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The Australian Thread: Party Twenty-Four


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The Aussie Mikamites official logo:


The Aussie Mikamites are proudly sponsored by: MIKACARD


New Mikamites sponsored by Woolies. 


images (2).jpg


Team Mascot and hero: RAFFA
Theme song: Destiny’s Childs “Survivor”




Welcome to our home.

Please... come in...

As you walk through the hallways you will see that the walls are adorned with various photos of Mika, Mikamite family photos and various other paraphernalia. We take pride in our extensive Mika collection.

We have a lovely seating and entertainment area equipped with butterfly lounges and beanbags, where you can sit, relax and have a chat with friends.

This room is filled with glitter (shot from two large glitter cannons). This room is designed specifically for those who simply wish to roll around in glitter. Remember: Glitter makes everything better.
Bubbles provided by Happikali’s goat.

Like every good Aussie household, we have a Pool Room. However, since we are particularly thpethial... we have an actual pool table (the deluxe Prince model).

The Healing & Recuperation Centre is for those not feeling well. In this sanctuary they may get much needed rest.
Healing services are available and provided by the Aussie Medicine Woman who has a vast array of healing substances. These include scorpion and snake venom; eye of koala; tooth of croc. Other specimens and medicines are strictly top secret.

Those who are misbehaving will be banished to the cat pee corner for an indefinite period.

As the name suggests, this is a special built, custom made padded room which is used in extreme situations only.

Details of the contents and the exact reason for the dungeon have never been revealed. There have been various sightings of certain persons enclosed in the dungeon, but who can say whether this is fact or fiction?

Leads directly to the Butterfly Bar and back. For those who wish to make a more interesting entrance. Because doors are so boring.

As you walk outside you will find Happikali’s verandah (with a view to the Australian bush). This is THE place to be. Many an excellent night has been had on the verandah. This is officially the number one best gig site in Australia.
Use of the poles is permitted on special occasions only.
Rumour has it Mika will play an exclusive gig here during his tour of Oz.

You will see parked in the driveway a bright pink bus with one large Converse Hi-Top shoe attached to it’s roof. This bus is the Mikamites mode of transport, and will be used during the Aussie Mikamites Dream Tour of Oz.



Happikali’s goat.
A star in her own right. Can often be seen touring the world with Mika. Has her own manager.
Is famous for making bubbles using her rear end. Looks FAB in a pair of braces.



Camel Extraordinaire (and a bit of a princess). Beloved pet and best friend of Rainbow Sky.
His hump is an esky for storing beer and other beverages.
Dreams of being a movie star one day. Has modelled with Hugh Jackman, and starred in short film Jewel Of The Sahara with Gerard Butler.
Is available for rides at parties. Please phone Rainbow Sky for details.

Beware of bringing other animals onto the property.
Happikali may string them up without notice and use them for her jewellery making business.

There are two adjoining restaurants on our property:



Where the only thing on the menu is diet coke and a pizza please.



Visit Subway for a never-ending supply of Mika cookies. Special points are awarded to those who film their purchases and put their video on You Tube.


#1. Rainbow Sky
#2. happikali
#3. FlamingoCrumbles
#4. Dangerous Kat
#5. Blue Sky
#6. Marty
#7. nagnoo94
#8. Michelle 2
#9. celticjules
#10. soangel
#11. born4mika
#12. nico_collard
#13. deconstruction
#14. Scut Monkey
#15. Black Milk
#16. S2_redshiftlove
#17. Jolene
#18. mouselle
#19. PamRam
#20. Walzing Matilda
#21. Cranberries
#22. Pamelalala
#23. Emily 4 mika
#24. Mika is so sxc
#25. mollydog
#26. sweet-dreams
#27. wooden_sox
#28. lyraucia
#29. babyblue
#30. ZoZo The Terrible
#31. kristy5188
#32. Kelzy
#33. pinkoranges
#34. armande
#35. themetalmunchkin
#36. afazza
#37. MeekoInkah
#38. quatzxice
#39. chickadee
#40. Sweet Knees
#41. Aaurora
#42. senyorita12003
#43. Ju-Ju Lea
#44. M!Ka RoX mY sOx
#45. Minda
#46 Oakie Doke
#47. kobiiiii
#48. Kateus
#49. mikas #1 fan
#50. riverbasil
#51. tiffany loves mika
#52. Tanya K
#53. xx_emily_x
#54. nic.
#55. zoidy
#56. bonzaboy
#57. olivia237
#58. mireille geha
#59. demonkissangel69
#60. Shanzi
#61. mici3023
#62. ellennify
#63. Austerulous
#64. we_are_golden
#65. Annie M
#66. Jericho
#67. Zak110695
#68. Mika Cherry
#69. mika_me
#70. gorgeousgeorgia
#71. TuteTerminator

