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Mika collaboration with champagne "Nicolas Feuillatte"

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Excuse me,

I have tried to go to the Instagram bio and also to the Nicolas Feuillatte website, and you can only buy from France.

From La Rinascente in Milan I don't think you can buy online and, if it was possible, how to find that particular item?

If I wanted to buy from my country, what do I do? Do I go to France or in Milan? :blink:

Any suggestion for those who are not in France or in Milan? :dunno_grin:

I add: I don't have a particular VPN to connect to France. :crybaby:

Do you think it can be found at any local retailer here? I doubt it or, in that case, I fear they will sell it at a price not very accessible! :sweatdrop:

Edited by Arianne921
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22 hours ago, mellody said:


Just out of curiosity, how much is the bottle?

It's a nice design, but I don't really drink champagne... I suppose it's too expensive to just stand next to my Mika Coke bottle for the next 15 years. :teehee: Maybe at some point he'll do a collab with a winery - I might give a Mika Chianti a try (if affordable). :naughty:

38.50 euros  [taxes included] without the box (+10 for shipping to a French town)
41euros  [taxes included] with the box (+10 for shipping to a French town) 
Taxes make the price go up by 20% 
⚠️If you order be sure to click to add the box it is an option (and you pay a bit more) I didn't see that at first so I had to cancel my first order and make a new one adding the box. 

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⚠️ To anyone who orders on the website the box is a paying option. If you don't click to buy it too when you order the bottle you will only get the bottle. Double check that you have ordered both. 

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1 hour ago, Arianne921 said:

Excuse me,

I have tried to go to the Instagram bio and also to the Nicolas Feuillatte website, and you can only buy from France.

From La Rinascente in Milan I don't think you can buy online and, if it was possible, how to find that particular item?

If I wanted to buy from my country, what do I do? Do I go to France or in Milan? :blink:

Any suggestion for those who are not in France or in Milan? :dunno_grin:

I add: I don't have a particular VPN to connect to France. :crybaby:

Do you think it can be found at any local retailer here? I doubt it or, in that case, I fear they will sell it at a price not very accessible! :sweatdrop:

Give a try to hola vpn. It is free (at least for trying it) If it doesn't work let me know. 

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7 hours ago, Deepblue said:


And I thought the 10 € delivery fee included Mika delivering it to my doorstep, now I‘m thoroughly disappointed! :lol3:

I know right :mikalove:and a private gig included would be :wootjump: :swoon:

Chances are scarse he delivers the bottle in person though :fisch:


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13 minutes ago, crazyaboutmika said:

I know right :mikalove:and a private gig included would be :wootjump: :swoon:

Chances are scarse he delivers the bottle in person though :fisch:



10 € for a private gig, that sounds really reasonable! :lol3:

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1 hour ago, crazyaboutmika said:

I know right :mikalove:and a private gig included would be :wootjump: :swoon:

Chances are scarse he delivers the bottle in person though :fisch:



You mean I can't expect Mika to pop out of the bottle as a Genie and granting me 3 wishes? :tears: Dang, I'd totally have bought that! :lmfao:


Hmm, maybe if I drink the whole bottle at once it will happen (in alcohol-induced hallucinations). :hypo: :naughty: 

(Disclaimer: Joke, remember to drink responsibly and pour votre santé bougez plus :mf_rosetinted:)

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I am very excited to announce my new collaboration with @nicolasfeuillatte who earlier this year, gave me the creative freedom to imagine my very own dreamlike universe. Surreal and poetic, we had the best time creating this visual world, shapes, planets and colors, defying gravity.


It will be available worldwide so look out for it soon at your local merchants. A surprise installation is already in store at the Boutique Nicolas Feuillate in Paris and Chouilly and also in Italy at La Rinascente in Milan!


