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Mika collaboration with champagne "Nicolas Feuillatte"

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Ok, here I am again.

I confess that I'm officially a bit discouraged! :mellow:

I don't know if I'll be able to find a way to find this bottle of Champagne (and his box) from here, I've been looking for a days but nothing...  no solution for the moment. :no:

Do any of you know if it's legal to buy this limited edition in France and then have it shipped to another country?

For example, if a France or German fan buys the item and then, later, ship it to a friend in another country? Can it be done, in your opinion?

If it isn't possible either, would there be any italian fan near Milan or not who has intention or possibility to buy this item and willing to help me purchase it, in case it is not sold online or I can't go in person? Thank you.

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6 minutes ago, Arianne921 said:

Do any of you know if it's legal to buy this limited edition in France and then have it shipped to another country?

For example, if a France or German fan buys the item and then, later, ship it to a friend in another country? Can it be done, in your opinion?


Yes, within the EU it should be ok (as long as you have the legal drinking age ;) ). But didn't it say somewhere that they'll sell it in Italy from October 29? Also I read an article somewhere (I think it was a link on Twitter) that the whole project will roll out all over the world until 2026 (!) - so it doesn't sound like this bottle is very limited, if they plan to sell it for 2 whole years. :dunno_grin:

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55 minutes ago, mellody said:


Yes, within the EU it should be ok (as long as you have the legal drinking age ;) ). But didn't it say somewhere that they'll sell it in Italy from October 29? Also I read an article somewhere (I think it was a link on Twitter) that the whole project will roll out all over the world until 2026 (!) - so it doesn't sound like this bottle is very limited, if they plan to sell it for 2 whole years. :dunno_grin:


In fact, I have also read these news but, in some articles they write like this, in others they say there will be limited availability...on some sites they say that it will be available exclusively in Milan, in others still that this item will go around the world...:confused:

For these reasons...I can't understand anything anymore! :dunno:

I apologize but, with all these conflicting informations, I'm simply afraid of not being able to purchase it. If I actually decided to buy it, I would be sad not to find it again.

This has already happened to me with some things that I really would have liked to buy, maybe that's why I worry eccessively now. I'm sorry. :blush:


Edited by Arianne921
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9 minutes ago, Arianne921 said:


In fact, I have also read these news but, in some articles they write like this, in others they say there will be limited availability...on some sites they say that it will be available exclusively in Milan, in others still that this item will go around the world...:confused:

For these reasons...I can't understand anything anymore! :dunno:

I apologize but, with all these conflicting informations, I'm simply afraid of not being able to purchase it. If I actually decided to buy it, I would be sad not to find it again.

This has already happened to me with some things that I would really have loved to buy, maybe that's why I worry eccessively, now. I'm sorry. :blush:



No problem, as long as you are aware that if you buy it via another fan you have additional shipping costs that you might be able to avoid by waiting. But if it's your priority to get the bottle as soon as possible, before it possibly sells out, then sure, look for a French fan who would buy it for you - I think @crazyaboutmika offered to help? :wink2: You surely wouldn't be the first Mika fan who spends a lot more money than necessary for fear of missing out. :teehee: (like me with concert tickets, when I find & buy a better place without knowing if I can resell my original ticket 🙈😅 )

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I plan to phone their customer service tomorow. I'm sorry it is so hard to order the bottle outside of France. I hope I can get an answer from them. And I'm willing to help in case they tell me they won't ship it outside of France. I don't know either if it is possible but if I order several bottles they might make an effort on the price so I'll ask them that as well since I'm calling them I might as well try. 

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10 minutes ago, Kumazzz said:

Le Boncoin ( a popular online market place in France wikipedia )




Champagne Nicolas Feuillatte x Mika dédicacée par Mika luimême


100 €  :shocked:
Delivery: from 10.99 €









If it's even legit, it's so sad that such things end in hands of people who don't even care, isn't it? :sad:

Edited by Vero Bott
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9 minutes ago, Kumazzz said:

Le Boncoin ( a popular online market place in France wikipedia )




Champagne Nicolas Feuillatte x Mika dédicacée par Mika luimême


100 €  :shocked:
Delivery: from 10.99 €










100€? :eek:

And why in recent days it costs " only" 55€, including shipping costs, and here is ptactically the double? :blink: :dunno:

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8 hours ago, Kumazzz said:

Le Boncoin ( a popular online market place in France wikipedia )




Champagne Nicolas Feuillatte x Mika dédicacée par Mika luimême


100 €  :shocked:
Delivery: from 10.99 €









It's signed by Mika and has a number 2124.

