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Mika collaboration with champagne "Nicolas Feuillatte"

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6 hours ago, crazyaboutmika said:

Well you should be able to transfer money to any account with your bank phone app or go to your bank in person for a transfer if I give you the IBAN.  Check it out, it worked for me when a fan from Mexico payed me back her tickets for Mika's Apocalyso concert in Paris.


I have a bank phone app, I have checked and, apparently, it seems possible. :dunno_grin:

In the meantime, in this hours I have tried to collect some informations about the sale.

I have written on their Social Channel and they have replied to me what I already know, that is that this bottle of Champagne will be available from October at La Rinascente in Milan but (or it's what I understood) only in the restaurants.

If, in the meantime, by the end of the year, they should extend the sale elsewhere, I don't know where exactly. For the moment seems it will only be able to buy in certain locations by " physically going there", like restaurants or wine bars and only in some cities of Italy. (Which they will be?:dunno:)

At least, this is what I know for now.

So...what decision to make? How much do you think the bottle, the box and shipping would cost in total from France? 



Edited by Arianne921
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2 hours ago, ClownInACollar said:

Good news for my fellow UK based people!


(From @mika_is_a_babe on instagram)


Thanks for sharing!!!


On 10/9/2024 at 10:33 PM, TinyLove_CJ said:

  I will still look for UK suppliers, John Lewis stocks Nicolas Feuillatte wines and champagne so I may keep my eye on their store.

Looks like I was right to be keeping an eye on John Lewis! :biggrin2:


I did previously send a query to the Nicolas Feuillatte website asking about UK delivery and I got a response saying that unfortunately they DO NOT export to the UK. It's a mistake on the website with the shipping destinations, I have asked again if this is the same with the non-European countries (Canada and Japan) but I'm still waiting to hear back about that.

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3 hours ago, TinyLove_CJ said:

Thanks for sharing!!!


Looks like I was right to be keeping an eye on John Lewis! :biggrin2:


I did previously send a query to the Nicolas Feuillatte website asking about UK delivery and I got a response saying that unfortunately they DO NOT export to the UK. It's a mistake on the website with the shipping destinations, I have asked again if this is the same with the non-European countries (Canada and Japan) but I'm still waiting to hear back about that.


5 hours ago, ClownInACollar said:

Good news for my fellow UK based people!


(From @mika_is_a_babe on instagram)





Search results

Nicolas Feuillatte

https://www.johnlewis.com/search?search-term=Nicolas Feuillatte&sortBy=new




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On 10/9/2024 at 7:43 PM, Kumazzz said:


Cosmic Tasting

L'expérience gustative et sensorielle à réserver dès maintenant

A l'occasion de la sortie de la cuvée Réserve Exclusive Brut Edition Limitée x Mika, nous vous proposons une expérience unique à partager dans notre boutique de Paris.

En immersion au cœur d'un espace où les repères s'effacent et les sens se troublent. Vous êtes invités à vivre une expérience culinaire qui va surprendre, émerveiller et éveiller chacun de vos sens.
Conçues sur mesure en collaboration avec le studio culinaire Staff Meal et la cheffe Alice Malaret, cinq bouchées uniques défient vos attentes par des jeux de saveurs, de textures et de formes. Chaque création intrigue, bouleverse et réinvente le plaisir dans un univers parallèle. Du 17 octobre au 9 novembre, laissez-vous emporter dans cette aventure culinaire immersive.




On 10/9/2024 at 7:43 PM, Kumazzz said:




Defying Gravity


Nicolas Feuillatte x Mika - Cosmic Tasting

L'expérience sensorielle et gustative


Du 17 octobre 2024 19:00

Au 9 novembre 2024 21:30

Boutique Nicolas Feuillatte Paris 8ème, 75008, Paris France




Cosmic Tasting :  L'expérience sensorielle et gustative

Immersion au cœur d'un espace où les repères s'effacent et les sens se troublent. Une invitation à vivre une expérience culinaire qui va surprendre, émerveiller et éveiller chacun de vos sens. Le champagne Nicolas Feuillatte se savoure dans un univers cosmique, où les textures, les lumières et les sons s'entrelacent pour créer une expérience sensorielle inédite.

Conçues sur mesure en collaboration avec le studio culinaire Staff Meal et la cheffe Alice Malaret, cinq bouchées uniques défient vos attentes par des jeux de saveurs, de textures et de formes. Chaque création intrigue, bouleverse et réinvente le plaisir dans un univers parallèle.


Du 17 octobre au 9 novembre, laissez-vous emporter dans cette aventure culinaire immersive !

