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2019 @ Zenith Dijon, FRANCE, 17 Dec REPORTS/VIDS/PICS


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Dijon !!















@Chriss-MikaFan MIKA (Concert au Zenith) "Dijon" Le 17/12/2019

@Happymika_by_celine  Dijon - Revelation Tour - 17.12.2019








Edited by Kumazzz
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Ice Cream


Dear Jealousy




Origin Of Love


Platform Ballerinas


Big Girl


Tiny Love








Elle Me Dit




Happy Ending


Love Today


We Are Golden


Grace Kelly


Tiny Love reprise / Stay High


Edited by Kumazzz
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Le Bien Public.com


 Mika était hier au Zénith de Dijon : la scène évidemment
De retour après plusieurs années d'absence, Mika a mis le Zénith sous sa coupe avec une énergie décuplée et un show particulièrement soigné.

Ce n’est pas une scène, ce n’est pas un plateau : c’est une chambre d’enfant des eighties, bardée de personnage bariolés, propice à une certaine rêverie. Le rêve, c’est précisément l’aventure dans laquelle Mika convie un public qui a massivement répondu à l’appel. Et c’est au milieu d’un Zénith presque plein qu’il lançait mardi soir son appel au voyage.


Son retour sur les planches, il l’explique sans chichi par « une forme de  jalousie » éprouvée pour une activité scénique passée. En costume rouge à l’image de l'énergie pop qui secoue l’ensemble de sa prestation, Mika ne va pas se ménager et même sortir le grand jeu, tout en restant fidèle à un personnage invariablement théâtral.

Des récits

Son bagou bien connu des fans revient entre chaque chanson, voire même pendant, nourri par ses récits californiens, sa soif d’espoir et les conseils de sa mère.

Tout en confiance, il fend même la foule, et se promène dans la fosse bondée sur Big Girl. Articulé autour des couleurs, le show en met plein la vue. Apparaît alors le piano le plus lumineux jamais vu sur la scène du Zénith, petit détail qui en dit long sur une scénographie soignée et très télévisuelle,  

Les tubes s’enchaînent, une volée de ballons anime un final tout en couleur, jusqu’au point d’orgue de la soirée, et un a cappella bluffant qui laissera l’assistance sous le charme. Au rayon du rêve, l’interprète de Relax semble avoir distribué quelques denrées supplémentaires.


:uk: Google translator



Mika was yesterday at the Zenith in Dijon: the stage obviously


Back after several years of absence, Mika put the Zenith under his thumb with tenfold energy and a particularly neat show.


It’s not a stage, it’s not a set: it’s an eighties’s children's room, full of colorful characters, conducive to a certain reverie. The dream is precisely the adventure in which Mika invites an audience that has overwhelmingly responded to the call. And it was in the middle of an almost full Zenith that he launched his call to travel on Tuesday evening.




His return to the stage, he explains without fuss with "a form of jealousy" proven for a past stage activity. In a red costume in the image of the pop energy that shakes the whole of his performance, Mika will not spare himself and even bring out the big game, while remaining faithful to an invariably theatrical character.




His well-known fanfare returns between each song, even during, fueled by his Californian stories, his thirst for hope and his mother's advice.

Confident, he even cleaves the crowd, and walks in the crowded pit on Big Girl. Articulated around colors, the show will take your breath away. Then appears the brightest piano ever seen on the Zenith stage, a small detail that speaks volumes on a neat and very televisual scenography,


The tubes are linked, a volley of balloons enlivens a colorful finale to the evening's high point, and a blistering a cappella that will leave the audience spellbound. In the dream radius, the Relax interpreter seems to have distributed some additional food.



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It is interesting to note Nina's remark, @ Mikagig. With the habit she has of following concerts, she described the Dijon concert very well
The Burgundian public, which I know well, since I am one of them, is not an audience that is easy to win over. But if we can do it, then it's for good.
I was with my daughter last night, we were surrounded by people who came in curious, on their own terms. One even added: oh ! I'm here because someone gave me two places!
That's telling you!
I tried to struggle to do at least one fan action, but I really felt alone, to be honest a few people around me and in the pit played the game. But we were not numerous enough and too scattered to do anything effective. A little anecdote by the way, with my Mika sweatshirt, people totally thought I was some kind of Mika intelligence agency, and by the way, I thought it was very nice! Thank you, my Sy!!!! Besides, it amused my daughter.
But let's get back to the concert itself because it really allowed us to take the measure of Mika's magic. I think I can say that our darling took pleasure in taking up the challenge. I don't know if the people present felt it, but being in the stands I really experienced it. I saw people transform throughout the show. It started with the hands, then the feet, then the buttocks... until it ended up with an entire room dancing and screaming.
If I hadn't already been convinced that this guy has something that others don't have, no doubt, that that night, it would have been done


In summary, Mika can be particularly proud of this concert, he has conquered the zenith of Dijon

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[LIVE-REPORT] MIKA au Zénith de Dijon (17.12.19)

Pour terminer l’année en beauté, nous nous sommes rendus au concert de Mika à Dijon, dans le cadre du Revelation Tour. Le chanteur et jury de The Voice était venu nous présenter en live et en couleur les titres de son nouvel album, My Name Is Michael Holbrook, sorti en octobre dernier. 


