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#CasaMika 2 - 2017


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2 hours ago, Poisonyoulove said:

Episode 1 made me so happy! Like a magical delirious dream! :wub:  Why can't Mika pop out of a portal in my closet and take me away to live in his world? :biggrin2::pinkbow: 

Of course, the show is his way of doing that I suppose. I just wish I could understand all the words!  Can anyone explain Gregory? He reminded me of Where the Wild Things Are, and surely that was deliberate, but whatever that monologue was about seemed sad, or bittersweet at least.


I had the same impression about Gregory, he strongly reminds me Sendak's charachters.

I don't want to duplicate or spoil the subtitling team's work, anyway in a few words Gregory is a childhood friend of Mika who is suffering of depression and Mika tries to help him by staying by his side. 

It was a very touching speech, anyone who has experienced depression (I mean the clinical one, not just being sad for a while) can identify him/herself in Mika's words. In that moment he was using very simple but direct words, my husband and I were both really moved.

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I haven't been on MFC for a while, but after watching CasaMIka on tuesday, I forgot how much I missed him. And how much I missed this community and friends that I made here. I really liked the show, I watched it with my parents and even though none of us speaks fluent Italian, we had a wonderful evening. I'd say there was a bit of the show for each one of us. I'm reallly looking forward for the next week and I am really excited to be back here too :wub2:

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9 minutes ago, dreams said:

I haven't been on MFC for a while, but after watching CasaMIka on tuesday, I forgot how much I missed him. And how much I missed this community and friends that I made here. I really liked the show, I watched it with my parents and even though none of us speaks fluent Italian, we had a wonderful evening. I'd say there was a bit of the show for each one of us. I'm reallly looking forward for the next week and I am really excited to be back here too :wub2:


Welcome back :hug:

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5 hours ago, zia Giovi said:

I had the same impression about Gregory, he strongly reminds me Sendak's charachters.


Gregory also reminds me of his Mubbin's characters from TBWKTM :



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Just wondering, how was the reception of the press and Italian public? I know Mika posted a positive article from La Repubblica, but I don't understand the details... As they had such a big marketing campaign for the show, did it get even more viewers than last year? I don't remember how many it was last year, but iirc it was pretty good.

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6 minutes ago, mellody said:

Just wondering, how was the reception of the press and Italian public? I know Mika posted a positive article from La Repubblica, but I don't understand the details... As they had such a big marketing campaign for the show, did it get even more viewers than last year? I don't remember how many it was last year, but iirc it was pretty good.


Sadly figures aren't good: 1.800.000 viewers (9% of share) against more than 3.000.000 (14% of share) last year. Champion's league match, a very followed fiction on Rai 1 and Halloween didn't help. Press comments are quite positive about him and the show, but some journalists don't like Luciana Littizzetto at all and keep saying that she isn't suitable for the show. We will see how next episode goes, but I'm not very optimistic because there will be the last episode of the fiction on Rai 1 and also because there are some people that, despite liking Mika, don't want to see the show only because they don't like Luciana Littizzetto at all. It seems that Luciana's presence is doing more harm than good to the show. :tears:

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Ah, that's a shame. :( Who is this Luciana, what is she famous for? Why do some people not like her? Of the Mika fans I would've said maybe they're jealous... :bleh: - but if you say some journalists don't like her either, that can't be the (only) reason. :dunno:

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16 minutes ago, lormare73 said:


Sadly figures aren't good: 1.800.000 viewers (9% of share) against more than 3.000.000 (14% of share) last year. Champion's league match, a very followed fiction on Rai 1 and Halloween didn't help. Press comments are quite positive about him and the show, but some journalists don't like Luciana Littizzetto at all and keep saying that she isn't suitable for the show. We will see how next episode goes, but I'm not very optimistic because there will be the last episode of the fiction on Rai 1 and also because there are some people that, despite liking Mika, don't want to see the show only because they don't like Luciana Littizzetto at all. It seems that Luciana's presence is doing more harm than good to the show. :tears:


And her role is big, she takes a lot of space. I was hoping the numbers were not so high simply because of timing (as you explained). Hope they will go higher next week. 

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Press reviews about episode - 1



Corriere della Sera

  • 3 Nov 2017




«Stasera CasaMika», alti valori produttivi e buone idee di scrittura Vincitori e vinti


Chissà se «Stasera CasaMika», il varietà costruito intorno al popolare cantante e showman anglo-libanese, tornato in onda con una seconda stagione, va già visto come un reperto, uno dei primi fossili della Rai2 che poteva essere, quella immaginata dalla sua ex direttrice Ilaria Dallatana (martedì, 21.20).

