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Stage visuals for Apocalypse Calypso European Tour in 2024

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Elizabeth Laferrière

Director / Art director / Motion artist / Illustrator


posting her works





mikainstagram srory

"One of the amazing animators working with us on the tour @zab_laf  @rodeofx_ads.exp




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Apocalypse Calypso https://www.instagram.com/p/C72LR7Avix5/


Recent works for MIKA’s Apocalypse Calypso European TOUR !! 🌸♥️.


Many thanks to @mikainstagram and Andy for your trust, your vision and heartfelt implication on this great collaboration. Quel plaisir de découvrir votre enthousiasme contagieux à tous les deux! Coup de cœur 2024 🚨


Merci à la superbe équipe chez @rodeofx_ads.exp, tout particulièrement à Louis Duval, pour l’invitation sur ce gros projet fun fun avec tellement de talents montréalais!


Et merci à mon p’ti chouchou @remivincent.tv avec qui je ne compte plus les collabos (et qui a animé ces tableaux 💅🏻)


Europe peeps: If you see the show this summer, send me some 📸














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Posted (edited)

Jane Birkin https://www.instagram.com/p/C74Kj5SgM1M/


Recent works for MIKA’s song JANE BIRKIN on the Apocalypse Calypso European TOUR !!
Absolutely loved creating queer inspired visuals for this special song. Thanks again @mikainstagram for your trust and open heart ♥️
Merci à @rodeofx_ads.exp , tout particulièrement à Louis Duval, pour l’invitation sur le projet








Edited by Kumazzz
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16 hours ago, Kumazzz said:

Apocalypse Calypso https://www.instagram.com/p/C72LR7Avix5/


Recent works for MIKA’s Apocalypse Calypso European TOUR !! 🌸♥️.


Many thanks to @mikainstagram and Andy for your trust, your vision and heartfelt implication on this great collaboration. Quel plaisir de découvrir votre enthousiasme contagieux à tous les deux! Coup de cœur 2024 🚨


Merci à la superbe équipe chez @rodeofx_ads.exp, tout particulièrement à Louis Duval, pour l’invitation sur ce gros projet fun fun avec tellement de talents montréalais!


Et merci à mon p’ti chouchou @remivincent.tv avec qui je ne compte plus les collabos (et qui a animé ces tableaux 💅🏻)


Europe peeps: If you see the show this summer, send me some 📸














Sorry Is Andy mentioned Andreas or a Mika' s collaborator?

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4 hours ago, peroalessandra said:

Sorry Is Andy mentioned Andreas or a Mika' s collaborator?

I heard that Andy told a fan who met him on the AC tour that he worked on the visuals so I assume that he is indeed talking about Andreas Dermanis.

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1 hour ago, CharlotteL said:

I heard that Andy told a fan who met him on the AC tour that he worked on the visuals so I assume that he is indeed talking about Andreas Dermanis.


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1 hour ago, Kumazzz said:

Thank you!
That is the kind of video I LOVE. If it was possible I would like to know every single details about how they worked on this tour.
(A making-of documentary would have been so interesting but I guess it is too late now)

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Screen shots from



mikasounds posting on March 2, 2024




With Clermont Ferrand and yesterday‘s 11,000 strong audience in Bordeaux, the Apocalypse Calypso Tour is officially on the road!
I am so happy to announce that the visuals for this massive new tour have been created in collaboration with RodeoFX, one of the world’s leading effects and animation studios. Working with them has been one of the best experiences of my creative life. The past few months getting ready for the show have been a creative hurricane, and we have loved every single minute of it. So much to share so here is just a taster. See you soon at the Club Apocalypso. A huge thank you in advance to all the dozens of freelancers who worked days and nights to make this happen! Thierry Maximo Loriot Rodeo FX 
Danilo D’Auria & Francesco Prandoni #rodeofx #mikatour #apocalypsecalypsotour






