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Boum Boum Boum Video Out 7/7/14!


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Mika 'Boum Boum Boum' by Jonathan Lia | Videos | Promonews

Jimmy Brown - 9th July 2014


Courtesy of director Jonathan Lia, Mika becomes the star of his own Clint Eastwood-esque western, complete with blanket poncho, Sergio Leone-style whistling and saloon bar piano. And that's just the start.

Shot a variety of well-known movie haunts in the Spanish city of Almeria, Lia serves up a feast of contrasting scenes with Mika assuming a variety of guises...



"This video was an epic two-day shoot in and around Almeria, Spain.  We didn't want to make a literal translation of the lyrics, but rather create a world that was as if you put five of your favorite films in a blender to tell a loose narrative around the themes of sex and violence.  


"The western and film noir vignettes were shot at Western Leone, where films such as The Good, The Bad and The Ugly and A Fistful of Dollars were shot. The fortress in Lawrence Of Arabia was an actual fortress called The Alcazaba in Almeria from the 10th century.  The Bond vignette was shot at Hotel Cala Grande. The 1700's Revolution vignettes were shot in Guadix in a farm where they grow trees, hence the symmetrical nature of the forest.

"Mika was an absolute pleasure to work with. An excellent actor, he was able to truly embody each role, adding his own flair for nuance and subtle expression."



  • Director
Jonathan Lia
  • Production Company
Good Company
  • Producer
Claire Baylin
  • Producer
Jackie Green
  • Director of Photography
Aaron Platt
  • Executive Producer
Jonathan Lia
  • Executive Producer
Ryan Heiferman
  • Executive Producer
Brian Welsh
  • Editor
Logan Seaman
  • Colourist
Ron Sudal
  • Grading company
Nice Shoes
  • Director's Representation
Lock It In
  • Commissioner
Ailsa Robertson


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An Interview with Boum Boum Boum Director Jonathan Lia


Little Black Book


5 Minutes with… Jonathan Lia



a part of he mentions BBB


LBB> Many of the videos you’ve made have been ambitious, massive productions. Do those challenges ever seem insurmountable?
JL> I remember when I was directing this Mika video ‘Boum Boum Boum’, I sold through this very ambitious concept of Mika playing all these different characters like ‘70s James Bond, Lawrence of Arabia, a spaghetti western cowboy, film noir detective, an officer from the 1700’s… I was sitting on a plane on my way to shoot this in Spain and just thinking to myself ‘how the hell am I gonna do this?’ It happens all the time and you just have to do it, not really think about it too much.


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  • 4 years later...

I've never read this article before...


La Vos de Almeria


08 Jul 2014


Mika homenajea en su nuevo vídeo al cine rodado en Almería


El cantante recuerda a iconos como Lawrence de Arabia, El hombre sin nombre y James Bond en una producción que muestra localizaciones de Las Negras, Tabernas y la capital


En los cuatro minutos que dura el videoclip de ‘Boum Boum Boum’, nuevo trabajo de Mika, el cantante británico de origen libanés, autor de éxitos internacionales como ‘Grace Kelly’ o  ‘Relax, take it easy’, se mete en la piel, entre otros personajes, de un vaquero, un aventurero y un agente secreto. No son unos héroes cualesquiera: todos pertenecen al imaginario del cine rodado en Almería. El resultado, un fantástico homenaje que llegará a millones de espectadores de todo el mundo.


La deslumbrante producción, dirigida por Jonathan Lia, se rodó a mediados de junio y ayer ya podía verse en su canal oficial en YouTube, donde logró más de 45.000 reproducciones en apenas once horas. “El video recorre diversos géneros cinematográficos. Es un ejemplo de la versatilidad de nuestro paisaje para contar cualquier tipo de historia”, explica Juan Jesús López, responsable del blog Almeriaclips.com.


Así, Mika emula a Clint Eastwood en el desierto de Tabernas y en el Western Leone, se mete en la piel de un agente secreto a lo James Bond que huye desde el hotel Cala Grande de Las Negras hasta la Alcazaba y recorre el conjunto monumental recordando a Lawrence de Arabia.


