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2024 - MIKA @ Choregies d'Orange 2024, Orange, France, 23 June REPORTS / VIDS / PICS

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1 minute ago, dcdeb said:


Thanks for the set list. I've seen at least short clips from everything except Origin, Relax and Love Today.


Thank you so much to those of you sharing full videos, they are treasures! So sorry about the wind, though!

I have some videos but I am traveling.

I recorded as well the audio of the whole concert.

I will convert it into mp3 to post here.

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La Provence



Au théâtre antique, la star internationale s'est produite ce 23 juin avec un orchestre et un choeur devant 7000 spectateurs euphoriques.


Ce dimanche 23 juin, Mika a mis le théâtre antique d'Orange à ses pieds. Devant 7000 spectateurs aux anges, le chanteur a proposé un concert de plus de deux heures absolument éblouissant, dans le cadre des Chorégies. Pour la première fois de sa carrière, l'artiste de 40 ans se produisait en concert philarmonique en plein air, avec, autour de lui, la crème de la crème : plus de 100 artistes en scène, les musiciens de l'Orchestre National Avignon-Provence (dirigés par Simon Leclerc) et les chanteurs du Choeur de la Région Sud (emmenés par Michel Piquemal). En quittant le monument romain aux alentours de minuit, les spectateurs rivalisaient de superlatifs : "les arrangements pour l'orchestre étaient énormissimes!", "ce mec chante presque aussi bien qu'un chanteur d'opéra" ou encore : "et en plus il nous a fait rire entre les morceaux comme s'il faisait du stand-up!". Un résumé spontané et transversal d'une soirée en apesanteur, que tout un chacun pourra voir prochainement sur la chaîne Culturebox, puisque le concert était capté par les équipes de France Télévisions.


Avant la nuit


Tout avait débuté à 21h37, avant que la nuit ne drape le théâtre antique. Seul en scène, l'orchestre interprète une "Ouverture" très cinématographique, signée de Simon Leclerc, un chef d'orchestre résolument au service de la pop, puisqu'il a déjà adapté les morceaux de Cœur de pirate, Simple Plan ou Rufus Wainwright. Dans ce monument prêt à décoller, nombre de spectateurs, adolescents ou seniors, sont vêtus de manière colorée. Logique : en amont de l'évènement, le fan club de Mika a lancé sur les réseaux sociaux une idée pour le moins judicieuse : celle de venir habillé en orange à Orange. Un choix de nature à vous faire passer pour un supporter de l'équipe des Pays-Bas en plein Euro de foot.


Costume bleu, silhouette longiligne (1m91), Mika débarque avec la démarche dynamique qui le caractérise, et débute avec une version ralentie de "Toy boy". Dix-neuf chansons vont ainsi s'égrener dans une ambiance euphorique, le public, assis, se levant régulièrement. Sans doute parce que même en version orchestrale, les morceaux groovy de Mika donnent envie de danser, mais aussi dans une sorte de standing ovation façon César d'honneur.


Les arrangements de Simon Leclerc se veulent subtilement élaborés, bien au-delà de la simple note tenue par les cordes à des fins purement illustratives. On n'est pas prêt d'oublier la harpe, locomotive mélodique sur l'intimiste "Relax", ni même les violons se répondant en pizzicato sur "I went to hell". "Les Chorégies devraient faire ce gens de soirées plus souvent, ça permet d'attirer un autre public et de démocratiser la musique classique" s'exclame Cartapuce, une fan vauclusienne qui a acheté ses places il y a plusieurs mois déjà.


