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MIKA Rejoins The Voice France in 2024 for Season 13


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On 5/22/2024 at 8:07 PM, Prisca said:

I'm not sure if anyone will sing with Nemo

I'd be very surprised if they won't be paired with Gabriel. 


On 5/22/2024 at 9:12 PM, carafon said:

I've watched Gabriel's insta live and he answered to somebody who asked him about rap that there will be a surpise going on saturday

Now it's kinda confirmed for me- the finalist have to cover one of the guest singer's songs: I'm pretty sure it'll be The Code! 


On 5/22/2024 at 8:07 PM, Prisca said:

I agree! However, having said that, I can't imagine someone not getting along with Nemo, they are such a sweetheart. :wub2:

I agree! However, having said that, I can't imagine someone not getting along with Mika, he's such a sweetheart :nerd:


On 5/22/2024 at 8:07 PM, Prisca said:

Normally a guest sings with a contestant and 5 contestants are in the final. I'm not sure if anyone will sing with Nemo. There is very little preparation time. Maybe the opening song all together? :dunno_grin:


Can you imagine Alphonze or Shanys singing The Code, or one of Nemo's songs? Even though they're both talented, I don't think this fits their style- the only one who's voice is ready for that song, is Gabriel... I'm pretty sure he'll be in pair with Nemo. :cloud:

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2 hours ago, Anna Ko Kolkowska said:

Songs prepared for all 5 finalists will be released at midnight after the show.

So Gabriel will sing his new single Dans Ton Regard and Who Wants To Live Forever by Queen. And probably another song with one of the guests.

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3 hours ago, Mikasister said:


Who wants to live forever, it's not one of my fave Queen songs because it always makes me sad, but still I'm looking forward to hear Gabriel sing it. I haven't been following The Voice anymore after the auditions, but Gabriel was the winner for me from the moment I heard him in the auditions, so I'm happy to see he's in the final. :thumb_yello: (and he's so Mini Mika, haha! :lol3:)


41 minutes ago, Mikasister said:


not convinced of this snippet tho. I hope the rest of the song is better. 🙈

Anyway I love it that Mika for once supports his candidate on his social media, he hasn't done that much for any of the other Voice or XF finalists. I think he had posted about NAIP,  but it really is rare that he does. Guess that shows how convinced he is of Gabriel. :) 

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Posted (edited)
13 minutes ago, krysady said:

So Gabriel will sing his new single Dans Ton Regard and Who Wants To Live Forever by Queen. And probably another song with one of the guests.

It seems that  it's more complicated.

I've seen somewhere that the 5 contestants will sing a cover + a duet with a guest and after a first vote , only 2 will sing their  original song

Then there will be a second vote to choose the winner


The Voice 2024 : "Je n’oublierai jamais", ce précieux conseil de Mika que Gabriel Lobao gardera à vie. INTERVIEW (msn.com)


Edited by carafon
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32 minutes ago, carafon said:

It seems that  it's more complicated.

I've seen somewhere that the 5 contestants will sing a cover + a duet with a guest and after a first vote , only 2 will sing their  original song

Then there will be a second vote to choose the winner


The Voice 2024 : "Je n’oublierai jamais", ce précieux conseil de Mika que Gabriel Lobao gardera à vie. INTERVIEW (msn.com)


Yes, the cover could be the Queen's song, then the Nemo duet, and I am sure that Gabriel will be among the ones singing his new single :original: I didn't knew exactly the order, thanks for explaining :thumb_yello:

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1 hour ago, carafon said:

It seems that  it's more complicated.

I've seen somewhere that the 5 contestants will sing a cover + a duet with a guest and after a first vote , only 2 will sing their  original song

Then there will be a second vote to choose the winner


The Voice 2024 : "Je n’oublierai jamais", ce précieux conseil de Mika que Gabriel Lobao gardera à vie. INTERVIEW (msn.com)







The Voice 2024 :

"Je n’oublierai jamais", ce précieux conseil de Mika que Gabriel Lobao gardera à vie.



Samedi 25 mai aura lieu la finale de The Voice sur TF1. Gabriel Lobao, le talent de Mika nous révélé le précieux conseil que le chanteur lui a donné et qu’il n’oubliera jamais.


