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Mikasounds, Twitter and Facebook updates - Part 12


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From the Facebook page of Imagine For Margo - Children without iCancer: "INCROYABLE MIKA ! C’est Mika qui a eu la gentillesse de faire une IMMENSE SURPRISE à nos petits guerriers lors de leur voyage en Camargue.

Il est arrivé pour le pique-nique, s’est installé avec nos guerriers, ayant un mot gentil pour chacun et a joué avec eux toute l’après midi, au cerf-volant, aux devinettes, et a même distribué des bisous à nos quatre princesses radieuses. D’une gentillesse et d’une attention incroyable il a été aussi présent lors de notre mémorable soirée «Flamenco» où tous les enfants (et les docteurs !) déchainés ont dansé et chanté. Mika nous régalé de quelques uns de ses titres les plus connus, accompagné des guitaristes du groupe de flamenco. Noé et Juliette ont chanté avec Mika. Mika a fait danser Alhem qui en a même quitté sa chaise roulante en arborant un sourire qui en disait long. Juliette, Pierre, Shadé, et Eugénie ont dansé un mémorable flamenco avec le Docteur Valteau-Couannet. Une ambiance indescriptible, une émotion à fleur de peau de voir l’énergie de nos guerriers, leur bonheur à l’état brut.

Un immense, IMMENSE MERCI à MIKA et à PETER d’avoir rendu cette journée SI BELLE. Des étoiles resteront à jamais dans les yeux de nos petits guerriers et de tous ceux qui les accompagnaient, heureux de pouvoir partager ce moment de grâce et d'émotion."


They published some photos too.


Translation into English:



Mika was so sweet as to make a HUGE SURPRISE to our little warriors during their trip to Carmargue.

He arrived for the picnic, he sat with our warriors, with a sweet word for each of them and he played with them during the whole afternoon, with a kite, then he asked them riddles, and he even kissed our four radiant princesses


Unbelievably gentle and caring, he was also with the children during our "Flamenco" evening during which all the unleashed children (and the doctors!) danced and sang. Mika spoiled us with some of his most famous songs, with the flamanco guitar players and Noé and Juliette sang with Mika. Mika danced with Alhem who got up from her wheelchair with a smile which meant a lot.

Juliette, Pierre, Shadé andu Eugénie danced an unforgetable flamenco with doctor Valteau-Couannet.

An indescribable atmosphere, emotion on edge to see our warriors energy, their sheer happiness.

A huge, HUGE THANK YOU to MIKA and PETER for making this day SO BEAUTIFUL.

Stars will stay for ever in the eyes of our little warriors and in the eyes of all who were there with them, happy to have shared such moments of grace and emotion.

Edited by crazyaboutmika
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I don't speak French but this is what I understood:

"INCREDIBLE MIKA! This is Mika who was kind enough to make an IMMENSE SURPRISE to our little warriors during their journey in the Camargue.

He came for the picnic, sat down with our warriors having a kind word for everyone and played with them all afternoon long, with kite, riddles, he even distributed kisses to our four radiant princesses. With his incredible kindness and attention he also attended our memorable “Flamenco” night, where all the children (and the doctors!) danced and sang unrestrainedly.

Mika treated us to some of his most famous songs, accompanied by some guitarists of the flamenco group. Noé and Juliette sang with Mika. Mika made Alhem dance, who even left his wheelchair sporting a smile that said it all. Juliette, Pierre, Shadé and Eugénie danced a memorable flamenco with Doctor Valteau-Couannet. An indescribable atmosphere, it was a thrilling emotion seeing the energy of our warriors, their raw joy.

An immense, IMMENSE THANK YOU to MIKA and PETER for making this day SO BEAUTIFUL. Stars will remain forever in the eyes of our little warriors and everyone who accompanied them, happy to be able to share this moment of grace and emotion."



I found this on their website: "The association « Imagine for Margo » is an no-profit organization (French Law 1901), intended to carry out advocacy and fundraising to help European research on specific, innovative, and more effective treatments for children with Cancer, and to provide support to affected families and contribute to the well being of hospitalized children.


In partnership with the ITCC (Innovative Therapies for Children with Cancer), representing 41 European research institutions on cancer in children and adolescents:Paris: Institut Gustave Roussy, Institut Curie, Hospital Trousseau, Hospital St. LouisProvince: Marseille, Bordeaux, Toulouse, Nantes, Nancy, Lyon, LilleIn Europe: Austria, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Netherlands, Spain



The purpose of the ITCC is to develop and make available therapies for children, in cooperation with regulators, pharmaceutical companies, parents, and patients.