Au programme : 
  • Une visite accompagnée du pop-up dédié à l'univers imaginé par l'artiste designer MIKA et son concept "Defying Gravity" 
  • Un atelier culinaire qui viendra bousculer vos sens et défier la gravité, élaboré par le Studio culinaire Staff Meal et la cheffe Artiste Culinaire Alice Malaret (5 bouchées élaborées spécialement pour cette expérience)
  • Une dégustation de Champagnes de la gamme Nicolas Feuillatte en accord mets et vins
Pour plus de convivialité, nous vous proposons ces ateliers en petits groupes (8 personnes maximum) autour d'une grande tablée : l'occasion de partager avec vos proches, vos amis ou de parfaits inconnus un moment unique et au défi de vos sens.  
Pour en savoir plus sur cette expérience rendez-vous sur notre blog par ici : 
Informations pratiques
  • Les ateliers ont lieu les Jeudis, Vendredis et Samedis, du 17 octobre au 9 novembre :
    • Les Jeudis et Vendredis, à 19h et à 21h15 
    • Les Samedis, à 17h30, 19h30 et 21h30 
  • Durée de l'expérience complète : 1h15 (30 minutes de parcours sensoriel commenté, et 45 minutes d'atelier culinaire et dégustation de Champagne)  
  • Places limitées et sur réservation uniquement, au tarif unique de 38€ par personne
  • Les bouchées servies sont préparées chaque jour par l'Atelier Staff Meal en amont des séances, aussi nous ne pouvons tenir compte des régimes spéciaux et allergies éventuelles. Veuillez noter que certaines bouchées contiennent des allergènes identifiés, parmi lesquels : lait, gluten, fruits à coque, sésame, poissons et mollusques
  • Expérience réservée aux personnes majeures 

Accès en Métro Ligne 2 - station Ternes








Cosmic Tasting in Paris


Billetterie (Ticket)



  • €38.00 - 1 ticket (tax incl.)
  • Localisation - Boutique Nicolas Feuillatte Paris 8ème, 254 rue du Faubourg Saint Honoré, 75008, Paris France









Edited by Kumazzz
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L'angolo del gusto en rose di Camilla Guiggi




Nicolas Feuillatte limited edition Defying Gravity - L'angolo del gusto en rose




Il marchio di Champagne preferito dai francesi si unisce al noto designer per una collaborazione artistica rivoluzionaria che da vita a una collezione esclusiva di bottiglie in edizione limitata


Champagne Nicolas Feuillatte, la maison più giovane e dinamica e uno dei marchi più amati in Francia, annuncia con entusiasmo la sua collaborazione con l’eclettico artista e designer internazionale Mika. Questa partnership straordinaria, denominata
«Defying Gravity», mescola la creatività irriverente e colorata di Mika con l’eleganza contemporanea della maison, per un progetto che celebra la leggerezza e la libertà d’espressione, valori condivisi da entrambi gli autori della limited edition. Un viaggio sensoriale che unisce musica, arte e bollicine in un’esplosione di stile e fantasia.

Il fulcro della collaborazione è il celebre Champagne Réserve Brut Exclusive, emblema dello stile di Nicolas Feuillatte. Freschezza vibrante e intensi aromi fruttati, con note di pera matura e albicocca, si combinano in una texture setosa e ricca, frutto di un lungo affinamento di 36 mesi. Questo champagne rappresenta una celebrazione dei terroir della regione, dove ogni sorso racconta una storia di leggerezza e profondità.

Distaccandosi dalle convenzioni classiche, questa collaborazione va oltre il lusso tradizionale, proiettando lo champagne in una dimensione nuova. Mika, con la sua visione artistica senza limiti, ha immaginato un mondo onirico in cui le bollicine sembrano fluttuare in assenza di gravità. Con il suo stile carismatico e riconoscibile, Mika fonde due mondi apparentemente distanti, in un’opera d’arte dinamica e multisensoriale, capace di stupire e incantare.


“Questa è la storia di due anime”, commenta Christophe Juarez, Direttore Generale di Champagne Nicolas Feuillatte. “Abbiamo scelto di riallacciarci alla tradizione creativa del fondatore della Maison, il Sig. Nicolas Feuillatte, che sapeva circondarsi di artisti talentuosi per creare degli universi grafici audaci. Attraverso questo gesto stilistico, dimostriamo ancora una volta che la denominazione Champagne può sorprendere e “osare”, rimanendo insieme accessibile ed esigente».


La creatività di Mika, ispirata dalla sua storia personale e dal suo stile unico, si manifesta in un universo vibrante e giocoso.

“Abbiamo lavorato intensamente con i team per mesi su questo progetto, che mi sta molto a cuore”, ha dichiarato Mika, “Volevo raccontare una storia che suscitasse curiosità.

Volevo che attirasse e giocasse con il mio mondo, con i colori e con l’energia che deriva da uno champagne che si oppone alla gravità. Volevamo che il risultato fosse festoso, poetico e colorato. È con grande entusiasmo, gioia e orgoglio che vi presentiamo questo progetto. L’arte dello champagne è l’arte di celebrare i momenti più significativi della vita”.


L’artista-designer di successo mondiale, associato al terzo marchio di Champagne più venduto al mondo, rivelerà altre opere d’arte e girerà il mondo fino alla fine del 2026.



