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16 minutes ago, mellody said:


I wonder if he wants to tell us that the "winnery" is a winner or if he just had a bit too much of their magic wine already. :naughty:


Is that the one he's doing a collab with? Or a different one?

Wait…wait. A phrase is coming to mind….oh! “Winner winner chicken dinner!” Chicken! Mika and the chicken!!


…ok, I know, that made no sense at all. I have had a bad couple of days, forgive me :facepalm:

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On 7/11/2024 at 11:12 PM, mellody said:


I wonder if he wants to tell us that the "winnery" is a winner or if he just had a bit too much of their magic wine already. :naughty:


Is that the one he's doing a collab with? Or a different one?

I think too much wine already.:naughty:The one he is doing a collab with is a champagner but i forgot the name.

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3 minutes ago, Liv1680 said:

The one he is doing a collab with is a champagner but i forgot the name.


On 7/11/2024 at 11:12 PM, mellody said:

Is that the one he's doing a collab with? Or a different one?

It's a champagne brand called "Nicolas Feuillatte", here's the thread about it:



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YoMIKA is updated !


added 9 pics at Solidays Paris, Warwick Castle and Kew The Music.















Warwick Castle



Warwick Castle



Warwick Castle



Kew Gardens



Kew Gardens



Kew Gardens



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Mika re-posts lunaki69's story.


IG story - links to https://www.catalannews.com/culture/item/mika-barcelona-concert-17-july-2024

the link doesn't work for me...



IG story

Mika cooks Tomato sauce.




IG story


Mika re-posts Les Nits de Barcelona 's post https://www.instagram.com/p/C9kMAMOIjjz/







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mikainstagram story



Mika re-posts dmfc_mika's story




link - https://www.schwetzinger-zeitung.de/orte/schwetzingen_artikel,-schwetzingen-schrill-buntes-pop-wunderland-das-war-mika-bei-musik-im-park-im-schwetzinger-schlossgar-_arid,2231078.html


14 hours ago, mellody said:


Edit: in fact what I posted here is a different article (full gig review) in the same newspaper. This is the link: https://www.schwetzinger-zeitung.de/orte/schwetzingen_artikel,-schwetzingen-schrill-buntes-pop-wunderland-das-war-mika-bei-musik-im-park-im-schwetzinger-schlossgar-_arid,2231078.html


And a photo I got sent on IG: 



Schrill-buntes Pop-Wunderland: Das war Mika bei Musik im Park im Schwetzinger Schlossgarten

Das Auftaktkonzert bei Musik im Park setzt mit dem sympathischen libanesisch-britischen Sänger Mika ein lebensbejahendes Ausrufezeichen. Mit energiegeladenen Hits interagiert auf charmante Weise mit seinem Publikum.


Schwetzingen. Da hatte sich Mika dann wohl doch etwas zu viel vorgenommen, als er beim Auftakt der Schwetzinger Musik-im-Park-Konzertreihe zusammen mit seinem begeisterten Publikum den Regen wegtanzen wollte. Setzte er den drohenden Wolken und zuckenden Blitzen zunächst noch seinen Song „Relax, take it easy. For there is nothing that we can do“, man solle also entspannen und es leicht nehmen, weil man sowieso nichts machen könne, so versuchte er am Ende des tollen Konzertes mit „Happy Ending“ dem einsetzenden Niederschlag ausgelassen tanzend zu begegnen. Vergebens. Beim Performen von „Yo Yo“ ganz zum Schluss des Konzertes zeigten die Wolken ihre ganze Wucht und innerhalb weniger Augenblicke war das Publikum nass bis auf die Haut – da hielten es nur die ganz Hartgesottenen noch bis zum Schluss des Songs vor der Bühne aus.