Gathering at European level enriches the research in terms of expertise and allows

the development of clinical trials more quickly."



Translation into English:



Mika was so sweet as to make a HUGE SURPRISE to our little warriors during their trip to Carmargue.

He arrived for the picnic, he sat with our warriors, with a sweet word for each of them and he played with them during the whole afternoon, with a kite, then he asked them riddles, and he even kissed our four radiant princesses


Unbelievably gentle and caring, he was also with the children during our "Flamenco" during which all the unleashed children (and the doctors!) danced and sang. Mika spoiled us with some of his most famous songs, with the flamanco guitar players and Noé and Juliette sang with Mika. Mika danced with Alhem who got up from her wheelchair with a smile which meant a lot.

Juliette, Pierre, Shadé andu Eugénie danced an unforgetable flamenco with doctor Valteau-Couannet.

An indescribable atmosphere, emotion on edge to see our warriors energy, their sheer happiness.

A huge, HUGE THANK YOU to MIKA and PETER for making this day SO BEAUTIFUL.

Stars will stay for ever in the eyes of our little warriors and in the eyes of all who were there with them, happy to have shared such moments of grace and emotion.



thank you both! :flowers2:

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Just wanted to say, I have been a Gary Barlow fan for a lot longer than I've been a Mika fan, same with Ricky Wilson from Kaiser Chiefs, but their being on X Factor and The Voice did not for a minute entice me in wanting to watch the shows, because I have no interest in them (the shows, not Gary and Ricky).

I have had posts in the past suggest that if Mika were on the shows here I would be trying to go to the shows, or watch them. I can assure you, there is no way on this earth that this would happen. I may love Mika greatly, but I would not watch those shows if he decided to judge/coach on them. I'm just not interested in them AT all.

It has to be said though, the X Factor UK did wonders for Gary Barlow.

Before he was on the show, it was like... "Gary Who? Oh yeah, that guy from Take That who used to be famous." But since he joined X Factor, he's become a driving force in UK music.

They get him to organize every charity concert, even the Olympic concerts in 2012.

Certainly, with the Olympic concert, Mika should have been invited, as he is an international act, but he wasn't. Robbie was, because he's Gary's best mate, so whether or not he has an album or a single out, he gets to be on every concert Gary organizes.

Still the fact is that if Mika had been on X Factor UK, it probably would have helped his career in this country.

I actually have no problem with people thinking Mika is "hot." The plain truth is, he is gorgeous. But he's also intelligent and wise, and lots of things besides. So as long as people realize this, and don't just think of him as a pretty face, with nothing inside the head, I tend not to worry about it.

I've done an edit just to say, I've been on Twitter, and people are talking about how wonderful Mika is. It's to do with his time with the children. How lovely he is. Someone also called him handsome, among other things.

So people do pick up on his qualities, apart from his looks. He is such a charismatic and caring person, that people can't help but do that. I just thought I'd come back and share what I saw on Twitter.

Edited by Marilyn Mastin
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It has to be said though, the X Factor UK did wonders for Gary Barlow.

Before he was on the show, it was like... "Gary Who? Oh yeah, that guy from Take That who used to be famous." But since he joined X Factor, he's become a driving force in UK music.

They get him to organize every charity concert, even the Olympic concerts in 2012.

Certainly, with the Olympic concert, Mika should have been invited, as he is an international act, but he wasn't. Robbie was, because he's Gary's best mate, so whether or not he has an album or a single out, he gets to be on every concert Gary organizes.

Still the fact is that if Mika had been on X Factor UK, it probably would have helped his career in this country.

I actually have no problem with people thinking Mika is "hot." The plain truth is, he is gorgeous. But he's also intelligent and wise, and lots of things besides. So as long as people realize this, and don't just think of him as a pretty face, with nothing inside the head, I tend not to worry about it.

I've done an edit just to say, I've been on Twitter, and people are talking about how wonderful Mika is. It's to do with his time with the children. How lovely he is. Someone also called him handsome, among other things.

So people do pick up on his qualities, apart from his looks. He is such a charismatic and caring person, that people can't help but do that. I just thought I'd come back and share what I saw on Twitter.



Gary didn't need X Factor to be noticed, it was because he was in Take That and that they had made a big come back with a great album and tour behind them, that he was asked to be on it. I'm pretty sure if Take That hadn't made the come back, that Gary would have even been considered as a judge.

And as far as the issue of the picture posted on FB is concerned, whatever we all think of how good looking Mika is, on his FB page which is run by his management, it does look a little unprofessional posting that outside of the Mika Art page.

If it were a fan run page, I would understand it, but not on his official page.