  • Philip Chamberland
  • Pierre-Luk Levesque
  • Stefano Gemmellaro
  • Vincent Bilodeau
  • Eric Gagnon
  • Jeremy Fassio
  • Josselin Bey
  • Kayleigh Arens
  • Lilian Gorini
  • Marie Pierre Poulin
  • Andy Dermanis
  • Elizabeth Laferriere
  • Denise Dietz
  • Greg Doble
  • Jade Cormier
  • Louis-Martin Duval
  • Benoit ...
  • Mika
  • Romain Demongeot



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2 hours ago, Kumazzz said:

Screen shots from



mikasounds posting on March 2, 2024




With Clermont Ferrand and yesterday‘s 11,000 strong audience in Bordeaux, the Apocalypse Calypso Tour is officially on the road!
I am so happy to announce that the visuals for this massive new tour have been created in collaboration with RodeoFX, one of the world’s leading effects and animation studios. Working with them has been one of the best experiences of my creative life. The past few months getting ready for the show have been a creative hurricane, and we have loved every single minute of it. So much to share so here is just a taster. See you soon at the Club Apocalypso. A huge thank you in advance to all the dozens of freelancers who worked days and nights to make this happen! Thierry Maximo Loriot Rodeo FX 
Danilo D’Auria & Francesco Prandoni #rodeofx #mikatour #apocalypsecalypsotour






  • Philip Chamberland
  • Pierre-Luk Levesque
  • Stefano Gemmellaro
  • Vincent Bilodeau
  • Eric Gagnon
  • Jeremy Fassio
  • Josselin Bey
  • Kayleigh Arens
  • Lilian Gorini
  • Marie Pierre Poulin
  • Andy Dermanis
  • Elizabeth Laferriere
  • Denise Dietz
  • Greg Doble
  • Jade Cormier
  • Louis-Martin Duval
  • Benoit ...
  • Mika
  • Romain Demongeot



Andy :thumb_yello:

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4 hours ago, Kumazzz said:

After watching it again, here is what we learnt :
- Mika contacted RodeoFX to "develop the whole storyline of the Apocalypse Calypso Tour"', and they came back to him "with a coherent narrative that linked all the songs together."
- 13 motion designers worked on the project
- Lollipop was supposed to be part of the global setlist, just after Sweetie Banana. He probably deleted after all, but then decided to add it back for the UK leg of the tour. However, the visuals were surely not ready so they improvised something with the ones of Sweetie Banana.

3 hours ago, Juless said:


This excerpt, as long as what seen in the video just below, are probably ripped visuals for Lollipop.




Edited by Juless
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  • 4 weeks later...


Project MIKA

  • Release date - March 1st, 2024




Apocalypse Calypso 2024 Tour


For the Apocalypse Calypso tour of French pop icon MIKA, we assembled an outstanding team of motion designers in Montreal to conceptualize the entire visual identity showcased during the singer-songwriter’s concerts.

MIKA, known for "Grace Kelly," a well-recognized hit from the early 2000s music scene, worked closely with our team to create a blend of diverse visual content that evolved with the songs and the progression of the show.


"I am so happy to announce that the visuals for this massive new tour have been created in collaboration with RodeoFX, one of the world’s leading effects and animation studios.

Working with them has been one of the best experiences of my creative life. The past few months getting ready for the show have been a creative hurricane, and we have loved every single minute of it. "


We deeply appreciated the opportunity to unleash our creativity by fully immersing ourselves in MIKA's universe. This immersion allowed us to innovatively bring to life a harmonious blend of pop and eclectic aesthetics, delicately combining collage with contemplative elements. This creative process was particularly evident in the visual interpretation of MIKA's new hits, including "Sweetie Banana," "Jane Birkin," and "Bougez," reflecting our commitment to excellence and innovation in our field.






Apocalypse Calypso


Pour la tournée Apocalypse Calypso de l'icône de la pop française MIKA, nous avons réuni une équipe d'exception de motion designers à Montréal pour conceptualiser toute l'identité visuelle présentée lors des concerts de l'auteur-compositeur-interprète.

MIKA, interprète de "Grace Kelly", un succès bien connu de l'univers musical du début des années 2000, a collaboré étroitement avec notre équipe pour créer une fusion de contenus visuels variés, évoluant au gré des chansons et du déroulement du spectacle.


