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Have you met/spent time with Mika? AKA The Really Really Really Lucky Person's Thread


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Just now, Tori13 said:

Brussels :)

I wouldn't consider it a huge venue, but definitely more people than in Tarvisio

It doesn't necessarily depend on how big the venue is, but whether Mika feels like coming out that day or not. In Amsterdam and Berlin he will probably come out because he hasn't been there for so long. In Brussels he might come out and maybe not, as @mellody wrote, you can never be sure. :original:

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18 minutes ago, Prisca said:

It doesn't necessarily depend on how big the venue is, but whether Mika feels like coming out that day or not. In Amsterdam and Berlin he will probably come out because he hasn't been there for so long. In Brussels he might come out and maybe not, as @mellody wrote, you can never be sure. :original:

I see, thank you! :)

Let's hope for the best! Either way, seeing him live is more than enough to make me happy:lol:

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16 minutes ago, Prisca said:

It doesn't necessarily depend on how big the venue is, but whether Mika feels like coming out that day or not. In Amsterdam and Berlin he will probably come out because he hasn't been there for so long. In Brussels he might come out and maybe not, as @mellody wrote, you can never be sure. :original:


I wouldn't be too sure about Berlin, because a lot of fans are travelling there, so it might be a much bigger crowd after the show in comparison to the size of the venue. Surely it depends on whether Mika feels like meeting fans, but it also depends on the size and the mood of the crowd, and if/how it is organized by security.


Both in Brussels and Berlin there were a lot of people waiting the last time he played there (Brussels 2019 and Berlin 2010). In Brussels he only stopped quickly and waved, but at that time he didn't come our to meet fans at all, so that was already much, compared to other gigs at the time. In Berlin 2010 he did meet fans, but he did after pretty much every gig until ca. 2012, so also that wasn't unusual. Security had organized the crowd with some kind of rope or barrier tape iirc, so everyone would stay in line.

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On 10/11/2023 at 6:05 PM, mellody said:


I wouldn't be too sure about Berlin, because a lot of fans are travelling there, so it might be a much bigger crowd after the show in comparison to the size of the venue. Surely it depends on whether Mika feels like meeting fans, but it also depends on the size and the mood of the crowd, and if/how it is organized by security.


Both in Brussels and Berlin there were a lot of people waiting the last time he played there (Brussels 2019 and Berlin 2010). In Brussels he only stopped quickly and waved, but at that time he didn't come our to meet fans at all, so that was already much, compared to other gigs at the time. In Berlin 2010 he did meet fans, but he did after pretty much every gig until ca. 2012, so also that wasn't unusual. Security had organized the crowd with some kind of rope or barrier tape iirc, so everyone would stay in line.


Yes, it makes sense that keeping Mika and everyone safe is top priority. I hope everything will be well organized and people won't be so pushy and demanding, like those who keep touching and grabbing at him when he enters the crowd during shows. Sometimes I worry about him.


If I met him, or any other famous person I would definitely try to be as polite as possible and not to make a bad impression - even if they don't remember me at all, but still :lol3:

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2 minutes ago, Tori13 said:

If I met him, or any other famous person I would definitely try to be as polite as possible and not to make a bad impression - even if they don't remember me at all, but still :lol3:

Just as a side note: Mika can remember faces very well. :yes:

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42 minutes ago, Tori13 said:

Yes, it makes sense that keeping Mika and everyone safe is top priority. I hope everything will be well organized and people won't be so pushy and demanding, like those who keep touching and grabbing at him when he enters the crowd during shows.

:yeah: I wholeheartedly agree with you. He seems very accessible, but the truth is: he is not our friend, he is a popstar (poptart) and if it’s a controlled environment (barriers or security in place, or just simply people who will behave and not push and touch him), it is much more likely he will stay for a chat (if he doesn’t have other engagements or it not in the middle of the night). Prime example was in South Korea, when fans outside of the radio station would queue and stay in place. He came out and took his time for everyone. I think crowds should take an example to that. 


46 minutes ago, Prisca said:

Just as a side note: Mika can remember faces very well. :yes:


This is true. And he eventually also knows who are polite. 

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2 minutes ago, holdingyourdrink said:

Prime example was in South Korea, when fans outside of the radio station would queue and stay in place. He came out and took his time for everyone. I think crowds should take an example to that. 


Yes, I agree 100%. I wish the fans were like that in Europe...

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12 minutes ago, holdingyourdrink said:

He seems very accessible, but the truth is: he is not our friend, he is a popstar (poptart) and if it’s a controlled environment (barriers or security in place, or just simply people who will behave and not push and touch him), it is much more likely he will stay for a chat (if he doesn’t have other engagements or it not in the middle of the night). Prime example was in South Korea, when fans outside of the radio station would queue and stay in place. He came out and took his time for everyone. I think crowds should take an example to that. 