Epiques, cinégéniques, les versions présentées customisent les compositions en coeur à coeur du chanteur. Et ce même si deux immenses tubes de l'artiste sont absents du répertoire du soir : "Lollipop" et "Big girls". Sur "Over my shoulder", Mika file dans les aigus avec une aisance qui n'est pas sans rappeler celle du contre-ténor vedette Philippe Jaroussky. Il faut dire que dans sa jeunesse, à Londres, Mika a suivi une formation classique. Sur "Heroes", adapté d'un poème de Laurence Housman, le choeur transcende pour le moins les couplets, tandis qu'à l'issue de la chanson "Jane Birkin", il se passe une chose pas si fréquente. Le morceau est terminé mais le public continue de chanter, comme emporté par la foule. Et la fougue. Mika est incrédule. Coup d'oeil avec le chef d'orchestre. Les musiciens reprennent alors leurs instruments et se calent sur les spectateurs. Le monde à l'envers. Sur "Blue", le chanteur s'interrompt soudain : "de temps en temps, on se retrouve avec de la poussière dans la gorge. Et je vous demande donc de me pardonner car je vais recommencer cette chanson." Sur "Relax", Mika s'empare de la baguette du chef d'orchestre et dirige l'auditoire dans une ambiance, disons, peu encline au chuchotement entre deux personnes ultra timides.

La fin du "set" met la barre très haut, avec, enchaînés, "Elle me dit" et "Grace Kelly", son tout premier tube, en 2007. Avant l'ultime baroud d'honneur, "Love today", dans lequel il déclame avec panache : "everybody's gonna love today".


Certains spectateurs frustrés


Dès le début du concert, des voix de spectateurs, venus des hauteurs du théâtre antique, se font entendre : "plus fort!", "on n'entend rien!", peut-on clairement distinguer. Mika est interloqué, et déboussolé, par cette partie du public située tout en haut du monument, aux deux extrémités, gauche et droite. "Si ça continue, je reviens et je fais un autre concert, je vous place juste devant moi" s'adresse t-il aux plaignants. Il apparaîtra que lorsque le chanteur parle entre les morceaux, cette partie de l'auditoire ne l'entend pas, ou peu. 


Mika roi du Stand-up


La veille du concert, lors de la répétition générale dans le théâtre antique d'Orange, Mika et tous les artistes présents ont vécu un semi enfer, avec la pluie et le vent entremêlés. Mika allant jusqu'à enfiler une écharpe pour protéger ses cordes vocales tandis que des pupitres de musiciens se cassaient la figure sous le poids des bourrasques. Ce dimanche 23 juin, pas de pluie à l'horizon mais un mistral, bien présent, par intermittence. Mika s'adresse d'emblée au public sur ce sujet-là : "vous, vous le savez déjà mais le vent rend fou. Les conséquences de cette folie, on va les découvrir ce soir...Si ce soir le mistral est avec nous, on l'embrasse!" Un sens inné du "teasing".


Chambreur de la bienveillance, le chanteur se moque gentiment d'une assistante qui maintient les partitions du chef d'orchestre dans une drôle de position. Et Mika de lancer au micro : "c'est la posture de la grenouille la plus étrange qu'on ait vue depuis 50 ans avant Jésus-Christ." A chacune de ses interventions, l'assistance rit aux éclats. A quand Mika en one-man show?

Pour introduire "Love you when I'm drunk" ("je t'aime seulement quand je suis ivre mort"), il déclare : "comme nous sommes dans un théâtre romain, il faut rendre hommage à Bacchus et à l'amour qui se découvre au fond d'un verre de vin." Quand un spectateur crie "Mets nous le feu!", Mika temporise et surjoue le premier degré pour le plus grand bonheur de ses aficionados : "Non, on est dans un théâtre." Rires garantis.


La déclaration d'amour


C'est peu de dire que Mika semble avoir été porté lors de cette soirée de début d'été. "Ce soir, pour moi, c'est une première car je n'ai jamais fait un concert symphonique en plein air. Je n'ai jamais fait un concert dans un lieu aussi spectaculaire." A l'issue du show, il conclura par ces mots sans ambiguïté: "il n'y a nulle part comme ici! Bravo Orange!"



:uk: Google translator



Mika in Orange: “I have never done a concert in such a spectacular place!”


At the ancient theater, the international star performed on June 23 with an orchestra and a choir in front of 7,000 euphoric spectators.