"Je suis très heureux d'annoncer que les visuels pour cette immense nouvelle tournée ont été créés en collaboration avec Rodeo FX, l'un des studios d'effets visuels et d'animation les plus réputés au monde.

Travailler avec eux a été l'une des meilleures expériences de ma vie créative. Les derniers mois passés à préparer le spectacle ont été une véritable tempête créative, et nous avons adoré chaque minute."


Nous avons grandement apprécié l'opportunité de déployer notre créativité en nous immergeant pleinement dans l'univers de MIKA. Cela a permis de donner vie, de manière innovante, à un mélange harmonieux d'esthétiques pop et éclectiques, alliant avec finesse le collage à des éléments contemplatifs. Ce processus créatif s'est particulièrement manifesté à travers l'interprétation visuelle des nouveaux succès de MIKA, notamment "Sweetie Banana", "Jane Birkin" et "Bougez", reflétant notre engagement envers l'excellence et l'innovation dans notre domaine.



Rodeo credits
  • Director - Benoit Therriault
  • Art Direction - Louis-Martin Duval
  • Executive Creative Direction - Romain Demongeot
  • VFX Production - Denise Dietz
  • ADS & EXP • Executive Producer - Marie-Piere Poulin
  • Senior of Head Motion - Yvon Jardel
  • Unreal Creative - Yoma Charest
  • 3D Modeling - Alexandre DeBavelaere


Client credits
  • Agency - Dodgy Holiday US Tours Inc
















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Jeremy Fassio






Grâce à la compagnie @rodeofx_ads.exp , j’ai eu l’opportunité de travailler sur le magnifique show du non moins formidable artiste @mikainstagram !

Ce fut une expérience incroyable de participer à la conception d’un spectacle pour un artiste de cette envergure.

Un grand merci à Louis-Martin (DA), Benoit (réalisateur), Andy et bien sûr à l’artiste Mika pour leur confiance sur ce projet 🙏

Toutes mes félicitations pour avoir réussi à monter une équipe de motion designers et réalisé les visuels d’un show entier en seulement 3 semaines ! 💪


Mon humble contribution sur ce projet fut de créer les visuels et animations pour deux des chansons du spectacle.


Un challenge ambitieux qui a réservé son lot de défis, mais qui m’a fait progresser dans ma capacité à créer rapidement des images efficaces, iconiques, qui collent à la rétine des spectateurs.


J’ai justement le plaisir de vous partager aujourd’hui un extrait de la captation réalisée ce soir-là et diffusée à la télévision française le 14 juin dernier.


📸 @TMC

#motiondesign #motiondesigner #mikainstagram #accorarena #mappingmotion #rodeofx #showscenography #mappingvideo #musicshow


:uk: Google translator

Thanks to the company @rodeofx_ads.exp, you have the opportunity to work on the magnificent show of the inexperienced artist @mikainstagram !

It was an amazing experience to participate in the concept of a spectacle for an artist of this project.

A big thank you to Louis-Martin (DA), Benoit (realist), Andy and the artist Mika for their cooperation on this project 🙏

All my satisfactions to be able to help a lot of motion designers and realise the visuals of a show in just 3 seconds! 💪

Mon humble This project contributes to the creation of visuals and animations for two spectacle songs.

A challenging challenge that requires a lot of effort, but it also makes progress in the rapid creation of effective images, icons, which reflect the behavior of spectators.

Just because you are involved today, an extra layer of real-world capture that is so vivid and diffused on French television after the 14th of July.





Faire un MOTION DESIGN pour un show international !

Mon travail pour l'artiste MIKA

Dans cette vidéo je vous partage les coulisses de la création d'animations pour la nouvelle tournée Apocalypse Calypso de l'artiste MIKA. Découvrez le processus de création d'un motion design ( Direction Artistique, Illustration, animation) pour un show d'envergure international.


:uk: Google translator

A MOTION DESIGN fair at an international show!

Working for artist MIKA

In this video, you will be involved in the creation of animations for the new Tournament Apocalypse Calypso by artist MIKA. Discover the process of creating a motion design (artistic direction, illustration, animation) at an international exhibition.