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11 hours ago, Kumazzz said:

Le Boncoin ( a popular online market place in France wikipedia )




Champagne Nicolas Feuillatte x Mika dédicacée par Mika luimême


100 €  :shocked:
Delivery: from 10.99 €










All this is very strange, none of the bottles seen in promotions or in videos in these days were signed, if I think about it.:huh:

And, in any case, the Nicolas Feuillatte Boutique itself, states that the bottle plus the box have a price of 55€ and here, instead, it talks about 100€. Perhaps because it's signed? And what a designer bottle doing in a popular French Market? 

All very " mysterious"! :confused:

Help! My investigative side is taking over! :glasses:


Edited by Arianne921
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   The bottle shared above might be someone trying to make a quick buck through a fake signature. So just be warned before anyone considers buying it!

   I only think this way because if any of you follow Nina on IG (@mikagigs) you will see her posts from being at the Paris tasting event. There was one signed bottle kept in a glass case. However this bottle WAS NOT for sale.

The autograph on the bottle at Paris also looks different to one shared above.


   I doubt any signed bottles will be available to buy any time soon.

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1 hour ago, TinyLove_CJ said:

   The bottle shared above might be someone trying to make a quick buck through a fake signature. So just be warned before anyone considers buying it!

   I only think this way because if any of you follow Nina on IG (@mikagigs) you will see her posts from being at the Paris tasting event. There was one signed bottle kept in a glass case. However this bottle WAS NOT for sale.

The autograph on the bottle at Paris also looks different to one shared above.


   I doubt any signed bottles will be available to buy any time soon.


Yeah, I'd be a bit wary of this, too. I mean, it *could* be Mika's signature, but it doesn't look exactly like it usually does. Of course, he doesn't usually sign on a curved bottle or a glass surface, so... :dunno:


In any case, I haven't heard anything about signed bottles being available for purchase, and the price indicates to me it's someone out to make a profit just because of the autograph. So, as they say, "caveat emptor" -- Let the buyer beware!

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I was at the Paris store this week and the salesman (very kind BTW) told that Mika had previously signed around 100 bottles to send out to the press. They are not supposed to be sold. So I think it's a legit signature but sold by someone who just wants to make profit out of it :rolleyes:

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One of the things that I have noticed about the bottle photographed here, compared to the one photographed by Nina (mikagigs), is that the eye design is also missing, but I don't know if it just a coincidence. Maybe, Mika didn't make the drawing of the eye on all single bottle he has signed.

However, if it's as Camille says ( (and assuming the signature is authentic) the person who put the bottle up for sale, at this point, should belong to the press or he should have bought it from someone of the press and then resold it.:dunno:


Edited by Arianne921
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40 minutes ago, camille* said:

I was at the Paris store this week and the salesman (very kind BTW) told that Mika had previously signed around 100 bottles to send out to the press. They are not supposed to be sold. So I think it's a legit signature but sold by someone who just wants to make profit out of it :rolleyes:


What does the press need signed bottles for, if they're not allowed to pass them on to fans? :blink: Selling them for twice the price of a regular bottle surely isn't ok, but I really don't get why random press people (who probably are supposed to taste the champagne and write/post about it) would need Mika's signature on those bottles.

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Our shop in Paris has become a gateway to the world of ‘Defying Gravity’ 🥂.

A sensory journey plunges you into Mika’s imaginary world 🪐.

Take a stroll through the boutique and discover a champagne like no other, through a series of unexpected experiences. Come visit our shop in Paris, 254 rue du Faubourg Saint Honoré, until the end of the year!
Not intended to be seen by persons under the legal alcohol drinking age or in countries with restrictions on advertising on alcoholic beverages. Please drink responsibly.
#champagne #nicolasfeuillattexmika #nicolasfeuillatte #unleashthebubbles #champagnelover




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On 10/18/2024 at 7:39 PM, Kumazzz said:

IG stories

Alice Malaret ( a culinary artist )




Culinary production for nicolasfeuillatte



Beautiful pieces for #nicolasfeuillattexmika



One of those made me laugh because it looks like a pacifier :lmfao:Sad Alec Baldwin GIF by DreamWorks Animation

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Mika signe une collaboration artistique avec le champagne Nicolas Feuillatte


Le chanteur et designer présente une expérience immersive autour de l’univers des bulles à Paris avec le champagne Nicolas Feuillatte. Une plongée dans l’univers pop du célèbre artiste à découvrir jusqu’à la fin de l’année.


« J’ai cherché à raconter une histoire qui provoque de la curiosité », explique l’artiste libanais Mika, qui a inauguré pour le champagne Nicolas Feuillatte une expérience immersive dédiée à l’univers des bulles à Paris.