Very true!

I saw the videos too, it was so nice to see how civilised they were. And Mika certainly appreciates a well-behaved crowd.

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  • 1 month later...


On 22/8/2023 at 15:19, Hero said:

 :lujuria lenta: Y sí, cuando él está concentrado en ti, nada más importa. 


:tears:  I would like to understand what it feels like

On 24/8/2023 at 4:42, CharlotteL said:

Supongo que desearía que no nos pareciera tan extraño y complicado a los fans más jóvenes (ni siquiera puedo explicar POR QUÉ se sintió así) 



I'm not going to lie, I'm still not used to the forum but I can handle it better compared to before, I have Instagram but I hardly use it, I feel more like family here at the MFC.:cloud:

On 24/8/2023 at 15:13, kath said:

 nos dijo que le gustaban las albóndigas. ¡Eso nos hizo reír mucho durante meses! ¡Y también cuando fuimos a Moscú a verlo y tuvimos una charla muy británica sobre el clima!  🤣  Pero más recientemente, y sé que Deb compartió el video de Bristol Sounds en junio, fue encantador.   

Buena suerte a cualquiera que aún no lo haya conocido. Realmente es una experiencia fantástica y creo que es sorprendente que todavía encuentre tiempo para pasarlo con sus fans. 

My biggest dream is to meet him in person, no matter what it costs me. :mad3: I know I will make it!! ಥ╭╮ಥ

On 25/8/2023 at 16:30, Kumazzz said:


Muchas gracias por publicar, es una hermosa historia.


Aquí tenéis algunos vídeos de la fiesta de cumpleaños en Colmar el 16/08/2010 .






Mika with glasses!!?? It's the sexiest thing I've ever seen *TODAY* :blush:

On 12/10/2023 at 12:13, holdingyourdrink said:

:sí: Estoy totalmente de acuerdo contigo. Parece muy accesible, pero la verdad es que no es nuestro amigo, es una estrella del pop (poptart) y si es un ambiente controlado (barreras o seguridad en el lugar, o simplemente personas que se comportarán y no lo empujarán ni lo tocarán) , es mucho más probable que se quede a charlar (si no tiene otros compromisos o no es en medio de la noche). El mejor ejemplo fue en Corea del Sur, cuando los fanáticos fuera de la estación de radio hacían cola y permanecían en el lugar. Salió y se tomó su tiempo para todos. Creo que las multitudes deberían tomar ejemplo de eso. 



Esto es cierto. Y al final también sabe quiénes son educados. 

So I'm lost, here in Mexico I have no hope that Mika will take the time to greet his fans, it would be tremendous chaos!! <_<

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I have not had the wonderful fortune of meeting him, nor of finding him anywhere. Reading each of your stories makes me want to experience that feeling for the first time more.The details of each anecdote are incredible and theirs, if they wanted to convey that sensation and feeling for those who read it. They made it :cheer: 

Surely I would remain like a statue, and it would be impossible for me to hide my smile, I feel and experience the emotion and I have not even known it in :lol3:

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great topic! i love hearing stories of how generous and sincere Mika is with his fans, because he totally doesn't have to be.


my first real time meeting him was after the 2nd NYC gig in October 2012. A bunch of us MFCers got to go to the VIP area and sat on a couch to wait. He came out after a bit and talked to us while we all sat there. I gave him a plush corn that said Nebraska on it and he said something funny about Nebraska which i promptly forgot. He signed stuff and stayed talking to us for 5 minutes (or maybe it was 15? i really couldn't say, time moves so weird in his presence) then we took a group photo. I will never forget the feeling of his hand briefly grasping my upper arm to pull me closer to him into the photo more and the awkwardness of wanting to touch him but not actually wanting to touch him so i just kind of held my arm out and hovered my hand near his lower back.

I "talked" to him after gigs a few other times. He has this way of gazing at people when he's listening that always scrambles my brain when he turns to me, so by talked i mean i stared at him and maybe said whatever words hadn't failed me yet and he replied something to me which i forgot as soon as he smiled.