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  • 4 weeks later...
Posted (edited)
On 6/11/2024 at 6:45 PM, Kumazzz said:


romain demongeot


Mika Apocalypse Calypso Tour






Same video on INSTAGRAM






Experience the electrifying synergy of the ‘Apocalypse Calypso’ Tour, where vibrancy, movement, and pop come alive. Dive into the behind-the-scenes magic, crafted by the genius collaboration of @mikainstagram and @rodeofx_ads.exp, that brought the stage visuals to life! 🎬

A big thank you to Mika and his team, @thierrymaximeloriot and Andy Dermanis for the unforgettable collaboration.

Découvrez l’énergie vibrante de la tournée ‘Apocalypse Calypso’, où la vivacité, le mouvement et la pop prennent vie. Plongez dans les coulisses de la magie, fruit de la collaboration ingénieuse entre @mikainstagram et @rodeofx_ads.exp, ayant donné vie aux visuels de scène ! 🎬

Un grand merci à Mika et à son équipe, @thierrymaximeloriot et Andy Dermanis, pour cette collaboration inoubliable.

#apocalypsecalypsotour #mika #rodeofx #vfx




Edited by Kumazzz
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Eclecticism has never been more dazzling!

An extraordinary blend of 2D animation, 3D animation, collage, and AI innovation brings 22 stunning visuals to life, perfectly complementing @mikainstagram’s discography for his ‘Apocalypse Calypso’ 2024 tour. A big thank you to Mika and his team, @thierrymaximeloriot and Andy Dermanis for the unforgettable collaboration.



L’éclectisme n’a jamais été aussi éblouissant !

Un mélange extraordinaire d’animation 2D, d’animation 3D, de collage et d’innovation IA donne vie à 22 visuels époustouflants, complétant parfaitement la discographie de @mikainstagram pour sa tournée ‘Apocalypse Calypso’ 2024. Un grand merci à Mika et à son équipe, @thierrymaximeloriot et Andy Dermanis, pour cette collaboration inoubliable.



#animation #mika #rodeofx



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One pop star, 13 motion designers, 22 songs, and a colourful collaboration.


Join Art Director, Louis Martin Duval, as he guides you through the stunning visuals and highlights of @mikainstagram’s Apocalypse Calypso Tour. A big thank you to Mika and his team, @thierrymaximeloriot and Andy Dermanis for the unforgettable collaboration.


Swipe to see the result! 🍭



Une pop star, 13 motion designers, 22 chansons et une collaboration colorée.


Rejoignez notre Directeur Artistique, Louis Martin Duval, qui vous fera découvrir les visuels époustouflants et les moments forts de la tournée Apocalypse Calypso 2024, de @mikainstagram. Un grand merci à Mika et à son équipe, @thierrymaximeloriot et Andy Dermanis, pour cette collaboration inoubliable.


Faites défiler pour voir le résultat ! 🍭

#motion #rodeofx #mika






Mika reached out to us to develop the entire storyline for his Apocalypse Calypso European tour.

We created a coherent narrative that linked all the songs and assembled a team of 13 motion designers to develop the visuals for the 22-song show.

The tour's overall approach had to be vibrant, filled with color, love, and optimism, yet still contain a touch of bleak realism while remaining an ode to life, true to Mika's music.

- Louis Martin Duval
Art Director




 "The main challenge was the limited
time available, but being in direct contact with Mika and his team made this possible.


We also set up a tight creative workflow to monitor progress in real-time, allowing us to focus on creation using 2D animation, 3D, and AI as a creative companion.

Another key to the project's success was establishing a strong storytelling narrative from the start with our in-house director, which streamlined the subsequent steps of the creative process."