La 13ème saison de The Voice approche de la fin. La finale aura lieu ce samedi 25 mai et sera diffusée en direct sur TF1. Ainsi, les téléspectateurs pourront voter pour leur candidat préféré. Tous les talents présenteront une reprise puis une chanson avec l’un des invités. Enfin, deux talents seront alors sélectionnés et s’affronteront sur leur premier single, spécialement créé pour l’émission. Dans l'équipe de Zazie, on pourra ainsi retrouver Alphonse, le benjamin du programme qui est âgé de seulement 17 ans.


Vianney a quant à lui emmené Baptiste Sartoria jusque-là. Pour Bigflo et Oli, la finale a été chamboulée puisque c’était initialement Adnae qui devait se présenter mais la jeune femme a annoncé qu’elle attendait un enfant et a ainsi laissé sa place à Iris qu’elle avait battu lors des demi-finales. Elle a d’ailleurs annoncé sur Instagram qu’elle avait accouché mercredi 22 mai. Camille Lellouche intégrera la compétition avec son talent Shanys qui a remporté The Voice, Comeback. Enfin, c’est Gabriel Lobao, qui est arrivé jusqu’en finale aux côtés de Mika. Lors d’une table ronde, il nous a expliqué que le chanteur lui avait livré un précieux conseil pour réussir.


Ce précieux conseil de Mika dans The Voice que Gabriel Lobao n’oubliera jamais


Grace à Mika, Gabriel Lobao a appris beaucoup de choses. Mais il y a un précieux conseil qu’il n’oubliera jamais comme il nous l’a confié lors d’une table ronde pendant les répétitions de la finale. “Je me rappellerai toujours de cette phrase que Mika m’a beaucoup répété sauf si j’ai Alzheimer”, a-t-il ainsi commencé par expliquer avant de confier : “Il me dit tout le temps : ne t’écoute pas parler et ne t’écoute pas chanter et c’est seulement de cette manière-là que tu pourras toucher les gens sincèrement et vraiment”.


En effet, le candidat a raconté : “Je venais avec plein d’artifice et de superflu à cause de la comédie musicale et il a su me montrer comment être sobre dans l’interprétation vocale”. Il a toutefois ajouté avec humour : “Mais ce n’est pas le cas dans la vie, dans la vie j’ai tellement d'énergie”. Il ne reste plus qu’à voir si ce précieux conseil lui permettra d’accéder à la victoire de cette saison de The Voice.


Les confidences de Gabriel Lobao sur l’après The Voice qui l’angoisse


Si Gabriel Lobao n’appréhende pas plus que ça le prime en direct, c’est surtout l’après The Voice qui l’attriste. En effet, il a expliqué : "Je crois que le dimanche je vais être en dépression parce que ce sera la fin de l’aventure”. En effet, il a précisé : “On a quand même vécu un an de The Voice depuis les premières auditions jusqu'à la finale” avant d’ajouter : “C’est un an de notre vie que l’on a passé avec les même personnes qui nous ont porté jusqu'au bout”.


Ainsi, le jeune talent a affirmé : “Dimanche je vais être en train de pleurer dans mon lit en me disant que c’est passé et que c'est quelque chose que je ne revivrai plus jamais”. Cependant, l’aventure ne sera pas complètement terminée puisque les talents se retrouveront sur la tournée et un disque comprenant leur premier single sortira très prochainement.


:uk: Google translator



The Voice 2024:

“I will never forget”, this precious advice from Mika that Gabriel Lobao will keep for life.


Saturday May 25 will take place the final of The Voice on TF1. Gabriel Lobao, Mika's talent revealed to us the precious advice that the singer gave him and that he will never forget.

The 13th season of The Voice is nearing the end. The final will take place this Saturday, May 25 and will be broadcast live on TF1. Thus, viewers will be able to vote for their favorite candidate. All the talents will present a cover then a song with one of the guests. Finally, two talents will then be selected and will compete on their first single, specially created for the show. In the Zazie team, we will be able to find Alphonse, the youngest member of the program who is only 17 years old.

Vianney, for his part, took Baptiste Sartoria there. For Bigflo and Oli, the final was turned upside down since it was initially Adnae who was supposed to present herself but the young woman announced that she was expecting a child and thus left her place to Iris, whom she had beaten in the semi-finals. . She also announced on Instagram that she had given birth on Wednesday May 22. Camille Lellouche will enter the competition with her talent Shanys who won The Voice, Comeback. Finally, it was Gabriel Lobao, who reached the final alongside Mika. During a round table, he explained to us that the singer had given him valuable advice for success.