È innegabile che, aldilà degli ascolti, in poco tempo la rete avesse cambiato pelle, con programmi che hanno portato una ventata di freschezza e modernità, addirittura di cosmopolitismo, soprattutto grazie a una nuova visione dell’intrattenimento, che non è un accessorio del servizio pubblico ma una sua componente fondamentale. Già l’anno scorso, lo show di Mika era parso uno dei cardini di questo progetto. Grazie ad altissimi valori produttivi (è uno show costoso e si vede, soprattutto nella costruzione dello studio, nei costumi e negli accompagnamenti di canto e ballo), grazie a buone idee di scrittura, grazie alla personalità eccentrica ma allo stesso tempo candida e divertente di Mika.

Vedendo la prima puntata della seconda stagione, l’impressione è stata che l’effetto di novità dirompente sperimentato l’anno scorso si sia stemperato. Stupisce non poco la scelta di affiancare a Mika Luciana Littizzetto, molto lontana dallo stile (e forse dal pubblico ideale) del protagonista. Restavano molto riuscite, anche grazie al montaggio, alcune idee di scrittura che vedevano Mika protagonista fuori dallo studio, in taxi per le vie di Milano o alla scoperta del lavoro dei pastori sardi.

Paradossalmente le più lontane dal modello «formattizzato» del varietà di prima serata Rai, tutto fatto di di sketch (duetti, medley, momenti di talk, markettone a film e fiction) la cui riuscita è molto soggetta alla bravura dell’ospite che interagisce con il conduttore. Diciamo che non tutti quelli della prima serata sono parsi all’altezza. Si è sentita molto la mancanza di Virginia Raffaele.




  • 3 Nov 2017





A «Casa Mika» è meglio non invitare la Littizzetto


Un elefante in una cristalleria (scrive, giustamente, il collega Davide Turrini sul Fatto Quotidiano.it). Ma anche i cavoli a meranda. O la finta anarchia di una pernacchia infilata in una canzone dei Beatles.

Questa è Luciana Littizzeto, piazzata dall’agente Caschetto come ospite in Casa Mika (Raidue, martedì prime time). Luciana, ovvero la spalla di Mika straordinariamente in grado di distruggerne ogni poesia. Un po’ come piazzare Anna Maria Barbera di Zelig accanto a Gene Kelly che canta sotto la pioggia. E dire che la seconda edizione del suddetto show era -e resta- un gioiello di suggestioni. Mika è un gigante a sua insaputa. Un gigante educato che passeggia, anzi danza su un copione zeppo di citazioni. Mika omaggia i grandi varietà della Rai anni ’60, invitandone perfino i protagonisti (mai visto un duetto così carico di energia come quello con l’ultrasettantenne Rita Pavone). Cita, con devozione, Le cronache di Narnia di C. S. Lewis nell’armadio che attraversa le dimensioni; innesta nello spettacolo canoro una minifiction a metà fra Peter Pan e i viaggi nel tempo del Doctor Who; introduce Gregory il mostro peloso timido che pare uscito da Monsters della Disney. Citazioni. Infine, ammicca agli animalisti attraverso due cani-spettatori che fanno il verso ai vecchietti del Muppets Show.

Il ritmo c’è, le canzoni anche, la presenza scenica pure. Metteteci anche lo spogliarello d’altri tempi di Dita Von Teese che fa il verso a Marilyn e quello del conduttore stesso - non senza imbarazzo- ed otterrete un viaggio scherzoso e sentimentale nel ventre della cultura pop. Epperò, diciamocela tutta, l’ascolto è stato una chiavica. Specie considerando i costi del programma: 9% di share e 1.843.000 spettatori per tre ore di messa in onda contro il 14,4% di share e 3.312.000 dell’anno scorso. Certo, c’era la partita. Certo, lo sprofondamento nella terza ora porta, inevitabilmnte, a cali di tensione. Certo, c’era la Littizzetto, il nostro elefantino dondolante su una ragnatela, come dice la canzoncina (che Mika potrebbe adattare su un faksetto alla Freddie mercury). Tutti elementi migliorabili, in attesa del secondo appuntamento. Spero...



Il Fatto Quotidiano

  • 3 Nov 2017



Casa Mika: il varietà oggi, ma solo per fiction


La seconda edizione di Casa Mika (Rai2, martedì sera) è la naturale prosecuzione della prima e questo significa partire col piede giusto.