Das allerdings war das einzige Missgeschick, das dem libanesisch-britischen Sänger bei dieser sommerlichen Popparty im Schlossgarten passierte. Der sympathische Künstler begeisterte sein – laut Angaben des Veranstalters – 1500 Köpfe zählendes Publikum mit einer fröhlichen Neon-Glitzerwelt, die es in sich hatte. Ganz im Stil der 1970er und 1980er Jahre präsentierte er seine 15 Songs mit einer ansteckenden Energie. Auch wenn Mikas Frage zeigte, dass viele Besucher zum ersten Mal ein Konzert von ihm besuchten, verließen am Ende sicherlich ausschließlich Fans das Festivalgelände hinter dem südlichen Zirkelbau, wenngleich auch fluchtartig. Die 19-jährige Valentina brachte es auf den Punkt: „Bisher war ich kein Mika-Fan, aber ab sofort!“


Mit Hits wie „Relax, Take It Easy“ und „Grace Kelly“ von seinem Debüt-Album „Life in Cartoon Motion“ feierte der libanesisch-britische Sänger schon früh riesige Erfolge. Seither zählt er zu den schillerndsten Gestalten des europäischen Pop-Universums. Mikas künstlerischer Ansatz, seine markante Fünf-Oktaven-Stimme, kreative Vielfalt und seine zeitlosen Hits rissen auch in Schwetzingen das Publikum sofort mit. Nicht nur die Hardcorefans direkt vor der Bühne mit ihren Blumenoutfits klatschten, tanzten und sangen vom ersten Song „Ice cream“ an mit – die Welle der Begeisterung wogte bis in die letzte Reihe des Festivalgeländes, wo die Zuhörer ausreichend Platz zum Tanzen fanden. Das war besonders beim einzigen auf Französisch gesungenen Lied „Elle me dit“, einer Hommage ans Tanzen, wichtig, wenn Mika alle aufforderte, sich „wie verrückt“ zu bewegen.


Lebensfreude ausgelöst durch Mikas einzigartigen Stil

Sein einzigartiger Stil, der anspruchsvollen Pop mit Humor und Glamour vereint, löste auch an diesem Sommerabend echte Lebensfreude beim Publikum aus – da konnte keiner stillstehen. Aber es war mehr: Mika flirtete mit dem Publikum, das teils weite Anfahrten für das Konzert in Kauf genommen hatte. Viele Franzosen waren dabei. So auch die 65-jährige Monique, die „natürlich extra für Mika“ nach Schwetzingen gekommen war und alles ganz fantastisch fand.


Augenzwinkernd, manchmal fast schon anbiedernd, doch letztlich immer sehr authentisch hielt Mika mit seinem Publikum Kontakt – mal in Englisch, dann wieder mit deutschen Einsprengseln. Er hatte keine Berührungsängste, sprang mal über die Absperrung mitten unter seine Fans oder holte zum Biertasting („Ja, sehr gutes Bier in Schwetzingen.“) eine Zuschauerin zu sich auf die Bühne.

In seiner temporeichen Show versprühte Mika jungenhaften Charme und wahrhaftig wirkende Fröhlichkeit – halt echtes „Lollipop“-Feeling. Das Publikum dankte es ihm, warf ihm zu Beginn einen Strauß Hortensien auf die Bühne, die Mika sofort in seine Show aufnahm. Und für „Happy Ending“ hatte eine Fangruppe für sehr viele Zuschauer Blüten aus buntem Transparentpapier vorbereitet, die vor die Taschenlampe der hochgereckten Handys gehalten, dem kaleidoskopischen Fest aus grellen Farben, Tönen und Stimmungen noch mehr Buntheit verliehen. Sein Hit „Grace Kelly“ wurde gar zum Regenbogen-Delirium.


Mika liebt erkennbar verspielte und grelle Showeffekte, allerdings haben die nicht die Aufgabe, von musikalischer Spärlichkeit abzulenken. Wuchtig einschlagende, die Magengrube massierende Basstöne, die zeitweise schneidende Falsett-Singstimme, dann wieder opulente Melodien oder leisere Töne am Klavier – Mika beherrscht die Kunst der popmusikalischen Vielfalt und Offenbarung. Beides setzte er in Schwetzingen wunderbar um. Dabei wurde er von einer hervorragenden Begleitband unterstützt – und vom Publikumschor, der einer Tradition folgend bei „Underwater“ von Mika dirigiert wurde.

Übers Wasser zurück zum Regen. Da wusste Besucherin Katja (53) aus einem Ort südlich von Stuttgart im Gespräch mit dieser Zeitung eine schöne Geschichte zu erzählen. Sie hatte mit ihren Kindern, als diese noch im Grundschulalter waren, im Auto immer den Mika-Song „Rain“ gehört. Als ihre inzwischen 20-jährige Tochter vom Konzert in Schwetzingen erfuhr, „mussten wir einfach kommen – da gab es auch bei zwei Stunden Anfahrt keine Diskussion“. Bereut hat es die Familie nicht, verriet sie, auch wenn dieser Lieblingssong diesmal nicht gespielt wurde.