Le chanteur a voulu « jouer avec mon univers, avec les couleurs et l’énergie qui se dégage du champagne. Nous avons voulu un résultat festif, poétique, coloré. C’est avec beaucoup d’excitation, de joie et de fierté que nous vous présentons ce concept ».


Un univers onirique conçu par Mika


Le chanteur pop a pris possession de la boutique parisienne de la marque champenoise, rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré. Baptisé « Defying gravity », le concept repose sur un univers onirique, où des fleurs géantes et des planètes côtoient les flacons de champagne, le tout animé d’une musique sélectionnée par Mika. Une alcôve olfactive délivre les notes fruitées et vibrantes que l’on peut déceler dans les champagnes de Nicolas Feuillatte.


Des ateliers autour d’accords mets et vins


Pour plonger un peu plus le visiteur dans cet univers, des ateliers ont été pensés, sur réservation, véritables « capsules multisensorielles » selon la marque de champagne. Des accords mets et vins inhabituels ont été pensés pour surprendre le visiteur. Ces ateliers seront accessibles jusqu’au 9 novembre.

Les amateurs de champagne pourront également découvrir l’édition limitée de la cuvée « réserve exclusive brut » dessinée par Mika.


La collaboration entre le champagne Nicolas Feuillatte et Mika sera accessible à Paris jusqu’à la fin de l’année. Celle-ci prendra ensuite son envol pour l’international, avec une tournée au :japan:Japon, aux :usa: États-Unis, au :canada:Canada, en :uk:Grande-Bretagne, prévue jusqu’à la fin de l’année 2026.




:uk: Google translator



Mika signs an artistic collaboration with Nicolas Feuillatte champagne


The singer and designer presents an immersive experience around the world of bubbles in Paris with Nicolas Feuillatte champagne. A dive into the pop universe of the famous artist to discover until the end of the year.


"I wanted to tell a story that provokes curiosity," explains the Lebanese artist Mika, who inaugurated an immersive experience dedicated to the world of bubbles for Nicolas Feuillatte champagne in Paris.


The singer wanted to "play with my world, with the colors and energy that comes from champagne. We wanted a festive, poetic, colorful result. It is with great excitement, joy and pride that we present this concept to you."


A dreamlike universe designed by Mika


The pop singer has taken possession of the Parisian boutique of the champagne brand, rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré. Called "Defying gravity", the concept is based on a dreamlike universe, where giant flowers and planets rub shoulders with bottles of champagne, all animated by music selected by Mika. An olfactory alcove delivers the fruity and vibrant notes that can be detected in Nicolas Feuillatte's champagnes.


Workshops around food and wine pairings


To immerse the visitor a little more in this universe, workshops have been designed, upon reservation, real "multi-sensory capsules" according to the champagne brand. Unusual food and wine pairings have been designed to surprise the visitor. These workshops will be accessible until November 9.


Champagne lovers will also be able to discover the limited edition of the "reserve exclusive brut" cuvée designed by Mika.

The collaboration between Nicolas Feuillatte champagne and Mika will be accessible in Paris until the end of the year. This will then take off internationally, with a tour of :japan: Japan,  :usa: United States, :canada: Canada, :uk: Great Britain, planned until the end of 2026.








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Hi, I found a shop who can ship to outside of France.

Not ready to order yet, but you can register for notification mail.




Envie de Champagne 




Currently, we deliver champagne to the following countries:

Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italia (except Sardinia and Sicilia: please contact us), Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain (and its islands), Sweden, Switzerland.



Champagne Nicolas FeuillatteBrut Réserve Exclusive Mika Limited Edition 75cl

Discover Nicolas Feuillatte's Brut Réserve Exclusive champagne in a limited edition in collaboration with the artist MIKA.




41€  Available soon 


Regarding the Champagne Nicolas Feuillatte Brut Réserve Exclusive Mika Limited Edition


Nicolas Feuillatte has teamed up with singer MIKA to create this limited edition celebrating the "joie de vivre" of the Réserve Exclusive Brut cuvée. Designed as a highly visual tableau, the label and gift box immerse us in a surreal universe imagined by MIKA.

This Brut Réserve Exclusive champagne perfectly expresses the style of Nicolas Feuillatte champagnes: delicate, elegant, fruity and structured. It is harmoniously composed of 20% Chardonnay, 40% Pinot Noir and 40% Meunier.


After three to four years in the cellar, Champagne Brut Réserve Exclusive reveals a nose of white fruit and spices, followed by ripe fruit. On the palate, the attack is clean, complex and elegant, with a fresh finish.


Nicolas Feuillatte's Brut Réserve Exclusive champagne is perfect as an aperitif, or as part of a meal with gambas, pigeon tajine with quince or tarte tatin.


A limited edition that reflects the world of MIKA!





Wish they could ship to Japan...:wait:

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