This precious advice from Mika in The Voice that Gabriel Lobao will never forget

Thanks to Mika, Gabriel Lobao learned a lot of things. But there is one precious piece of advice that he will never forget, as he told us during a round table during rehearsals for the final. “I will always remember this phrase that Mika repeated to me a lot unless I have Alzheimer's,” he began by explaining before confiding: “He tells me all the time: don't listen to yourself talk and don't listen to yourself sing and only in this way can you sincerely and truly touch people”.

Indeed, the candidate said: “I came with lots of artifice and superfluity because of the musical and he knew how to show me how to be sober in the vocal interpretation”. However, he added with humor: “But that’s not the case in life, in life I have so much energy.” All that remains is to see if this valuable advice will allow him to win this season of The Voice.

Gabriel Lobao's confidences on the aftermath of The Voice which worries him

If Gabriel Lobao does not apprehend him more than that live, it is especially after The Voice which saddens him. Indeed, he explained: “I think that on Sunday I will be depressed because it will be the end of the adventure”. Indeed, he clarified: “We have still lived a year of The Voice since the first auditions until the final” before adding: “It’s a year of our lives that we spent with the same people who carried us through to the end”.

Thus, the young talent affirmed: “Sunday I will be crying in my bed telling myself that it has passed and that it is something that I will never experience again”. However, the adventure will not be completely over since the talents will meet again on the tour and a disc including their first single will be released very soon.




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12 hours ago, Vero Bott said:

So Gabriel & Nemo duet confirmed and it's fire! ❤️


So it's really going to happen! ❤️ I wonder how they organised it? Did they ask Nemo before they won? I mean, it's really a short preparation time, especially considering the filming for the semi final was already on 2nd February and they had plenty of time for preparing the final.

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Tele Loisir


Le 25/05/2024 à 12:30


"Il me le répète constamment" :

Gabriel Lobao dévoile le conseil de son coach Mika pour la finale de The Voice 2024


Gabriel Lobao fait partie des cinq talents présents ce samedi 25 mai sur TF1 lors de la finale de The Voice 2024.

Dans un entretien à Télé-Loisirs, le jeune homme de 25 ans a dévoilé ces échanges avec son coach Mika, à l'approche du grand dénouement.


Qui succédera à Aurélien Vivos, le grand vainqueur de The Voice 2023 ? S'ils étaient une centaine à passer les auditions à l'aveugle en février dernier, ils ne sont désormais plus que cinq talents encore en lice à pouvoir prétendre au titre de "plus belle voix" de cette saison 13. Parmi eux : Gabriel Lobao ! Le chanteur de 25 ans, installé à Londres depuis quelques années, est le dernier représentant de l'équipe de Mika. Lors de la grande finale diffusée en direct ce samedi 25 mai sur TF1, il sera face à Iris (Bigflo et Oli), Alphonse (Zazie), Baptiste Sartoria (Vianney) mais également Shanys (Camille Lellouche). Cette semaine, lors des répétitions auxquelles Télé-Loisirs a pu assister, Gabriel Lobao s'est notamment confié sur les recommandations de son coach afin de briller pendant le prime.


The Voice 2024 : Gabriel Lobao dévoile ce que son coach Mika lui a dit pour gagner la finale de la saison 13


"On a une relation très père-fils", nous avait déjà glissés le candidat lors d'une interview au début de l'aventure. En effet, Gabriel Lobao a eu la chance de créer des liens particuliers avec Mika pendant la compétition. Et c'est donc tout naturellement que le juré, très impliqué dans son rôle de coach, a donné de précieuses recommandations à son talent pour la finale. "Il m’a donné un conseil : c’est d’être vrai ! Il m’a dit de toujours offrir une interprétation sincère", a-t-il dévoilé, avant de poursuivre. "Il me répète constamment 'Ne t’écoute pas chanter, donne-le aux autres'." Gabriel compte bien suivre les indications de Mika afin de remporter le trophée de The Voice, à l'instar d'Aurélien Vivos, dont le parcours l'inspire. "Il a beaucoup de caractéristiques vocales qui s’apparentent aux miennes. Il va très haut et très bas, le tout avec puissance. C'est un exemple", a assuré le finaliste. Puisse-t-il connaître le même destin !