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It has to be said though, the X Factor UK did wonders for Gary Barlow.

Before he was on the show, it was like... "Gary Who? Oh yeah, that guy from Take That who used to be famous." But since he joined X Factor, he's become a driving force in UK music.

They get him to organize every charity concert, even the Olympic concerts in 2012.

Certainly, with the Olympic concert, Mika should have been invited, as he is an international act, but he wasn't. Robbie was, because he's Gary's best mate, so whether or not he has an album or a single out, he gets to be on every concert Gary organizes.

Still the fact is that if Mika had been on X Factor UK, it probably would have helped his career in this country.

I actually have no problem with people thinking Mika is "hot." The plain truth is, he is gorgeous. But he's also intelligent and wise, and lots of things besides. So as long as people realize this, and don't just think of him as a pretty face, with nothing inside the head, I tend not to worry about it.

I've done an edit just to say, I've been on Twitter, and people are talking about how wonderful Mika is. It's to do with his time with the children. How lovely he is. Someone also called him handsome, among other things.

So people do pick up on his qualities, apart from his looks. He is such a charismatic and caring person, that people can't help but do that. I just thought I'd come back and share what I saw on Twitter.


:blush-anim-cl: Thank you for telling about these nice comments - as I'm not on Twitter. I would never underestimate people, and take for granted that they only follow MIKA just because of his good look!! The world is full of beautiful people - but very few has got it all, in one package, but so lucky is our golden MIKA! :wub2: People surely find him interesting because of all his good qualities - you don't get that much loved, just because of a pretty face! :wink2: Those who think so, I think is very naive. MIKA was interesting to me, after just 10 mins speaking and answering questions - on a TV talk-show! I immediately thought he was special, so did my husband! I wanted to find out more about this man - but today my hubby thinks I know way too much, hehe ...:teehee:


Re. the new outside of his FB page, I would find something else to front it, if I was in his management - but I think that all this talk about being HOT, is a short way of telling, in one short word, that he's worth to notice - just a way of saying - a "fashion word", so to speak. I don't see it so negative - but that might be because I "know MIKA well" ...:wub2:




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Very sweet of him to spend time with these kids :wub2: Must have been a touching experience.



I've always thought he does private charity in some form, I know he is a kind and thoughtful person. I understand there are photos of this particular event but I also prefer it's generally done privately because it's about helping others, not getting good publicity for oneself :wink2:


My thoughts exactly :)

I wonder why Peter Lindbergh was with him. Why bring a photographer? Maybe he had some involvement in the community as well? :dunno:

Edited by Log lady
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My thoughts exactly :)

I wonder why Peter Lindbergh was with him. Why bring a photographer? Maybe he had some involvement in the community as well? :dunno:


I was wondering about that too. Maybe just to get publicity charity wise :dunno:

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Mika si really a good person, and people don't love him just because of his beautiful face! As someone said it, he's interesting, and everyone can see it just listening to him speaking a ces minutes.

and I think that it's impossible to be a fan of someone for long time just thinking that he's hot, so people that only "love" Mika because of it will quickly forget him :wink2:

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My thoughts exactly :)

I wonder why Peter Lindbergh was with him. Why bring a photographer? Maybe he had some involvement in the community as well? :dunno:


I figured maybe Peter was already there, or otherwise involved? It looks like they had a photo area set up already, as there was an event taking place. I dunno, just a guess on my part.

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Peter is the one who organised the weekend, so it's only normal he was there...


He set up the photo booth on the beach, making sure the children were at their best, for them to have nice pictures.


I can't blame the organization to use both Peter and Mika to promote what they're doing... I also like the fact that Mika didn't brag about it.

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Peter is the one who organised the weekend, so it's only normal he was there...


He set up the photo booth on the beach, making sure the children were at their best, for them to have nice pictures.


I can't blame the organization to use both Peter and Mika to promote what they're doing... I also like the fact that Mika didn't brag about it.

Oh, now it's clear, thank you

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Peter is the one who organised the weekend, so it's only normal he was there...


He set up the photo booth on the beach, making sure the children were at their best, for them to have nice pictures.


I can't blame the organization to use both Peter and Mika to promote what they're doing... I also like the fact that Mika didn't brag about it.


:thumb_yello: Thanks for explaining this set - and thanks also to Log lady and Anne, for translating what they wrote about it! :huglove: MIKA is humble and nice, on his own behalf - he never "tells" the world how good and kind he is - his great personality find it's way out - by other channels ...:wub2:




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Peter is the one who organised the weekend, so it's only normal he was there...


He set up the photo booth on the beach, making sure the children were at their best, for them to have nice pictures.


