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Mika in French Press and Other Media - 2024

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Interviews 2024:





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Posted (edited)

Radio France

Côté Club


Mika et pierre III





Lundi 1 janvier 2024



Côté Club, le rendez-vous de toute la scène française et plus si affinités reçoit Mika pour son album "Que ta tête fleurisse" et Pierre III pour son album "Discothèque". Bienvenue au Club !




Album : Que ta tête fleurisse toujours


Auteur-compositeur-interprète aux succès pop planétaires, Mika, de son vrai nom Michael Holbrook Penniman Jr., est né à Beyrouth, d’une mère libanaise et d’un père américain. Ses parents quittent le Liban lorsqu’il a un an et s’installent à Paris. Au début de la guerre du Golfe, son père est retenu huit mois au Koweit, à l’ambassade des USA, pour des raisons de sécurité. Il perd son travail, la famille est contrainte de partir vivre à Londres. Il parle de cette période comme un moment de déstabilisation, pendant laquelle il s’est rendu compte que le confort n’est jamais acquis pour toujours.


Dans son école londonienne, Mika se fait harceler, non seulement par les élèves mais aussi par une professeure, qui le force à rester assis sans bouger et l’empêche d’aller aux toilettes. Il développe de nombreux troubles de l’apprentissage, se renferme et confie être profondément marqué par cette période. Encore aujourd’hui, Mika attribue à ces troubles son incapacité à lire la musique. Ses parents finissent par le déscolariser, sa mère emploie alors une professeure particulière de chant, sévère mais qui l’aide à trouver son plaisir dans le chant. Il conçoit alors le chant comme un espace de projection de ses fantasmes. Vers 12 ans, il écrit ses premiers textes.

Quelques années plus tard, il intègre la Royal School of music de Londres, mais la quitte pour faire carrière en solo.





Côté Club, the meeting place for the entire French scene and more if affinities receives Mika for his album "Que ta tête fleurisse" and Pierre III for his album "Discothèque". Welcome to the club !


Album: May your head always bloom

Singer-songwriter with global pop successes, Mika, whose real name is Michael Holbrook Penniman Jr., was born in Beirut, to a Lebanese mother and an American father. His parents left Lebanon when he was one year old and settled in Paris. At the start of the Gulf War, his father was held for eight months in Kuwait, at the US embassy, for security reasons. He loses his job, the family is forced to move to London. He speaks of this period as a moment of destabilization, during which he realized that comfort is never acquired forever.

At his London school, Mika is harassed, not only by the students but also by a teacher, who forces him to sit still and prevents him from going to the toilet. He developed numerous learning disorders, became withdrawn and confided that he was deeply affected by this period. Even today, Mika attributes his inability to read music to these disorders. His parents end up taking him out of school, his mother then employs a private singing teacher, who is strict but who helps him find pleasure in singing. He then sees singing as a space for projecting his fantasies. Around the age of 12, he wrote his first texts.

A few years later, he joined the Royal School of Music in London, but left to pursue a solo career.




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Edited by Kumazzz
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8 hours ago, Kumazzz said:

Radio France

Côté Club


Mika et pierre III



Lundi 1 janvier 2024



Côté Club, le rendez-vous de toute la scène française et plus si affinités reçoit Mika pour son album "Que ta tête fleurisse" et Pierre III pour son album "Discothèque". Bienvenue au Club !


The first interview in 2024. And Mika delivers us some secrets about his new show. Is it the final version?

I remember that for The Revelation Tour Mika was supposed to have a lot of LED screens and visuals, dancers, and it ended up completely different.

This time it looks so similar - he wanted to use a lot of visuals and he will finish with his musicians behind the curtain. But.... Let's keep some secrets till March :wink2:

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13 hours ago, Kumazzz said:

Radio France

Côté Club


Mika et pierre III



Lundi 1 janvier 2024



Côté Club, le rendez-vous de toute la scène française et plus si affinités reçoit Mika pour son album "Que ta tête fleurisse" et Pierre III pour son album "Discothèque". Bienvenue au Club !