:uk: Google translator



Nicolas Feuillatte limited edition Defying Gravity - L'angolo del gusto en rose




The French favorite Champagne brand joins forces with the renowned designer for a revolutionary artistic collaboration that gives life to an exclusive collection of limited edition bottles


Champagne Nicolas Feuillatte, the youngest and most dynamic maison and one of the most beloved brands in France, is excited to announce its collaboration with the eclectic international artist and designer Mika. This extraordinary partnership, called

«Defying Gravity», mixes Mika's irreverent and colorful creativity with the maison's contemporary elegance, for a project that celebrates lightness and freedom of expression, values shared by both authors of the limited edition. A sensory journey that combines music, art and bubbles in an explosion of style and fantasy.

The heart of the collaboration is the famous Champagne Réserve Brut Exclusive, the emblem of Nicolas Feuillatte's style. Vibrant freshness and intense fruity aromas, with notes of ripe pear and apricot, combine in a silky and rich texture, the result of a long aging of 36 months. This champagne is a celebration of the terroirs of the region, where each sip tells a story of lightness and depth.


Breaking away from classic conventions, this collaboration goes beyond traditional luxury, projecting champagne into a new dimension. Mika, with his limitless artistic vision, has imagined a dream world where the bubbles seem to float in the absence of gravity. With his charismatic and recognizable style, Mika merges two seemingly distant worlds, in a dynamic and multisensory work of art, capable of surprising and enchanting.


"This is the story of two souls," says Christophe Juarez, General Manager of Champagne Nicolas Feuillatte. “We chose to reconnect with the creative tradition of the founder of the House, Mr. Nicolas Feuillatte, who knew how to surround himself with talented artists to create bold graphic universes. Through this stylistic gesture, we demonstrate once again that the Champagne appellation can surprise and “dare”, while remaining both accessible and demanding.”


Mika’s creativity, inspired by his personal history and his unique style, manifests itself in a vibrant and playful universe.

“We worked intensely with the teams for months on this project, which is very close to my heart,” said Mika, “I wanted to tell a story that arouses curiosity.

I wanted it to attract and play with my world, with the colors and energy that comes from a champagne that defies gravity. We wanted the result to be festive, poetic and colorful. It is with great enthusiasm, joy and pride that we present this project to you. The art of champagne is the art of celebrating the most significant moments in life.”


The globally successful artist-designer, associated with the world’s third best-selling Champagne brand, will reveal more artworks and tour the world until the end of 2026.




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15 hours ago, Arianne921 said:


I have a bank phone app, I have checked and, apparently, it seems possible. :dunno_grin:

In the meantime, in this hours I have tried to collect some informations about the sale.

I have written on their Social Channel and they have replied to me what I already know, that is that this bottle of Champagne will be available from October at La Rinascente in Milan but (or it's what I understood) only in the restaurants.

If, in the meantime, by the end of the year, they should extend the sale elsewhere, I don't know where exactly. For the moment seems it will only be able to buy in certain locations by " physically going there", like restaurants or wine bars and only in some cities of Italy. (Which they will be?:dunno:)

At least, this is what I know for now.

So...what decision to make? How much do you think the bottle, the box and shipping would cost in total from France? 



I don't remember where you live I'm sorry :doh:but  the weight of the bottle in its carboard is 1.7 kilograms so on the post office internet site I believe there is a tool to calculate the cost of shipping.

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4 hours ago, Kumazzz said:







Cosmic Tasting in Paris


Billetterie (Ticket)



  • €38.00 - 1 ticket (tax incl.)
  • Localisation - Boutique Nicolas Feuillatte Paris 8ème, 254 rue du Faubourg Saint Honoré, 75008, Paris France









I wish I lived in Paris....I'd love to see Mika's creation's pop up :wub2:

Hopefully those beauties will be part of his new tour :pray:

I love them so much :fangurl:

The box has golden paint on it so the real thing looks even more magical than the photos :swoon:



Edited by crazyaboutmika
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Wine Couture




Defying Gravity: Mika firma una limited edition dello Champagne Réserve Brut Exclusive Nicolas Feuillatte


Una bollicina pronta a raggiungere nuove vette, sfidando la gravità grazie a una partnership da Hit Parade: Champagne Nicolas Feuillatte, la Maison più giovane e uno dei marchi più amati in Francia, ha lanciato la nuova collaborazione che lo lega all’eclettico artista e designer internazionale Mika. Un incontro denominato “Defying Gravity”, che ha già dato vita a una limited edition dello Champagne Réserve Brut Exclusive, l’etichetta emblema dello stile della realtà con sede a Chouilly, presentata in anteprima mondiale a Milano mercoledì 9 ottobre. Una prima assoluta per la Maison, che ha scelto di affidare a una superstar di fama mondiale la rivisitazione della veste della sua bollicina di punta con un’edizione speciale che sarà disponibile in tutto il mondo, con la sua colorata confezione, fino alla fine del 2026.


“Questa è la storia di due anime”, spiega Christophe Juarez, direttore generale di Champagne Nicolas Feuillatte. “Abbiamo scelto di riallacciarci alla tradizione creativa del fondatore della Maison, Monsieur Nicolas Feuillatte, che sapeva circondarsi di artisti talentuosi per creare degli universi grafici audaci. Attraverso questo gesto stilistico, dimostriamo ancora una volta che la Denominazione Champagne può sorprendere e osare, rimanendo insieme accessibile ed esigente”.