This Sunday, June 23, Mika put the ancient theater of Orange at his feet. In front of 7,000 delighted spectators, the singer offered an absolutely dazzling concert lasting more than two hours, as part of the Chorégies. For the first time in his career, the 40-year-old artist performed in an open-air philharmonic concert, with the crème de la crème around him: more than 100 artists on stage, the musicians of the Avignon National Orchestra -Provence (led by Simon Leclerc) and the singers of the South Region Choir (led by Michel Piquemal). Leaving the Roman monument around midnight, the spectators vied with each other for superlatives: "the arrangements for the orchestra were enormous!", "this guy sings almost as well as an opera singer" or even: "and what's more he made us laugh between songs like he was doing stand-up!” A spontaneous and transversal summary of an evening in weightlessness, which everyone will soon be able to see on the Culturebox channel, since the concert was captured by the France Télévisions teams.

Before the night

It all started at 9:37 p.m., before night enveloped the ancient theater. Alone on stage, the orchestra performs a very cinematic "Overture", signed by Simon Leclerc, a conductor resolutely at the service of pop, since he has already adapted pieces from Cœur de pirate, Simple Plan or Rufus Wainwright . In this monument ready to take off, many spectators, teenagers and seniors, are colorfully dressed. Logic: ahead of the event, Mika's fan club launched an idea on social networks that was judicious to say the least: that of coming dressed in orange to Orange. A choice likely to make you seem like a supporter of the Netherlands team in the middle of Euro football.


Blue suit, slender silhouette (1m91), Mika arrives with the dynamic approach that characterizes him, and begins with a slowed down version of “Toy boy”. Nineteen songs will play out in a euphoric atmosphere, with the audience sitting down and getting up regularly. No doubt because even in the orchestral version, Mika's groovy pieces make you want to dance, but also in a sort of standing ovation like an honorary Caesar.


Simon Leclerc's arrangements are intended to be subtly elaborate, well beyond the simple note held by the strings for purely illustrative purposes. We are not ready to forget the harp, the melodic locomotive on the intimate "Relax", nor even the violins responding in pizzicato on "I went to hell". “The Chorégies should do these evenings more often, it helps attract another audience and democratize classical music” exclaims Cartapuce, a fan from Vaucluse who bought her tickets several months ago already.


Epic, cinematic, the versions presented customize the singer's heart-to-heart compositions. And this even if two huge hits by the artist are absent from the evening repertoire: “Lollipop” and “Big girls”. On “Over my shoulder”, Mika flies into the high notes with an ease reminiscent of that of star countertenor Philippe Jaroussky. It must be said that in his youth, in London, Mika followed classical training. On "Heroes", adapted from a poem by Laurence Housman, the choir transcends the verses to say the least, while at the end of the song "Jane Birkin", something not so frequent happens. The song is over but the audience continues to sing, as if carried away by the crowd. And the passion. Mika is incredulous. Glance with the conductor. The musicians then take up their instruments and lean towards the spectators. The world upside down. On "Blue", the singer suddenly interrupts: "from time to time, we find ourselves with dust in our throat. And so I ask you to forgive me because I'm going to start this song again." On "Relax", Mika grabs the conductor's baton and directs the audience in an atmosphere, let's say, not very inclined to whispering between two ultra shy people.


The end of the "set" sets the bar very high, with, linked together, "Elle me dit" and "Grace Kelly", her very first hit, in 2007. Before the final last stand, "Love today", in which he declaims with panache: "everybody's gonna love today".

Some frustrated spectators


From the start of the concert, the voices of spectators, coming from the heights of the ancient theater, are heard: "louder!", "we can't hear anything!", we can clearly make out. Mika is taken aback, and confused, by this part of the public located at the very top of the monument, at both ends, left and right. “If this continues, I'll come back and do another concert, I'll put you right in front of me” he addresses the complainants. It will appear that when the singer speaks between songs, this part of the audience does not hear him, or barely.