Anche se gli ascolti della prima puntata non sono stati entusiasmanti, c’è di che essere ottimisti. Nessun effetto fotocopia, anzi, questa volta è più evidente e meglio espressa l’idea di fondo, far rivivere il glorioso varietà degli anni 50 e 60; ma farlo rivivere come in sogno, come un ritorno al futuro. Con la sua versatilità artistica e la sua modernità d’altri tempi Mika è il protagonista ideale per una simile operazione. Che canti, balli o conduca doppiato da Alan Friedman mostra di avere tutti i talenti che si inseguono nei talent, naturalmente senza aver mai partecipato a un talent. Inoltre possiede un’eleganza quasi miracolosa di questi tempi; nel suo universo pop da spazzacamino di Mary Poppins c’è solo un po’ di zucchero a velo di troppo, per esempio quando appare la Littizzetto in versione Bebe Vio, per la serie Mika è una figata, e si pro- duce in un monologo che nemmeno Veltroni. Ma quando il revivalsi sposa con il gusto della contaminazione (quello in cui l’autore Ivan Cotroneo è maestro), allora lo show levita su se stesso, come nella trovata della porta girevole che catapulta Mika nel 1967, quando tutto ciò era appena cominciato. Una porta girevole tra entusiasmo e nostalgia c’è davvero, nella vita; e quando Mika l’attraversa ci fa scoprire una piccola, grande verità: il varietà oggi può esistere solo per fiction.



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9 minutes ago, mellody said:

Who is this Luciana, what is she famous for? Why do some people not like her?


It’s hard to tell, but I didn't like Luciana in the episode-1...

In Casa Mika 2016,

Mika had two fantastic actresses beside him.

Sarah Felberbaum is elegant and beautiful, Virginia Raffaele is talented and gorgeous !

I missed both actresses so much.

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6 hours ago, zia Giovi said:


I had the same impression about Gregory, he strongly reminds me Sendak's charachters.

I don't want to duplicate or spoil the subtitling team's work, anyway in a few words Gregory is a childhood friend of Mika who is suffering of depression and Mika tries to help him by staying by his side. 

It was a very touching speech, anyone who has experienced depression (I mean the clinical one, not just being sad for a while) can identify him/herself in Mika's words. In that moment he was using very simple but direct words, my husband and I were both really moved.


Thank you for the explanation.  I've struggled with depression most of my life, without much emotional support, so I look forward to these words. It's funny, he helps me so much without knowing, or meaning to. :wub:

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La Repubblica italia


Dateci 10, 100, 1000 Mika-mondi

CI VORREBBE Mika, ovunque. O almeno questa è la reazione ogni volta che il ragazzo meraviglia si fa in quattro saltando, cantando, ospitando, parlando un sacco di lingue, guidando il taxi ("Ma tu sei Mika!") andando a vivere da pastore in Sardegna, tenendo un monologo impervio sull'ultimo tabù, ossia la depressione. Immediatamente si chiede Mika ovunque, a Sanremo, a condurre il tg, come vicino di casa. Per dire che l'entertainer più avulso dai modi tv nostri vince coi modi suoi, non c'è niente in giro di così forte e garbato insieme. Stasera Casa Mika/ 2, Rai2 il martedì sera, è una clamorosa illusione di un mondo migliore (ma una volta gli show servivano a quello). Luciana Littizzetto funziona molto più con le incursioni che con il protagonismo, le ambiguità che escono dalla gaiezza di tutto quanto risultano naturali, il senso è che ci si sente tutti più buoni ma è balsamico ed è il progetto dichiarato del Mika-mondo.


Google translator



Give us 10, 100, 1000 Mika-mondi

WHO WANT Mika, everywhere. Or at least this is the reaction every time the boy marvels in four, jumping, singing, hosting, talking a lot of languages, driving the taxi ("But you are Mika!") Going to be a shepherd in Sardinia, holding a improvised monologue on the last taboo, or depression. Immediately he asks Mika everywhere, in Sanremo, to lead the TG as a neighbor. To say that the most entertaining entertainer of our TV ways wins with his own ways, there is nothing around so loud and polite together. Stasera Casa Mika / 2, Rai2 on Tuesday evening, is a luscious illusion of a better world (but once the shows served that one). Luciana Littizzetto works much more with the incursions than with the protagonism, the ambiguities that come out of the gaiety of all that are natural, the sense is that everyone feels better but is balmy and is the declared project of the Mika-world.










Edited by Kumazzz
adding the newspaper jpg
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27 minutes ago, mellody said:

Ah, that's a shame. :( Who is this Luciana, what is she famous for? Why do some people not like her? Of the Mika fans I would've said maybe they're jealous... :bleh: - but if you say some journalists don't like her either, that can't be the (only) reason. :dunno:


She's a comedian who is very famous in Italy because she participates in many television shows. She is very straightforward, sometimes she's a bit vulgar and often she speaks of politics. In Casa Mika, however, she didn't look excessive and I found her quite funny.

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12 minutes ago, lormare73 said:


She's a comedian who is very famous in Italy because she participates in many television shows. She is very straightforward, sometimes she's a bit vulgar and often she speaks of politics. In Casa Mika, however, she didn't look excessive and I found her quite funny.


