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2024 - Mika @ KUNST!RASEN Bonn, GERMANY, 29 July REPORTS / VIDS / PICS

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The queuing was so chill with everyone relaxing in the shade and singing Mika songs together. As for the gig itself: No words. Everything about it was perfect. ❤️ My heart is so full. The vibe was amazing, Mika was enjoying himself to the fullest. He was super spontaneous and considerrate (he had his piano moved forwards so the front rows could see him 😚 The stage was super high), he was really chatty, talked a lot of German and just in general a lot. He was smiling so much. Mika ordered a typical beer for the region ("kölsch") and joked with the audience. A lot to process,  but so happy I got to be there. 


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  • 1. Ice Cream
  • 2. Origin of Love (Shortened)
  • 3. Lollipop
  • 4. Talk About You
  • 5. Stuck in the Middle
  • 6. Big Girl (In the crowd)
  • 7. Underwater
  • 8. Relax (Take It Easy)
  • 9. Good Guys (+1 good lady in Bonn who brought the Kölsch)
  • 10. Popular Song
  • 11. Billy Brown
  • 12. Elle me dit
  • 13. Grace Kelly
  • 14. Happy Ending
  • 15. Love Today
  • Yo Yo
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Posted (edited)



29.07.2024 , 23:10 Uhr


Mika feiert eine Pop-Party auf dem KunstRasen


Bonn · Auf dem Kunstrasen in Bonn hat Mika am Montagabend in einer Neon-Glitzer-Welt begeistert. Mit seiner unendlichen Energie steckte der Paradiesvogel auch das Publikum an.







Mika auf dem KunstRasen in Bonn









Edited by Kumazzz
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It was a brilliant gig! Loved the spontaneity and the whole atmosphere which was very relaxed and summery ;-) Does anyone have an idea why there was no encore? 

It was the first time that i experienced that.. (curfewwise he would have still had some time.). The length of the concert was totally fine, i was just surprised that it didn't follow the usual tradition...

Edited by Perdchen
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Wow, wow, wow! It really was an incredible evening yesterday in Bonn with such a great atmosphere!
I enjoyed every single second of it so much.:cloud:
With a Mika who spoke a lot of German, who ordered a Kölsch from the bar onto the stage for himself:cheers: , who played with the audience, and who was just incredible as always. A Mika who seemed totally relaxed, who was extremely funny and, above all, very chatty. 
That's why I concentrated mainly on filming him talking yesterday....












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2 hours ago, Kumazzz said:



29.07.2024 , 23:10 Uhr


Mika feiert eine Pop-Party auf dem KunstRasen


Bonn · Auf dem Kunstrasen in Bonn hat Mika am Montagabend in einer Neon-Glitzer-Welt begeistert. Mit seiner unendlichen Energie steckte der Paradiesvogel auch das Publikum an.







Mika auf dem KunstRasen in Bonn










Wow, 127 photos! And I see a lot of familiar faces! 😁 (might exchange those pix with photos of MFCers when I'm home. :teehee:)

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What a great evening! Really, Mika has been so relaxed and chatty, and the whole setting felt a lot more intimate than the ‚big‘ concerts. I think it was quite far from sold out, so there was a lot of space to wander around and to dance. And well, the weather was simply glorious, with a beautiful sunset during the show between the trees.


My impression has been that many locals casually showed up more or less spontaneously and soaked in the atmosphere. I talked to a group of Bonners after the show, and they told me it has been their very first time at a Mika gig, and they liked it very much. Mika really did a great job in interacting with the crowd. He really embarrassed the people on the press stand by ‚forcing’ them to sing Underwater alone :lol3:


Did anyone, by the way, make a clip of Mika talking about Winnie the Pooh, Piglet, Tigger and Eyoore? That was so funny :lol3:  Well, he warned us not to place it online, but I‘m sure somebody recorded it :bleh:

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1 hour ago, Perdchen said:

It was a brilliant gig! Loved the spontaneity and the whole atmosphere which was very relaxed and summery ;-) Does anyone have an idea why there was no encore? 

It was the first time that i experienced that.. (curfewwise he would have still had some time.). The length of the concert was totally fine, i was just surprised that it didn't follow the usual tradition...