La soirée commence d’abord par un groupe du cru, venu de Caen. DAYSY étaient chargés d’ouvrir les hostilités dès 20 heures. Contents d’être sur une telle scène, les deux acolytes nous livrent une performance douce, mélodique et qui respire la jeunesse. Un guitariste et une chanteuse, c’est tout ce qu’il fallait pour nous faire passer un bon moment avant le très attendu Mika. La voix est propre, le tout est maîtrisé, les gens accrochent et tapent dans leurs mains dès que l’instant s’y prête. DAYSY nous quitteront après une demie heure de set, en encourageant les spectateurs à diffuser un maximum de vidéos du groupe sur les réseaux sociaux.


Il est 21 heures pile lorsque les lumières s’éteignent. Le public commence à s’approcher de la scène et à s’impatienter. Soudain, la voix off de Mika se fait entendre. Pour cette tournée, il s’agit de raconter une histoire en présentant les couleurs du spectre lumineux. Drapeaux arc en ciel en fond, Mika entre enfin en scène avec deux nouveaux titres issus de son dernier album : «Ice Cream» et «Dear Jealousy». Le ton est lancé. Tout est coloré, lumineux, l’ambiance est propice aux rêves et on est directement pris dans le tourbillon. 


Il en faut peu pour monter la température, et Mika, qui danse et se déhanche à merveille, entame la mythique «Relax (Take It Easy) ». On fait alors un bon 9 ans en arrière, pour notre plus grand plaisir. Les fans chantent alors plus fort, et Mika et ses musiciens haussent le son. Une chorégraphie bien ficelée, une voix hors du commun, un charisme époustouflant, Mika n’a pas perdu de son talent et performe encore avec brio. 


Que ce soit ses nouveaux ou ses anciens morceaux, l’artiste franco-libanais enchaîne les tubes et les fans chantent en choeur chaque phrase. Et lorsque «Big Girl (You are Beautiful)» commence, Mika descend dans la fosse, où il chantera tout le morceau proche de son public. D’ailleurs, le chanteur est plutôt complice avec ses fans, on ressent toujours une certaine proximité, ce qui rend le concert intimiste malgré la grandeur de la salle. 

«Underwater» retentit, Mika n’est toujours pas épuisé, et ça tombe bien, nous non plus. Les envolées lyriques du chanteur sont tellement bien exécutées qu’on en reste bouche-bée. L’atmosphère se réchauffe encore plus quand Mika commence «Elle Me Dit», une des rares chansons en français. «Lollipop» s’ensuit, suivie de «Happy Ending» où la fin du tire sera chantée a capella. C’est à ce moment précis qu’on se rend compte du talent du bonhomme. Le public, silencieux, admire. On ne peut pas cacher nos émotions plus longtemps, et «Love Today» ne nous laissera même pas le temps de souffler. 


C’est avec la très accrocheuse «We are golden» que Mika terminera son set, avant de revenir pour un rappel des plus mémorables. «Grace Kelly», le titre qui l’a fait connaître, son premier single, retentit dans un Zénith déjà bouillant. Puis, «Tiny Love» et «Stay High» viendront clôturer le set déjà bien rempli.

En plus d’une heure et demie de show, de danse, de transpiration, de jolies paroles bienveillantes, Mika s’éloigne de la scène, nous laissant rêveur. Quel artiste. Quel charisme. Un concert de Mika ne déçoit jamais. On a déjà hâte de le revoir sur nos festivals français. 


Photos et rédaction : Florentine Pautet


:uk: Google translator



To end the year on a high note, we went to Mika's concert in Dijon, as part of the Revelation Tour. The singer and jury of The Voice came to present us live and in color the titles of his new album, My Name Is Michael Holbrook, released last October.

The evening begins first with a local group from Caen. DAYSY were responsible for opening hostilities at 8 p.m. Happy to be on such a stage, the two acolytes deliver a soft, melodic performance that breathes youth. A guitarist and a singer is all it takes to make us have a good time before the long-awaited Mika. The voice is clean, everything is under control, people hang and clap their hands as soon as the moment allows. DAYSY will leave us after half an hour of set, encouraging spectators to broadcast a maximum of videos of the group on social networks.