🍾 Enjoy responsibly #NicolasFeuillatte #NicolasFeuillattexMika #Champagne #MikaStudio







I am very excited to announce my new collaboration with 

who earlier this year, gave me the creative freedom to imagine my very own dreamlike universe. Surreal and poetic, we had the best time creating this visual world, shapes, planets and colors, defying gravity. It will be available worldwide so look out for it soon at your local merchants. A surprise installation is already in store at the Boutique Nicolas Feuillatte in Paris and Chouilly and also in Italy at La Rinascente in Milan!

 🍾Enjoy responsibly #NicolasFeuillatte #NicolasFeuillattexMika #Champagne #MikaStudio




Edited by Kumazzz
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7 hours ago, crazyaboutmika said:

Give a try to hola vpn. It is free (at least for trying it) If it doesn't work let me know. 


I have tried but Hola VPN doesn't accepted by my devices because it's potentially harmful or dangerous. I don't know why but in this area sometimes also normal internet doesn't work.

At this point I think I'll have to wait a bit, and hope to find the champagne in some local retailer here. Do you know if by local retailer also mean that I could find it on large- scale distribution or only in wine shops, wineries...

If I'm not find another solution, despite myself, I will have to give up. :sad:

Edited by Arianne921
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1 hour ago, Arianne921 said:


I have tried but Hola VPN doesn't accepted by my devices because it's potentially harmful or dangerous. I don't know why but in this area sometimes also normal internet doesn't work.

At this point I think I'll have to wait a bit, and hope to find the champagne in some local retailer here. Do you know if by local retailer also mean that I could find it on large- scale distribution or only in wine shops, wineries...

If I'm not find another solution, despite myself, I will have to give up. :sad:


Why not see if a French fan is willing to buy a bottle on your behalf?  I guess this will be more expensive, as you will have to pay extra shipping costs.  Depends how much you want the champagne.

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2 hours ago, Arianne921 said:


I have tried but Hola VPN doesn't accepted by my devices because it's potentially harmful or dangerous. I don't know why but in this area sometimes also normal internet doesn't work.

At this point I think I'll have to wait a bit, and hope to find the champagne in some local retailer here. Do you know if by local retailer also mean that I could find it on large- scale distribution or only in wine shops, wineries...

If I'm not find another solution, despite myself, I will have to give up. :sad:

I can buy it for you and post it to you if you want :thumb_yello:

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3 hours ago, giraffeandy said:

Tissues, pens, watches, champagne... Mika can sell anything to us :teehee:


31 minutes ago, krysady said:

Even CBD oil :teehee:

Coke, To-Fu dolls and JCB wear :mikadas:

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Champagne Nicolas Feuillatte e Mika insieme per una limited edition

“Defying Gravity” è un progetto che parte dal “Réserve Brut Exclusive”


Milano, 10 ott. (askanews) – Nicolas Feuillatte, primo marchio di champagne per vendite in Francia e il terzo al mondo, ha presentato in anteprima a Milano “Defying Gravity”, una collaborazione con il celebre musicista Mika per una limited edition del suo “Champagne Réserve Brut Exclusive”.

“Abbiamo scelto di riallacciarci alla tradizione creativa del fondatore della maison, Nicolas Feuillatte, che sapeva circondarsi di artisti talentuosi per creare degli universi grafici audaci” ha dichiarato Christophe Juarez, Dg della nota Maison di Chouilly in Cote des Blancs, spiegando che “attraverso questo gesto stilistico, dimostriamo ancora una volta che la Denominazione Champagne può sorprendere e osare, rimanendo insieme accessibile ed esigente”. In questo senso la scelta di Mika, noto per la sua esuberante creatività e il suo stile allegro e diretto, autore di un pop ballabile e intelligente, appare la scelta ideale nella strategia di destagionalizzare dello champagne, di spingerlo tra le nuove generazioni e di portarlo oltre le occasioni speciali. Un obiettivo oggi comune a molte importanti realtà, anche alla luce del difficile momento che le più famose bollicine francesi stanno incontrando sul mercato.