I can't blame the organization to use both Peter and Mika to promote what they're doing... I also like the fact that Mika didn't brag about it.


Agree with you, Mika didn't say it everywhere and That's a good thing

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Am melting right now. Such sweet pictures. Reminds me of something I first observed when I joined here. I kept noticing people making comments like, "Just when I thought I couldn't love him anymore than I do......." I thought, this man must really be really special. Well, I've thought that same sentence to myself many times since, and this is one of them.

As far as the good looks/personality debate, I first watched the Popular Song video, and thought he was the most lovely man I had ever seen, and in my quest to learn more, I watched that Saturday Night Ask Anything show, which was the first time I had heard him talk, and I was instantly won over by how sweet, interesting and funny he was. Awesome inside and out. If his pretty face is what it takes to make other true fans like me, I'm good with that.

Oh and thanks for the reporting and the translating.

Edited by ceebs
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Am melting right now. Such sweet pictures. Reminds me of something I first observed when I joined here. I kept noticing people making comments like, "Just when I thought I couldn't love him anymore than I do......." I thought, this but must really be social. Well, I've thought that same sentence to myself many times since, and this is one of them.

As far as the good looks/personality debate, I first watched the Popular Song video, and thought he was the most lovely man I had everseen, and in my quest to learn more, I watched that Saturday Night Ask Anything show, which was the first time I had heard him talk, and I was instantly won over by how sweet, interesting and funny he was. As wsome inside as out. If his pretty face is what it takes to make other true fans like me, I'm good with that.

Oh and thanks for the reporting and the translating.


:blush-anim-cl: That's how it is! I've been melting so much, and so many times, during these last 7 years, because of MIKA, and what he does and shares, that in fact it's a big wonder that I'm still here, hehe :teehee:

One of the most touching moments, imo, was when he visited the hospital in Italy, and delivered gifts to the children - and thereafter, very smiling and happy, gave his blood to a very pleased nurse. It's also been told about in this thread, yesterday. These photos I saved, and still have - among many others. I think MIKA will never stop surprising us, in the most positive ways ...:wub2:




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If his pretty face is what it takes to make other true fans like me, I'm good with that..


I agree with you and I don't really understand why it's become so difficult to talk about this honestly now. I saw people in the French thread talking about how Mika is better looking and more their type than Roch Voisine and I bring it up here and everyone seems so defensive. :dunno:


I think we should also be able to talk about the fact that having that kind of crush on Mika can colour the way you perceive some of the things he does. I used to think about this all the time when I was going through that stage where I could look at his pretty face all day and I also think about it now that my mind is not under the spell of a couple of big brown eyes. :naughty:


I started a poll in 2007 asking if people would leave their partner for Mika and out of almost 500 responses only 4% said they didn't fancy him at all, the overwhelming majority said they would dump their partner and the remaining minority said they would at least consider it. :teehee:

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I started a poll in 2007 asking if people would leave their partner for Mika and out of almost 500 responses only 4% said they didn't fancy him at all, the overwhelming majority said they would dump their partner and the remaining minority said they would at least consider it. :teehee:


Seriously? :shocked:


I'm not sure what surprises me more: the outcome or the fact that you started the poll. I should read the threads from back then to see what honeymoon-Christine was like :teehee:

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Seriously? :shocked:


I'm not sure what surprises me more: the outcome or the fact that you started the poll. I should read the threads from back then to see what honeymoon-Christine was like :teehee:


Ha, I think my honeymoon lasted until about 2011.

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Ha, I think my honeymoon lasted until about 2011.


Hm, searching for your posts only shows me the last 500 of them :fisch:


I'd say you haven't changed that much though :naughty:



I was looking for your introduction thread, but it seems you don't have one.


And now I'll stop stalking you and start doing something more useful with my time...

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I started a poll in 2007 asking if people would leave their partner for Mika and out of almost 500 responses only 4% said they didn't fancy him at all, the overwhelming majority said they would dump their partner and the remaining minority said they would at least consider it. :teehee:


:shocked: I was just reading this thread yesterday! I was searching for something else and it was in the search results. How funny that you bring it up today. For anyone searching for it, the title was something like, "I love you baby, but face it, he's Mika..." :naughty:


EDIT: LOL! You were posting while I was writing, Christine!

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:shocked: I was just reading this thread yesterday! I was searching for something else and it was in the search results. How funny that you bring it up today. For anyone searching for it, the title was something like, "I love you baby, but face it, he's Mika..." :naughty:


EDIT: LOL! You were posting while I was writing, Christine!


I was reading it yesterday too. :naughty:

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