Mika king of Stand-up

The day before the concert, during the dress rehearsal in the ancient theater of Orange, Mika and all the artists present experienced semi-hell, with rain and wind intertwined. Mika went so far as to put on a scarf to protect his vocal cords while musicians' music stands broke their faces under the weight of the gusts. This Sunday, June 23, no rain on the horizon but a mistral, very present, intermittently. Mika immediately addresses the public on this subject: "you already know it but the wind drives you crazy. The consequences of this madness, we will discover them this evening...If this evening the mistral is with We embrace it!” An innate sense of “teasing”.

A host of benevolence, the singer gently makes fun of an assistant who holds the conductor's scores in a funny position. And Mika said into the microphone: “this is the strangest frog posture we have seen since 50 years before Christ.” At each of his interventions, the audience laughed out loud. When will Mika be a one-man show?


To introduce "Love you when I'm drunk", he declares: "as we are in a Roman theater, we must pay homage to Bacchus and to the love which can be discovered at the bottom of a glass of wine." When a spectator shouts "Set us on fire!", Mika delays and overplays the first step to the delight of his aficionados: "No, we're in a theater." Laughs guaranteed.

The declaration of love

It's an understatement to say that Mika seems to have been worn during this early summer evening. “Tonight, for me, is a first because I have never done an open-air symphony concert. I have never done a concert in such a spectacular place.” At the end of the show, he will conclude with these unambiguous words: "there is nowhere like here! Bravo Orange!"





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33 minutes ago, Anna Ko Kolkowska said:

Enfants terribles de la fosse even in the seated zone have to get up and dance.

I felt like the people not in the fosse were actually wilder last night! They stood up quicker for standing ovations and at the end they were the ones who ran down, stormed the back of the fosse and turned it into a dance floor for Love Today.

I loved that and Adam rushed to get some good shots of it as well! :)

In general I think the concert was the perfect mix between polite reservation and then moments of unfiltered joy when Mika encouraged people to sing along and then dance at the end.

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17 minutes ago, CharlotteL said:

I felt like the people not in the fosse were actually wilder last night! They stood up quicker for standing ovations and at the end they were the ones who ran down, stormed the back of the fosse and turned it into a dance floor for Love Today.

I loved that and Adam rushed to get some good shots of it as well! :)

In general I think the concert was the perfect mix between polite reservation and then moments of unfiltered joy when Mika encouraged people to sing along and then dance at the end.

Kudos to les bananes, who had the courage to wear the costumes to a sinfonic concert and got people around them dancing and clapping. :pbjt::lol3:

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15 minutes ago, Hero said:

Kudos to les bananes, who had the courage to wear the costumes to a sinfonic concert and got people around them dancing and clapping. :pbjt::lol3:

They didn't have them on the whole time tbf!! One of them was Mareva who was wearing her beautiful and elegant underwater sheet music suit. They suddenly put the banana costumes on during Elle Me Dit and started dancing like crazy :D

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30 minutes ago, CharlotteL said:

I felt like the people not in the fosse were actually wilder last night! They stood up quicker for standing ovations and at the end they were the ones who ran down, stormed the back of the fosse and turned it into a dance floor for Love Today.

I loved that and Adam rushed to get some good shots of it as well! :)

In general I think the concert was the perfect mix between polite reservation and then moments of unfiltered joy when Mika encouraged people to sing along and then dance at the end.


Yes, Mika and the general atmosphere were so much more relaxed than at other symphonic gigs. Even if the orchestra couldn't fully follow. 😅 I loved when at one point Mika had a spontaneous idea (might have been for JB or GK, to continue a certain part of the song, not sure ...) and tried to communicate that to Simon. Mika's face expression was so excited and happy and Simon just looked at him like :shocked: :blink: as if Mika had just suggested to play an AC/DC song. :lmfao:


The fosse area was plain, so standing up for us meant that the people behind us would see less, even if they stood up as well - especially in my case, as I was wearing high heels and was about 180cm tall with these shoes. I suppose that was one reason why in the area with the steps it was less of a problem to stand up.

