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MIKA Rejoins The Voice France in 2024 for Season 13


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49 minutes ago, CharlotteL said:

I've read that in German (which is their native language I think), they don't use any pronouns. You just use their name wherever a pronoun would be which yes, makes you sound like a bit of a lunatic :D

Am definitely interested in how they tackle this in French tonight.

What I understood is that Nemo is from the German speaking part of Switzerland, I saw a video of them speaking Swiss German. (Which is so exciting! I can (partly) understand! :biggrin2:)

And oh yes, you are right, the option of using their name (and yes, that does seem like you are speaking to someone about them in the third person, haha :thumb_yello:) is of course also used, I forgot about that one. 

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Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, carafon said:

I think  it's supposed to be "iel"  

Thank you, let's see if they will use it tonight.


Edit: It's interesting that in Romanian "el" means "he"

Edited by krysady
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Posted (edited)

A CLIP from Le Talk


Nikos introducing Mika Live @ Accor Arena on TV and Mika Simphonique in June.


VK Le Talk Nikos introducing MIKA LIVE@Bercy on TV & Mika Symphonique in June



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The Voice 2024 - Revivez les meilleurs moments de la saison


La saison vient de se terminer. Mais on nous a gardé le meilleur pour la fin.

Une séquence non diffusée. Revivez les meilleurs moments de la saison.

Des auditions à l'aveugle à cette finale incroyable. Un petit brin de nostalgie en plus.


The Voice 2024 - Relive the best moments of the season

The season has just ended. But we saved the best for last.

An unbroadcast sequence. Relive the best moments of the season.

From blind auditions to this incredible finale. A little extra bit of nostalgia.


TF1 https://www.tf1.fr/tf1/the-voice/videos/the-voice-2024-revivez-les-meilleurs-moments-de-la-saison-16957401.html


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I wasn't surprised by Alphonse going through and winnng in the end, I mean, his singing style and personality was screaming French, I can see why the French people love him. But honestly, I was really surprised by Baptiste. I don't want to sound salty, but I really think Gabriel deserved the spot much more, he was phenomenal. IMO, Baptiste's performances were not the best yesterday.

But what I absolutely loved was how Nemo were cheering for Gabriel, they were soo supportive before, during and after their performance, it was lovely! :heart: 

And Mika's suit? Piece of art, if you ask me! As well as all the dancing, while Gabriel was singing his new single :lustslow:

Oh well, lets stream Dans ton regard now :original: 

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Episode - 15

La Finale ( 25/05/2024 )


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News before The Voice broadcast


On 5/26/2024 at 3:55 AM, Kumazzz said:



:mika3: Team MIKA

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21 hours ago, Kumazzz said:


Le Talk

Nikos introducing Mika Live @ Accor Arena on TV and Mika Simphonique in June





19 hours ago, Kumazzz said:


Le Talk


17 hours ago, Kumazzz said:




13 hours ago, Kumazzz said:



YouTube is blocked in France and French teritories.





The Voice 2024 - Revivez les meilleurs moments de la saison



9 hours ago, Kumazzz said:


The Voice 2024 - Revivez les meilleurs moments de la saison


La saison vient de se terminer. Mais on nous a gardé le meilleur pour la fin.

Une séquence non diffusée. Revivez les meilleurs moments de la saison.

Des auditions à l'aveugle à cette finale incroyable. Un petit brin de nostalgie en plus.


The Voice 2024 - Relive the best moments of the season

The season has just ended. But we saved the best for last.

An unbroadcast sequence. Relive the best moments of the season.

From blind auditions to this incredible finale. A little extra bit of nostalgia.


TF1 https://www.tf1.fr/tf1/the-voice/videos/the-voice-2024-revivez-les-meilleurs-moments-de-la-saison-16957401.html




Edited by Kumazzz
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Gabriel’s performances were absolutely amazing, for me he was the clear winner, although I do understand why Alphonse won in the end - still I think it’s a pity, would’ve loved to see Gabriel take home the trophy. 