Album : Que ta tête fleurisse toujours


Auteur-compositeur-interprète aux succès pop planétaires, Mika, de son vrai nom Michael Holbrook Penniman Jr., est né à Beyrouth, d’une mère libanaise et d’un père américain. Ses parents quittent le Liban lorsqu’il a un an et s’installent à Paris. Au début de la guerre du Golfe, son père est retenu huit mois au Koweit, à l’ambassade des USA, pour des raisons de sécurité. Il perd son travail, la famille est contrainte de partir vivre à Londres. Il parle de cette période comme un moment de déstabilisation, pendant laquelle il s’est rendu compte que le confort n’est jamais acquis pour toujours.


Dans son école londonienne, Mika se fait harceler, non seulement par les élèves mais aussi par une professeure, qui le force à rester assis sans bouger et l’empêche d’aller aux toilettes. Il développe de nombreux troubles de l’apprentissage, se renferme et confie être profondément marqué par cette période. Encore aujourd’hui, Mika attribue à ces troubles son incapacité à lire la musique. Ses parents finissent par le déscolariser, sa mère emploie alors une professeure particulière de chant, sévère mais qui l’aide à trouver son plaisir dans le chant. Il conçoit alors le chant comme un espace de projection de ses fantasmes. Vers 12 ans, il écrit ses premiers textes.

Quelques années plus tard, il intègre la Royal School of music de Londres, mais la quitte pour faire carrière en solo.



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Côté Club, the meeting place for the entire French scene and more if affinities receives Mika for his album "Que ta tête fleurisse" and Pierre III for his album "Discothèque". Welcome to the club !


Album: May your head always bloom

Singer-songwriter with global pop successes, Mika, whose real name is Michael Holbrook Penniman Jr., was born in Beirut, to a Lebanese mother and an American father. His parents left Lebanon when he was one year old and settled in Paris. At the start of the Gulf War, his father was held for eight months in Kuwait, at the US embassy, for security reasons. He loses his job, the family is forced to move to London. He speaks of this period as a moment of destabilization, during which he realized that comfort is never acquired forever.

At his London school, Mika is harassed, not only by the students but also by a teacher, who forces him to sit still and prevents him from going to the toilet. He developed numerous learning disorders, became withdrawn and confided that he was deeply affected by this period. Even today, Mika attributes his inability to read music to these disorders. His parents end up taking him out of school, his mother then employs a private singing teacher, who is strict but who helps him find pleasure in singing. He then sees singing as a space for projecting his fantasies. Around the age of 12, he wrote his first texts.

A few years later, he joined the Royal School of Music in London, but left to pursue a solo career.




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I assume it was prerecorded last year.


Mika mentions Nick Littlemore, I think because the other guest on this podcast had worked with Nick as well. Asked what kind of dancer he is, Mika says he doesn't know how to dance, but does it with a lot of emotion. He talks about silhouette dance in front of a coloured light, like Michael Hutchence of INXS. He says his Mum's fave song of his discography was "Heroes", and he talks about the story behind "Que ta tête fleurisse toujours" and about Moi, Andy et Paris.


Then he tries to explain why he's more open and less ashamed when writing in French than in English. He thinks it has to do with the fact that he can't read or write French well, but also quotes the "on baise" line from AC, saying it works in French but wouldn't work in English.


About his new show he says there'll be a lot of dance moments. He wanted to do a big show, but not start it big, because he doesn't want to lose the connection with the audience, and so he starts on a small round stage on the main stage, only 1.5 meters, like one of those podiums for the elephants in a circus, so he can't move. If I understand it right, he wants to use a head microphone, so he doesn't have one in his hand, in order to force himself to express himself in a different way. He says he'd be presenting himself a bit like an object to the audience, and his musicians would be behind a curtain. He wants to do this to destabilize himself and the audience, instead of working with screens and visuals. (And I think he's right when he says that screens and special effects is not what the audience wants... we want him, the connection an the intimacy that he talks about here. :wub2: It sounds like a great start to the show - maybe it'll be an acoustic intro for Bougez? :dunno_grin:)


He gives David Byrne as a reference, and Bruce Springsteen. Pierre talks about David Byrne's show "stop making sense", and Mika says a few things about this as well. I don't know it, so I'm not sure what exactly they're talking about.