It’s 9 p.m. when the lights go out. The audience begins to approach the stage and get impatient. Suddenly, Mika's voice-over is heard. For this tour, it is about telling a story by presenting the colors of the light spectrum. Rainbow flags in the background, Mika finally enters the scene with two new titles from her latest album: "Ice Cream" and "Dear Jealousy". The tone is launched. Everything is colorful, bright, the atmosphere is perfect for dreams and we are directly caught in the whirlwind.

It doesn't take much to raise the temperature, and Mika, who dances and sways wonderfully, begins the mythical "Relax (Take It Easy)". We then do a good 9 years back, for our greatest pleasure. The fans then sing louder, and Mika and his musicians raise the sound. A well-crafted choreography, an extraordinary voice, a breathtaking charisma, Mika has not lost her talent and is still performing brilliantly.

Whether his new or old songs, the Franco-Lebanese artist connects the tubes and the fans sing in chorus each sentence. And when "Big Girl (You are Beautiful)" begins, Mika goes down into the pit, where he will sing the whole song close to his audience. Besides, the singer is rather complicit with his fans, we always feel a certain closeness, which makes the concert intimate despite the size of the hall.

"Underwater" sounds, Mika is still not exhausted, and that's good, neither are we. The singer's lyric flights are so well executed that we are speechless. The atmosphere gets even warmer when Mika starts "Elle Me Dit", one of the few songs in French. "Lollipop" follows, followed by "Happy Ending" where the end of the taffy will be sung a capella. It is at this precise moment that we realize the talent of the man. The audience, silent, admires. We can't hide our emotions any longer, and "Love Today" won't even give us time to breathe.

It’s with the catchy “We are golden” that Mika will finish his set, before coming back for a very memorable reminder. "Grace Kelly", the title which made him famous, his first single, resounds in an already boiling Zenith. Then, "Tiny Love" and "Stay High" will close the already full set.

In addition to an hour and a half of show, dance, perspiration, pretty kind words, Mika steps away from the stage, leaving us dreamy. What an artist. What charisma. A Mika concert never disappoints. We are already looking forward to seeing it again on our French festivals.




Large ORIGINAL size 11 photos



























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20 hours ago, miknikel said:

It is interesting to note Nina's remark, @ Mikagig. With the habit she has of following concerts, she described the Dijon concert very well
The Burgundian public, which I know well, since I am one of them, is not an audience that is easy to win over. But if we can do it, then it's for good.
I was with my daughter last night, we were surrounded by people who came in curious, on their own terms. One even added: oh ! I'm here because someone gave me two places!
That's telling you!
I tried to struggle to do at least one fan action, but I really felt alone, to be honest a few people around me and in the pit played the game. But we were not numerous enough and too scattered to do anything effective. A little anecdote by the way, with my Mika sweatshirt, people totally thought I was some kind of Mika intelligence agency, and by the way, I thought it was very nice! Thank you, my Sy!!!! Besides, it amused my daughter.
But let's get back to the concert itself because it really allowed us to take the measure of Mika's magic. I think I can say that our darling took pleasure in taking up the challenge. I don't know if the people present felt it, but being in the stands I really experienced it. I saw people transform throughout the show. It started with the hands, then the feet, then the buttocks... until it ended up with an entire room dancing and screaming.
If I hadn't already been convinced that this guy has something that others don't have, no doubt, that that night, it would have been done


In summary, Mika can be particularly proud of this concert, he has conquered the zenith of Dijon


Thank you Nicole for your report! It's great to know that Mika's magic works on people who came just by curiosity or just because they had free time :lol3:

I hope new fans were born that night :mfr_lol:

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Here is my first date of the Revelation Tour!! It was simply amazing!! Enjoy my friends 🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊🎶🎶🎶🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳 And Sunday... It will be Paris!!! Youhouhouhou 😍😍😍😍 See you very soon!! 🥰🥰 

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4 hours ago, Happymika_by_celine said:

Here is my first date of the Revelation Tour!! It was simply amazing!! Enjoy my friends 🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊🎶🎶🎶🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳 And Sunday... It will be Paris!!! Youhouhouhou 😍😍😍😍 See you very soon!! 🥰🥰 



Thank you very much Celine for this great video!!!! Mika is sooo close that I almost wanted to touch the screen :flowers2:

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15 hours ago, Anna Ko Kolkowska said:


Thank you very much Celine for this great video!!!! Mika is sooo close that I almost wanted to touch the screen :flowers2:

Ahahaha 😂 thank you so much dear Anna 😍😍 See you tomorrow sweetie 😊❤️😘😘😘💋💋💋

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15 hours ago, MayaBelgium said:

Thank youuuu for sharing this, it's amazing :DDDD

All that touches Mika is AMAZING ❤️❤️❤️ Thank you for your kind message 🙏🍀🎉🎊🎶💋

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