It seems he left the venue shortly after the show - we assume he was flying somewhere the same evening and just ran out of time.


In fact, someone got a setlist and there were 3 more songs on it: We Are Golden, Any other World and C'est la Vie. He probably talked too much to get to those or to leave for a minute to make Love Today look like an encore - but I don't mind at all, loved how chatty he was! :wub2: I agree with you, it felt a bit cut short at the end, the crowd definitely wanted him back on stage. I think it would have helped if he had just told the audience that he needs to rush to the airport (or wherever else to) right after the show, then maybe it wouldn't have felt so weird. I'm sure he would have loved to play a few more songs, the crowd's energy was fantastic! I just hope they didn't think it was his fault / that he just didn't want to. :sad:

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3 minutes ago, mellody said:

.... - but I don't mind at all, loved how chatty he was! :wub2: 

I totally agree - him talking so much and being so funny last night was so great that it was totally ok with 1 or 2 songs less.

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Concert Review for Kunst!RasenBonn in General Anzeiger Bonn 




Mika feiert eine Pop-Party auf dem KunstRasen

Bonn · Auf dem KunstRasen in Bonn hat Mika am Montagabend in einer Neon-Glitzer-Welt begeistert. Mit seiner unendlichen Energie steckte der Paradiesvogel auch das Publikum an.


29.07.2024 , 23:10 Uhr

Von Thomas KölschFreier Mitarbeiter


Möglichst bunt, so hat es Mika am liebsten. Der libanesisch-britische Sänger mit einem Faible für ständig wechselnde, oft farbenfrohe und mitunter glitzernde Kostüme liebt das Spiel mit der Selbstinszenierung, das mit seinen poppig-perlenden Songs einhergeht und ihn in den vergangenen 17 Jahren vor allem in Frankreich und Italien überaus populär gemacht hat. Kein Wunder, war er dort schließlich über Jahre hinweg als Juror für diverse Casting-Formate tätig, moderierte eine eigene Unterhaltungsshow und 2022 auch den Eurovision Song Contest in Turin. In Deutschland hat Mika hingegen nie so richtig Fuß fassen können. Zu seinem Konzert in Bonn waren auf jeden Fall nur knapp 2000 Fans zum KunstRasen gekommen, um mit dem 41-Jährigen im Rahmen der „Club Apocalypso Summer Nights“-Tour ein paar schöne Stunden zu verbringen. Und die konnte man auch bekommen. Sofern man beim musikalischen Anspruch ein paar Abstriche machte.


Egal wie man zu Mikas Musik steht: Seine Qualitäten als Entertainer lassen sich nicht leugnen. Er strahlt nur so voll Energie, kann kaum stillstehen, springt und hüpft und wirbelt über die Bühne und infiziert das Publikum derart mühelos mit seiner guten Laune, als wäre er ein Glücksbärchi auf Speed, das gerade den Regenbogen herunterrutscht. Oder Tigger, der aufgekratzte Freund von Pu dem Bären. Obwohl er dafür nach eigener Aussage noch ein weiteres Kölsch brauchen würde (das erste hat ihm eine Frau aus dem Publikum spendiert; und ja, Mika hat explizit über die Tiere aus dem Hundertmorgenwald gesprochen, und zwar nicht nur en passant). Ist aber auch egal. Der Vergleich passt auf jeden Fall, zumal Mika selbst so herrlich unbedarft daherkommt, so verspielt und dabei so charismatisch, dass man ihn gerne in seine bonbonbunte Pop-Welt folgt, in der Liebe und Lollipop zu den wichtigsten Wörtern zählen.


Das Publikum nimmt das Angebot auf jeden Fall gerne an. Dabei spielt es keine Rolle, dass die Background-Sängerinnen aus der Konserve etwa bei „Elle me dit“ mitunter viel zu laut eingespielt werden, dass die Songstrukturen überschaubar sind oder dass Mika längst nicht mehr so mühelos die hohen Töne trifft wie früher. Sein Falsett klingt teilweise richtig gequält, die Kopfstimme nasal, was umso bedauerlicher ist, weil Mika über einen extrem angenehmen, warmen Bariton verfügt, dem er ruhig öfter vertrauen sollte. Doch vielleicht will er nicht so erwachsen klingen, sondern stattdessen in Nimmerland bleiben, um „Billy Brown“ zu singen oder das ABC-Lied, das er am Klavier sitzend seinem Hit „Grace Kelly“ voranstellt.