#72. Sonelle

#73. GalaxyBae

#74. littledevil#222

#2. Steph
#3. helen
#4. LeighHodgson (my supplier)
#5. Wendi
#6. RosinaKiwi
#7. greta
#8. Mika4Life13
#9. artsyfartsy17
#10. englishrose
#11. PhotoJenic
#12. LA_fashionista
#13. charlottechristy
#14. elanorelle
#15. silver
#16. stuck
#17. Trix the Mubbin
#18. anapher

Not Aussie, won't stoop so low as to be an honourary Mikamite, but still wants to be in the first post:

#1 Racinghorse83




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It occurs to me that a lot of the things mentioned in the first post won't mean much to many of the newer Mikamites - I suggest you read some of the early Aussie threads and you'll see what weirdos outstanding citizens there were around then.


In the days before Mika forgot Australia existed.

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It occurs to me that a lot of the things mentioned in the first post won't mean much to many of the newer Mikamites - I suggest you read some of the early Aussie threads and you'll see what weirdos outstanding citizens there were around then.


In the days before Mika forgot Australia existed.

Ah yess! I read the old Aussie threads all the time! It seems HILARIOUS and I wish they were back here :( But its true, if only Mika came back.. he has many fans but because its not reflected in sales and social media, he doesnt come :doh:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm so sorry I disappeared for a while guys, hope you didn't miss me too much! 


HAHAHA omg I never thought of Parc Des Princes ripping off Luna Park but I totally see what she means  :naughty:


Once you see it you can't unsee it.


I'm sure it's the 23rd already in Australia, so


Happy Birthday nico_collard




Have a great day, Tegan  :hug:



Happy Birthday Teegs   :)   :hug:   :wub: Have a good one!!


Thanks guys! I had a fantastic day, until the night time. Will talk about the holiday in the next post. 



I'm excited for Samuel's potential future sibling(s)!



Congratulations x3!



 I have a feeling the shows were 18+ but can't remember for sure?



Oh my goodness! That brings back memories! Do you still have these videos?



How is everyone?!


My news for the last few months:

  • I gained a niece (Grace   :pinkbow: ) and became an aunt!
  • We bought a house - we settle next week and will move in at the end of the month!
  • I am starting a PhD next year! 
  • Ambrose met his human-cousin for the first time last week! Or, more precisely, Grace met him and he didn't at all notice that there was a living baby directly in front of his face. Absolutely zero acknowledgement   :dunno:


Potential future siblings will happen eventually. 






The Enmore show was all ages. I know that cause one of the Aussies from Canberra brought her 9 year old. The Forum one was def 18+ though, any show I've been to there has been 18+ (the young Hanson fans cracked it when they couldn't go :teehee:). 



Yay for all your news! How's the house going? 


In the Opera House too  :o I cannot handle myself if that is true sjdhkjsadhasjakjs


Yeah, back when they were still doing Australian Idol. 


I really think he could do a great show at the Opera House. 