In Montreal 2015 after the 3rd concert with L’Orchestre Symphonique de Montréal i didn't really speak with him one on one, but others did, and he kind of spoke to all of us at once and watching it again just now gave me ALL THE FEELS :fangurl: 

My most recent time of meeting him was after his 2nd gig in Montreal in Sept 2019. There were a lot of us waiting in a dark alley and i was toward the end of the (thankfully!) orderly line so was anxious he'd leave before he got to all us. But he didn't, he stayed to have a moment with everyone. I gave him a big book of Maurice Sendak's designs for art & ballet which he seemed to like & thanked me for. I didn't have anything in particular for him to sign and security had said NO PICTURES but before i could stop myself i asked him for a hug. I never had hugged him before (i generally avoid hugging anyone, cuz ew touching!) and figured it'd be a one arm quickie but nah, he used both arms and squeezed for what seemed like 10 seconds but was probably more like 2 or 3. I remember actually being a bit weirded out as it was happening xD Then he moved to the next person in line. My heart was pounding and i was kinda shaky for a few minutes after that, never experienced that after meeting him before!


@QueenBigFat i hope you get to meet him in person someday, it really is something special

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17 hours ago, kreacher said:

great topic! i love hearing stories of how generous and sincere Mika is with his fans, because he totally doesn't have to be.




@QueenBigFat i hope you get to meet him in person someday, it really is something special


(nebraska, huh? Waves!)(no pun intended)


This was just a wonderful, evocative post. I was feeling it all, all the way through. His connectedness and warmth, what it is like to share a moment with him. Which, when I got to what you said at the and, really made me sad. I thank you for your kind words. Alas, it will not happen for me, due to a complicated spinal thing. I would not ever be able to go to a concert, and, what actually feels worse to me now that I have read what others have experienced, I would not possibly be able to meet him afterwards. I posted somewhere (maybe here) that I have met my share of famous people, and have learned that mostly meeting them is more about saying I did so than being able to take anything meaningful from the experience. It feels like it would be different with Mika. 

When I first discovered him (this year!) and got hooked on his music and then embarked on The Mika Discovery Tour, I had no idea who he would be revealed to be. There are famous people and there are gigantic stars. And then there is Mika, in a class by himself.

Edited by QueenBigFat
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39 minutes ago, QueenBigFat said:


(Nebraska, ¿eh? ¡Olas! (sin juego de palabras)


Esta fue simplemente una publicación maravillosa y evocadora. Lo estaba sintiendo todo, hasta el final. Su conexión y calidez, cómo es compartir un momento con él. Lo cual, cuando llegué a lo que dijiste en el y, realmente me puso triste. Te agradezco tus amables palabras. Por desgracia, a mí no me sucederá debido a una complicación de la columna. Nunca podría ir a un concierto y, lo que me parece peor ahora que he leído lo que otros han experimentado, es que no podría volver a verlo después. Publiqué en algún lugar (tal vez aquí) que he conocido a muchas personas famosas y he aprendido que conocerlos se trata más de decir que lo hice que de poder sacar algo significativo de la experiencia. Parece que sería diferente con Mika. 

Cuando lo descubrí por primera vez (¡este año!) y me enganché a su música y luego me embarqué en The Mika Discovery Tour, no tenía idea de quién se revelaría que sería. Hay personajes famosos y hay estrellas gigantes. Y luego está Mika, solo en una clase.

You have to be positive, there are many obstacles in this life and at my young age I don't know everything but I am sure that we all have the opportunity to meet Mika.Unfortunately, many times there are things that can intervene to fulfill our desire, but what makes our dreams come true is faith, hope, continuing with that goal, and also trying. Perhaps those of us who have not had the opportunity to meet Mika or be close to him, can be sure that Mika truly appreciates his fans, Mika does not know us but we do know him.and I like to think that Mika ever dedicates time to his closest fans, I only think that we share the same sun, (yes, just like the song staring at the sun.... I don't remember how to spell it XD)The closest I have been to Mika is when at MFC they did a fan question session for Mika, it was the turn of the oriental, Italian, English fans, and then to the Spanish speakers.I sent my question, but the Latin American community of Mika fans are not very united, so to speak, so I don't know if the dynamic was carried out correctly, but I believe that when Mika have time, you will answer us (-_-;)

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  • 7 months later...

Bumping this thread because with this ginormous tour that is still happening there must be some fantastic  tales to tell. The ones you have posted here are moving and funny and wondrous. Please tell us more!!!

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19 minutes ago, Paoletta said:

i so sorry but i'm not meet Mika yet i hope soon 


Fingers crossed for you, kiddo!:thumb_yello:

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23 hours ago, QueenBigFat said:

Fingers crossed for you, kiddo!:thumb_yello:

It would be wonderful for me fingers crossed if there was a chance it would be a wonderful dream:pray:

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On 7/20/2024 at 6:26 PM, QueenBigFat said:

Bumping this thread because with this ginormous tour that is still happening there must be some fantastic  tales to tell. The ones you have posted here are moving and funny and wondrous. Please tell us more!!!