The 2nd half is mainly about Pierre, I think... I skipped some bits there. But later they play a bit of Harry Nilsson's "Without You" as a reference to Mika - and if I understand it right, the song annoys him because it was Harry Nilsson's big hit, but not written by him and not representing his music well - so when Mika talks with others about Harry Nilsson, they only know this song and that annoys him. He gives a few more examples of Harry Nilsson's music and how some of his songs have inspired him, like for SITM and Keep it Simple. And he talks a bit about a Harry Nilsson song called "1941", where he sings about his father leaving his family to join the circus, and Harry himself leaving his family because of alcohol addiction.


French speakers, please feel free to correct or add to my summary. :thumb_yello:

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26 minutes ago, mellody said:

About his new show he says there'll be a lot of dance moments. He wanted to do a big show, but not start it big, because he doesn't want to lose the connection with the audience, and so he starts on a small round stage on the main stage, only 1.5 meters, like one of those podiums for the elephants in a circus, so he can't move. If I understand it right, he wants to use a head microphone, so he doesn't have one in his hand, in order to force himself to express himself in a different way. He says he'd be presenting himself a bit like an object to the audience, and his musicians would be behind a curtain. He wants to do this to destabilize himself and the audience, instead of working with screens and visuals.

I LOVE this, it sounds terrifying, but also really intimate and grandesque at the same time. To be focused only on him and the music: and I hope he will dare to open his eyes to see our reaction. Or maybe he will start in the dark? And once we start dancing there will be a bright spotlight on him and the audience will erupt even more? Oh boy, I can sense the thrill and anticipation… is it March already!?!?

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Great summary @mellody , just a few more details : he says he is going to work again soon with Nick Littlemore for his English album, and that other guest Pierre III says he's actually booked to work in the studio with both Nick and Mika, which Mika has just learnt about. So he says Nick is quite unpredictable and mad in a good way


About Harry Nilsson, Mika isn't the one annoyed by the fact that ppl only know 'Without You' but Harry was, because it was his biggest hit but it was another band's song. But I guess that annoys Mika too :bleh:


And about the round stage, I have to listen again because I kind of had the idea that this would be a B stage like he has mentioned before, but I prefer your vision very much :lol:


Oh and by the looks of the photo, this interview was probably recorded on December 11 :thumb_yello:

Edited by camille*
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Radio France

Côté Club


Mika et pierre III



Lundi 1 janvier 2024





A réécouter en podcast et en replay dans @cote_club_inter sur @franceinter

les mots et les sons de @mikainstagram qui publie son premier album en français « Que ta tête fleurisse toujours » et @pierrre_iii qui sort le sien « Discothèque »


#houssederacket #thevoice @luciegossard @phunkpromotion @goumarre @goyer_alexis @estebanvanderguy @jocelyninter1 @didier_varrod




13 hours ago, Kumazzz said:

Radio France

Côté Club


Mika et pierre III





Lundi 1 janvier 2024



Côté Club, le rendez-vous de toute la scène française et plus si affinités reçoit Mika pour son album "Que ta tête fleurisse" et Pierre III pour son album "Discothèque". Bienvenue au Club !




Album : Que ta tête fleurisse toujours


Auteur-compositeur-interprète aux succès pop planétaires, Mika, de son vrai nom Michael Holbrook Penniman Jr., est né à Beyrouth, d’une mère libanaise et d’un père américain. Ses parents quittent le Liban lorsqu’il a un an et s’installent à Paris. Au début de la guerre du Golfe, son père est retenu huit mois au Koweit, à l’ambassade des USA, pour des raisons de sécurité. Il perd son travail, la famille est contrainte de partir vivre à Londres. Il parle de cette période comme un moment de déstabilisation, pendant laquelle il s’est rendu compte que le confort n’est jamais acquis pour toujours.


Dans son école londonienne, Mika se fait harceler, non seulement par les élèves mais aussi par une professeure, qui le force à rester assis sans bouger et l’empêche d’aller aux toilettes. Il développe de nombreux troubles de l’apprentissage, se renferme et confie être profondément marqué par cette période. Encore aujourd’hui, Mika attribue à ces troubles son incapacité à lire la musique. Ses parents finissent par le déscolariser, sa mère emploie alors une professeure particulière de chant, sévère mais qui l’aide à trouver son plaisir dans le chant. Il conçoit alors le chant comme un espace de projection de ses fantasmes. Vers 12 ans, il écrit ses premiers textes.