He played outside the Opera house, but only a couple of songs: 


My PhD will be about using a particular machine to monitor plankton in the Swan River (the main river which runs through Perth). The machine takes photos of the microscopic plants and animals in the water and then you can program it to automatically identify them. There's only a few of this machine in Australia and I'll be the only person in WA who knows how to use it! This video shows the machine: 


OMG, watching that vid brought back so many memories of our trip in '09. I miss all you guys! 



Oh, wow. Hi tech equipment! 




And here is my new house!


Nice! :das:


In my experience, most students dedicated their spare time to drinking  :mf_rosetinted:



Definitely :fisch:



I remember hearing that the paramedics students in my friend's accommodation tried to (drunkenly) insert an IV in their arms for alcohol.


It occurs to me that a lot of the things mentioned in the first post won't mean much to many of the newer Mikamites - I suggest you read some of the early Aussie threads and you'll see what weirdos outstanding citizens there were around then.


In the days before Mika forgot Australia existed.


Oh, those were the days :sad:


Ah yess! I read the old Aussie threads all the time! It seems HILARIOUS and I wish they were back here :( But its true, if only Mika came back.. he has many fans but because its not reflected in sales and social media, he doesnt come :doh:


I think you would've fitted in well. We corrupted many a teenage fan :biggrin2:



Oh, and I saw this recently - The Aussie U2 fans are bitching cause they're planning a tour celebrating The Joshua Tree album and they're only doing select places in the US and Europe this year:


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So, as everyone knows we went to Darwin in October. We ended up having the greatest time and we'd love to go back. Some of the highlights were: 


- Going to Crocosaurus Cove and getting up close and personal with Axel the Crocodile in the cage of death. Scary but totally worth it! 


- Holding baby crocs at Crocosaurus Cove and Crododylus Park. Crocosaurus Cove was in the main street and had lots of fish, reptiles and (obviously) crocodiles. What was good about it was that there was an area where there were smaller crocs and they had a perspex wall and kids could swim in there (the cage of death was for 16 and over). Crocodylus Park had other animals and they sold croc meat (they farmed crocs for meat). 


- Going on a croc jumping cruise and seeing a massive big alpha male (approx. 65 y.o., over 5m long and over 700kg). The boat only could seat 20 people and the walls of the boat were like a grille and were were told not to stick hands out the boat, not to all go on one side and to only walk along the gangway to and from the boat two at a time. 


- Visiting the museum and seeing the stuffed body of a local crocodile (his name was Sweetheart and he died in the 70's - he was attacking fishermen so they tried to catch him but he got tangled in the ropes and drowned), going through the Cyclone Tracey exhibit (very confronting, especially the audio room of the actual storm) and checking out an indigenous art exhibit


- Feeding local fish (pricewise not worth it but Samuel liked feeding the fish).


- Mindil sunset markets (we went every Thurs and Sun we were there). Awesome food, beautiful view and lots of cool stalls. There was even two indigenous men in a band, one played the didgeridoo and the other played the drums.


- Checking out WW1 and WW2 exhibits and the old gaol. One was a place on the wharf that had a VR headset there and showed you what it would've looked like when the Japanese bombed the harbour as well as some info on some of the Americans that were in the harbour. There was also a museum that had old vehicles and equipment from WW1, WW2 and Vietnam, as well as a video depicting what it would've looked like when Darwin was bombed (wasn't the smartest idea cause there were strobe lights and they make me feel weird - Of course I only realised it made me feel the same as I do during an EEG after I watched it *facepalm*). The gaol was good, though a little spooky at times (Derek could sense an indigenous man standing nearby - he died there by hanging. Actually, 8 out of the last 10 people to be executed there were either Asian or Aboriginal, the other two were from Europe and killed a taxi driver). 


- Sunset cruise through the harbour ft. fish and chips for my birthday. Of course, Samuel got very cranky before and during it because we wouldn't let him walk freely at the wharf or on the boat. Derek said later he should've just taken Samuel elsewhere and let me do the cruise on my own. 