Defying Gravity: la limited edition firmata da Mika presentata in anteprima mondiale a Milano


Prende il nome di “Defying Gravity” la nuova partnership tra Mika e Champagne Nicolas Feuillatte, che mescola la creatività irriverente e colorata dell’artista di origini libanesi con l’eleganza contemporanea della Maison transalpina, per un progetto che celebra la leggerezza e la libertà d’espressione in una limited edition di Champagne Réserve Brut Exclusive.


Una Cuvée che è emblema dello stile di Nicolas Feuillatte, con la sua freschezza vibrante e gli intensi aromi fruttati, le note di pera matura e albicocca che si combinano in una texture setosa e ricca, figlia di un affinamento lungo 36 mesi. Uno Champagne che da sempre mira a rappresentare una celebrazione dei terroir della più famosa regione delle bollicine francesi.


Distaccandosi dalle classiche convenzioni, la nuova collaborazione che lega Mika e Nicolas Feuillatte punta a proiettare lo Champagne in una nuova dimensione, un mondo onirico in cui le bollicine sembrano fluttuare in assenza di gravità. Una visione artistica senza limiti, dallo stile inconfondibile, per un’opera d’arte dinamica e multisensoriale, capace di stupire e incantare.


La creatività di Mika, ispirata dalla sua storia personale e dalla sua cifra unica, si manifesta in un universo vibrante e giocoso. “Abbiamo lavorato intensamente con i team per mesi su questo progetto, che mi sta molto a cuore”, le parole dell’artista libanese. “Volevo raccontare una storia che suscitasse curiosità. Volevo che attirasse e giocasse con il mio mondo, con i colori e con l’energia che deriva da uno Champagne che si oppone alla gravità. Volevamo che il risultato fosse festoso, poetico e colorato”.


“È con grande entusiasmo, gioia e orgoglio che vi presentiamo questo progetto. L’arte dello Champagne è l’arte di celebrare i momenti più significativi della vita”.


Dove trovare lo Champagne Réserve Brut Exclusive Nicolas Feuillatte x Mika


L’artista-designer di successo mondiale e il terzo marchio di Champagne più venduto al mondo sveleranno prossimamente altre opere d’arte frutto della collaborazione, che proseguirà facendo il giro del mondo fino al termine del 2026.


Lo Champagne Réserve Brut Exclusive Nicolas Feuillatte x Mika in edizione limitata è disponibile esclusivamente presso la boutique Nicolas Feuillatte di Parigi (254 rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré, 75008 Parigi) e lo store Nicolas Feuillatte di Chouilly (CD40 Plumecoq, 51530 Chouilly). In Italia, distribuito da Valdo Spumanti, sarà svelata al pubblico in anteprima dal 22 ottobre con un corner dedicato alla Rinascente di Milano, per poi essere disponibile all’acquisto in altre location dalla fine dell’anno.




:uk: Google translator



Defying Gravity: Mika signs a limited edition of Champagne Réserve Brut Exclusive Nicolas Feuillatte


A bubble ready to reach new heights, defying gravity thanks to a Hit Parade partnership: Champagne Nicolas Feuillatte, the youngest Maison and one of the most beloved brands in France, has launched a new collaboration that links it to the eclectic international artist and designer Mika. A meeting called “Defying Gravity”, which has already given life to a limited edition of Champagne Réserve Brut Exclusive, the label emblematic of the style of the reality based in Chouilly, presented in a world preview in Milan on Wednesday 9 October. An absolute first for the Maison, which has chosen to entrust a world-famous superstar with the revisitation of the look of its flagship bubble with a special edition that will be available worldwide, with its colorful packaging, until the end of 2026.


“This is the story of two souls,” explains Christophe Juarez, general manager of Champagne Nicolas Feuillatte. “We have chosen to reconnect with the creative tradition of the founder of the Maison, Monsieur Nicolas Feuillatte, who knew how to surround himself with talented artists to create bold graphic universes. Through this stylistic gesture, we demonstrate once again that the Champagne Appellation can surprise and dare, while remaining both accessible and demanding”.


Defying Gravity: the limited edition signed by Mika presented in a world preview in Milan


The new partnership between Mika and Champagne Nicolas Feuillatte is called “Defying Gravity”, which mixes the irreverent and colorful creativity of the artist of Lebanese origins with the contemporary elegance of the transalpine Maison, for a project that celebrates lightness and freedom of expression in a limited edition of Champagne Réserve Brut Exclusive.

A Cuvée that is the emblem of Nicolas Feuillatte's style, with its vibrant freshness and intense fruity aromas, notes of ripe pear and apricot that combine in a silky and rich texture, the result of a 36-month refinement. A Champagne that has always aimed to represent a celebration of the terroirs of the most famous French sparkling wine region.


Breaking away from classic conventions, the new collaboration between Mika and Nicolas Feuillatte aims to project Champagne into a new dimension, a dreamlike world in which the bubbles seem to float in the absence of gravity. An artistic vision without limits, with an unmistakable style, for a dynamic and multisensory work of art, capable of surprising and enchanting.


