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Leeds May 13th Meet Up


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if you want two tickets to leeds pm or my space message me I cant go anymore cause of my dads health, will be a great night guys sorry to miss you all though, there will be other times though:biggrin2:

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You need to do the partyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! :punk:


I think Rob will be expecting me home, and I do have work in the morning.


I sound too sensible, but actually, driving to Leeds for a concert is way out of my comfort zone.


I hope I'll see you all there - I'm guessing you'll be the noisy gang? I'll be with my embarrassed-looking daughter who is coming to make sure I behave myself. God knows what she thinks I'll do!

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if you want two tickets to leeds pm or my space message me I cant go anymore cause of my dads health, will be a great night guys sorry to miss you all though, there will be other times though:biggrin2:


I'm sorry about your father. I hope someone can use the tickets - I'm sure there will be plenty who'd like them.

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if you want two tickets to leeds pm or my space message me I cant go anymore cause of my dads health, will be a great night guys sorry to miss you all though, there will be other times though:biggrin2:


that's a shame Jen. I hope we can meet up another time.


love and best wishes to you and your family... especially your dad xx

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Thanks everyone. I will still get to see him in Brighton at least and will meet the rest of you later on the year i am sure:biggrin2:


sorry to hear your bad news jen!! cant wait to hear wot u think of mika in brighton, u can let us all know wots too come!!!:thumb_yello:

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well really u cant count sunday so im saying 4 Lol its helping me along!!



i dont like counting sunday or the day before as its the eve of the event :naughty:


so i am saying 3 days :thumb_yello:

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O.K. I'll grant you that Sunday wouldn't count if the concert were to be in the morning. But as it's 10:20 p.m. now, it's 5 days minus a couple of hours, well that's my view :-)

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but it's 5 more get-ups!


oh get ups


i was always told so many more sleeps when i was little and waiting for christmas to come so yeah its 5 more sleeps / get ups lol

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Will we stand the excitement? My daughter dreamt about it last night. I had a nightmare about meeting him in a rusty old caravan, so I'll ignore it!


Ignore those kind of dreams you may have about mika...if i payed any attention to my dreams i am already banned from every Concert of Mika's for having a camera with a blinding flash :naughty::shocked::naughty:

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