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2024 - Mika @ Basel, Baloise Session, Switzerland - 26 October


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1 minute ago, Prisca said:

Don't worry, your ticket will arrive. It's still more than a month left...

Thanks, I hope for next week... really weird that we had no option for e-ticket

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1 minute ago, krysady said:

Thanks, I hope for next week... really weird that we had no option for e-ticket

They are old-fashioned, they don't have e-tickets.

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Baloise Session posted this in their IG stories:



The text is:


Pop-Philosoph mit Tiefgang

Mit klassischer Ausbildung und mehreren Oktaven Stimmumfang schaffte er den Sprung vom Aussenseiter zum Superstar. Seine Musik lebt von Fantasie und cleveren Texten, ist aber auch geprägt vom Krieg im Libanon, wo er geboren wurde. 2007 eroberte er mit dem Lied "Grace Kelly" die Charts. Dann folgte der Superhit "Relax, Take it Easy", der für viele Lebensmotto wurde.


Google Translation :uk:


Pop philosopher with depth

With classical training and a vocal range of several octaves, he made the leap from outsider to superstar. His music is full of imagination and clever lyrics, but is also influenced by the war in Lebanon, where he was born. In 2007, he conquered the charts with the song "Grace Kelly". Then came the super hit "Relax, Take it Easy", which became a life motto for many.

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Hey all,

I am so unbelievably happy that we managed to get two tickets for Basel thanks to the beautiful MFC community! My daughter Mila (10 years old, recent new addition to the Mika younglings community) and I hope to meet you all there. 

Now, I wanted to pick your brains. 

It looks to me from various videos online like the Baloise sessions basically start with everybody sitting at their tables and then the show starts and at some point everybody gets up and stands in the front of the stage, no? 

Just wondering how this will be organized as it could be quite a run with tables and chairs in the way so hopefully nobody gets injured?? Would love to hear your thoughts or if anyone knows more? 

Our tickets are at different tables, so I need to keep an eye on Mila and ideally if she can be somewhere quite close to the stage would be fantastic as she is so short. I am trying to figure it out :angelnot:

sorry for the lengthy post, I am just so excited!! 


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50 minutes ago, Martina Josefsson said:

It looks to me from various videos online like the Baloise sessions basically start with everybody sitting at their tables and then the show starts and at some point everybody gets up and stands in the front of the stage, no? 

Just wondering how this will be organized as it could be quite a run with tables and chairs in the way so hopefully nobody gets injured?? Would love to hear your thoughts or if anyone knows more? 

It seems to be that way, like you described. Now it also seemed like it wasn‘t a huge run in the videos I saw, but just a few people who went there and some remained seated. Eventually everyone seemed to stand up and dance. 

Now this depends on the rules of the venue, the rules of the concert and also the kind of crowd. In my experiences in the past, Mika fans can be quite fast and even pushy… As a mother myself (of a 10 year old daughter, coincidentally, but she won’t be there this time), I would be worried as well. 

The only suggestion I have for you is to keep an eye on her and move with her if you can. If I see her and I happen to be at the front, I will keep an eye on her as well and she can join me. 

On another note: do you have ear protection for her? It would be a good thing, just to be sure! Music can be loud and if it’s too loud, it can be a not so good experience for kids. 

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55 minutes ago, Martina Josefsson said:

Our tickets are at different tables, so I need to keep an eye on Mila and ideally if she can be somewhere quite close to the stage would be fantastic as she is so short. I am trying to figure it out

Well done getting tickets! 

Which tables do you and Mila have? If they're in the same price range, someone might be willing to swap seats so you can at least sit together. 


59 minutes ago, Martina Josefsson said:

start with everybody sitting at their tables and then the show starts and at some point everybody gets up and stands in the front of the stage, no? 

Just wondering how this will be organized as it could be quite a run with tables and chairs in the way so hopefully nobody gets injured?? Would love to hear your thoughts or if anyone knows more? 

Yes, it seems we start at the tables then at some point are given a signal that we can move to the stage front. I'm afraid it might be a bit of a run, not sure how strict security is or if it's a free for all at that point. On the plan it looks like the floor is tiered so there are also steps to be careful of. 

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Super good advice, thanks so much, will plan to bring ear protection!


Also very kind of you to offer to keep an eye on her :heart:


I suppose we have the chance to get used to the venue during Natalia Imbruglia's show which starts at 8pm. She will have her fans there too and we can see what they do. I was a bit unsure about people standing in the front and others sitting that it won't get unpleasant because people in the back cannot see... I suppose the venue somehow has to "police" the situation and they have run these shows for many years, so they hopefully know how to control the crowd :-) 


Thanks again and see you all soon!