“Volevo raccontare una storia che suscitasse curiosità, che attirasse e giocasse con il mio mondo, con i colori e con l’energia che deriva da uno champagne che si oppone alla gravità” ha commentato il 41enne cantautore libanese naturalizzato britannico, spiegando che “volevamo che il risultato fosse festoso, poetico e colorato”.


Nata nel 1976, Nicolas Feuillatte è la più giovane tra le principali case di champagne e dopo l’unione nel 1986 con il Centre Vinicole de la Champagne è diventato il più grande marchio di viticoltori, con una produzione annuale che si assetesta intorno alle 10 milioni di bottiglie e la presenza in un centinaio di Paesi del mondo. “Abbiamo una gamma molto ampia che risponde a tutte le occasioni di consumo, e il nostro ‘Réserve Brut Exclusive’ viene prodotto complessivamente in tre milioni di bottiglie: un numero che non deve ‘spaventare’ perché la qualità è sempre altissima, se pensate anche che contiene un 25% di vini di riserva e 150 Cru” ha rimarcato Gwenaelle Ramond, export manager per l’Italia, parlando di “uno champagne ‘facile’, che piace molto, ma allo stesso tempo ‘complesso’ perché rappresenta tutta la ricchezza e la diversità delle zone della Regione”.


“Per quanto riguarda il nostro Paese, abbiamo deciso di lavorare esclusivamente nel canale della ristorazione” ha precisato Massimo Poloni, Dg di Valdo Spumanti, la storica azienda del Prosecco della famiglia Bolla, che da dieci anni distribuisce in Italia gli champagne Nicolas Feuillatte, e che nel 2023 ha immesso nel canale della ristorazione circa 50mila bottiglie. “Nel 2024 c’è stata una flessione delle vendite, che speriamo venga mitigata dai consumi natalizi, ma sappiamo anche l’enorme potenziale di questo marchio, anche consci del fatto che secondo i dati forniti quest’anno dal Comité la categoria ‘Brut Reserve’ rappresenta circa l’85% del consumo totale di champagne. Crediamo inoltre fortemente – ha concluso Poloni – nell’obbiettivo strategico dell’azienda francese di essere ‘disobbediente’ rispetto ai canoni classici delle Maison ‘vellutate’ della Champagne”.


La partnership per la speciale versione della bollicina affinata 36 mesi e ottenuta da Pinot Noir (40%), Meunier (40%) e Chardonnay (20%) con il cantautore libanese naturalizzato britannico è di due anni. Ventiquattro mesi che prevedono un ricco programma di attività e appuntamenti. La limited edition sarà in vendita in anteprima il 22 ottobre nei nogozi Nicolas Feuillatte di Chouilly e di Parigi, e alla Rinascente di piazza del Duomo a Milano, un omaggio all’Italia che quest’anno è diventato per lo champagne il quinto Paese al mondo per volumi e per valore.


:uk: Google translator



Champagne Nicolas Feuillatte and Mika together for a limited edition


“Defying Gravity” is a project that starts from the “Réserve Brut Exclusive”


Milan, 10 Oct. (askanews) – Nicolas Feuillatte, the leading champagne brand in France and the third in the world, previewed “Defying Gravity” in Milan, a collaboration with the famous musician Mika for a limited edition of his “Champagne Réserve Brut Exclusive”.


“We chose to reconnect with the creative tradition of the founder of the maison, Nicolas Feuillatte, who knew how to surround himself with talented artists to create bold graphic universes” declared Christophe Juarez, DG of the famous Maison in Chouilly in Cote des Blancs, explaining that “through this stylistic gesture, we demonstrate once again that the Champagne Appellation can surprise and dare, while remaining both accessible and demanding”. In this sense, the choice of Mika, known for his exuberant creativity and his cheerful and direct style, author of a danceable and intelligent pop, seems the ideal choice in the strategy of deseasonalizing champagne, of pushing it among the new generations and of taking it beyond special occasions. An objective today common to many important companies, also in light of the difficult moment that the most famous French bubbles are encountering on the market.