Quelques années plus tard, il intègre la Royal School of music de Londres, mais la quitte pour faire carrière en solo.



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Côté Club, the meeting place for the entire French scene and more if affinities receives Mika for his album "Que ta tête fleurisse" and Pierre III for his album "Discothèque". Welcome to the club !


Album: May your head always bloom

Singer-songwriter with global pop successes, Mika, whose real name is Michael Holbrook Penniman Jr., was born in Beirut, to a Lebanese mother and an American father. His parents left Lebanon when he was one year old and settled in Paris. At the start of the Gulf War, his father was held for eight months in Kuwait, at the US embassy, for security reasons. He loses his job, the family is forced to move to London. He speaks of this period as a moment of destabilization, during which he realized that comfort is never acquired forever.

At his London school, Mika is harassed, not only by the students but also by a teacher, who forces him to sit still and prevents him from going to the toilet. He developed numerous learning disorders, became withdrawn and confided that he was deeply affected by this period. Even today, Mika attributes his inability to read music to these disorders. His parents end up taking him out of school, his mother then employs a private singing teacher, who is strict but who helps him find pleasure in singing. He then sees singing as a space for projecting his fantasies. Around the age of 12, he wrote his first texts.

A few years later, he joined the Royal School of Music in London, but left to pursue a solo career.




IG stories










5 hours ago, Anna Ko Kolkowska said:


The first interview in 2024. And Mika delivers us some secrets about his new show. Is it the final version?

I remember that for The Revelation Tour Mika was supposed to have a lot of LED screens and visuals, dancers, and it ended up completely different.

This time it looks so similar - he wanted to use a lot of visuals and he will finish with his musicians behind the curtain. But.... Let's keep some secrets till March :wink2:


1 hour ago, mellody said:


I assume it was prerecorded last year.


Mika mentions Nick Littlemore, I think because the other guest on this podcast had worked with Nick as well. Asked what kind of dancer he is, Mika says he doesn't know how to dance, but does it with a lot of emotion. He talks about silhouette dance in front of a coloured light, like Michael Hutchence of INXS. He says his Mum's fave song of his discography was "Heroes", and he talks about the story behind "Que ta tête fleurisse toujours" and about Moi, Andy et Paris.


Then he tries to explain why he's more open and less ashamed when writing in French than in English. He thinks it has to do with the fact that he can't read or write French well, but also quotes the "on baise" line from AC, saying it works in French but wouldn't work in English.


About his new show he says there'll be a lot of dance moments. He wanted to do a big show, but not start it big, because he doesn't want to lose the connection with the audience, and so he starts on a small round stage on the main stage, only 1.5 meters, like one of those podiums for the elephants in a circus, so he can't move. If I understand it right, he wants to use a head microphone, so he doesn't have one in his hand, in order to force himself to express himself in a different way. He says he'd be presenting himself a bit like an object to the audience, and his musicians would be behind a curtain. He wants to do this to destabilize himself and the audience, instead of working with screens and visuals. (And I think he's right when he says that screens and special effects is not what the audience wants... we want him, the connection an the intimacy that he talks about here. :wub2: It sounds like a great start to the show - maybe it'll be an acoustic intro for Bougez? :dunno_grin:)


He gives David Byrne as a reference, and Bruce Springsteen. Pierre talks about David Byrne's show "stop making sense", and Mika says a few things about this as well. I don't know it, so I'm not sure what exactly they're talking about.


The 2nd half is mainly about Pierre, I think... I skipped some bits there. But later they play a bit of Harry Nilsson's "Without You" as a reference to Mika - and if I understand it right, the song annoys him because it was Harry Nilsson's big hit, but not written by him and not representing his music well - so when Mika talks with others about Harry Nilsson, they only know this song and that annoys him. He gives a few more examples of Harry Nilsson's music and how some of his songs have inspired him, like for SITM and Keep it Simple. And he talks a bit about a Harry Nilsson song called "1941", where he sings about his father leaving his family to join the circus, and Harry himself leaving his family because of alcohol addiction.


