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2024 - Mika @ Rockwave Nights at Lycabettus Theatre, Athens, GREECE, 2 July


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X LALALA Presents
Rockwave Nights …Στην Κορυφή
25 Ιουνίου – 1 Αυγούστου 2024
Δημοτικό Θέατρο Λυκαβηττού
Το κορυφαίο φεστιβάλ συναντά την κορυφή της πόλης.
Από την Τρίτη 25 Ιουνίου έως και την Πέμπτη 1 Αυγούστου, ανεβαίνουμε στο Λυκαβηττό ξανά και ξανά για 13 μαγικές βραδιές πάνω από τα φώτα της πόλης, πάνω από τις φλέβες της φωτιάς. Εμείς βάζουμε τη μουσική, εσείς φτιάχνετε τις αναμνήσεις.
Με Placebo, Opeth, Pan Pan, Raining Pleasure, Pink Martini, αλλά και Γιάννη Αγγελάκα & 100°C και Αλκίνοο Ιωαννίδη στο lineup, οι Rockwave Nights στήνουν μια μοναδική γιορτή με φόντο τους ανοιχτούς ορίζοντες, στην καρδιά του Αθηναϊκού καλοκαιριού.
Μια ηλεκτρική γιορτή μέσα στα δύσκολα της εποχής μας, μια πολύτιμη μοιρασιά ψυχής που όλοι χρειαζόμαστε.

Rockwave Nights 2024
Ένα ταξίδι από γιορτή σε γιορτή.

#athens #rockwavefestival
X LALALA Presents
Rockwave Nights ...At the Top
June 25 – August 1, 2024
Municipal Theater of Lycabettus
The top festival meets the top of the city.
From Tuesday June 25th to Thursday August 1st, we climb Lycabettus again and again for 13 magical nights above the city lights, above the veins of fire. We play the music, you make the memories.

With Placebo, Opeth, Pan Pan, Raining Pleasure, Pink Martini, but also Giannis Angelakas & 100°C and Alcinoos Ioannidis in the lineup, Rockwave Nights set up a unique celebration against the backdrop of open horizons, in the heart of the Athenian summer.
An electric celebration in the midst of the difficulties of our time, a precious sharing of soul that we all need.

Rockwave Nights 2024
A journey from celebration to celebration.

#athens #rockwavefestival

X LALALA PresentsRockwave Nights …Στην Κορυφή 25 Ιουνίου – 1 Αυγούστου 2024Δημοτικό Θέατρο ΛυκαβηττούΤο κορυφαίο φεστιβάλ συναντά την κορυφή της πόλης.Από την Τρίτη 25 Ιουνίου έως και την Πέμπτη 1 Αυγούστου, ανεβαίν.jpg

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  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Still very few tickets sold. I wonder why? Is there another event in Athens that night?


Hope it goes ahead, its a stunning place. :crossed: And I've just put in a leave request from work! 


Edit: leave request granted! 

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Posted (edited)
19 hours ago, Hero said:

Is there another event in Athens that night?

Seems Kasabian are playing that night at the Olympic arena as part of a different music festival. That might have taken some sales away. 🫤


I'm really worried now. Does anyone know if his gigs have ever been cancelled for low ticket sales? They have to hit a certain percentage to make it viable, right?


Edit: Just counted, with seats and standing there are approximately 500 tickets sold. For a 3000 seat venue. For a gig less than 4 weeks away. 😢

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Posted (edited)
7 hours ago, Hero said:

I'm really worried now. Does anyone know if his gigs have ever been cancelled for low ticket sales? They have to hit a certain percentage to make it viable, right?


I think no artist or promoter will openly say that.

To be honest, I suspect that the Magic piano tour may have been cancelled for that reason, because, even if the theatres sold well, 3 of 5 arenas had quite low sales at the moment of the announcement. 😕 And around that period two italian artists who had Mika's same promoter cancelled their tour 20 days before with quite obscure motivations. 

So I think it's likely that in the contracts between artists and promoters there may be clauses about a certain percentage of tickets to be sold to make a gig or a tour viable, but obviously nobody will ever admit that low ticket sales are the cause of a cancellation. :dunno:


Edited by lormare73
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I wonder how well it was promoted too. 

It's such a shame though, after last year's success. ☹️ Although that was a festival so different circumstances. 

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8 hours ago, lormare73 said:

I think no artist or promoter will openly say that.

I've seen singers do this before, but they seem to be the exception... 

It would be much better if concertgoers knew the reason why a concert was cancelled. Which would mean that people would perhaps also come up with the idea of buying tickets earlier and not think I'll buy them later. And they don't think: "Oh, the concert is anyway going to be cancelled, why should I buy a ticket?" Yes, precisely because these people don't buy tickets, concerts have to be cancelled in the end.


8 hours ago, lormare73 said:

To be honest, I suspect that the Magic piano tour may have been cancelled for that reason, because, even if the theatres sold well, 3 of 5 arenas had quite low sales at the moment of the announcement. 😕

Yes, that's more and more my guess too, especially since I saw how quickly the arenas in France were sold out this tour, a huge difference.