The Voice 2024 : Gabriel Lobao chantera son premier single le soir de la finale du télécrochet


Pendant la soirée, tous les candidats finalistes devront interpréter deux titres : un duo avec une des personnalités invitées pour l'occasion mais également une prestation en solo. Les deux candidats qui atteindront la super finale auront l'opportunité d'interpréter une chanson inédite écrite et composée spécialement pour eux. Les trois autres dévoileront leur premier single au moment de l’after, en deuxième partie de soirée. Ainsi, Gabriel Lobao fera entendre pour la première fois Dans ton regard, un titre que l'on doit à Daisy, une des créatrices de Ceux qu’on était de Pierre Garnier, vainqueur de la Star Academy 2023. Baptiste Sartoria, lui, interprétera Mon rêve, écrit par son coach Vianney. En ce qui concerne Shanys, la candidate proposera C'est pas normal, signé Camille Lellouche. Grâce à Olympe Chabert, une des artistes de Bonne Étoile, le label de Bigflo et Oli, Iris chantera L'orage. Enfin, Alphonse performera avec À tous les coups, composée par les équipes de Zazie. Tous ces singles sont disponibles à l'écoute sur les plateformes de streaming depuis ce vendredi.


:uk: Google translator

“He constantly tells me”:

Gabriel Lobao reveals his coach Mika's advice for the final of The Voice 2024

Gabriel Lobao is one of the five talents present this Saturday, May 25 on TF1 during the final of The Voice 2024.

In an interview with Télé-Loisirs, the 25-year-old young man revealed these exchanges with his coach Mika, as the big outcome approaches.

Who will succeed Aurélien Vivos, the big winner of The Voice 2023? If there were a hundred of them who passed the blind auditions last February, there are now only five talents still in the running who can claim the title of "most beautiful voice" of this season 13. Among them: Gabriel Lobao ! The 25-year-old singer, who has been living in London for several years, is the latest representative of Mika's team. During the grand final broadcast live this Saturday, May 25 on TF1, he will face Iris (Bigflo and Oli), Alphonse (Zazie), Baptiste Sartoria (Vianney) but also Shanys (Camille Lellouche). This week, during the rehearsals that Télé-Loisirs was able to attend, Gabriel Lobao spoke in particular about the recommendations of his coach in order to shine during the prime.

The Voice 2024: Gabriel Lobao reveals what his coach Mika told him to win the season 13 final

“We have a very father-son relationship,” the candidate had already told us during an interview at the start of the adventure. Indeed, Gabriel Lobao had the chance to create special bonds with Mika during the competition. And it is therefore quite natural that the juror, very involved in his role as coach, gave valuable recommendations to his talent for the final. “He gave me one piece of advice: to be true! He told me to always offer a sincere interpretation,” he revealed, before continuing. “He constantly tells me, ‘Don’t listen to yourself sing, give it to others’.” Gabriel intends to follow Mika's instructions in order to win the trophy of The Voice, like Aurélien Vivos, whose journey inspires him. “He has a lot of vocal characteristics that are similar to mine. He goes very high and very low, all with power. It’s an example,” assured the finalist. May he meet the same fate!

The Voice 2024: Gabriel Lobao will sing his first single on the evening of the telecrochet final

During the evening, all finalist candidates will have to perform two songs: a duet with one of the personalities invited for the occasion but also a solo performance. The two candidates who reach the super final will have the opportunity to perform a new song written and composed especially for them. The other three will unveil their first single at the after-party, in the second part of the evening. Thus, Gabriel Lobao will perform for the first time Dans ton regard, a title that we owe to Daisy, one of the creators of Those we were by Pierre Garnier, winner of the Star Academy 2023. Baptiste Sartoria will perform My dream, written by his coach Vianney. Regarding Shanys, the candidate will propose It's not normal, signed Camille Lellouche. Thanks to Olympe Chabert, one of the artists from Bonne Étoile, Bigflo and Oli's label, Iris will sing L'orage. Finally, Alphonse will perform with À tous les coups, composed by the Zazie teams. All these singles are available to listen to on streaming platforms since this Friday.





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Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, Lilla said:

That was a video from May 15 and he was asking if that song would be a good choice for the semi-finale. Now in the IG story posted by Mika, Gabriel said he will sing Who Wants To Live Forever for the finale :wink2:


Edited by krysady
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Posted (edited)



À l’occasion de la Finale de The Voice, 5 chansons inédites ont été composées spécialement pour les Talents 🤩
Découvrez en Avant-Première un extrait de ces titres 🔊

RDV demain 21h10 pour la Finale de The Voice sur TF1 et TF1+ ✌️





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3 hours ago, Prisca said:

So it's really going to happen! ❤️ 

I'm so happy and I can't wait to hear Gabriel sing :excite:and I hope with all my heart he wins : both for him and for :mikalove:

I love the snipet of Gabriel's song too :cloud:

His voice is incredible and he reminds me of Mika :thumb_yello:


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On 5/22/2024 at 8:27 PM, Prisca said:

Nemo is non-binary if you're asking why I use "they"

I'm curious what's the pronoun used in French for non-binary people, since French is not very gender-neutral.