French speakers, please feel free to correct or add to my summary. :thumb_yello:


30 minutes ago, camille* said:

Great summary @mellody , just a few more details : he says he is going to work again soon with Nick Littlemore for his English album, and that other guest Pierre III says he's actually booked to work in the studio with both Nick and Mika, which Mika has just learnt about. So he says Nick is quite unpredictable and mad in a good way


About Harry Nilsson, Mika isn't the one annoyed by the fact that ppl only know 'Without You' but Harry was, because it was his biggest hit but it was another band's song. But I guess that annoys Mika too :bleh:


And about the round stage, I have to listen again because I kind of had the idea that this would be a B stage like he has mentioned before, but I prefer your vision very much :lol:


Oh and by the looks of the photo, this interview was probably recorded on December 11 :thumb_yello:


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Le Journal de Mickey


Publié le 1 janvier 2024


Regarde gratuitement un concert de Mika


Le nouvel album de Mika, « Que ta tête fleurisse toujours », est sorti le 1er décembre. Pour l’occasion, Mika a été invité par l’Espace culture de Leclerc pour enregistrer un live d’une trentaine de minutes, diffusé sur Youtube.


Avec ses musiciens, Mika interprète sept de ses chansons. Quatre d’entre elles sont issues de son dernier album : « C’est la vie », « Jane Birkin », « Bougez » et « Amour pirate ». Les trois autres font partie des plus célèbres titres du chanteur : « Underwater », « Grace Kelly » et l’émouvant « Over my shoulder ».

On te laisse écouter tout ça ci-dessous !


Mika sera aussi en tournée dans toute la France à partir de mars.



Watch a Mika concert for free

Mika's new album, “Let your head always bloom”, was released on December 1st. For the occasion, Mika was invited by the Espace culture de Leclerc to record a live performance of around thirty minutes, broadcast on YouTube.

With his musicians, Mika performs seven of his songs. Four of them come from his latest album: “C’est la vie”, “Jane Birkin”, “Bougez” and “Amour pirate”. The other three are among the singer's most famous songs: “Underwater”, “Grace Kelly” and the moving “Over my shoulder”.

We'll let you listen to it all below!

Mika will also be on tour throughout France from March.




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On 12/29/2023 at 11:58 AM, crazyaboutmika said:

Screenshot_20231229-115448_Gallery.thumb.jpg.49e0919c90be186b358f372444f47d59.jpgfrom Nathalie @mikaclip on instagram

One hour radio interview of Mika by Bernard Montiel on Saturday January 6th from 12 AM to 1 PM on RFM radio


On 12/29/2023 at 10:54 PM, mellody said:


Thanks! Is it prerecorded or live?


Obviously it's prerecorded:


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Posted (edited)

Vinyle & Audio

numéro 22,

daté Janvier/Février 2024, est en kiosque le 22 décembre chez votre marchand de journaux préféré !





L’interview du 22ème numéro de Vinyle & Audio : Mika.



Pop star au firmament


Quelques jours après sa prestation au Stade de France, à l'occasion de la finale de la Coupe du monde de rugby, Mika nous reçoit au Crillon. Il a un nouvel album, Que ta tête fleurisse toujours, à défendre même si ce n'est pas le mot le plus adéquat, puisque le premier extrait « C'est la vie n'a pas mis longtemps à affoler la toile, un million de vues en moins de deux mois...

En quinze ans de carrière, il a vendu près de vingt millions d'albums, et depuis son premier tube « Relax,
Take It Easy », n'a cessé d'en- chanter un public international grâce à sa pop lumineuse et haute en couleur. Star de la musique mais également vedette du petit écran, via The Voice, en France, X Factor et Stasera Casa Mika en Italie et aujourd'hui The Piano en Angleterre avec Lang Lang où il est juré.