"I wanted to tell a story that aroused curiosity, that attracted and played with my world, with the colors and with the energy that comes from a champagne that opposes gravity" commented the 41-year-old Lebanese singer-songwriter naturalized British, explaining that "we wanted the result to be festive, poetic and colorful".


Born in 1976, Nicolas Feuillatte is the youngest of the main champagne houses and after the union in 1986 with the Centre Vinicole de la Champagne it has become the largest winegrowers' brand, with an annual production of around 10 million bottles and a presence in around a hundred countries around the world. "We have a very wide range that responds to all consumption occasions, and our 'Réserve Brut Exclusive' is produced in a total of three million bottles: a number that should not 'scare' because the quality is always very high, if you also consider that it contains 25% reserve wines and 150 Crus" remarked Gwenaelle Ramond, export manager for Italy, speaking of "an 'easy' champagne, which is very popular, but at the same time 'complex' because it represents all the richness and diversity of the areas of the Region".


“As far as our country is concerned, we have decided to work exclusively in the restaurant channel,” said Massimo Poloni, DG of Valdo Spumanti, the historic Prosecco company of the Bolla family, which has been distributing Nicolas Feuillatte champagnes in Italy for ten years, and which in 2023 released around 50 thousand bottles into the restaurant channel. “In 2024 there was a decline in sales, which we hope will be mitigated by Christmas consumption, but we also know the enormous potential of this brand, also aware of the fact that according to the data provided this year by the Comité, the ‘Brut Reserve’ category represents around 85% of total champagne consumption. We also strongly believe – concluded Poloni – in the strategic objective of the French company to be ‘disobedient’ with respect to the classic canons of the ‘velvety’ Maisons of Champagne”.


The partnership for the special version of the 36-month-aged sparkling wine obtained from Pinot Noir (40%), Meunier (40%) and Chardonnay (20%) with the Lebanese singer-songwriter naturalized British is for two years. Twenty-four months that include a rich program of activities and events. The limited edition will be on sale in preview on October 22nd in the Nicolas Feuillatte stores in Chouilly and Paris, and at the Rinascente in Piazza del Duomo in Milan, a tribute to Italy which this year has become the fifth country in the world for champagne in terms of volume and value.





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La Champagne de Sophie Claeys




Nicolas Feuillatte et Mika : une collaboration effervescente qui défie la gravité


Annoncé lors de la dernière assemblée générale de Terroirs et Vignerons de Champagne, le Champagne Nicolas Feuillatte s’associe à l’univers coloré et fantasque de Mika pour créer une collaboration inédite et pleine de surprises. De cette rencontre artistique est né Defying Gravity, un hommage à l’effervescence et à la célébration.


Dans cet univers unique, les bulles de champagne Nicolas Feuillatte veulent défier la gravité, créant un spectacle sans cesse renouvelé. Les bouteilles, imaginées et désignées par Mika, sont produites en édition limitée (prix 41 euros sur le site boutique de la marque).


Pour marquer la sortie de la cuvée Réserve Exclusive Brut en édition limitée X Mika, la maison Nicolas Feuillatte propose également une expérience immersive inédite :

Cosmic Tasting. Du 17 octobre au 9 novembre, la boutique parisienne au 254 rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré se transforme en un lieu de découvertes sensorielles, où les visiteurs sont plongés dans un univers cosmique.


Conçue en collaboration avec le studio culinaire Staff Meal et la cheffe Alice Malaret, cette expérience culinaire propose cinq bouchées uniques qui surprendront vos papilles par leurs jeux de saveurs et de textures. Dans une ambiance où les lumières et les sons créent un décor surréaliste, le Champagne se révèle à travers une nouvelle dimension. Avec Defying Gravity, Nicolas Feuillatte et Mika proposent une collaboration où l’art, la musique et la gastronomie se rejoignent pour offrir une expérience immersive.