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6 minutes ago, krysady said:

I'm curious what's the pronoun used in French for non-binary people, since French is not very gender-neutral.

I have wondered the same for German (also very gendered language), and what I have learned from googling it, is that there is no consensus as there is not an existing gender neutral pronoun. What was written though, is that they will use “they” but then Germanized to “dey”/“sey” or use an entirely different one like “xier” (any German speaker who is more familiar than me about this, please correct me! I would like to be educated correctly.)


I wonder if it’s similar in French or completely different.

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58 minutes ago, krysady said:

I'm curious what's the pronoun used in French for non-binary people, since French is not very gender-neutral.

I think  it's supposed to be "iel"  

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DH les Sports +
Publié le 25-05-2024 à 16h33
Gabriel Lobao, grand favori de The Voice en France :
"Mika m’a aidé à chanter avec plus de sincérité"

Dès la première audition à l’aveugle, et alors que les téléspectateurs n’avaient pas encore vu l’ensemble des talents qui allaient rythmer la 13esaison de The Voice, la plus belle voix, il n’y avait pas de place pour le doute. La prestation de Gabriel Lobao sur Over my Shoulder de Mika allait d’office le qualifier pour la suite de l’aventure et faire de lui l’un des talents les plus prometteurs de la saison, voire du télécrochet dans sa globalité. La voix, l’émotion, la prestance, tout y était. Le franco-portugais de 29 ans, dont le style vestimentaire ressemble à celui de Mika, a, sans surprise, décroché les quatre buzz et choisi d’intégrer l’équipe de l’interprète de Relax (Take It Easy).


Les semaines se sont écoulées et ont prouvé que notre intuition était la bonne. À chaque étape, le jeune homme s’impose. Les moments suspendus s’enchaînent. C’est avec aisance que Gabriel Lobao s’est qualifié pour la finale diffusée en direct ce samedi soir sur TF1.

À quelques heures de la dernière ligne droite, le finaliste revient sur son parcours et lève le voile sur ce qu’il va présenter au public.


Participer à The Voice, c’était un rêve pour vous ?


”Ce n’était pas du tout dans mes projets. J’ai toujours aimé The Voice. Je regardais l’émission avec mes parents quand j’étais plus jeune. J’ai hésité. Quand la production m’a appelé pour y participer, j’ai hésité. Je me suis dit : “Pourquoi moi et pas un autre ? ” Depuis 4 ans, je vis à Londres, j’ai mon groupe de rock progressif, je donne des cours de chant, j’ai mes projets. Puis, je me suis dit : “Pourquoi pas ? ” et j’y suis allé au talent !”


Lors de l’Audition à l’Aveugle, votre look, très proche de celui de Mika, n’est pas passé inaperçu. Le but était d’attirer le regard de ce dernier ?


”Je n’aime pas avoir de t-shirt en dessous de mes costumes. C’est à la mode aussi. Et, c’est vrai que le costard couleur c’est un peu le style de Mika aussi. J’avoue avoir tout fait pour qu’il se retourne. Je voulais aller le chercher, être dans son équipe et qu’il me fasse évoluer.”


Quel genre de coach est Mika ?


”Il est très marrant mais il faut bosser sinon ça ne va pas. Il faut lui donner ce qu’il veut. Grâce à lui et à ses conseils, je chante plus vrai, plus sincère. Il a réussi à enlever les artifices que j’avais au début.”


Quel était votre objectif en participant à The Voice ?


”On m’a déjà approché pour faire un album pour lequel je travaillerais avec beaucoup de compositeurs français. Ça me tente bien. On serait dans quelque chose de plus pop et de plus léger que ce que je fais avec mon groupe qui est davantage du rock progressif.”


Un projet en commun avec Mika ?


”Pourquoi pas ! (sourire) Ce serait un rêve qui se réalise. Moi, je suis évidemment partant.”


Ce projet d’album veut-il dire que vous allez revenir vous installer à Paris ?


”J’ai quitté Londres et j’y ai arrêté presque tous mes projets. Je reviens vivre à Paris.”


C’est votre première expérience à la télévision ?