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10 minutes ago, Hero said:

Well done getting tickets! 

Which tables do you and Mila have? If they're in the same price range, someone might be willing to swap seats so you can at least sit together. 


Yes, it seems we start at the tables then at some point are given a signal that we can move to the stage front. I'm afraid it might be a bit of a run, not sure how strict security is or if it's a free for all at that point. On the plan it looks like the floor is tiered so there are also steps to be careful of. 

We have seat 6 at table 145 and one seat at table 223, which is in the tiered area and maybe a bit higher up. Nobody will want to swap to sit at table 145, including my daughter, haha :-) but let's see when we are there. 

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1 hour ago, Martina Josefsson said:

Hey all,

I am so unbelievably happy that we managed to get two tickets for Basel thanks to the beautiful MFC community! My daughter Mila (10 years old, recent new addition to the Mika younglings community) and I hope to meet you all there. 

Now, I wanted to pick your brains. 

It looks to me from various videos online like the Baloise sessions basically start with everybody sitting at their tables and then the show starts and at some point everybody gets up and stands in the front of the stage, no? 

Just wondering how this will be organized as it could be quite a run with tables and chairs in the way so hopefully nobody gets injured?? Would love to hear your thoughts or if anyone knows more? 

Our tickets are at different tables, so I need to keep an eye on Mila and ideally if she can be somewhere quite close to the stage would be fantastic as she is so short. I am trying to figure it out :angelnot:

sorry for the lengthy post, I am just so excited!! 



As she's so short, standing further away from the stage (maybe on a chair, if allowed) might be even better to see, depending on the height of the stage. But as Natalie Imbruglia is first, maybe you can figure it out during her set? Are your tables near the front? Talking from my experience as a concert security, it's possible that only the first 1-2 rows will be allowed to go to the stage and the others have to stay at their places, to avoid chaos. But it's different at every gig, and might be different in Switzerland altogether. In Monaco last year, which was a setting with dinner tables, everyone was free to go where they wanted - but about 80% of the crowd were rich jetset people who couldn't care less about being close to Mika, so it wasn't a problem. While in Basel it's rather 80% fans I guess.


Maybe you could just write to the Baloise Sessions and ask what they'd suggest for a 10yo child where she can go and when, to have the best view and not get in danger of being run over?

Looking at my 10yo son tho, kids are much faster and agile than us adults, so she could be at the stage more quickly than anyone else. :naughty: I'd just recommend that she'd keep away from certain fans who are known for seeing nothing but Mika while he's nearby - so I think she'd be safer a bit more at the side instead of the center of the stage. :wink2:

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1 minute ago, mellody said:


As she's so short, standing further away from the stage (maybe on a chair, if allowed) might be even better to see, depending on the height of the stage. But as Natalie Imbruglia is first, maybe you can figure it out during her set? Are your tables near the front? Talking from my experience as a concert security, it's possible that only the first 1-2 rows will be allowed to go to the stage and the others have to stay at their places, to avoid chaos. But it's different at every gig, and might be different in Switzerland altogether. In Monaco last year, which was a setting with dinner tables, everyone was free to go where they wanted - but about 80% of the crowd were rich jetset people who couldn't care less about being close to Mika, so it wasn't a problem. While in Basel it's rather 80% fans I guess.


Maybe you could just write to the Baloise Sessions and ask what they'd suggest for a 10yo child where she can go and when, to have the best view and not get in danger of being run over?

Looking at my 10yo son tho, kids are much faster and agile than us adults, so she could be at the stage more quickly than anyone else. :naughty: I'd just recommend that she'd keep away from certain fans who are known for seeing nothing but Mika while he's nearby - so I think she'd be safer a bit more at the side instead of the center of the stage. :wink2:

Thank you Mellody, for the super helpful advice, will keep that in mind!! And also good to know that we are possibly not allowed to go to the front as our tables are quite far back (145 and 223), just to manage expectations for her.... We get the next chance in Gran Canaria as we bought Golden Circle tickets.

I have also been a U2 fan for many years and been to several shows in front row or one behind and I know from experience how hectic and pushy it can get.... will make sure safety is first.  

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2 hours ago, Martina Josefsson said:

We have seat 6 at table 145 and one seat at table 223, which is in the tiered area and maybe a bit higher up. Nobody will want to swap to sit at table 145, including my daughter, haha :-) but let's see when we are there. 

