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[The Voice] season-7, France - 2018


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Avant-première : Découvrez une voix encore jamais entendue dans The Voice (émission 3)

Fermez les yeux et ouvrez grand les oreilles. Pour ce troisième prime, on vous fait découvrir une troisième voix.

Elle vient de la scène underground et va vous faire son petit effet. Ecoutez cette reprise de Chris Isaak, "Baby did a bad bad thing et rendez-vous samedi prochain pour un troisième prime de "The Voice" à partir de 21 heures.





Edited by Kumazzz
adding a YT link
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On 2018/1/31 at 7:52 PM, Kumazzz said:


On 2018/2/4 at 9:28 PM, Kumazzz said:

Episode - 3

February 10, 2018

YouTube CLIPS of the Blind auditions - 3





Team Florent Pagny



Team Zazie




Team Pascal Obispo


** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** **


:exclamation:If you live in France, TF1 links work fine.




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:exclamation:These videos are blocked in France, French Guiana, French Polynesia, French Southern Territories, Guadeloupe, Saint Martin.


Don't tweet in public please.


Episode - 3

February 10, 2018








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On 07/02/2018 at 10:35 AM, endless_eight said:

Hello everyone! How about some good news in the midst of all of the controversy?  Boucarilla and I have been working very hard, and we have subtitles done for all of the coach's sections of episode 1 of The Voice season 7. Enjoy!

01 - The Voice 7 - Prime 01 - 27.01.2018 - MP4 - www.mikawebsite.com.srt

Thanks for the episode 1 caption, you did an excellent job. <3
I'm looking forward to the next ones.

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@Felipe Silva

:welcomeani: Welcome to the MFC, you may find a lot of French subs at The MFC Subtitling Team's Subtitled Videos

but, not yet The Voice captions in French.


Otherwise, please take a moment to look over our guidelines and help with using the forum.

Also, be sure to go to the Introductions forum and post a hello so we can all say hi back!

Perhaps even mention where you first heard of Mika.

We're so glad you joined us and look forward to getting to know you better! :bye:


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On 2/9/2018 at 2:00 PM, Boucarilla said:


Here is my Vimeo link for the first episode with subtitles we made with @endless_eight.



The password is: The Voice


Enjoy! :wink2:

It keeps going to a black screen for me. The first time I saw about 35 minutes, then black even when I tried to skip ahead. A couple hours later I tried again, starting where it ended before, and I saw about 4 more minutes of it before it went black again. But I did enjoy what I did see. It was nice to understand what was being said for those parts — thank you for that.

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Just now, JoAllison said:

It keeps going to a black screen for me. The first time I saw about 35 minutes, then black even when I tried to skip ahead. A couple hours later I tried again, starting where it ended before, and I saw about 4 more minutes of it before it went black again. But I did enjoy what I did see. It was nice to understand what was being said for those parts — thank you for that.


Oh sorry for that! Is it usual at your home? Or is it the video which does that?

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15 minutes ago, Boucarilla said:


Oh sorry for that! Is it usual at your home? Or is it the video which does that?

I think it’s the video. I’ve no problems with YouTube, Vimeo, or watching thru the French TV channel  — wait, I watch the TV station using Chrome browser and I was watching this using Safari browser. Let me try it using Chrome and see if it makes a difference.



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16 minutes ago, Boucarilla said:


Oh sorry for that! Is it usual at your home? Or is it the video which does that?


16 minutes ago, Boucarilla said:


Oh sorry for that! Is it usual at your home? Or is it the video which does that?


UPDATE: It’s not the browser. I got about two minutes on Chrome of the next guy (the one who looks like Robert Downey, jr), then black. Ah well. (Hope it’s not a copyright issue for you.)


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1 minute ago, JoAllison said:



UPDATE: It’s not the browser. I got about two minutes on Chrome of the next guy (the one who looks like Robert Downey, jr), then black. Ah well. (Hope it’s not a copyright issue for you.)



No because I'm still working on it, it's the whole video on Vimeo, not like Youtube which blocks TF1 videos...

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3 hours ago, Kumazzz said:

@Felipe Silva

:welcomeani: Welcome to the MFC, you may find a lot of French subs at The MFC Subtitling Team's Subtitled Videos

but, not yet The Voice captions in French.


Otherwise, please take a moment to look over our guidelines and help with using the forum.

Also, be sure to go to the Introductions forum and post a hello so we can all say hi back!

Perhaps even mention where you first heard of Mika.

We're so glad you joined us and look forward to getting to know you better! :bye:



2 hours ago, krysady said:

Hi @Felipe Silva :bye:   As @Kumazzz already said, there's no French subtitles for The Voice, only English. Anyway, I hope you'll have fun around, welcome! :welcomeani:



thanks you guys, thanks for the reception: D

I saw the first episode today, I was charmed by the charisma of Mika (which is not new).