“El uso de nuestros paisajes es una buena noticia aunque quizás son demasiados escenarios en poco tiempo, lo que puede llevar a confusión. Eso sí, es un planteamiento muy original, porque han huido de las localizaciones más habituales”, apunta López.


En ‘Boum Boum Boum’, que incluye escenas rodadas en una zona de álamos próxima a Guadix, toda la figuración masculina es almeriense, trabajo realizado por la agencia malagueña Mycasting. Además, aparecen como bailarinas de ‘saloon’ las hermanas María y Ana Salas, de la compañía de danza de Cristina Samaniego. “Iban a hacer también de árabes y bailar la danza del vientre en la Alcazaba pero no pudo ser por temas de producción. Es una pena, porque en la canción se cita a la cantante egipcia Oum Kalthoum y hubiera encajado muy bien. En cualquier caso, les encantó la experiencia y destacaron que Mika es un tipo muy cercano, sencillo y trabajado. Y muy presumido”, cuenta Samaniego.


‘Boum Boum Boum’, que apunta a éxito del verano, habla de la irrefrenable pasión de una pareja. Amor adrenalínico, como las peripecias de los héroes de la ficción. Más allá de las metáforas, lo que está claro es que Mika conoce bien el pasado cinematográfico de Almería. “Rodando en los escenarios de ‘El bueno, el feo y el malo’. Montando a caballo a través de un desértico poblado del oeste. Un sueño de la infancia hecho realidad”, escribía en Twitter durante el rodaje.



:uk: Google translator

In his new video, Mika pays tribute to the cinema filmed in Almería


The singer remembers icons such as Lawrence of Arabia, The Man with No Name and James Bond in a production that shows locations in Las Negras, Tabernas and the capital


In the four minutes that the video clip for 'Boum Boum Boum', Mika's new work, lasts, the British singer of Lebanese origin, author of international hits such as 'Grace Kelly' or 'Relax, take it easy', gets under the skin , among other characters, a cowboy, an adventurer and a secret agent. They are not just any heroes: they all belong to the imaginary of the cinema shot in Almería. The result, a fantastic tribute that will reach millions of viewers around the world.


The dazzling production, directed by Jonathan Lia, was filmed in mid-June and yesterday it could already be seen on its official YouTube channel, where it achieved more than 45,000 views in just eleven hours. “The video covers various film genres. It is an example of the versatility of our landscape to tell any type of story,” explains Juan Jesús López, head of the Almeriaclips.com blog.


Thus, Mika emulates Clint Eastwood in the Tabernas desert and in the Western Leone, he puts himself in the shoes of a James Bond-style secret agent who flees from the Cala Grande hotel in Las Negras to the Alcazaba and tours the monumental complex remembering to Lawrence of Arabia.


“The use of our landscapes is good news although perhaps there are too many scenarios in a short time, which can lead to confusion. Of course, it is a very original approach, because they have fled from the most common locations,” says López.


In 'Boum Boum Boum', which includes scenes filmed in an area of poplar trees near Guadix, all the male figuration is from Almeria, work carried out by the Malaga agency Mycasting. In addition, the sisters María and Ana Salas, from Cristina Samaniego's dance company, appear as saloon dancers. “They were also going to play Arabs and belly dance in the Alcazaba but it couldn't be due to production issues. It's a shame, because the song quotes the Egyptian singer Oum Kalthoum and she would have fit in very well. In any case, they loved the experience and highlighted that Mika is a very approachable, simple and hardworking guy. And very conceited,” says Samaniego.


'Boum Boum Boum', which aims for summer success, talks about the uncontrollable passion of a couple. Adrenaline love, like the adventures of fictional heroes. Beyond the metaphors, what is clear is that Mika knows Almería's cinematographic past well.“Filming on the sets of ‘The Good, the Bad and the Ugly’. Riding a horse through a desert western town. A childhood dream come true,” she wrote on Twitter during filming.


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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Kumazzz said:

I've never read this article before...

I know for sure that I've read it here somewhere on MFC...


EDIT: Yes, I found it on this thread :thumb_yello: - https://www.mikafanclub.com/topic/31339-boum-boum-boum-video-out-7714/?do=findComment&comment=3958593




Edited by krysady
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