The problem with Athens now is that people see that few tickets have been bought and wonder if the concert will be cancelled and therefore don't buy tickets, which exacerbates the problem. But in Chieti last year it also looked bad for a long time and in the end I think it was almost sold out if not sold out. And Mika's concert in Athens is one of 13 concerts from the Rockwave Festival. If Rockwave thinks that they can afford a poorly sold concert, maybe it will take place. :crossed:


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16 minutes ago, Prisca said:

I've seen singers do this before, but they seem to be the exception... 

It would be much better if concertgoers knew the reason why a concert was cancelled. Which would mean that people would perhaps also come up with the idea of buying tickets earlier and not think I'll buy them later. And they don't think: "Oh, the concert is anyway going to be cancelled, why should I buy a ticket?" Yes, precisely because these people don't buy tickets, concerts have to be cancelled in the end.


Yes, that's more and more my guess too, especially since I saw how quickly the arenas in France were sold out this tour, a huge difference.


The problem with Athens now is that people see that few tickets have been bought and wonder if the concert will be cancelled and therefore don't buy tickets, which exacerbates the problem. But in Chieti last year it also looked bad for a long time and in the end I think it was almost sold out if not sold out. And Mika's concert in Athens is one of 13 concerts from the Rockwave Festival. If Rockwave thinks that they can afford a poorly sold concert, maybe it will take place. :crossed:




I am checking other gigs from Rock Wave Festival.


The 15th of July - Pink Martini - tickets sale looks the same or even worse.


The 16th of July - Imany -  the same - very little places sold.


The 1st od August  - Placebo - only general admission tickets (?)


So it's not something bad with Mika's gig.

Maybe people in Greece buy tickets last minutes? For sure not everybody will go to all Festival concerts. 

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2 minutes ago, Anna Ko Kolkowska said:

Maybe people in Greece buy tickets last minutes?

Yes, I kind of fear that too. But it's not easy to plan concerts like that. 🙈

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1 minute ago, Anna Ko Kolkowska said:


Anyway I don't think they will cancel the whole festival.

Let's hope so! :crossed:

Anyway, these are the same organizers as for Mika's concert in Athenes from last year...

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12 minutes ago, Prisca said:

Which would mean that people would perhaps also come up with the idea of buying tickets earlier and not think I'll buy them later.

Umm, not sure about this. Its a nice idea, but practically speaking people have all sorts of reasons for when they can/can't buy tickets. Ideally we'd all be able to buy whatever as soon as they go on sale, but it's not always possible. 


12 minutes ago, Prisca said:

 in Chieti last year it also looked bad for a long time and in the end I think it was almost sold out if not sold out. And Mika's concert in Athens is one of 13 concerts from the Rockwave Festival. If Rockwave thinks that they can afford a poorly sold concert, maybe it will take place. :crossed:


True, it could still turn around. It isn't cancelled yet! Think positive! Manifest! 



And, umm... maybe a word from the whisperer? :fangurl:

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4 minutes ago, Hero said:

Umm, not sure about this. Its a nice idea, but practically speaking people have all sorts of reasons for when they can/can't buy tickets. Ideally we'd all be able to buy whatever as soon as they go on sale, but it's not always possible. 

Not everyone, but there are enough people who don't want to plan in advance and simply buy tickets spontaneously on the day of the concert.

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Operation convince partner to take a last-minute holiday to Athens starts now 😂 it looks like an amazing venue. Would love to go to something like this!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Unfortunately, there are still a lot of tickets here that haven't been sold, so I thought we could do a little fan action to make Mika feel welcome. At the private concert in Lyon we were also very few people, but the energy was amazing. What do you think of a Greek flag on an A4 sheet of paper?

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6 minutes ago, Prisca said:

Unfortunately, there are still a lot of tickets here that haven't been sold, so I thought we could do a little fan action to make Mika feel welcome. At the private concert in Lyon we were also very few people, but the energy was amazing. What do you think of a Greek flag on an A4 sheet of paper?


Mika mentioned in one of his Greek interviews that fans prepare a lot of cardboards in Europe that he is reading during the show.

And he invited people to bring some in Athens.

So I thought about some cards saying different messages: from simple "I AM HERE" to "WELCOME TO THE CITY OF GODS" etc.

We can prepare some while queuing. 

But flags are nice as well. 

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12 minutes ago, Anna Ko Kolkowska said:

So I thought about some cards saying different messages: from simple "I AM HERE" to "WELCOME TO THE CITY OF GODS" etc.

Good idea, I don't think I'll take cardboards in the plane though...


13 minutes ago, Anna Ko Kolkowska said:

But flags are nice as well. 

I'll print 10. Happy if some people join. 💙🤍

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3 minutes ago, Prisca said:

Good idea, I don't think I'll take cardboards in the plane though...

Same! :lol3: We can hit an arts and crafts shop in the city, bound to be some. 

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