I hoped to have the subtitles in French so I could train a little of my French (which is pretty weak hahaha)


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"Grace Kelly" : l'histoire derrière la chanson de Mika


"Grace Kelly" : découvrez l'hsitoire qui se cache derrière ce titre de Mika. On est en 2007. Mika est inconnu des maisons de disque. A chaque présentation de maquette, Il se fait retoquer. "Ta voix est étrange. tu dois être plus commercial". Mika en a assez. Au lieu d'écrire une lettre, il décide d'écrire une chanson musicalement très gaie. Mais écoutez bien les paroles... Découvrez l'histoire derrière la chanson "Grace Kelly" de Mika

BONUS des auditions à l'aveugle du 3 février 2018


En 2007, Mika débarque dans le cœur des Français avec un premier album à succès intitulé « Life in Cartoon Motion », dans lequel figure l’une des chansons phares de l’artiste, « Grace Kelly ». En exclusivité pour MYTF1, le coach de The Voice revient sur ce single qui a marqué sa carrière.


Mika n’a que 24 ans lorsqu’il connait le véritable succès avec un premier album intitulé « Life in Cartoon Motion », sorti en 2007. Le single « Grace Kelly » issu de cet opus rencontre une énorme réussite. Ecrite et interprétée par Mika, cette chanson est une véritable satire dénonçant les difficultés liées au showbiz. Car si Mika est aujourd’hui un artiste reconnu, le chanteur britannico-libanais a eu du mal à trouver sa place dans le milieu artistique. Face aux refus des maisons de disque, l’interprète a alors eu l’idée de cette chanson en citant Grace Kelly, une figure qui a beaucoup compté dans la vie de Mika : « Ma grand-mère quand elle arrive aux Etats-Unis, se retrouve à une fête, elle a 17 ans, elle ne parle pas anglais, elle ne comprend rien et elle pleure. Et il y a une femme à côté d’elle, a ainsi raconté l’interprète de « Relax ». A partir de ce moment-là, c’est devenu un symbole mythique de notre famille. »

Dans cette chanson, Mika a également pris la voix de Grace Kelly, car « il n’avait pas les droits » pour intégrer la véritable voix de la princesse de Monaco : « J’ai inventé un faux script, et j’ai accéléré la voix légèrement pour avoir plus le timbre d’une femme. » Le clip a été tourné dans un décor d’appartement : « C’est un grand studio qu’on a décoré avec des rideaux, des meubles… Ma mère est partie chez un traiteur libanais et elle a ramené des plateaux et des plateaux… C’est tous mes amis et ma famille. »


Google translator gb.png.35a3fa64e8aac1eb558c5d895e74ed66.png


"Grace Kelly": the story behind Mika's song

"Grace Kelly": discover the story behind this title of Mika. It is 2007. Mika is unknown to record companies. At each presentation of model, It is done again. "Your voice is strange, you have to be more commercial." Mika has enough. Instead of writing a letter, he decides to write a musically very cheerful song. But listen to the lyrics ... Discover the story behind the song "Grace Kelly" by Mika 

BONUS blind auditions of February 3, 2018


In 2007, Mika landed in the heart of the French with a first successful album entitled "Life in Cartoon Motion", in which appears one of the flagship songs of the artist, "Grace Kelly". Exclusively for MYTF1, the coach of The Voice returns to this single that marked his career.

Mika is only 24 years old when he knows the real success with a first album entitled "Life in Cartoon Motion", released in 2007. The single "Grace Kelly" from this opus is a huge success. Written and performed by Mika, this song is a true satire denouncing the difficulties associated with showbiz. Because if Mika is now a recognized artist, the British-Lebanese singer has struggled to find his place in the art world. Faced with the refusal of the labels, the interpreter then had the idea of this song by quoting Grace Kelly, a figure who counted a lot in the life of Mika: "My grandmother when she arrives in the United States, is at a party, she is 17 years old, she does not speak English, she does not understand anything and she cries. And there is a woman next to her, so told the interpreter of "Relax". From that moment, it became a mythical symbol of our family. "

In this song, Mika also took the voice of Grace Kelly, because "he did not have the rights" to integrate the true voice of the princess of Monaco: "I invented a fake script, and I accelerated the voice slightly to have more the stamp of a woman. The clip was shot in an apartment setting: "This is a big studio that was decorated with curtains, furniture ... My mother went to a Lebanese caterer and she brought back trays and trays ... It's all my friends and my family. "





Edited by Kumazzz
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3 hours ago, Kumazzz said:



"Grace Kelly" : l'histoire derrière la chanson de Mika


"Grace Kelly" : découvrez l'hsitoire qui se cache derrière ce titre de Mika. On est en 2007. Mika est inconnu des maisons de disque. A chaque présentation de maquette, Il se fait retoquer. "Ta voix est étrange. tu dois être plus commercial". Mika en a assez. Au lieu d'écrire une lettre, il décide d'écrire une chanson musicalement très gaie. Mais écoutez bien les paroles... Découvrez l'histoire derrière la chanson "Grace Kelly" de Mika

BONUS des auditions à l'aveugle du 3 février 2018


En 2007, Mika débarque dans le cœur des Français avec un premier album à succès intitulé « Life in Cartoon Motion », dans lequel figure l’une des chansons phares de l’artiste, « Grace Kelly ». En exclusivité pour MYTF1, le coach de The Voice revient sur ce single qui a marqué sa carrière.


Mika n’a que 24 ans lorsqu’il connait le véritable succès avec un premier album intitulé « Life in Cartoon Motion », sorti en 2007. Le single « Grace Kelly » issu de cet opus rencontre une énorme réussite. Ecrite et interprétée par Mika, cette chanson est une véritable satire dénonçant les difficultés liées au showbiz. Car si Mika est aujourd’hui un artiste reconnu, le chanteur britannico-libanais a eu du mal à trouver sa place dans le milieu artistique. Face aux refus des maisons de disque, l’interprète a alors eu l’idée de cette chanson en citant Grace Kelly, une figure qui a beaucoup compté dans la vie de Mika : « Ma grand-mère quand elle arrive aux Etats-Unis, se retrouve à une fête, elle a 17 ans, elle ne parle pas anglais, elle ne comprend rien et elle pleure. Et il y a une femme à côté d’elle, a ainsi raconté l’interprète de « Relax ». A partir de ce moment-là, c’est devenu un symbole mythique de notre famille. »

Dans cette chanson, Mika a également pris la voix de Grace Kelly, car « il n’avait pas les droits » pour intégrer la véritable voix de la princesse de Monaco : « J’ai inventé un faux script, et j’ai accéléré la voix légèrement pour avoir plus le timbre d’une femme. » Le clip a été tourné dans un décor d’appartement : « C’est un grand studio qu’on a décoré avec des rideaux, des meubles… Ma mère est partie chez un traiteur libanais et elle a ramené des plateaux et des plateaux… C’est tous mes amis et ma famille. »


Google translator gb.png.35a3fa64e8aac1eb558c5d895e74ed66.png

  Reveal hidden contents

"Grace Kelly": the story behind Mika's song

"Grace Kelly": discover the story behind this title of Mika. It is 2007. Mika is unknown to record companies. At each presentation of model, It is done again. "Your voice is strange, you have to be more commercial." Mika has enough. Instead of writing a letter, he decides to write a musically very cheerful song. But listen to the lyrics ... Discover the story behind the song "Grace Kelly" by Mika 

BONUS blind auditions of February 3, 2018


In 2007, Mika landed in the heart of the French with a first successful album entitled "Life in Cartoon Motion", in which appears one of the flagship songs of the artist, "Grace Kelly". Exclusively for MYTF1, the coach of The Voice returns to this single that marked his career.

Mika is only 24 years old when he knows the real success with a first album entitled "Life in Cartoon Motion", released in 2007. The single "Grace Kelly" from this opus is a huge success. Written and performed by Mika, this song is a true satire denouncing the difficulties associated with showbiz. Because if Mika is now a recognized artist, the British-Lebanese singer has struggled to find his place in the art world. Faced with the refusal of the labels, the interpreter then had the idea of this song by quoting Grace Kelly, a figure who counted a lot in the life of Mika: "My grandmother when she arrives in the United States, is at a party, she is 17 years old, she does not speak English, she does not understand anything and she cries. And there is a woman next to her, so told the interpreter of "Relax". From that moment, it became a mythical symbol of our family. "

In this song, Mika also took the voice of Grace Kelly, because "he did not have the rights" to integrate the true voice of the princess of Monaco: "I invented a fake script, and I accelerated the voice slightly to have more the stamp of a woman. The clip was shot in an apartment setting: "This is a big studio that was decorated with curtains, furniture ... My mother went to a Lebanese caterer and she brought back trays and trays ... It's all my friends and my family. "





Hey, Eriko!
How old is this video, please?
It's like The Voice's set?

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6 minutes ago, Loo said:

Clicking on your link I see it; it must still be a block because of the Orange box. :annoyed_h4h:

It's possible, yes. I don't get why they do that, especially that you're in France :annoyed_h4h:

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