Les rendez-vous se font au septième étage, dans un appartement avec une vue sur les toits de Paris, ou parfois des écoutes prennent place. Il y a une chaîne HI-FI et quelques vi- nyles à disposition, comme une parfaite entrée en matière pour nous. Lorsque l'on frappe à la porte il est en train d'écouter une réédition de Billie Holiday, Lady In Satin. Mika est un grand amateur de disques vinyles, et n'hésite pas à rouler des yeux lorsqu'on lui apprend que le récital de Barbara au théâtre des Capucines datant de 1963 vient tout juste d'être réédité. « Je vais me l'acheter ! » nous affirme-t-il nous précisant que c'est là l'un de ses péchés mi- gnons, passer des heures à fouiller les bacs. Il en profite pour extirper de la pile de vinyles le deuxième Fugees qu'il affectionne tout particulièrement, The Score, aussi le dernier Daft Punk, Random Access Memories, même s'il avoue une nette prédilection pour le premier, Homework. En revanche s'il appré- cie beaucoup Gregory Porter il avoue que ce Nat King Cole & Me n'est pas son préfé- ré. « Ce ne sont même pas des chansons qu'il a écrites, mais qu'il a repris comme nombre d'autres artistes à l'époque. Je suis déçu par la sélection... » Il n'a pas tort, tout le monde a chanté « Smile », « Quizás, Quizás, Quizás >> ou << Miss Otis Regrets >>.


WA: Comment écoutez-vous de la musique ?

Mika: Je n'ai pas le droit de dire des marques mais je suis allergique à ces systèmes où l'on a de la musique en background en perma- nence et qui nous encouragent à streamer avec des petites enceintes dans toutes les chambres qui sont connectées, parce que la qualité sonore n'est pas bonne. La musique reste quelque chose de sacré avec de la tex- ture, de la couleur, qui change l'ambiance d'une pièce, qui modifie la lumière même. C'est pour moi quelque chose de super important, et mais on ne doit pas dépenser une fortune pour en profiter, on peut écouter sur un petit truc, mais il y a une cérémonie. Il y a un temps d'écoute, le cerveau doit se préparer pour que les émotions répondent. C'est super important, donc la musique en background en permanence, il faut l'éviter. C'est aussi parce que je suis obsédé par mes oreilles. J'ai des problèmes d'audition depuis vingt ans, et donc je ne peux pas trop les uti- liser, je dois absolument me protéger. Moi j'ai un système, de vinyle Bluetooth, aussi un autre plus direct que j'ai intégré dans mon système Bang & Olufsen, et franchement c'est un dé- lice. Bon ça, c'est un peu plus cher mais ça vaut le coup...



Album : Que la tête fleurisse toujours (Universal)

Retrouvez l’interview de Mika qui s’est confié à Christian Eudeline dans le 22ème numéro de Vinyle & Audio, chez votre marchand de journaux préféré !


:uk: Google translator



Pop star in the sky
A few days after her performance at the Stade de France, on the occasion of the Rugby World Cup final, Mika welcomes us to the Crillon. He has a new album, That your head always blooms, to defend even if it is not the most appropriate word, since the first extract "C'est la vie" did not take long to panic the web, a million views in less than two months...

In fifteen years of career, he has sold nearly twenty million albums, and since his first hit “Relax,
Take It Easy”, has continued to delight an international audience with its luminous and colorful pop. Music star but also star of the small screen, via The Voice in France, X Factor and Stasera Casa Mika in Italy and today The Piano in England with Lang Lang where he is a juror.

The meetings take place on the seventh floor, in an apartment with a view of the rooftops of Paris, where sometimes listening takes place. There is a HI-FI system and some vinyls available, as a perfect introduction for us. When there is a knock at the door he is listening to a reissue of Billie Holiday, Lady In Satin. Mika is a big fan of vinyl records, and does not hesitate to roll his eyes when we tell him that Barbara's recital at the Théâtre des Capucines dating from 1963 has just been reissued. “I’m going to buy it!” » he tells us, telling us that this is one of his cute sins, spending hours searching the bins. He takes the opportunity to extract from the pile of vinyls the second Fugees that he particularly likes, The Score, also the latest Daft Punk, Random Access Memories, even if he admits a clear predilection for the first, Homework. On the other hand, although he really likes Gregory Porter, he admits that Nat King Cole & Me is not his favorite. “These aren't even songs that he wrote, but that he covered like many other artists at the time. I'm disappointed by the selection..." He's not wrong, everyone sang "Smile", "Quizás, Quizás, Quizás" or "Miss Otis Regrets".