”Je n’avais jamais fait de télévision avant. Ma seule expérience face à l’écran, c’était lorsque je faisais partie du Chœur de Paris, de mes 11 à mes 18 ans. Je faisais plein de concerts en France et en Europe. J’ai chanté l’hymne national en finale de l’Euro 2016, à côté de la Tour Eiffel, à côté de Notre-Dame ou encore au Téléthon.”


Comment vous sentez-vous avant de monter sur scène ?


”Je ne peux même pas décrire ce que je ressens. 30 secondes avant de monter sur scène, j’ai comme un shoot d’adrénaline. Puis, ça redescend.”


Que nous réservez-vous pour la finale ?


”Je vais chanter du Queen et une chanson de mon propre répertoire. Puis, je chanterai “The Code” avec Nemo, le gagnant de l’Eurovision 2024. C’est une chanson très théâtrale.”



:uk: Google translator

Gabriel Lobao, big favorite of The Voice in France:
“Mika helped me sing with more sincerity”


From the first blind audition, and while viewers had not yet seen all of the talents who would punctuate the 13th season of The Voice, the most beautiful voice, there was no room for doubt . Gabriel Lobao's performance on Mika's Over my Shoulder would automatically qualify him for the rest of the adventure and make him one of the most promising talents of the season, and even of telecrochet as a whole. The voice, the emotion, the presence, everything was there. The 29-year-old Franco-Portuguese, whose clothing style resembles that of Mika, has, unsurprisingly, received all four buzzes and chosen to join the team of the singer of Relax (Take It Easy).

The weeks passed and proved that our intuition was correct. At each stage, the young man imposes himself. Suspended moments follow one another. It was with ease that Gabriel Lobao qualified for the final broadcast live this Saturday evening on TF1.

A few hours before the home stretch, the finalist looks back on his journey and lifts the veil on what he will present to the public.

Was participating in The Voice a dream for you?

”It was not at all in my plans. I have always loved The Voice. I watched the show with my parents when I was younger. I hesitated. When the production called me to participate, I hesitated. I said to myself: “Why me and not someone else? “For 4 years, I have been living in London, I have my progressive rock band, I give singing lessons, I have my projects. Then I said to myself: “Why not? ” and I went for talent!”

During the Blind Audition, your look, very similar to that of Mika, did not go unnoticed. Was the goal to catch the eye of the latter?

”I don’t like having a t-shirt under my suits. It's fashionable too. And, it’s true that the colored suit is a bit like Mika’s style too. I admit I did everything I could to make him turn around. I wanted to go get him, be on his team and have him help me develop.”

What kind of coach is Mika?

”He’s very funny but you have to work otherwise it doesn’t work. You have to give him what he wants. Thanks to him and his advice, I sing more true, more sincere. He managed to remove the artifice I had at the beginning.”

What was your goal in participating in The Voice?

“I have already been approached to make an album for which I would work with many French composers. I'm tempted. We would be in something more pop and lighter than what I do with my group which is more progressive rock.”

A joint project with Mika?

"Why not ! (smile) It would be a dream come true. I’m obviously up for it.”

Does this album project mean that you will return to settle in Paris?

”I left London and stopped almost all my projects there. I’m coming back to live in Paris.”

Is this your first experience on television?

”I had never done television before. My only experience with the screen was when I was part of the Paris Choir, from the ages of 11 to 18. I did lots of concerts in France and Europe. I sang the national anthem in the final of Euro 2016, next to the Eiffel Tower, next to Notre-Dame or even at the Telethon.”

How do you feel before going on stage?

”I can't even describe what I feel. 30 seconds before going on stage, I have an adrenaline rush. Then it goes back down.”

What do you have in store for us in the finale?

”I will sing Queen and a song from my own repertoire. Then, I will sing “The Code” with Nemo, the winner of Eurovision 2024. It’s a very theatrical song.”


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1 hour ago, holdingyourdrink said:

I have wondered the same for German (also very gendered language), and what I have learned from googling it, is that there is no consensus as there is not an existing gender neutral pronoun.

Mhm those are all very interesting thoughts and perhaps a good topic for any upcoming pride discussions *takes notes*.

You're definitely right that there isn't one elegant and easy solution as there is in English. In the specific case of Nemo, I've read that in German (which is their native language I think), they don't use any pronouns. You just use their name wherever a pronoun would be which yes, makes you sound like a bit of a lunatic :D

Am definitely interested in how they tackle this in French tonight.

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