Würden nicht einige seiner Gute-Laune-Pop-Songs darunter leiden, könnte man ihm nichts Besseres wünschen. Denn, und auch das gehört zu dem Phänomen Mika: Er wirkt authentisch, nicht gekünstelt, wie er so über die Bühne (oder bei „Big Girl“ durch die Menge) tanzt und einfach Spaß an dem hat, was er tut. Und wenn er dann über die Liebe redet, wenn er ganz ruhig wird und die 2000 Fans (viele davon erleben ihn an diesem Abend zum ersten Mal) an seinen Lippen hängen, wenn seine Ausstrahlung mühelos bis in die hintersten Winkel des KunstRasens reicht, dann kann man Mika nur bewundern. Über seine Musik mag man geteilter Meinung sein. Doch seine Seele, die glänzt. Und das ist das Wichtigste.


:uk:Google Translater


Mika celebrates a pop party on the KunstRasen
Bonn - On Monday evening, Mika wowed the crowd at the KunstRasen in Bonn in a world of neon glitter. The bird of paradise also infected the audience with his endless energy.

29.07.2024 , 23:10
By Thomas KölschFreelancer

As colourful as possible, that's how Mika likes it best. The Lebanese-British singer with a penchant for constantly changing, often colourful and sometimes glittering costumes loves to play with self-dramatisation, which goes hand in hand with his pop-peppy songs and has made him extremely popular over the past 17 years, especially in France and Italy. No wonder, given that he worked there for years as a judge for various casting formats, hosted his own entertainment show and also took part in the Eurovision Song Contest in Turin in 2022. In Germany, however, Mika never really managed to gain a foothold. In any case, just under 2000 fans came to his concert in Bonn at KunstRasen to spend a few enjoyable hours with the 41-year-old as part of the ‘Club Apocalypso Summer Nights’ tour. And that's exactly what they got. As long as you made a few compromises when it came to musical standards.

Regardless of how you feel about Mika's music, there's no denying his qualities as an entertainer. He radiates energy, can hardly stand still, jumps and hops and whirls across the stage and infects the audience with his good humour as effortlessly as if he were a lucky bear on speed sliding down a rainbow. Or Tigger, Pooh the Bear's chirpy friend. Although, according to his own statement, he would need another Kölsch (the first one was bought for him by a woman from the audience; and yes, Mika was explicitly talking about the animals from the Hundred Acre Wood, and not just in passing). But it doesn't matter. The comparison definitely fits, especially as Mika himself comes across as so wonderfully naïve, so playful and yet so charismatic that you are happy to follow him into his candy-coloured pop world, in which love and lollipop are among the most important words-


In any case, the audience gladly accepts the offer. It doesn't matter that the canned backing singers on ‘Elle me dit’, for example, are sometimes played far too loudly, that the song structures are not very clear or that Mika no longer hits the high notes as effortlessly as he used to. His falsetto sometimes sounds really agonised, his head voice nasal, which is all the more regrettable because Mika has an extremely pleasant, warm baritone that he should trust more often. But perhaps he doesn't want to sound so grown-up, but instead wants to stay in Neverland to sing ‘Billy Brown’ or the ABC song that he precedes his hit ‘Grace Kelly’ while sitting at the piano.


If some of his feel-good pop songs didn't suffer as a result, you couldn't wish him any better. Because, and this is also part of the Mika phenomenon: he comes across as authentic, not artificial, as he dances across the stage (or through the crowd during ‘Big Girl’) and simply has fun doing what he does. And when he then talks about love, when he becomes completely calm and the 2,000 fans (many of whom are experiencing him for the first time this evening) hang on his every word, when his charisma reaches effortlessly into the furthest corners of the KunstRasen, then you can only admire Mika. Opinions may be divided about his music. But it's his soul that shines. And that is the most important thing.