My favourite moment was the duet between Nemo and Gabriel - PHENOMENAL! They built eachother up during the performance and it made it all the better. Absolutely loved both of them, especially Nemo being so incredibly supportive of Gabriel and just the two of them being equally happy and grateful to have performed and experienced this finale.  Both adorable and the artistical level was simply mind blowing. 

And yes, Mika’s suit was really beautiful - wonder if it’s Atelier Mika? Or Valentino? 

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I was very disappointed Gabriel didn't win. They sang all very well but Gabriel was clearly the best :wub2:

I believe he has a great carreer ahead of him :thumb_yello: and that he won many hearts. And Mika's too :wub2: Those two have a lot in common and they made a great team :hi5:



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Posted (edited)

I'm not sure that people are very involved into the votes anymore .

Otherwise I guess we'd  have more than one live show

Imo Gabriel deserved to be at least the runner up because he was way better than Baptiste .

Btw , what about having him as the support act for Mika's next tour ?????



Edited by carafon
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Doesn’t the winner get a contract with the record company? I think it’s a blessing in disguise that Gabriel didn’t win, this way he can develop himself on his own terms and I am sure he has a very good mentor in Mika, whom I hope can help him further in the music industry. Mika said himself how brutal it is, many times, a talent like Gabriel should be cherished and not destroyed by mainstream. 

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37 minutes ago, CharlotteL said:

I have a question: What did Zazie say about the original song that Alphonse sung?
Sth about a disagreement between them? 

Zazie wrote a song for Alphonse that he refused, because he preferred the one he sang yesterday. 

She was not convinced first about it, that's why they had many discussions. 

But she said that it's a good thing to have the courage to say no, and she's nobody to know better than Alphonse what he needs to do 

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1 minute ago, carafon said:

Zazie wrote a song for Alphonse that he refused, because he preferred the one he sang yesterday. 

No way that's absolutely insane, imagine having the confidence at 17 to refuse a song written for you by a famous singer and picking one that you like better instead!! Happy the gamble payed off for him!!

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Posted (edited)
18 minutes ago, CharlotteL said:

No way that's absolutely insane, imagine having the confidence at 17 to refuse a song written for you by a famous singer and picking one that you like better instead!! Happy the gamble payed off for him!!

I guess that if he's going to release an album Zazie's song may be in the setlist

Edited by carafon
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Nemo and Gabriel's duet was brilliant !!!

This article is unbelievable...:jawdrop:but it's one of reasons of Gabriel's losing. :emot-sad:



Yahoo Entertaiment


26 mai 2024 à 6:55 AM


The Voice -

"Ils ont osé inviter Nemo", "Quelle honte, inadmissible !", "Pourquoi Nemo et pas Slimane ?", "Scandale et sacrilège" :

la présence de Nemo, gagnant de l'Eurovision 2024, scandalise la Toile


Ce samedi 25 mai 2024, TF1 a diffusé la grande finale de The Voice. Pour l'occasion, la chaîne a invité Nemo, le gagnant de l'Eurovision 2024, pour partager un duo avec l'un des finalistes. Une décision qui a choqué les fans de l'émission...


Pour cette finale tant attendue, TF1 a mis le paquet niveau programmation, en invitant Lara Fabian, Santa, Marc Lavoine ou encore Aurélien Vivos, gagnant de la saison 12 de The Voice. Et ce n'est pas tout, car la production a également souhaité mettre l'Eurovision à l'honneur en faisant venir Loreen, gagnante du concours en 2023 pour la Suède, et Nemo, le vainqueur suisse de l'Eurovision 2024. Et c'est justement la présence de ce dernier sur le plateau de The Voice qui a provoqué de vives indignations sur la Toile...