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Nicolas Feuillatte and Mika: an effervescent collaboration that defies gravity


Announced at the last general meeting of Terroirs et Vignerons de Champagne, Champagne Nicolas Feuillatte joins forces with Mika's colorful and whimsical world to create a unique collaboration full of surprises. From this artistic encounter was born Defying Gravity, a tribute to effervescence and celebration.


In this unique universe, the bubbles of Nicolas Feuillatte champagne want to defy gravity, creating a constantly renewed spectacle. The bottles, imagined and designed by Mika, are produced in limited edition (price 41 euros on the brand's boutique website).


To mark the release of the limited edition Réserve Exclusive Brut X Mika, the Nicolas Feuillatte house is also offering a unique immersive experience:

Cosmic Tasting. From October 17 to November 9, the Parisian boutique at 254 rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré is transformed into a place of sensory discoveries, where visitors are immersed in a cosmic universe.


Designed in collaboration with the culinary studio Staff Meal and chef Alice Malaret, this culinary experience offers five unique bites that will surprise your taste buds with their play of flavors and textures. In an atmosphere where lights and sounds create a surrealist decor, Champagne reveals itself through a new dimension. With Defying Gravity, Nicolas Feuillatte and Mika propose a collaboration where art, music and gastronomy come together to offer an immersive experience.








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10 hours ago, crazyaboutmika said:

I can buy it for you and post it to you if you want :thumb_yello:


If only I could figure out where they could distribuite here! :huh:

If, as it seems, it is only sold in Milan or in Italy in general, but only in the restaurants, this it could be a problem. If, instead, I could also find it elsewhere (like in a shopping centre for example) the things could change. But...it's not so clear! :confused:

I would probably hardly, for me, drink champagne, but it's a collector's item anyway, and that's why I was interested.

Thank you for your offer of help @crazyaboutmika, I would be very tempted to accept but...I don't have Pay Pal but only a credit card. How can I do with payments, shipping or everything else? 

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12 hours ago, silver said:


Why not see if a French fan is willing to buy a bottle on your behalf?  I guess this will be more expensive, as you will have to pay extra shipping costs.  Depends how much you want the champagne.


Thank you for your idea. It's kind.

Maybe, I would hardly drink the champagne, probably it would become more a collector's item, but it is very beautiful, and it would add to my little ( probably still small compared to many of you)  "Mika Collection"! :wub2:

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2 hours ago, Arianne921 said:


If only I could figure out where they could distribuite here! :huh:

If, as it seems, it is only sold in Milan or in Italy in general, but only in the restaurants, this it could be a problem. If, instead, I could also find it elsewhere (like in a shopping centre for example) the things could change. But...it's not so clear! :confused:

I would probably hardly, for me, drink champagne, but it's a collector's item anyway, and that's why I was interested.

Thank you for your offer of help @crazyaboutmika, I would be very tempted to accept but...I don't have Pay Pal but only a credit card. How can I do with payments, shipping or everything else? 

Well you should be able to transfer money to any account with your bank phone app or go to your bank in person for a transfer if I give you the IBAN.  Check it out, it worked for me when a fan from Mexico payed me back her tickets for Mika's Apocalyso concert in Paris.

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Tasting Life




“Defying Gravity”: La nuova edizione limitata firmata da Champagne Nicolas Feuillatte e Mika


Champagne Nicolas Feuillatte, la maison più giovane e dinamica della scena francese, ha annunciato una nuova entusiasmante collaborazione con l’artista e designer internazionale Mika. Questa partnership, intitolata “Defying Gravity“, fonde l’estro creativo e colorato di Mika con l’eleganza contemporanea della maison, dando vita a un progetto che esalta la leggerezza e la libertà di espressione, valori condivisi da entrambi i protagonisti della limited edition. Un’esperienza che intreccia musica, arte e bollicine in un’esplosione di stile e fantasia.