I suppose that we will be allowed to move . If I were you I'd move next to the girl's seat before Mika's set so you will be able to stay with her whatever the place you choose to go . And if the venue is small the view could be better if she stands on a chair a bit behind than in the middle of the crowd .

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59 minutes ago, Maria Patricia said:

@Martina Josefsson


Be very careful.

Legal age for access to the event is 18 years old.

I don't know if they allow unaccompanied minors.





I don't know where you got that from, but on the official website in the FAQ it clearly says that only children under 6 aren't allowed in. Under 16 you need to be accompanied by a legal guardian. Her mother Martina is with the child, so that's fine.


Edit: Just saw your post refers to the event on the Canary Islands. I'll move it there when I'm at the PC later

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19 minutes ago, mellody said:


I don't know where you got that from, but on the official website in the FAQ it clearly says that only children under 6 aren't allowed in. Under 16 you need to be accompanied by a legal guardian. Her mother Martina is with the child, so that's fine.

Martina wrote that she is going to Gran Canaria in december and there the site says that its only 18 y and over.But not the other website.

Edited by Liv1680
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3 hours ago, mellody said:


As she's so short, standing further away from the stage (maybe on a chair, if allowed) might be even better to see, depending on the height of the stage.


In Monaco last year, which was a setting with dinner tables, everyone was free to go where they wanted

1) Yep, i tried this in Schwertzingen.I placed myself so that i got :lol3:stuck in the middle :lol3: and then went back a little and the sight was better. And even :mikasweat:

:blush:found :blush: me while he was in the crowd while "big girl".


2) Oh really,did not see that from the video that was posted.There it seemed everyone of you where standing in the back and Mika then came to the back.

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38 minutes ago, Maria Patricia said:



Yes, I am referring to the concert in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. 

I have put it here because  @Martina Josefsson  mentioned it, "We get the next chance in Gran Canaria as we bought Golden Circle tickets.", in this thread and I thought it would be more visible for her.


I'll still move it, because it could be confusing here and some fans might think it's for Basel, as you didn't specify which gig and not everyone is looking at the details in Spanish of your screenshot. It makes more sense to have this info (& discuss it) in the Gran Canaria thread.


54 minutes ago, Liv1680 said:

2) Oh really,did not see that from the video that was posted.There it seemed everyone of you where standing in the back and Mika then came to the back.


That's true for the first few songs in Monaco. We didn't know it was allowed to go to the front. But when he got back on stage after Big Girl and everyone was standing and Mika encouraged people to dance, the first ones followed him and when we saw that they didn't get sent back, we went to the front too. At the beginning everyone was sitting, it would have felt impolite to just stand in front of the tables at the stage and block their view, that's why we went to the very back to stand and dance. Can't remember if I've uploaded my videos here but I definitely have a few from the front.

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The day before the tickets have been put on sale, I called at the venue for more info, especially to ask why the front row tables are Cat.2 and not Cat.1.  They told me the first row tables are on a lower level and with a poor visibility to the stage, also the professional photographers will stay there blocking the view.  And for this reason, people from those tables are usually standing up.


Also they said the venue it's quite small and you can see well from any corner, and from the videos I've seen, people were standing at their tables, not sure they will allow to run in front of the stage... but you never know with Mika fans :aah:
Here's a vid from last year:



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On 9/21/2024 at 7:47 PM, Prisca said:

They are old-fashioned, they don't have e-tickets.

Yes, most likely my tickets are coming via pigeon post ... :wait:

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18 hours ago, Hero said:

Do you have a tracking number for them? 

Yes, and I'll call them tomorrow, it is already almost one month :sad:


EDIT: I contacted them and my tickets have been sent to me, but since my postman didn't notice me, they are already back to Switzerland. Today they sent me the tickets again :aah:

Edited by krysady
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On 10/2/2024 at 10:01 PM, krysady said:

Yes, and I'll call them tomorrow, it is already almost one month :sad:


EDIT: I contacted them and my tickets have been sent to me, but since my postman didn't notice me, they are already back to Switzerland. Today they sent me the tickets again :aah:

Oh man, fingers crossed you get a better postman this time! :crossed:

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28 minutes ago, Hero said:

Oh man, fingers crossed you get a better postman this time! :crossed:

They told me if I don't get them in time, it's not a problem, they can send them by email.


I also asked them why they didn't have the e-ticket option, and this is the answer:


    "The event organiser decides whether print@home tickets can be used or not.
This depends on the organisation and entrance control procedures at the event venue.

The security measures to protect against forgeries and illegal onward selling also play a part in this. Traditional tickets on pre-printed and forgery-proof paper can generally be checked easily and are secure against being illegally reproduced."

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