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This is what I've got...not much, I know, but I didn't want to look through screen and spoil the moment, it was too special 🧡

On my way home now, looking forward to July 10th 😍

Loved loved loved the gig, and also meeting all the other fans ❤️


I also had a funny moment with the security guy - I made a 'handbag' in the shape of an orange and the guy supposed to check my bag was like "Oh, vous avez porté des fruits! C'est tres mignon!" 🤭 He was tres mignon! 😄






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5 hours ago, dcdeb said:


Thanks for the set list. I've seen at least short clips from everything except Origin, Relax and Love Today.


Thank you so much to those of you sharing full videos, they are treasures! So sorry about the wind, though!

I have those three, just Relax is the full song though. Let me try to upload them! I’m still traveling.

Edited by holdingyourdrink
I have just realized my videos are too big for the forum, I can’t upload them 😅
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Uploading my videos...

This one of Mika leaving after the show would be the last one ofc, but as Anajulia asked for it, I'm uploading it first:




Boum Boum Boum


Last Party

I went to hell last night (whole song)

Talk about venue & recording of the show

Talk about the woman who held the music sheets :lol3:


Je sais que je t'aime (whole song)

Talk before LYWID:


 LYWID fun with the violinist :lol3:


Talk about Zodi et Tehu soundtrack

Short part of the soundtrack medley (I think that's The Butterfly and the Miracle)

Talk about Ida, and about Heroes


Heroes (another small part)

Talk about Jane Birkin & beginning of the song

Crowd singing for JB, part 1

Crowd singing for JB, part 2 (they couldn't stop! :lol3:)

Talk, he says his choir has become much bigger :lol:

Talk before Blue (unfortunately it was cut off, as my memory card was full at that point :doh:)


(Continued with my phone storage space... :naughty:)

Talk about Ida

Origin of Love

Another bit of OOL



 Mika talking with some people in the crowd who were shouting


Grace Kelly


Love Today


Talk: Thank you


And that's it!

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Toulousain Fr




La pop symphonique de Mika au Théâtre Antique d’Orange 


C’est à Orange qu’il fallait être hier soir. Mika, chanteur pop célèbre pour ses titres comme Relax, Grace Kelly ou encore Elle me dit, s’est produit sur la magnifique scène du Théâtre Antique pour 2h de show, et pas n’importe quel show.


Une scène prestigieuse


La liste s’allonge pour Mika : après un concert symphonique à Montréal, à Côme et Florence en Italie, à l’Opéra royal de Versailles en décembre 2020, puis deux dates à la Philharmonie de Paris l’année suivante, Mika investit pour la première fois les Chorégies d’Orange. Le programme promettait d’être prestigieux :  accompagné de l’Orchestre National Avignon-Provence dirigé par Simon Leclerc, du Chœur Région Sud guidé par Michel Piquemal, ainsi que les choristes Ida Falk Winland et Max Taylor, la setlist pop se transforme le temps d’une soirée vers des airs plus classiques. Ses succès mais aussi des titres moins connus du grand public ont été mis en lumière et son pour la soirée dans le lieu le plus emblématique de la ville.


Une setlist créée sur mesure


C’est une douce introduction musicale aux airs de bande annonce de dessin animé qui marque le début de la soirée. Mika entre en scène, vêtu d’un costume bleu et vert à motifs, tout sourire, avant de se concentrer pour lancer les premières notes de sa chanson Toy Boy. Tous les albums seront représentés à travers 19 chansons revisitées et arrangées par Simon Leclerc. La douceur de Happy Ending, l’énergie d’Elle me dit et de Boum Boum Boum, la douceur de Je sais que je t’aime ou la profondeur de Last Party … Le voyage continue même jusqu’en Afrique avec la bande originale créée pour le film Zodi et Tehu, Frères du désert sorti en 2023. Le vent s’invite également dans le théâtre, et malgré l’adaptation à ces conditions particulières, Mika affirme « Je n’ai jamais fait un concert dans un lieu aussi spectaculaire, ça c’est le Sud ! ».