Mika's creativity, inspired by his personal history and his unique style, manifests itself in a vibrant and playful universe. "We worked intensely with the teams for months on this project, which is very close to my heart", the words of the Lebanese artist. “I wanted to tell a story that would arouse curiosity. I wanted it to attract and play with my world, with the colors and energy that comes from a Champagne that defies gravity. We wanted the result to be festive, poetic and colorful.”

“It is with great enthusiasm, joy and pride that we present this project to you. The art of Champagne is the art of celebrating the most significant moments in life.”


Where to find the Champagne Réserve Brut Exclusive Nicolas Feuillatte x Mika


The globally successful artist-designer and the world’s third best-selling Champagne brand will soon unveil more works of art from the collaboration, which will continue to tour the world until the end of 2026.


The limited-edition Champagne Réserve Brut Exclusive Nicolas Feuillatte x Mika is available exclusively at the Nicolas Feuillatte boutique in Paris (254 rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré, 75008 Paris) and the Nicolas Feuillatte store in Chouilly (CD40 Plumecoq, 51530 Chouilly). In Italy, distributed by Valdo Spumanti, it will be unveiled to the public as a preview from October 22nd with a dedicated corner at the Rinascente in Milan, and will then be available for purchase in other locations from the end of the year.












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On 10/12/2024 at 11:10 AM, crazyaboutmika said:

I don't remember where you live I'm sorry :doh:but  the weight of the bottle in its carboard is 1.7 kilograms so on the post office internet site I believe there is a tool to calculate the cost of shipping.


I have tried to go to the post office website, and look for how much I could spend for a shipping from France. It doen't give me any useful results without insert, in addition to the weight, the exact dimensions of the package.

Anyway, in the past months, when I have ordered something in France, I never paid less than 10...12... or 15 euros of shipping.

I have already looked where there is that type of Champagne in my city, I only have found two places, but their site is not so clear for what concern sales to the public! :confused:

Maybe, if it will be distribuite in many part of the world, it will also come here too, but I really don't know this, and I'm not so sure! 

In the last days I have read another news too, in a press article...It seems that the price of this limited edition of Champagne will be 55 euros here! And only for the Champagne! If that where the case, if the bottle+box price in France is 38,50 euros plus 2,50 for the box, despite the price of shipping, I would still save something, so my indecision increases! :crybaby:

I know, I'm getting heavy about this topic, and this is not a State affair! There are more serios problems in the world... and I also have more serious problems for myself!

But it's not the  first time that I'm so sure for something, and then I realize that I have done everything wrong, and I'm left with nothing  in my hand, as they say here! :doh:

I'm sorry for this outburst, it's a bit of a messed up moment in my life. 



Edited by Arianne921
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Paris ! Our flagship store has entirely been re-designed to match with the brand new Limited Edition Réserve Exclusive Brut x Mika.


In a few days' time, you’ll be able to live unforgettable hands-on experiences, artistic inspirations, and an immersive « Cosmic Tasting »💫 🪐 Here’s a sneak peek at what you’ll see!


🎟️ Book your tickets now [link in bio]


#nicolasfeuillattexmika #champagne #unleashthebubbles #nicolasfeuillatte #mika [NicolasFeuillatte] .


Not intended to be seen by persons under the legal alcohol drinking age or in countries with restrictions on advertising on alcoholic beverages.

Please drink responsibly.





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On 10/11/2024 at 11:46 PM, Kumazzz said:




Nicolas Feuillatte
I am very excited to announce my new collaboration with Champagne Nicolas Feuillatte who earlier this year, gave me the creative freedom to imagine my very own dreamlike universe. Surreal and poetic, we had the best time creating this visual world, shapes, planets and colors, defying gravity.
It will be available worldwide so look out for it soon at your local merchants. A surprise installation is already in store at the Boutique Nicolas Feuillate in Paris and Chouilly and also in Italy at La Rinascente in Milan!


@Champagne Feuillatte


Nicolas Feuillatte is proud to join forces with internationally renowned artist MIKA and embark on a creative journey to shape the contours of a dreamlike universe.

This unprecedented artistic collaboration brings the extra sparkle in a fantastical vision of Champagne Nicolas Feuillatte. 🪐

🚀 Taking off in October 2024, this collab is rolling out all around the globe and takes us beyond gravity!

🪐 Mika is taking his vision of Champagne to a brand new level through a limited edition of our worldwide famous Réserve Exclusive Brut.


Find it at your local wine merchant soon and already available at Boutique Nicolas Feuillatte in Paris and Chouilly + on our online shop (France only, link in bio) and starting on 29th October available at La Rinascente, Milan (Italy). . 🎬

  • Agency: @arboresens_paris
  • Produced by: @famous.prod.75
  • Director:@jorisbacquet
  • DOP: @adriengontier_dop
  • CGI artist : @clementmor1
  • CGI artist : @johansarbia
  • Colorist: @marinesurble .


Special thanks 🙏 @ar_studios__ & @universalmusicfrance .