With Clermont Ferrand and yesterday's 11,000 strong audience in Bordeaux, the Apocalypse Calypso Tour is officially on the road!
I am so happy to announce that the visuals for this massive new tour have been created in collaboration with RodeoFX, one of the world's leading effects and animation studios.
Working with them has been one of the best experiences of my creative life. The past few months getting ready for the show have been a creative hurricane, and we have loved every single minute of it.
So much to share so here is just a taster. See you soon at the Club Apocalypso.
A huge thank you in advance to all the dozens of freelancers who worked days and nights to make this happen!
Thierry Maximo Loriot
Rodeo FX
Danilo D'Auria & Francesco Prandoni
#rodeofx #mikatour #apocalypsecalypsotour

2:47 PM Mar 2, 2024 43.1K Views


"Creating this two-hour show with a coherent art direction and narrative was a significant creative achievement and a pure joy to undertake.

Fans loved it, and the press immediately praised it."










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I am unable to embed images or videos from the site into this post. Can anyone help?


Stefano Gemmellaro


MIka - Apocalypse Calypso Tour - Popular Song





We were honored to collaborate with Mika and Rodeo FX to create captivating visuals for Mika's live concert Apocalypse Calypso Tour 2024. 

Despite the tight deadline, we embraced the challenge and brought to life a surreal world that beautifully encapsulates themes of bullying and appearance.  The imagery evolved into two distinct worlds: one representing the internal self and the other the external facade. Both worlds act as sponges, absorbing perceptions and the images we project. 

This intricate blend of inner and outer realities allowed us to craft a visually engaging and thought-provoking experience that resonated deeply with the audience.



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2 hours ago, NaoMika said:

I am unable to embed images or videos from the site into this post. Can anyone help?


Stefano Gemmellaro


MIka - Apocalypse Calypso Tour - Popular Song





We were honored to collaborate with Mika and Rodeo FX to create captivating visuals for Mika's live concert Apocalypse Calypso Tour 2024. 

Despite the tight deadline, we embraced the challenge and brought to life a surreal world that beautifully encapsulates themes of bullying and appearance.  The imagery evolved into two distinct worlds: one representing the internal self and the other the external facade. Both worlds act as sponges, absorbing perceptions and the images we project. 

This intricate blend of inner and outer realities allowed us to craft a visually engaging and thought-provoking experience that resonated deeply with the audience.




Stefano Gemmellaro


MIka - Apocalypse Calypso Tour - Popular Song















5 GIF files












Merged video




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  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Jeremy Fassio






Mika - Apocalypse Calypso Tour


Grâce à la compagnie @rodeofx_ads.exp , j’ai eu l’opportunité de travailler sur le magnifique show du non moins formidable artiste @mikainstagram !

Ce fut une expérience incroyable de participer à la conception d’un spectacle pour un artiste de cette envergure.

Un grand merci à Louis-Martin (DA), Benoit (réalisateur), Andy et bien sûr à l’artiste Mika pour leur confiance sur ce projet �

Toutes mes félicitations pour avoir réussi à monter une équipe de motion designers et réalisé les visuels d’un show entier en seulement 3 semaines ! �

Mon humble contribution sur ce projet fut de créer les visuels et animations pour deux des chansons du spectacle.

Un challenge ambitieux qui a réservé son lot de défis, mais qui m’a fait progresser dans ma capacité à créer rapidement des images efficaces, iconiques, qui collent à la rétine des spectateurs.

J’ai justement le plaisir de vous partager aujourd’hui un extrait de la captation réalisée ce soir-là et diffusée à la télévision française le 14 juin dernier.

� @TMC


:uk: Google translator



Thanks to the company @rodeofx_ads.exp , I had the opportunity to work on the magnificent show of the no less formidable artist @mikainstagram !

It was an incredible experience to participate in the design of a show for an artist of this magnitude.

A big thank you to Louis-Martin (DA), Benoit (director), Andy and of course to the artist Mika for their trust in this project �

Congratulations for having managed to assemble a team of motion designers and create the visuals for an entire show in only 3 weeks! �

My humble contribution to this project was to create the visuals and animations for two of the songs in the show.

An ambitious challenge that had its share of challenges, but which made me progress in my ability to quickly create effective, iconic images that stick to the retina of the spectators.

I have the pleasure of sharing with you today an excerpt from the recording made that evening and broadcast on French television on June 14.

� @TMC



Talk About You

from TMC / TF1 Mika à l’Accor Arena : le concert évènement



Edited by Kumazzz
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