Il cuore di questa collaborazione è il celebre Champagne Réserve Brut Exclusive, simbolo dello stile inconfondibile di Nicolas Feuillatte. Con freschezza vibrante e intensi aromi di pera matura e albicocca, questo champagne offre una texture setosa e ricca, risultato di un affinamento di 36 mesi. Ogni sorso racconta la storia dei terroir della regione, combinando leggerezza e profondità.


Questa collaborazione va oltre le convenzioni del lusso tradizionale, portando lo champagne in una nuova dimensione. Mika, con la sua visione artistica audace, ha creato un mondo onirico dove le bollicine sembrano fluttuare, sfidando la gravità. Il suo stile inconfondibile unisce due mondi apparentemente distanti in un’opera dinamica e multisensoriale, capace di sorprendere e affascinare.


Christophe Juarez, Direttore Generale di Champagne Nicolas Feuillatte, ha commentato: “Questa è la storia di due anime. Abbiamo scelto di ricollegarci alla tradizione creativa del fondatore, il Sig. Nicolas Feuillatte, che sapeva circondarsi di artisti talentuosi per creare universi grafici audaci. Con questo gesto stilistico, dimostriamo ancora una volta che la denominazione Champagne può sorprendere e osare, restando accessibile e al contempo esigente.


La creatività di Mika, ispirata dalla sua storia personale e dal suo stile inconfondibile, si manifesta in un universo vibrante e giocoso. “Abbiamo lavorato intensamente con i team per mesi su questo progetto, che mi sta molto a cuore“, ha dichiarato Mika. “Volevo raccontare una storia che suscitasse curiosità, giocando con i colori e con l’energia di uno champagne che sembra sfidare la gravità. Volevamo che il risultato fosse festoso, poetico e colorato. Sono entusiasta e orgoglioso di presentare questo progetto. L’arte dello champagne è l’arte di celebrare i momenti più significativi della vita“.
L’artista internazionale continuerà a rivelare altre opere legate a questo progetto e sarà impegnato in un tour mondiale fino alla fine del 2026, portando la sua visione in tutto il mondo.


Lo Champagne Réserve Brut Exclusive in edizione limitata, nato dalla collaborazione con Mika, sarà disponibile al prezzo di €55 per la bottiglia da 75 cl, personalizzata e confezionata appositamente. Potrà essere acquistato esclusivamente presso il negozio Nicolas Feuillatte di Parigi (254 rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré, 75008 Parigi), il negozio Nicolas Feuillatte di Chouilly (CD40 ‘Plumecoq’, 51530 Chouilly) e, in anteprima, alla Rinascente di Milano (Piazza del Duomo, Italia) dal 22 ottobre 2024. La disponibilità si estenderà al Nord Italia entro la fine dell’anno.


Fondata nel 1976 tra i vigneti della Champagne, la maison Nicolas Feuillatte è rapidamente diventata il marchio più venduto in Francia e il terzo al mondo, con quasi 10 milioni di bottiglie distribuite ogni anno. I suoi vigneti, che si estendono su oltre 2.100 ettari, rappresentano la straordinaria ricchezza della regione, offrendo un’esperienza di degustazione che combina qualità e accessibilità, grazie all’impegno e alla dedizione dei viticoltori.


Per maggiori informazioni, è possibile visitare il sito ufficiale di Nicolas Feuillatte e i canali social.



:uk: Google translator



“Defying Gravity”: The new limited edition signed by Champagne Nicolas Feuillatte and Mika


Champagne Nicolas Feuillatte, the youngest and most dynamic maison on the French scene, has announced an exciting new collaboration with the international artist and designer Mika. This partnership, entitled “Defying Gravity“, fuses Mika’s creative and colorful flair with the maison’s contemporary elegance, giving life to a project that celebrates lightness and freedom of expression, values shared by both protagonists of the limited edition. An experience that intertwines music, art and bubbles in an explosion of style and fantasy.