Des mélodies et des textes


La musique permet de passer des messages d’espoir et d’acceptation sous toutes ses formes. Mika l’a bien compris : malgré des mélodies pour la plupart entrainantes, les sujets sont parfois lourds de sens. Il prend la parole pour expliquer Heroes, chanson dédiée aux héros du quotidien, mais aussi C’est la vie écrite à la suite d’un deuil personnel, et Jane Birkin sur le regard des autres. Le public est attentif à tous ces messages, il est réceptif, il est à la fois attentif et subjugué, il applaudit, chante, et de nombreuses standing ovations concluent les chansons.


C’est à la fois heureux et ému que Mika se retire de la scène, suivi par l’orchestre et les chœurs. Le public présent repart avec le souvenir d’un concert exceptionnel dans un lieu hors du commun, qui sera à voir ou revoir sur France Télévision le 10 juillet prochain.


:uk: Google translator

Mika’s symphonic pop at the Théâtre Antique d’Orange

Orange was the place to be last night. Mika, pop singer famous for songs like Relax, Grace Kelly and Elle me dit, performed on the magnificent stage of the Théâtre Antique for a 2-hour show, and not just any show.

A prestigious scene

The list goes on for Mika: after a symphony concert in Montreal, Como and Florence in Italy, at the Royal Opera of Versailles in December 2020, then two dates at the Philharmonie de Paris the following year, Mika invests in the first time the Chorégies d'Orange. The program promised to be prestigious: accompanied by the Avignon-Provence National Orchestra conducted by Simon Leclerc, the South Region Choir guided by Michel Piquemal, as well as the choristers Ida Falk Winland and Max Taylor, the pop setlist was transformed over time. 'an evening towards more classic tunes. His successes but also titles less known to the general public were highlighted and sound for the evening in the most emblematic place in the city.

A tailor-made setlist

It’s a gentle musical introduction to the tunes of a cartoon trailer that marks the start of the evening. Mika enters the stage, dressed in a blue and green patterned suit, all smiles, before concentrating on launching the first notes of his song Toy Boy. All albums will be represented through 19 songs revisited and arranged by Simon Leclerc. The sweetness of Happy Ending, the energy of Elle me dit and Boum Boum Boum, the sweetness of Je sais que je t'aime or the depth of Last Party... The journey even continues as far as Africa with the original soundtrack created for the film Zodi and Tehu, Brothers of the Desert released in 2023. The wind also invites itself into the theater, and despite the adaptation to these particular conditions, Mika affirms “I have never done a concert in such a spectacular place , that’s the South! ".

Melodies and texts

Music allows us to convey messages of hope and acceptance in all its forms. Mika understands this well: despite the melodies being mostly catchy, the subjects are sometimes full of meaning. He takes the floor to explain Heroes, a song dedicated to everyday heroes, but also C’est la vie written following a personal bereavement, and Jane Birkin on the way others see it. The public is attentive to all these messages, it is receptive, it is both attentive and captivated, it applauds, sings, and numerous standing ovations conclude the songs.

It is both happy and moved that Mika withdraws from the stage, followed by the orchestra and the choirs. The public present leaves with the memory of an exceptional concert in an extraordinary place, which will be seen or rewatched on France Télévision on July 10.














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9 hours ago, lormare73 said:

Thank you for the videos @mellody

Were you sitting right behind Fogiel and Mika's dad? 

Yes, and Beauregard with Paloma 🙂

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I would like to add that Mika thought the hero of the night was the woman perfectly holding Simon LeClerc’s sheet music in place (due to the Mistral - the hefty cold wind).


However, I disagree, I believe the true hero of the night was Geraldine, weaponed with her hairspray. Honestly that hair did NOT move, not due to movement nor due to the Mistral. Respect! 

Edited by holdingyourdrink
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