"Ils ont osé inviter Nemo"

Avant tout, un petit rappel s'impose. Le samedi 11 mai 2024, à Malmö, en Suède, se tenait la 68e édition du concours Eurovision. En France, tous les yeux étaient braqués sur Slimane, représentant du drapeau tricolore avec son titre "Je t'aime". Avant même le début de la compétition, le chanteur était donné grand favori par les bookmakers, grâce à sa puissance vocale et sa présence scénique. Et tout le monde s'est mis à y croire. Malheureusement, à l'issue de la soirée, Slimane s'est classé à la quatrième place du classement général, tandis que Nemo, le candidat suisse, a remporté le concours avec sa chanson "The code".


Si Slimane a tiré bénéfice de sa participation à l'Eurovision et de sa - tout de même ! - jolie place au classement, c'est Nemo qui a été convié sur le plateau de TF1 ce samedi 25 mai 2024 pour la grande finale de The Voice. Face aux coachs, le gagnant de l'Eurovision a partagé un duo avec Gabriel Lobao sur son titre "The code". Mais sur X, cette situation a provoqué la colère des internautes. Pour beaucoup d'utilisateurs de X, fans de Slimane ou pas, c'est le chanteur français qui aurait dû être invité pour la finale du télé-crochet, et non pas son concurrent suisse au concours de l'Eurovision. D'autant que, pour rappel, Slimane a gagné "The Voice" en 2016...


:uk: Google translator

The Voice -

“They dared to invite Nemo”, “What a shame, unacceptable!”, “Why Nemo and not Slimane?”, “Scandal and sacrilege”:

the presence of Nemo, winner of Eurovision 2024, scandalizes the Web

This Saturday, May 25, 2024, TF1 broadcast the grand final of The Voice. For the occasion, the channel invited Nemo, the winner of Eurovision 2024, to share a duet with one of the finalists. A decision that shocked fans of the show...

For this long-awaited final, TF1 pulled out all the stops in terms of programming, inviting Lara Fabian, Santa, Marc Lavoine and Aurélien Vivos, winner of season 12 of The Voice. And that's not all, because the production also wanted to put Eurovision in the spotlight by bringing in Loreen, winner of the competition in 2023 for Sweden, and Nemo, the Swiss winner of Eurovision 2024. And It is precisely the presence of the latter on the set of The Voice which caused strong indignation on the Web...

“They dared to invite Nemo”


First of all, a little reminder is in order. On Saturday May 11, 2024, in Malmö, Sweden, the 68th edition of the Eurovision contest was held. In France, all eyes were on Slimane, representative of the tricolor flag with his title “I love you”. Even before the start of the competition, the singer was given the big favorite by the bookmakers, thanks to his vocal power and his stage presence. And everyone started to believe it. Unfortunately, at the end of the evening, Slimane ranked fourth overall, while Nemo, the Swiss candidate, won the competition with his song "The code".


If Slimane benefited from his participation in Eurovision and his - all the same! - nice place in the ranking, it is Nemo who was invited to the TF1 set this Saturday, May 25, 2024 for the grand final of The Voice. In front of the coaches, the Eurovision winner shared a duet with Gabriel Lobao on his title “The code”. But on X, this situation provoked the anger of Internet users. For many X users, Slimane fans or not, it is the French singer who should have been invited for the tele-hook final, and not his Swiss competitor in the Eurovision contest. Especially since, as a reminder, Slimane won “The Voice” in 2016…




Le Matin Swiss


26. mai 2024, 10:59

La présence de Nemo dans «The Voice» énerve la Toile

L'artiste suisse vainqueur de l'Eurovision s'est produit en finale chez nos voisins français. Ce qui n'a pas été le goût de tout le monde.


«Ils ont osé inviter Nemo.» Le commentaire publié sur X samedi soir reflète l'énervement qu'ont ressenti une partie des téléspectateurs français devant «The Voice». L'artiste suisse, vainqueur du dernier Eurovision, était à l'affiche de la finale du télé-crochet de TF1. Au programme, un duo avec l'un des candidats, Gabriel Lobao.


