweets :thumb_yello:

To me it's just something which validates once more his job choices. At present he's a TV celeb, so they are just pointing out a skill he has in being cute, hot, nice on TV.

Right now he's no singer, he's a coach. So they highlight his .... ehm.... qualities.

Some people front row in Naples didn't know some of his songs, if you watch the recorded gig you can notice it. Which is totally nonsense to me. I wouldn't ever go through that hell just to see him singing if I'm don't love his music to bits.

But you are here on MFC because of XF,I still remember your introduction :wink2: I can not believe that you only saw a hot,cute guy,and nothing more......

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Just wanted to say, I have been a Gary Barlow fan for a lot longer than I've been a Mika fan, same with Ricky Wilson from Kaiser Chiefs, but their being on X Factor and The Voice did not for a minute entice me in wanting to watch the shows, because I have no interest in them (the shows, not Gary and Ricky).

I have had posts in the past suggest that if Mika were on the shows here I would be trying to go to the shows, or watch them. I can assure you, there is no way on this earth that this would happen. I may love Mika greatly, but I would not watch those shows if he decided to judge/coach on them. I'm just not interested in them AT all.


You did say you'd watch the Voice if Erika is a contestant.

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I think The Voice was boring once they got past the auditions because Mika was the only one who ever had anything constructive to say and even that was only occasionally. It was just an endless string of superlatives after every performance regardless of how good or lacklustre it was. I don't know if it's a cultural thing or they are just trying to make the Voice a "nice show" and not like some of the Simon Cowell shows but it doesn't really give the coaches much of a role in the live shows at all. I didn't care what any of them had to say because it didn't seem like they were being honest anyway.

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You did say you'd watch the Voice if Erika is a contestant.


Yes I did, for the reason that I gave for being the ONLY reason that I would actually watch any of these shows at all, and that was if a singer who was out on the gig circuit went on them to get their talent shown to a wider crowd.

I have also said in the past that of the two of them, The Voice was the lesser of the two evils to me, as they did try to focus on the singing talent. I know in the first series they had a singing teacher, and people from singing backgrounds, a couple did have minor fame in the 90s, I believe. They didn't take people with sob stories about their grannies, or try to mould people into what they wanted them to be.I heard stories that this may have changed a bit (re the sob stories) subsequently, which is what turned me off it.

But if it turns itself around, and seriously takes people who are passionate about their craft, like Erika is, and has judges on it that aren't on it just to bolster sales for their new album (yes that is what Ricky Wilson was on there for primarily, he said it in an interview 2 weeks ago) I would seriously consider watching it.

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From the Facebook page of Imagine For Margo - Children without Cancer: "INCROYABLE MIKA ! C’est Mika qui a eu la gentillesse de faire une IMMENSE SURPRISE à nos petits guerriers lors de leur voyage en Camargue.

Il est arrivé pour le pique-nique, s’est installé avec nos guerriers, ayant un mot gentil pour chacun et a joué avec eux toute l’après midi, au cerf-volant, aux devinettes, et a même distribué des bisous à nos quatre princesses radieuses. D’une gentillesse et d’une attention incroyable il a été aussi présent lors de notre mémorable soirée «Flamenco» où tous les enfants (et les docteurs !) déchainés ont dansé et chanté. Mika nous régalé de quelques uns de ses titres les plus connus, accompagné des guitaristes du groupe de flamenco. Noé et Juliette ont chanté avec Mika. Mika a fait danser Alhem qui en a même quitté sa chaise roulante en arborant un sourire qui en disait long. Juliette, Pierre, Shadé, et Eugénie ont dansé un mémorable flamenco avec le Docteur Valteau-Couannet. Une ambiance indescriptible, une émotion à fleur de peau de voir l’énergie de nos guerriers, leur bonheur à l’état brut.

Un immense, IMMENSE MERCI à MIKA et à PETER d’avoir rendu cette journée SI BELLE. Des étoiles resteront à jamais dans les yeux de nos petits guerriers et de tous ceux qui les accompagnaient, heureux de pouvoir partager ce moment de grâce et d'émotion."


They published some photos too.

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From the Facebook page of Imagine For Margo - Children without Cancer: "INCROYABLE MIKA ! C’est Mika qui a eu la gentillesse de faire une IMMENSE SURPRISE à nos petits guerriers lors de leur voyage en Camargue.

Il est arrivé pour le pique-nique, s’est installé avec nos guerriers, ayant un mot gentil pour chacun et a joué avec eux toute l’après midi, au cerf-volant, aux devinettes, et a même distribué des bisous à nos quatre princesses radieuses. D’une gentillesse et d’une attention incroyable il a été aussi présent lors de notre mémorable soirée «Flamenco» où tous les enfants (et les docteurs !) déchainés ont dansé et chanté. Mika nous régalé de quelques uns de ses titres les plus connus, accompagné des guitaristes du groupe de flamenco. Noé et Juliette ont chanté avec Mika. Mika a fait danser Alhem qui en a même quitté sa chaise roulante en arborant un sourire qui en disait long. Juliette, Pierre, Shadé, et Eugénie ont dansé un mémorable flamenco avec le Docteur Valteau-Couannet. Une ambiance indescriptible, une émotion à fleur de peau de voir l’énergie de nos guerriers, leur bonheur à l’état brut.

Un immense, IMMENSE MERCI à MIKA et à PETER d’avoir rendu cette journée SI BELLE. Des étoiles resteront à jamais dans les yeux de nos petits guerriers et de tous ceux qui les accompagnaient, heureux de pouvoir partager ce moment de grâce et d'émotion."


They published some photos too.




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I'm so happy to see these photos, he is the man I love and will be. After all those glamorous events they look even more sincere, touching and genuine!


Totally agree, Elena :huglove:

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