But that other woman from last year, the one who threw onions at Mika, she seemed very straightforward and outgoing as well to me... ah well, I really should watch the full episode from tuesday, and not just parts of it, maybe then I'll see what you mean. :teehee:

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2 minutes ago, mellody said:


But that other woman from last year, the one who threw onions at Mika, she seemed very straightforward and outgoing as well to me... ah well, I really should watch the full episode from tuesday, and not just parts of it, maybe then I'll see what you mean. :teehee:


But the woman who threw onions was the spanish actress Rossy De Palma and she was guest for one night. The comedian was Paula Gilberto Do Mar.

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11 minutes ago, lormare73 said:


But the woman who threw onions was the spanish actress Rossy De Palma and she was guest for one night. The comedian was Paula Gilberto Do Mar.


Ah, ok, thanks. I don't know most of the guests in his show, so I'm always confused as to who is who. :teehee: She was talking Italian (unless I mix up Italian and Spanish now :lmfao: ), so I thought she was Italian and well known there.

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2 hours ago, lormare73 said:


She's a comedian who is very famous in Italy because she participates in many television shows. She is very straightforward, sometimes she's a bit vulgar and often she speaks of politics. In Casa Mika, however, she didn't look excessive and I found her quite funny.


Initially I was worried about Luciana's presence in this show, because I've read so many bad comments about her on the media. But after seeing her in the first episode, I can say that I liked her. She was not vulgar at all, her monologue was very emotional and her moment with Dita was so funny! She was perfect for that scene because she is so opposite to Dita and her self-irony was hilarious. It would be really sad if she's the reason of a lower ratting... Anyway, the ambiance this year seems to me more warmly and intimate, like there's more of Mika in the show compared to last year. At least this is my feeling. And all the press I've read it's positive and nice, I hope the next episodes will raise more audience :thumb_yello:



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2 hours ago, mellody said:


Ah, ok, thanks. I don't know most of the guests in his show, so I'm always confused as to who is who. :teehee: She was talking Italian (unless I mix up Italian and Spanish now :lmfao: ), so I thought she was Italian and well known there.


She is a guest this year as well :wink2:



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6 hours ago, dreams said:

I haven't been on MFC for a while, but after watching CasaMIka on tuesday, I forgot how much I missed him. And how much I missed this community and friends that I made here. I really liked the show, I watched it with my parents and even though none of us speaks fluent Italian, we had a wonderful evening. I'd say there was a bit of the show for each one of us. I'm reallly looking forward for the next week and I am really excited to be back here too :wub2:


I agree with you, I'm living the same feelings

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3 hours ago, Kumazzz said:


It’s hard to tell, but I didn't like Luciana in the episode-1...

In Casa Mika 2016,

Mika had two fantastic actresses beside him.

Sarah Felberbaum is elegant and beautiful, Virginia Raffaele is talented and gorgeous !

I missed both actresses so much.

I missed them too... they gave a special rythm to the show perhaps that's the reason why I enjoyed it less...maybe it made less sense with Luciana...also it was harder to understand her so I hope once the whole show is subbed and I can understand what she said I'll find it more coherent :dunno: 

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8 minutes ago, crazyaboutmika said:

also it was harder to understand her so I hope once the whole show is subbed and I can understand what she said I'll find it more coherent :dunno: 

Yes, she's talking really fast and it's difficult for us, non Italians, to understand her. Even Mika told her at the beginning that he has one request for her : to talk slowly :teehee:

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Am I the only one, who won't miss Paula in the show? While watching the first episode, I didn't know, who she is (if she is someone famous in Italy or just a fictional character) but I didn't mind her, she was quite funny. But then in the next episodes, she became my least favorite part of the show, even though she was sometimes really funny, but somehow she made me feel uncomfortable and her voice was quite annoying for me. I can't explain it better, but she irritated me... :D I didn't like her part in the show.

However, I liked Sarah. She seemed familiar to me and only today I realized, that I already knew her, because she played in the serie "The Young Montalbano", I didn't recognize her, because she had slightly different hair in the serie... :shocked:

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Just now, giraffeandy said:

Am I the only one, who won't miss Paula in the show? While watching the first episode, I didn't know, who she is (if she is someone famous in Italy or just a fictional character) but I didn't mind her, she was quite funny. But then in the next episodes, she became my least favorite part of the show, even though she was sometimes really funny, but somehow she made me feel uncomfortable and her voice was quite annoying for me. I can't explain it better, but she irritated me... :D I didn't like her part in the show.

However, I liked Sarah. She seemed familiar to me and only today I realized, that I already knew her, because she played in the serie "The Young Montalbano", I didn't recognize her, because she had slightly different hair in the serie... :shocked:


No, you’re not :wink2:

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