Hockenheimer Klein-Zwillinge Used machen Lust auf Mika

Beim Konzert hatten übrigens zunächst Marco und Dario Klein aus Hockenheim den Support für Mika übernommen. Sie boten eine halbe Stunde lang eine Mischung aus ihren drei bislang veröffentlichten Alben und einen brandneuen Song. Allerdings hatten sie es trotz ihrer musikalisch sehr guten Darbietung nicht leicht, auf dem zunächst noch eher spärlich besetzten Festivalgelände eine zündende Beziehung zum Publikum aufzubauen. Doch die häufig zu hörende Frage, wer denn die Jungs auf der Bühne seien, zeigte, dass sie dann doch für wirkliche Aufmerksamkeit im Vorfeld von Mika sorgten – Chapeau für Used.



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A loud, colorful pop wonderland: That was Mika at Music in the Park in the Schwetzingen Palace Gardens
The opening concert at Music in the Park sets a life-affirming exclamation mark with the likeable Lebanese-British singer Mika. He interacts with his audience in a charming way with energetic hits.


Schwetzingen. Mika had probably taken on a bit too much when he wanted to dance the rain away with his enthusiastic audience at the start of the Schwetzingen Music in the Park concert series. After initially setting the threatening clouds and flickering lightning with his song "Relax, take it easy. For there is nothing that we can do", i.e. people should relax and take it easy because there is nothing they can do anyway, he tried to counter the onset of rain with "Happy Ending" at the end of the great concert by dancing exuberantly. In vain. During the performance of "Yo Yo" right at the end of the concert, the clouds showed their full force and within a few moments the audience was wet to the skin - only the really hardy ones could hold out in front of the stage until the end of the song.


But that was the only mishap that happened to the Lebanese-British singer at this summer pop party in the castle gardens. The likeable artist delighted his audience of 1,500 people - according to the organizer - with a cheerful neon glitter world that was something special. In the style of the 1970s and 1980s, he presented his 15 songs with infectious energy. Even though Mika's question showed that many visitors were attending his concert for the first time, at the end it was certainly only fans who left the festival grounds behind the southern circular building, albeit in a hurry. 19-year-old Valentina summed it up: "I wasn't a Mika fan until now, but from now on I am!"


The Lebanese-British singer enjoyed huge success early on with hits like "Relax, Take It Easy" and "Grace Kelly" from his debut album "Life in Cartoon Motion". Since then he has been one of the most dazzling figures in the European pop universe. Mika's artistic approach, his distinctive five-octave voice, creative diversity and his timeless hits immediately captivated the audience in Schwetzingen too. It wasn't just the hardcore fans directly in front of the stage in their floral outfits who clapped, danced and sang along from the first song, "Ice cream" - the wave of enthusiasm surged all the way to the last row of the festival grounds, where the audience found plenty of space to dance. This was particularly important during the only song sung in French, "Elle me dit", a homage to dancing, when Mika asked everyone to move "like crazy".

Joie de vivre triggered by Mika's unique style


His unique style, which combines sophisticated pop with humor and glamour, sparked real joie de vivre in the audience on this summer evening - no one could stand still. But it was more than that: Mika flirted with the audience, some of whom had traveled long distances to come to the concert. Many French people were there. This was also the case for 65-year-old Monique, who had come to Schwetzingen "especially for Mika, of course" and found everything fantastic.

Mika kept in touch with his audience with a wink, sometimes almost ingratiatingly, but ultimately always very authentically - sometimes in English, sometimes with a sprinkle of German. He had no fear of contact, sometimes jumping over the barrier right into the middle of his fans or bringing a spectator onto the stage for a beer tasting ("Yes, very good beer in Schwetzingen.").

In his fast-paced show, Mika exuded boyish charm and genuine happiness - a real "lollipop" feeling. The audience thanked him for this and threw him a bouquet of hydrangeas onto the stage at the beginning, which Mika immediately included in his show. And for “Happy Ending”, a group of fans had prepared flowers made of colorful tracing paper for a large number of spectators, which were held up to the flashlights of the raised cell phones, adding even more color to the kaleidoscopic festival of bright colors, sounds and moods. His hit “Grace Kelly” even became a rainbow delirium.