He hasn't been meeting fans much on this tour. In Orange he said a few words (in French) to his fans after the show, which I didn't understand, but I've uploaded my video of it in the Orange reports thread. The only time this year that I had some sort of personal exchange with him was in Luxembourg where he stopped with his car for a short moment and turned down the window to talk to Camille/Cynthia/Nina, and when I came to join them he looked at me and just said "get some sleep!" :lmfao: I wasn't tired, but my health was still not the best at that point because I've developed some food intolerances which I hadn't figured out yet then, so at some point during the gig I wasn't feeling well and was trying to fight the sickness - I guess he might have noticed that, or maybe I just looked really awful after the show, who knows. 😅 Anyway HE's the one to speak, lol! "Get some sleep" is something that would mostly be the truth to tell HIM as well. :naughty:

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Posted (edited)
59 minutes ago, mellody said:


He hasn't been meeting fans much on this tour. In Orange he said a few words (in French) to his fans after the show, which I didn't understand, but I've uploaded my video of it in the Orange reports thread. The only time this year that I had some sort of personal exchange with him was in Luxembourg where he stopped with his car for a short moment and turned down the window to talk to Camille/Cynthia/Nina, and when I came to join them he looked at me and just said "get some sleep!" :lmfao: I wasn't tired, but my health was still not the best at that point because I've developed some food intolerances which I hadn't figured out yet then, so at some point during the gig I wasn't feeling well and was trying to fight the sickness - I guess he might have noticed that, or maybe I just looked really awful after the show, who knows. 😅 Anyway HE's the one to speak, lol! "Get some sleep" is something that would mostly be the truth to tell HIM as well. :naughty:

I love that.

(not the part about you being sick:blink: )

Edited by QueenBigFat
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After Brest which ended up bring the last gig of his spring tour Mika got out of his car and talked with us for a very long time. I handed him a bag with lots different of organic plants and natural remedies which help boost natural defenses and a note on how to use them. I had thought I could share that with him so he wouldn't have to cancel gigs. Those work well for me. I never get any of the bugs the kids I look after get thanks to them. He took my bag and asked what was in it. I said "magic potions" as a joke and he looked genuinely frightened so I told him that what was in the bag (organic natural remedies to boost defenses and also organic damas rose essential oil - it smells like Mika's perfume- ) :swoon:

So he kept my little bag and I was happy. He didn't even notice my banana hat that was still on my head :lmfao:

After that he moved on to other fans and they talked about the tour. I think he talked with Gabry and her two italian friends and probably with Nina and more fans. He also signed a huge sign for a French lady and a CD for a French elderly man. He was talking and talking with fans but after some time a car honked to get out as Mika's car was blocking the road so unfortunately Mika had to get into his car and leave faster than he would have. 

Edited by crazyaboutmika
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19 minutes ago, crazyaboutmika said:


After Brest which ended up bring the last gig of his spring tour Mika got out of his car and talked with us for a very long time. I handed him a bag with lots different of organic plants and natural remedies which help boost natural defenses and a note on how to use them. I had thought I could share that with him so he wouldn't have to cancel gigs. Those work well for me. I never get any of the bugs the kids I look after get thanks to them. He took my bag and asked what was in it. I said "magic potions" as a joke and he looked genuinely frightened so I told him that what was in the bag (organic natural remedies to boost defenses and also organic damas rose essential oil - it smells like Mika's perfume- ) :swoon:

So he kept my little bag and I was happy. He didn't even notice my banana hat that was still on my head :lmfao:

After that he moved on to other fans and they talked about the tour. I think he talked with Gabry and her two italian friends and probably with Nina and more fans. He also signed a huge sign for a French lady and a CD for a French elderly man. He was talking and talking with fans but after some time a car honked to get out as Mika's car was blocking the road so unfortunately Mika had to get into his car and leave faster than he would have. 

You scared our Mika??!??!!!!:jawdrop: 

What I really love is that you were wearing a banana hat.

And I would love to learn more about your nutritional work. I have been following nutritional remedies for decades but only know the basics. Feel free to dm!

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15 hours ago, QueenBigFat said:

You scared our Mika??!??!!!!:jawdrop: 

What I really love is that you were wearing a banana hat.

And I would love to learn more about your nutritional work. I have been following nutritional remedies for decades but only know the basics. Feel free to dm!

I will message you :thumb_yello:

My chicken had freaked him off the first time too :lmfao:

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56 minutes ago, crazyaboutmika said:

I will message you :thumb_yello:

My chicken had freaked him off the first time too :lmfao:

Oh! WAit!! Are you “Mika touched my chicken”??!

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