It was amazing how laid back and friendly the locals were. Once they knew we were on holidays, they were more than happy to tell us what we should look at and where to eat. And speaking of food, we had some awesome dinners while we were there. We had an all you can eat dinner twice (the waitresses thought Samuel was lovely) and seafood dinners at another restaurant on the wharf and the takeaway nearby. It was also really nice where we stayed. It was off in the middle of nowhere, but it was very quiet and we had the pool to ourselves most days. Not a great deal of shopping, there was a large shopping centre in Darwin about 10 mins from where we stayed and there was another one in a city called Palmerston. 


Anyways, here's some pics (I can't label them the way I uploaded them, sorry): 





















Edited by nico_collard
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Tegan, your holiday sounds absolutely great (though I am not sure I would have liked to have been so close to the crocs :naughty:)


It's nice when you can befriend the locals, they have a much better idea of what to see and do (and eat) than the guide books.

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Oh, those were the days :sad:



I think you would've fitted in well. We corrupted many a teenage fan :biggrin2:



Oh, and I saw this recently - The Aussie U2 fans are bitching cause they're planning a tour celebrating The Joshua Tree album and they're only doing select places in the US and Europe this year:


HAHAHA :naughty:


And omg THAT U2 meme BAHAHHAHAHA :lmfao: So U2 and Mika need a kick up their arse :lol: 

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Teegs, the Crocosaurus cove looks SO fun!! The pics are lovely!! And WW1 and WW2 exhibits seem really interesting, espeically the VR thing :o The view from the cruise looks BEAUTIFUL :wub2: That seems like such an amazing trip!! Call us next time :naughty: 

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I'm back. Did anybody really notice I was gone for that length if time?


I thought you were on holiday.  Or otherwise busy in RL.


Or that you didn't love us anymore :tears:

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I still love you all cos yous are my friends! It was a few family problems and I was kind of bored. That's all.


You've missed all the competitions though :sad:


Though we are starting monthly competitions in February.

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Like this? :fisch:


Yeah, something like that :teehee:


Tegan, your holiday sounds absolutely great (though I am not sure I would have liked to have been so close to the crocs :naughty:)


It's nice when you can befriend the locals, they have a much better idea of what to see and do (and eat) than the guide books.


It was a wee bit scary. One snapped at a bug or smth at the other croc park and it made me jump. I think the heartrate went pretty high. And they def had some good suggestions for food. We didn't get to try it all though. 


HAHAHA :naughty:


And omg THAT U2 meme BAHAHHAHAHA :lmfao: So U2 and Mika need a kick up their arse :lol:


They definitely do! 


Except not Adam, cause he's pretty and I like him :fangurl:  :wub:  :das:


Teegs, the Crocosaurus cove looks SO fun!! The pics are lovely!! And WW1 and WW2 exhibits seem really interesting, espeically the VR thing :o The view from the cruise looks BEAUTIFUL :wub2: That seems like such an amazing trip!! Call us next time :naughty:


It was so good. We want to go again, but maybe when Sam's a bit bigger (and during June/July). And no probs, I'll get an extra suitcase for everyone to hop into :teehee:


You've missed all the competitions though :sad:


Though we are starting monthly competitions in February.




But yay for monthly comps! Might have to have a go! 


:sad: Just read about the incident in Melbourne.  Such an awful thing to happen.


Pretty scary. Even worse is that he was on bail for domestic abuse I think :sad: So far 5 people have died, including a 3 month old baby  :tears:

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Pretty scary. Even worse is that he was on bail for domestic abuse I think :sad: So far 5 people have died, including a 3 month old baby  :tears:

It was so sad to hear about the baby :tears:

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Tegan, you look so damn different! I can't believe how interesting Darwin actually is, too! How long were you there?


News: Petra is coming to Australia in July/August! She's currently deciding where to go so she can book the flights. Do you think Darwin is worth it? I think flights are quite expensive, right? I think her plan at the moment is Sydney - Canberra (I tried to talk her out of it!) - Melbourne - Adelaide - Perth (to see meeee!).

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