Mika clearly loves playful and bright show effects, but they are not meant to distract from the musical sparseness. Powerful bass notes that massage the pit of the stomach, the occasionally cutting falsetto singing voice, then again opulent melodies or quieter tones on the piano – Mika has mastered the art of pop music variety and revelation. He implemented both wonderfully in Schwetzingen. He was supported by an excellent backing band – and by the audience choir, which, following tradition, was conducted by Mika during “Underwater”.

Across the water back to the rain. Visitor Katja (53) from a town south of Stuttgart had a nice story to tell when speaking to this newspaper. She and her children, when they were still in primary school, always listened to the Mika song “Rain” in the car. When her now 20-year-old daughter heard about the concert in Schwetzingen, “we just had to come – there was no discussion even though it was a two-hour drive.” The family has no regrets, she revealed, even if this favorite song wasn't played this time.


Hockenheim Klein-twins Used make you want to see Mika

At the concert, Marco and Dario Klein from Hockenheim initially supported Mika. For half an hour, they offered a mix of their three previously released albums and a brand new song. However, despite their musically very good performance, it was not easy for them to build a sparking relationship with the audience on the initially rather sparsely populated festival grounds. But the frequently heard question about who the guys on stage were showed that they did attract real attention in the run-up to Mika - hats off to Used.


Edit: And a few more photos of fans from the article. I can see @Liv1680, @Yavanna, @tiibet and a tiny bit of @Prisca :lol:

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Have you received MIKA mail today ?




Pour la première fois en vinyle avec un titre bonus !


Afficher l'email dans le navigateur


À l'occasion de l'anniversaire de son premier album, Mika réédite "Life in Cartoon Motion" en vinyle ! Retrouvez les hits inoubliables "Grace Kelly", "Relax, Take It Easy" et "Love Today", ainsi qu'un titre bonus !


Commandez votre vinyle dès maintenant et revivez la magie de cet album culte !




On se voit cet été au Club Apocalypso?





Screen shot



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What a glorious Pride that was. Brighton you were extraordinary.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being one of the best audiences ever, and for sure, one of the most loving and joyful crowds of my career.

#proud @brightonprideofficial ❤️ #brighton

📸 @danilodauriafoto





What a glorious Pride that was. Brighton you were extraordinary.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being one of the best audiences ever, and for sure, one of the most loving and joyful crowds of my career. #proud

15 hours ago, Mikasister said:





What a glorious Pride that was. Brighton you were extraordinary. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being one of the best audiences ever, and for sure, one of the most loving and joyful crowds of my career. #proud @brightonprideofficial ❤️ #brighton

📸 @danilodauriafoto

What a glorious Pride that was. Brighton you were extraordinary. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being one of the best audiences ever, and for sure, one of the most loving and joyful crowds of my career. #.jpg

What a glorious Pride that was. Brighton you were extraordinary. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being one of the best audiences ever, and for sure, one of the most loving and joyful crowds of my caree (1).jpg

What a glorious Pride that was. Brighton you were extraordinary. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being one of the best audiences ever, and for sure, one of the most loving and joyful crowds of my caree (2).jpg

What a glorious Pride that was. Brighton you were extraordinary. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being one of the best audiences ever, and for sure, one of the most loving and joyful crowds of my caree (3).jpg

What a glorious Pride that was. Brighton you were extraordinary. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being one of the best audiences ever, and for sure, one of the most loving and joyful crowds of my caree (4).jpg

What a glorious Pride that was. Brighton you were extraordinary. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being one of the best audiences ever, and for sure, one of the most loving and joyful crowds of my caree (5).jpg

What a glorious Pride that was. Brighton you were extraordinary. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being one of the best audiences ever, and for sure, one of the most loving and joyful crowds of my caree (6).jpg

What a glorious Pride that was. Brighton you were extraordinary. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being one of the best audiences ever, and for sure, one of the most loving and joyful crowds of my caree (7).jpg

What a glorious Pride that was. Brighton you were extraordinary. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being one of the best audiences ever, and for sure, one of the most loving and joyful crowds of my caree (8).jpg

What a glorious Pride that was. Brighton you were extraordinary. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being one of the best audiences ever, and for sure, one of the most loving and joyful crowds of my caree (9).jpg


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About last night...



The joy of her screams explains everything about the vibe last night !



( Big Girl )



Even the clouds took part in the show




Thank you Brighton




Edited by Kumazzz
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