WA: How do you listen to music?


Mika: I'm not allowed to say brands but I'm allergic to these systems where we have music constantly playing in the background and which encourage us to stream with small speakers in all the rooms which are connected, because the sound quality is not good. Music remains something sacred with texture, color, which changes the atmosphere of a room, which modifies the light itself. It's something super important for me, and you don't have to spend a fortune to enjoy it, you can listen to something small, but there's a ceremony. There is a time of listening, the brain must prepare for the emotions to respond. This is super important, so music playing in the background all the time should be avoided. It's also because I'm obsessed with my ears. I've had hearing problems for twenty years, and so I can't use them too much, I absolutely have to protect myself. I have a Bluetooth vinyl system, also another more direct one that I integrated into my Bang & Olufsen system, and frankly it's a delight. Okay, it's a little more expensive but it's worth it...











Edited by Kumazzz
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1 heure avec...


Créé le 6 janvier 2024 à 13h01


Mika en interview avec Bernard Montiel "J'arrive à m'accepter"


A l'occasion de la sortie de son nouvel album "Que ta tête fleurisse toujours" Mika était l'invité de Bernard Montiel ce samedi 6 janvier sur RFM.


Chaque samedi et dimanche de 12h à 13h Bernard Montiel accueille une personnalité du monde de la musique, ce samedi 6 janvier le chanteur Mika répondait aux questions de Bernard Montiel. 

Quatre ans après le dernier album My Name Is Michael Holbrook, Mika nous offre un 6e album Que ta tête fleurisse toujours intégralement en français. Sons pops et lumineux sont au programme avec des thèmes universels comme l'amour ou la mort. Une sortie importante pour l'artiste qui sera sur les routes de France à partir de mars prochain avec un coup d'envoi donné à Bordeaux le 1er mars. 


Mika in interview with Bernard Montiel “I manage to accept myself”


On the occasion of the release of his new album "Que ta tête fleurise toujours" Mika was the guest of Bernard Montiel this Saturday January 6 on RFM.


Every Saturday and Sunday from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. Bernard Montiel welcomes a personality from the world of music, this Saturday January 6 the singer Mika answered Bernard Montiel's questions.

Four years after the last album My Name Is Michael Holbrook, Mika offers us a 6th album Let your head always flower entirely in French. Pop and light sounds are on the program with universal themes like love or death. An important release for the artist who will be on the roads of France from next March with a kick-off in Bordeaux on March 1st.




56 minutes ago, Anna Ko Kolkowska said:

A l'occasion de la sortie de son nouvel album "Que ta tête fleurisse toujours" Mika était l'invité de Bernard Montiel ce samedi 6 janvier sur RFM.







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1 hour ago, Sara penny said:

Traslate please 

I can try and give you a brief summary:


They talk about the new album and how Mika feels that French helped him express himself more freely in a way especially when it comes to love, sexuality and sensuality. That in French you can say things that would sound vulgar in English.

He says that the origin of love was an album that we was very scared to release because he wasn't sure if this mix of electronic and symphonic music would work but that it's found its place.

He talks about his mum and the phrase "may your head always bloom" and that he's made his peace with her death (by writing this album as well).

He talks about bullying and how against what many people say, words can hurt very much. The interviewer mentions "hurts" which expresses this.

They talk about other artists particularly Prince for a while, I didn't catch a lof of that.

He says that he's very happy at the moment and has come to a place of acceptance, that there are a lot of things that make him happy like doing concerts, cooking, his dogs,... and that the secret to being happy is staying open and curious.

He talks about Moi, Andy et Paris briefly and says that Andy told him that it's fine that he wrote a song about their private life but he doesn't like how Mika is projecting, because he's actually the one who's jealous. And then about Bougez, Passager and Doucement which he says is a message to himself.