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https://www.imago-images.com/search/v2?querystring=Mika Kunst Rasen


Mika - Kunst!Rasen Bonn Gronau 2024 - 29.07.2024 Der libanesich britische Sänger MIKA beim Live Auftritt in der Kunst!Rasen Bühne - Der Kunst!Rasen in Bonn Gronau ist eine beliebte Sommer Open Air Konzertreihe am Rande der Rheinaue am Bonner Rheinufer. 29.07.2024 Bonn Gronau Nordrhein-Westfalen Deutschland ***


Mika Kunst Rasen Bonn Gronau 2024 29 07 2024 The Lebanese British singer MIKA performing live on the Kunst Rasen stage The Kunst Rasen in Bonn Gronau is a popular summer open air concert series on the edge of the Rheinaue on the banks of the Rhine in Bonn 29 07 2024 Bonn Gronau North Rhine-Westphalia Germany





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2 hours ago, mellody said:


It seems he left the venue shortly after the show - we assume he was flying somewhere the same evening and just ran out of time.


In fact, someone got a setlist and there were 3 more songs on it: We Are Golden, Any other World and C'est la Vie. He probably talked too much to get to those or to leave for a minute to make Love Today look like an encore - but I don't mind at all, loved how chatty he was! :wub2: I agree with you, it felt a bit cut short at the end, the crowd definitely wanted him back on stage. I think it would have helped if he had just told the audience that he needs to rush to the airport (or wherever else to) right after the show, then maybe it wouldn't have felt so weird. I'm sure he would have loved to play a few more songs, the crowd's energy was fantastic! I just hope they didn't think it was his fault / that he just didn't want to. :sad:

I think the thing with him leaving for the airport without the band and the shorter setlist could be true.Anyway i am still laughing about the Eyore Story.


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4 hours ago, mellody said:


It seems he left the venue shortly after the show - we assume he was flying somewhere the same evening and just ran out of time.


In fact, someone got a setlist and there were 3 more songs on it: We Are Golden, Any other World and C'est la Vie. He probably talked too much to get to those or to leave for a minute to make Love Today look like an encore - but I don't mind at all, loved how chatty he was! :wub2: I agree with you, it felt a bit cut short at the end, the crowd definitely wanted him back on stage. I think it would have helped if he had just told the audience that he needs to rush to the airport (or wherever else to) right after the show, then maybe it wouldn't have felt so weird. I'm sure he would have loved to play a few more songs, the crowd's energy was fantastic! I just hope they didn't think it was his fault / that he just didn't want to. :sad:

But apparently Talk About You was added to the setlist :)

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1 hour ago, Liv1680 said:

I think the thing with him leaving for the airport without the band and the shorter setlist could be true.Anyway i am still laughing about the Eyore Story.


Mee too, i was walking through Bonn today before going home and spotted this tshirt after the pooh story I had to buy it. 🥰I think it fits with the rest of the concert memories 🥰😂


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6 hours ago, mellody said:


It seems he left the venue shortly after the show - we assume he was flying somewhere the same evening and just ran out of time.


In fact, someone got a setlist and there were 3 more songs on it: We Are Golden, Any other World and C'est la Vie. He probably talked too much to get to those or to leave for a minute to make Love Today look like an encore - but I don't mind at all, loved how chatty he was! :wub2: I agree with you, it felt a bit cut short at the end, the crowd definitely wanted him back on stage. I think it would have helped if he had just told the audience that he needs to rush to the airport (or wherever else to) right after the show, then maybe it wouldn't have felt so weird. I'm sure he would have loved to play a few more songs, the crowd's energy was fantastic! I just hope they didn't think it was his fault / that he just didn't want to. :sad:


So according to Claudia Winkleman's post on Instagram today they were shooting The Piano in Sheffield.

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1 hour ago, lunavansebille said:

Mee too, i was walking through Bonn today before going home and spotted this tshirt after the pooh story I had to buy it.

That's hilarious, how fitting!!

I will never be able to look at donkey the same way again 😳

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5 hours ago, CharlotteL said:

That's hilarious, how fitting!!

I will never be able to look at donkey the same way again 😳

OK now I really want to know the the Eeyore story! 

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