1080p HD ( 15.9 MB )






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17 hours ago, Kumazzz said:


Thank you very much @Kumazzz. You are very kind, really. :hug:

I'm still waiting to know something about suppliers in Italy.I don't know yet if, from October 29th there will be other suppliers besides La Rinascente in Milan, or for another sales on line that it also open to no-France citizen, otherwise...I think I'll ask again some of you for help,  somewhere in the world. 

Thanks again, also for all your precious updates on the latest news, they are always very useful to me! :original: :huglove:



Edited by Arianne921
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Luxury Touch




Nicolas Feuillatte x Mika: une édition limitée lumineuse!


hampagne Nicolas Feuillatte s’associe à l’imaginaire haut en couleurs de l’artiste MIKA autour d’une collaboration inédite. Cette rencontre s’illustre à la fois par une création inédite et par un pop-up store. Au cœur de cette rencontre, une ode à l’effervescence et à la légèreté. Une thématique reprise par le conception de Defying Gravity. Défier la gravité en français.

Cette interprétation de la réserve exclusive embrasse un univers surréaliste, pop et coloré. Une perle qui fait grand bien en ces temps plutôt troublés. Dans cet univers, les bulles de Champagne Nicolas Feuillatte défient la gravité et offrent un spectacle sans cesse renouvelé. Imaginées comme des tableaux hautement visuels, les bouteilles designées par Mika et éditées en série limitée sont pensées comme une exploration d’un monde nouveau, empreint de célébration et de joie de vivre.


Champagne Nicolas Feuillatte Réserve Exclusive Brut x Mika


« On aime son nez élégant qui nous plonge dans des embruns floraux. Sa gourmandise briochée se mêle à un caractère juteux, entre fruits blancs et jaunes, qui offre une jolie patine pleine de fraîcheur. Jusqu’en finale, celle-ci se poursuit avant de se clore dans un magnifique équilibre. Idéal dès l’apéritif, il saura mettre en exergue les viandes blanches et les poissons fumés. »



:uk: Google translator



Nicolas Feuillatte x Mika: a luminous limited edition!


Champagne Nicolas Feuillatte joins forces with the colorful imagination of the artist MIKA for a unique collaboration. This encounter is illustrated by both a unique creation and a pop-up store. At the heart of this encounter, an ode to effervescence and lightness. A theme taken up by the design of Defying Gravity. Defying gravity in French.

This interpretation of the exclusive reserve embraces a surrealist, pop and colorful universe. A pearl that does a lot of good in these rather troubled times. In this universe, the bubbles of Champagne Nicolas Feuillatte defy gravity and offer a constantly renewed spectacle. Imagined as highly visual paintings, the bottles designed by Mika and published in a limited series are thought of as an exploration of a new world, marked by celebration and joie de vivre.


Champagne Nicolas Feuillatte Réserve Exclusive Brut x Mika


"We love its elegant nose that plunges us into floral sprays. Its brioche-like gourmandise is mixed with a juicy character, between white and yellow fruits, which offers a lovely patina full of freshness. Until the finish, it continues before closing in a magnificent balance. Ideal as an aperitif, it will highlight white meats and smoked fish."






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On 10/11/2024 at 7:44 PM, TinyLove_CJ said:

I have asked again if this is the same with the non-European countries (Canada and Japan) but I'm still waiting to hear back about that.

I still haven't heard back regarding shipping to these countries so I spent a bit of time putting in random Canadian and Japanese addresses on the Feuillatte website (with the Mika bottle in my basket), every time it came up saying "no postage options available". Unfortunately it does look like those countries are also a mistake in the shipping destination list 😕


I do know from someone on X that the champagne should be available in Japan in selected places but there's no set date yet. I think it's a matter of keeping an eye out for it!


I also asked a while ago on IG about UK suppliers and randomly got a response back today! Looks like it might appear before 2025!




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Pop the cork to a groundbreaking collaboration 🍾

When the world of #NicolasFeuillatte meets the creativity of @Mikainstagram, the result is unique. 🪐


As in a glass full of bubbles in a gravity-defying vortex, get ready to embark in a world of boundless imagination!


Limited Edition Réserve Exclusive Brut x Mika: Available exclusively at Boutique Nicolas Feuillatte in Paris and Chouilly + on our online shop (France only, link in bio) and La Rinascente, Milan (Italy).


  • 🛍️ Boutique Nicolas Feuillatte, 254 rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré, 75008 Paris (France)
  • 🛍️ Boutique Nicolas Feuillatte, CD40 ‘Plumecoq’, 51530 Chouilly (France)
  • 🛍️ La Rinascente, Piazza del Duomo, 21121, Milan (Italy) - available from 29th October.


Not intended to be seen by persons under the legal alcohol drinking age or in countries with restrictions on advertising on alcoholic beverages. Please drink responsibly.



#NicolasFeuillatte #Champagnelover #NicolasFeuillattexMika #champagne #unleashthebubbles [NicolasFeuillatte]




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It's a fantastic NEWS !!