C'est tout de rose vêtus qu'ils ont chanté «The Code», le morceau avec lequel Nemo a décroché la victoire à Malmö il y a deux semaines. Une belle prestation, qui a notamment enchanté Mika. Sur les réseaux sociaux, pourtant, les attaques ont fusé,


Certains ont en effet peu goûté que TF1 ait invité Nemo et non Slimane, qui a représenté la France à l'Eurovision. Pour rappel, ce dernier a terminé à une belle quatrième place lors du Concours avec sa chanson «Je t'aime». En plus, il a gagné «The Voice» en 2016.

«J'ai rien contre le gagnant de l'eurovision mais ce n'est pas comme si notre représentant français n'avait pas fait «The Voice» et fini quatrième», peut-on lire sur X. Mais aussi: «Ils ont invité Nemo le gagnant de l'Eurovision pour la finale de «The Voice». «The Voice» qui a révélé Slimane au grand public.» Ou: «C'est vraiment n'importe quoi d'avoir invité Nemo pour la finale.»


«Maria Pacôme dans un mauvais jour»


Sans surprise, d'autres attaques visent l'artiste, sa prestation, son look. Parmi les commentaires: «Nemo à «The Voice», scandale et sacrilège pour les vrais artistes chanteurs.» Ou: «C'est Maria Pacôme dans un mauvais jour question style, et sa voix n'est pas du tout au niveau du p'tit d'à côté.»


Peu après la performance de Nemo et Gabriel Lobao, l'animateur Nikos Aliagas a expliqué que Slimane n’avait pas pu être présent sur le plateau de «The Voice» parce qu'il se produisait le même soir en concert. Le chanteur avait tout de même enregistré un message vidéo à l’attention des finalistes et du public. «CQFD», on a envie de dire.


En parlant de finalistes, qui est le gagnant de «The Voice» 2024? C'est Alphonse, de la team Zazie, avec 53% des suffrages.



:uk: Google translator

The presence of Nemo in “The Voice” annoys the Web


The Swiss artist who won Eurovision performed in the final with our French neighbors. Which wasn't to everyone's taste.

“They dared to invite Nemo.” The comment published on X on Saturday evening reflects the irritation felt by some French viewers in front of “The Voice”. The Swiss artist, winner of the last Eurovision, was on the bill for the final of the TF1 talent show. On the program, a duet with one of the candidates, Gabriel Lobao.

Dressed all in pink, they sang “The Code”, the song with which Nemo won victory in Malmö two weeks ago. A great performance, which particularly delighted Mika. On social networks, however, attacks have flowed,

Some people were indeed unhappy that TF1 invited Nemo and not Slimane, who represented France at Eurovision. As a reminder, the latter finished in a good fourth place during the Competition with his song “Je t’aime”. In addition, he won “The Voice” in 2016.

“I have nothing against the winner of Eurovision but it’s not as if our French representative hadn’t done “The Voice” and finished fourth,” we can read on X. But also: “They invited Nemo the winner of Eurovision for the final of “The Voice”. “The Voice” which revealed Slimane to the general public.” Or: “It’s really stupid to have invited Nemo for the finale.”

“Maria Pacôme on a bad day”

Unsurprisingly, other attacks target the artist, his performance, his look. Among the comments: “Nemo on “The Voice”, scandal and sacrilege for real singing artists.” Or: “It’s Maria Pacôme on a bad day style-wise, and her voice is not at all up to the level of the little one next door.”

Shortly after the performance of Nemo and Gabriel Lobao, host Nikos Aliagas explained that Slimane was not able to be present on the set of “The Voice” because he was performing in concert the same evening. The singer still recorded a video message for the attention of the finalists and the public. “QED”, we want to say.

Speaking of finalists, who is the winner of “The Voice” 2024? It's Alphonse, from the Zazie team, with 53% of the votes.



YouTube is BLOCKED in France and French teritories.

Nemo & Gabriel Lobao - The Code | Live Performance


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Posted (edited)

Did you notice that just behind Gabriel's parents ther was somebody wearing an "apocalypso" tour tshirt ?

Edited by carafon
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