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By now, many of you will have read the very sad news of the passing of one of Mika Fan Club's original members, FREDDIESDOUBLE, or as he was known in real life David Bellamy.


David was a very welcoming presence here on MFC, especially in the early days, and he was instrumental in shaping this place. We worked together very closely for a long time, trying to make Mika Fan Club the community it has become today.


I'm very, very sad to hear of his untimely death at such a young age. Words fail me, really. His memory here at Mika Fan Club will surely live on.


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I remember FD as a warm and friendly man who welcomed many newbies when they first joined the MFC.  I met him a few times in RL - queueing outside the O2 in Leeds in the snow comes to mind, where he built a snowman that was first in the queue - and he was one of those larger than life people. 


I was really surprised when out of the blue he asked me to look after the World Representatives, and I hope I have repaid his faith in me.


RIP FD :tears:



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Kind - that's the word that keeps popping up today when people are talking about Freddie and that's the feeling I got from him. Also that he was fun loving. The few times I met him were certainly fun. 

He will sadly be missed from our community. 

RIP David. 

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Words fail me too :tears: David encouraged me in doing my first steps on MFC and I'll always remember his kindness. :hug:    RIP dear David, you'll be terribly missed and never forgotten :tears: Thank you Deb's padawan  :huglove:

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20 minutes ago, Kumazzz said:

I'm so sad...  :tears:

We will miss David. He's still living in the MFC forum.



This thread he started is always a joy


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Came here to find this post.. 


I'll place what I wrote on facebook..


Finally found a moment to think of something to say..


Yet I'm still at a loss for words.
I was shocked, and now I feel empty.


David, they've taken you way too soon.. 
You were kind, sweet, incredibly fun, and most of all;


Mad as a Hatter.


I hope you've found your place up above in the sky, and that you've found Freddie somewhere, rockin' to his music.

We'll all miss you, me and everyone that's had a lucky moment meeting you, or even just talking to you online.1f49b.png?


Stay Golden1f49b.png?2728.png



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Farewell David.


This news broke my heart today.

Seems so unreal. And this is hard to accept.


Loved talking to him whether it would be in person or online...these little memories will be bottled in my heart forever. What a loss. :sad:

Can't really find the right words just yet.

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Not been on here for years but had to come and pay my respects for David when I heard, like many have already said, he welcomed me with open arms when I joined here and at my first Mika gig in Leeds, I have many fond memories of the Amsterdam  gig too, a lovely man who will be missed by many , RIP David xx

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I´m shocked and sad about what happened. I only met him once in person but talked to him on Twitter and I will never forget him. I hope he will celebrate wherever he is now.

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David was one of the first members of MFC that I spoke to, and that connected with me on twitter. Always a positive and inspiring person, and though I never had the pleasure of meeting him, I've always enjoyed our little chats online. So sad to hear of this news, and may he rest in peace. 

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For all the MFCers FREDDIESDOUBLE is a legend.
Thank you David for all that you made for the Mika's fans and thank you for the small conversations which we had on twitter... I'm so sad ...


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Heartbreaking to hear these news. He was an important member of this community and always friendly and generous with everyone. Always ready to have a little chat over coffee both online and in real life. Last time I met him in RL was in Madrid where we had such a fun night as a group of MFCers. You will be missed, David! X

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When I learnt about what happened yesterday I was shocked.

I've met David a couple of times and chatted with him on twitter.

Lately I've lost touch.


It makes me sad to know he's no longer with us.


RIP David

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This has had me thinking a lot about how we sometimes completely lose touch with people who once meant the world to us. David was one of the most genuinely lovely people I have ever met and the star of some of my greatest memories. Hope he's partying with Freddie now. RIP, sunshine.

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