Please feel free to correct anything I might have misunderstood or add! :)

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3 hours ago, CharlotteL said:

Posso provare a farti un breve riassunto:


Parlano del nuovo album e di come Mika sente che il francese lo ha aiutato ad esprimersi più liberamente, soprattutto quando si tratta di amore, sessualità e sensualità. Che in francese si possono dire cose che in inglese suonerebbero volgari.

Dice che The Origin of Love era un album che avevamo molta paura di pubblicare perché non era sicuro che questo mix di musica elettronica e sinfonica avrebbe funzionato, ma che ha trovato il suo posto.

Parla di sua madre e della frase "che la tua testa fiorisca sempre" e che ha fatto pace con la sua morte (scrivendo anche questo album).

Parla di bullismo e di come, contrariamente a quanto dicono molte persone, le parole possono ferire molto. L'intervistatore menziona "fa male" per esprimere questo.

Parlano di altri artisti, in particolare di Prince, per un po', ma non ho capito molto.

Dice che è molto felice in questo momento e che è arrivato a un punto di accettazione, che ci sono molte cose che lo rendono felice come fare concerti, cucinare, i suoi cani,... e che il segreto per essere felice è restare aperto e curioso.

Parla brevemente di Moi, Andy e Paris e dice che Andy gli ha detto che va bene che abbia scritto una canzone sulla loro vita privata, ma non gli piace come si comporta Mika, perché in realtà è lui ad essere geloso. E poi su Bougez, Passager e Doucement che dice sia un messaggio a se stesso.


Non esitate a correggere qualsiasi cosa che potrei aver frainteso o aggiungere!:)

Thank you so much for your summary. I believe that in this period he has become more jealous because he is afraid of losing the people he loves, as happened with his mother.

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Mika - RTL2 Pop-Rock Collection

  1. Grace Kelly
  2. Relax, Take It Easy
  3. Big Girl (You Are Beautiful) (UK Radio Edit)
  4. Blue Eyes We Are Golden (Radio Edit)
  5. Blame It On The Girls (Live From iTunes Festival)
  6. Underwater
  7. Elle Me Dit
  8. Last Party
  9. Boum Boum Boum
  10. Talk About You
  11. Sara Perche Ti Amo - Ricchie E Poweri
  12. Ice Cream
  13. Tiny Love
  14. C’est la Vie
  15. Apocalypse Calypso






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16 hours ago, Sara penny said:

Traslate please 

Would be great if the Subtitles Team would do the translation of this one, it's an interesting interview. And I love how Bernard describes Mika and his work.

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Short summary of this radio  interview on RTL 2 today (11 am -12pm)  from the program Un Monde Meilleur:

They talked about harassment at school and the different types of harassment.
They discussed how social media and direct massages made it worse. Mika said that he still receives DMs with offensive and hurtful content even today from time to time. And even today, at 40 years old, it hurts him what he has to read there, and he admitted that if it hurts him that much, imagine the impact it has on a child or teenager.

They then discussed Mika's own story and his experience of bullying and what happened to him at that Lycee in London.
They talked about the teacher who bullied him, what she did to him and that he did everything - stopped doing his homework, stopped talking etc. - to disappear and become invisible to her so she would leave him alone.

They talked about how the solution for him was music and his mother getting him into music. And that he was able to create a better world for himself through music.
Next Brigitte Macron's initiative against bullying in schools  was the topic and how talking about it in front of these kids unblocked him and he was able to talk about certain things for the first time .And how important it is to talk about it.

In the last part they talked about a girl in France who is campaigning against harassment on her social media channel and that she has developed a sign to let others know if you are a victim of bullying.

Please fell free to correct or add if I missed something important :)

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4 hours ago, Nessaja said:

Short summary of this radio  interview on RTL 2 today (11 am -12pm)  from the program Un Monde Meilleur:

Do you have a link with the interview?

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4 hours ago, krysady said:

Do you have a link with the interview?


Maybe she listened live? I can't find a replay yet, but I assume they'll have one on their website tomorrow. :dunno_grin:

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Exactly - I listened to it live. But unfortunately I wasn't able to record it. 


I just checked on the Website for the reply as well, but there's nothing there yet. Maybe tomorrow as @mellody said. I will check again tomorrow and if I'll find the link, I will share it.


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