:japan: :usa: :canada: :uk: :germany:


La Review du Vin de France




Nicolas Feuillatte lance sa collaboration artistique avec Mika


La marque champenoise Nicolas Feuillatte entame sa collaboration artistique avec Mika, le chanteur et designer de renommée internationale. Nicolas Feuillatte va notamment proposer des bouteilles dessinées par l’artiste en série limitée, ainsi que des ateliers immersifs dans sa boutique parisienne.


Defying Gravity” (“Défier la gravité” en français), c’est le nom de la collaboration inédite entre la marque de Champagne Nicolas Feuillatte et l’artiste de renommée internationale, Mika. Le chanteur et designer d’origine libanaise, à l’univers haut en couleur, a dessiné des bouteilles de la cuvée Réserve Exclusive Brut qui seront éditées en série limitée par la marque basée à Epernay.


L’artiste a réalisé des tableaux surréalistes où la couleur est partout. “J’ai cherché à raconter une histoire qui provoque de la curiosité. Je voulais que cela attire, que cela intrigue ; jouer avec mon univers, les couleurs et l’énergie qui se dégage du champagne qui résiste à la gravité”, explique Mika.


Un pop-up store au cœur de Paris


Ce concept imaginé par Mika, Defying Gravity, fait aussi escale dans la capitale. Pour cette occasion, la boutique parisienne de Nicolas Feuillatte, rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré, a été transformée en pop-up store depuis début octobre. Vitrine exclusive, écran digital, fleurs géantes, playlist musicale sélectionnée par Mika,... La boutique a été complètement repensé pour offrir au visiteur un véritable parcours ludique et interactif pour l’inviter à découvrir la fameuse cuvée Réserve Exclusive Brut de Nicolas Feuillatte.


La marque champenoise propose également jusqu’au 9 novembre une ”expérience sensorielle” au sein de sa boutique. Une dégustation de plusieurs de ses cuvées avec une série d'accords mets et vins. Les autres tableaux de la collaboration entre Nicolas Feuillatte et Mika seront révélés prochainement. La collaboration Champagne Nicolas Feuillatte x Mika voyagera à travers le monde jusqu’à la fin de l’année 2026, aux Japon, États-Unis, Canada, en Grande-Bretagne et en Allemagne.



:uk: Google translator



Nicolas Feuillatte launches his artistic collaboration with Mika


The Champagne brand Nicolas Feuillatte is beginning its artistic collaboration with Mika, the internationally renowned singer and designer. Nicolas Feuillatte will notably offer bottles designed by the artist in a limited series, as well as immersive workshops in their Parisian boutique.


“Defying Gravity” is the name of the unique collaboration between the Champagne brand Nicolas Feuillatte and the internationally renowned artist, Mika. The singer and designer of Lebanese origin, with a colorful universe, has designed bottles of the Réserve Exclusive Brut cuvée that will be released in a limited series by the brand based in Epernay.

The artist has created surrealist paintings where color is everywhere. “I tried to tell a story that provokes curiosity. I wanted it to attract, to intrigue; play with my world, the colors and the energy that comes from champagne that resists gravity,” explains Mika.


A pop-up store in the middle of Paris


This concept imagined by Mika, Defying Gravity, is also stopping off in the capital. For this occasion, Nicolas Feuillatte’s Parisian boutique, rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré, has been transformed into a pop-up store since the beginning of October. Exclusive window display, digital screen, giant flowers, musical playlist selected by Mika,... The boutique has been completely redesigned to offer visitors a truly fun and interactive journey to invite them to discover Nicolas Feuillatte’s famous Réserve Exclusive Brut vintage.


The Champagne brand is also offering a “sensory experience” in its boutique until November 9. A tasting of several of its vintages with a series of food and wine pairings. The other paintings from the collaboration between Nicolas Feuillatte and Mika will be revealed soon. The Champagne Nicolas Feuillatte x Mika collaboration will travel around the world until the end of 2026, in Japan, the United States, Canada, Great Britain and Germany.




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Cibo Today




Il cantante Mika ridisegna uno degli champagne più venduti al mondo


Nicolas Feuillatte chiama il famoso cantante e artista per pubblicizzare e creare la campagna del suo champagne in edizione limitata


Conosciuto a livello internazionale per i suoi successi musicali, famoso in Italia anche per aver ricoperto il ruolo di giudice nella trasmissione XFactor, Mika è un artista dalla grande personalità che si è fatto apprezzare per il suo stile giocoso, contemporaneo e trasversale. Che si esprime anche attraverso le arti figurative e non solo quelle canore.


Mika, non solo cantante ma anche artista e designer


Da qui l’arrivo di una nuova collaborazione in cui Mika si spende in qualità di illustratore e designer, che lo vede pensare la campagna pubblicitaria e la veste di uno degli champagne più venduti al mondo. Insieme alla sorella Yasmine Penniman, l’artista libanese adottato dal Regno Unito ha infatti disegnato le copertine dei suoi dischi e la parte visuale dei suoi spettacoli. Ha firmato le campagne per la creazione di una linea grafica dei fazzoletti Tempo, ha disegnato una linea di orologi per la svizzera Swatch, ha lavorato con marchi di moda, come Christian Louboutin per ridisegnare una linea di scarpe.