The heart of this collaboration is the famous Champagne Réserve Brut Exclusive, symbol of the unmistakable style of Nicolas Feuillatte. With vibrant freshness and intense aromas of ripe pear and apricot, this champagne offers a silky and rich texture, the result of aging for 36 months. Each sip tells the story of the region’s terroirs, combining lightness and depth.

This collaboration goes beyond the conventions of traditional luxury, taking champagne to a new dimension. Mika, with his bold artistic vision, has created a dreamlike world where bubbles seem to float, defying gravity. His unmistakable style unites two seemingly distant worlds in a dynamic and multisensory work, capable of surprising and captivating.


Christophe Juarez, General Manager of Champagne Nicolas Feuillatte, commented: “This is the story of two souls. We have chosen to reconnect with the creative tradition of the founder, Mr. Nicolas Feuillatte, who knew how to surround himself with talented artists to create bold graphic universes. With this stylistic gesture, we demonstrate once again that the Champagne appellation can surprise and dare, while remaining accessible and demanding at the same time.“


Mika’s creativity, inspired by his personal history and his unmistakable style, manifests itself in a vibrant and playful universe. “We have been working intensely with the teams for months on this project, which is very close to my heart,” said Mika. “I wanted to tell a story that arouses curiosity, playing with colors and the energy of a champagne that seems to defy gravity. We wanted the result to be festive, poetic and colorful. I am excited and proud to present this project. The art of champagne is the art of celebrating the most significant moments in life.”


The international artist will continue to reveal more works related to this project and will be on a world tour until the end of 2026, taking his vision around the world.


The limited-edition Champagne Réserve Brut Exclusive, born from the collaboration with Mika, will be available at the price of €55 for the 75cl bottle, customized and specially packaged. It will be available exclusively at the Nicolas Feuillatte store in Paris (254 rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré, 75008 Paris), the Nicolas Feuillatte store in Chouilly (CD40 ‘Plumecoq’, 51530 Chouilly) and, as a preview, at the Rinascente in Milan (Piazza del Duomo, Italy) from 22 October 2024. Availability will extend to Northern Italy by the end of the year.


Founded in 1976 in the Champagne vineyards, the Nicolas Feuillatte house has quickly become the best-selling brand in France and the third in the world, with nearly 10 million bottles distributed each year. Its vineyards, which extend over 2,100 hectares, represent the extraordinary wealth of the region, offering a tasting experience that combines quality and accessibility, thanks to the commitment and dedication of the winemakers.


For more information, you can visit Nicolas Feuillatte 's official website and social media channels.








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Nicolas Feuillatte
I am very excited to announce my new collaboration with Champagne Nicolas Feuillatte who earlier this year, gave me the creative freedom to imagine my very own dreamlike universe. Surreal and poetic, we had the best time creating this visual world, shapes, planets and colors, defying gravity.
It will be available worldwide so look out for it soon at your local merchants. A surprise installation is already in store at the Boutique Nicolas Feuillate in Paris and Chouilly and also in Italy at La Rinascente in Milan!
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2 hours ago, Kumazzz said:




Nicolas Feuillatte
I am very excited to announce my new collaboration with Champagne Nicolas Feuillatte who earlier this year, gave me the creative freedom to imagine my very own dreamlike universe. Surreal and poetic, we had the best time creating this visual world, shapes, planets and colors, defying gravity.
It will be available worldwide so look out for it soon at your local merchants. A surprise installation is already in store at the Boutique Nicolas Feuillate in Paris and Chouilly and also in Italy at La Rinascente in Milan!






Digital film bringing to life Mika’s graphic universe for Nicolas feuillate ( Director’s cut version )


MP4 ( 1080p / 7.4 MB )





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