Lo champagne di Mika, ispirato al mondo spaziale


Ora invece tocca alle bollicine, con lo champagne di Nicolas Feuillatte, uno dei più venduti nel mondo e più conosciuti in Francia, marchio nato in Francia nel 1976. La campagna Defying Gravity è pensata per richiamare mondi onirici, sognanti e con richiami allo spazio, in un progetto che “celebra la leggerezza e la libertà d’espressione, valori condivisi da entrambi gli autori della limited edition”. Al centro c’è infatti lo Champagne Réserve Brut Exclusive, un’etichetta che si distingue per freschezza e aromi fruttati, con note di pera matura e albicocca, una texture setosa e ricca, frutto di un lungo affinamento di 36 mesi. “Questa è la storia di due anime” ha commentato Christophe Juarez, Direttore Generale di Champagne Nicolas Feuillatte, mentre l’etichetta della bottiglia riporta chiaramente le lettere disegnate “Mika” a sugellare la collaborazione.


Dove si può trovare lo champagne di Mika


Lo Champagne Réserve Brut Exclusive Nicolas Feuillatte, x Mika in edizione limitata (55€ per bottiglia 75 cl personalizzata e confezione) è disponibile esclusivamente presso il negozio Nicolas Feuillatte di Parigi (254 rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré, 75008 Parigi), il negozio Nicolas Feuillatte di Chouilly (CD40 ‘Plumecoq’, 51530 Chouilly) e la Rinascente di Milano (Piazza del Duomo, Italia) in anteprima dal 22 ottobre, poi nel Nord Italia a fine anno.



:uk: Google translator



Singer Mika redesigns one of the world's best-selling champagnes


Nicolas Feuillatte calls on the famous singer and artist to advertise and create the campaign for his limited-edition champagne


Known internationally for his musical successes, famous in Italy also for having covered the role of judge on the XFactor show, Mika is an artist with a great personality who has been appreciated for his playful, contemporary and transversal style. Which is also expressed through the figurative arts and not only the singing ones.


Mika, not only a singer but also an artist and designer


Hence the arrival of a new collaboration in which Mika spends himself as an illustrator and designer, which sees him think of the advertising campaign and the dress of one of the best-selling champagnes in the world. Together with his sister Yasmine Penniman, the Lebanese artist adopted by the United Kingdom has in fact designed the covers of his albums and the visual part of his shows. He signed the campaigns for the creation of a graphic line of Tempo handkerchiefs, designed a line of watches for the Swiss Swatch, worked with fashion brands, such as Christian Louboutin to redesign a line of shoes.


Mika's champagne, inspired by the world of space


Now it's the turn of bubbles, with the champagne of Nicolas Feuillatte, one of the best-selling in the world and best known in France, a brand founded in France in 1976. The Defying Gravity campaign is designed to recall dreamlike, dreamy worlds with references to space, in a project that "celebrates lightness and freedom of expression, values shared by both authors of the limited edition". At the center is in fact the Champagne Réserve Brut Exclusive, a label that stands out for its freshness and fruity aromas, with notes of ripe pear and apricot, a silky and rich texture, the result of a long refinement of 36 months. “This is the story of two souls,” commented Christophe Juarez, General Manager of Champagne Nicolas Feuillatte, while the bottle label clearly displays the drawn letters “Mika” to seal the collaboration.


Where to find Mika’s champagne


The limited edition Champagne Réserve Brut Exclusive Nicolas Feuillatte, x Mika (€55 for a personalized 75 cl bottle and packaging) is available exclusively at the Nicolas Feuillatte store in Paris (254 rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré, 75008 Paris), the Nicolas Feuillatte store in Chouilly (CD40 ‘Plumecoq’, 51530 Chouilly) and Rinascente in Milan (Piazza del Duomo, Italy) as a preview from October 22, then in Northern Italy at the end of the year.










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Would it be okay to post the behind the scenes video of the commercial here too now? I already posted it on Instagram but i figure it'd be good to add to this thread as well. However, i don't want to give you guys any trouble if the brand is still prohibiting the spread of that video like they did before 😅

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6 hours ago, Jaela said:

Would it be okay to post the behind the scenes video of the commercial here too now? I already posted it on Instagram but i figure it'd be good to add to this thread as well. However, i don't want to give you guys any trouble if the brand is still prohibiting the spread of that video like they did before 😅


If it hasn't been officially posted, then sorry, we can't allow to post it here. Unless @dcdeb has any different info from Mika's team, but so far I haven't heard any news about the behind the scenes video.

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1 hour ago, mellody said:


If it hasn't been officially posted, then sorry, we can't allow to post it here. Unless @dcdeb has any different info from Mika's team, but so far I haven't heard any news about the behind the scenes video.


I haven't heard anything one way or the other -- I'll ask if anyone cares at this point. :dunno:

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First impression of the package as the DPD guy has literally just thrown it at me: The bottle looks really nice and stylish, with very decent references to Mika. The cardboard box also looks very nice, but it's also nothing too special and might not be worth the extra costs ...


However, I'm still very happy with this new addition to my Mika merch repertoire :lol:

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