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Official - Dreams about MIKA thread =)


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aww! this dream is so sweet!!!!:wub2:

i don't know why i don't dream this wonderful things!!...the only time i dreamt about him,it was in one of his shows,with thousand of people, and he jumped from the stage to the place where the fans were,and everyone was very excited, dancing and so on, and then he was in front of me and took my hand and invited me to dance with him!!...:wub2:...of course i accepted and he smiled! ....and that's it!!!! i wish i could dream more often with Mika instead of dream with other silly things!:blink:


me, I often have dreams like the one I posted before...

You know? When I have dreams like mine, when I wake up I feel alon and I want that it becames reality :blush-anim-cl:

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me, I often have dreams like the one I posted before...

You know? When I have dreams like mine, when I wake up I feel alon and I want that it becames reality :blush-anim-cl:


if i was you, i'd wish the same!!:teehee:

it's so awful when you wake up and realise everything's just been a beautiful dream!...:blink: i only hope someday one of them (specially the mika's one) become true!!!:naughty::blush-anim-cl::naughty:

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This is a dream I had some nights ago:


I was at one of HIS gigs; as always, there was many people at the gig but suddenly nobody was here: Just MIKA on stage and me, under the stage:

He asked to me: "where are the other people?"

me: "I don't know!.. maybe they went outside!":blink:

MIKA: " yes, It's possible! byt don't worry... I'll sing just for you!"

me: :blush-anim-cl:

Then HE asked to me to go on the stage with HIM and to sit down close to HIM; then HE started to playing piano and singing; he sang: "Everybody's talking", "Lady Jane", "I'm falling" and... "Erase"... When HE finished to singing "Erase" I started to cry :tears: because I was really happy to be there and because I liked so much that song. Then I said " MIKA, don't leave me alone.. please!!":tears: HE smiled at me and HE said: " Hey, Miky, don't cry...I'm here! " and HE hugged me...:blush-anim-cl::wub2:


...THE END... (because of the alarm-clock :bash: )


When I woke up my heart was beating so hard....:fangurl:


sorry for my bad english! :blush-anim-cl:


Oh what a lovely dream:wub2:... imagine all that music!:mf_lustslow:

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Look at the number of smileys in my previous post!:shocked:


Is the 7 maximum limit changed?


When, why? By whome?

Not that I mind, it's great!:thumb_yello:



:shocked: Oh wow!! :blink: Let me try! :blush-anim-cl:



How many do I have? :blink: Still a few to go...Let's see, :biggrin2::aah::sneaky2::mf_rosetinted::naughty: so that will be a total of 12 :wub2:

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But it still won't let me add "Le Poisson Rouge" to my signature. :sneaky2:


Yeah I have the same problem, will need to redesign my sig making one picture with all of them so I can add more dates :roftl:. I'm stuck at last summer :naughty:.

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I once dreamt I was at one of his gigs, with my best friend, and we were in some kind of VIP aisles/rooms... Then the gig started, he came out with with a plush whale's head on his head, and playing a trompet... Then after playing a few notes, he went out of the stage, and walked trough the crowd with sunglasses on, got to our section and glanced at me, then that was it:roftl:


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I once dreamt I was at one of his gigs, with my best friend, and we were in some kind of VIP aisles/rooms... Then the gig started, he came out with with a plush whale's head on his head, and playing a trompet... Then after playing a few notes, he went out of the stage, and walked trough the crowd with sunglasses on, got to our section and glanced at me, then that was it:roftl:



Hehe. I like it. :biggrin2:

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I suppose I'll post in this thread now.


I once had a dream that I met him in WalMart (of all places) and all I said was "What are you doing in *insert name of my town here*?"


It was said in a 'there's something wrong with you for actually wanting to be in this town.' way


I woke up thinking 'of all the things you coulda said.' :roftl:


And that was my dream. Have no idea what I was thinking before I went to bed that night.

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Maximum seems to be 12 now. Yay!! :mf_lustslow:


yeah... that's great! I checked it some days ago but I thought that I was dreaming...:biggrin2:


I once dreamt I was at one of his gigs, with my best friend, and we were in some kind of VIP aisles/rooms... Then the gig started, he came out with with a plush whale's head on his head, and playing a trompet... Then after playing a few notes, he went out of the stage, and walked trough the crowd with sunglasses on, got to our section and glanced at me, then that was it:roftl:



I like your dream!


I suppose I'll post in this thread now.


I once had a dream that I met him in WalMart (of all places) and all I said was "What are you doing in *insert name of my town here*?"


It was said in a 'there's something wrong with you for actually wanting to be in this town.' way


I woke up thinking 'of all the things you coulda said.' :roftl:


And that was my dream. Have no idea what I was thinking before I went to bed that night.


:roftl: me too sometimes, when I dream and then when I wake up, I'm going to think what I was thinking before to go to sleep...:naughty:

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I just had a dream last night:


I dreamt that Mika was driving a car (:das: yeeee ) and he was with some people in that car. When I arrived home, he was there and we were supposed to have guitar lessons, like he was supposed to teach me. :naughty: And he started telling me what to do to play "Any other world" right on guitar but it didn't sound good and I told him that and he didn't seem to mind. Then I just got a bit (more) mad and told him that I've had enough! It doesn't sound right and I won't go on haveing guitar lessons with him! :lmfao:


Right, I guess this is a premiere... :blink:


A bientot,




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I sort of had a dream about the Pennimans :naughty:. They were all at my favorite Mexican restaurant after a Mika gig, though it didn't look the same inside. My mom and her boyfriend were with me, and we were sitting at a high circular table. The Pennimans were sitting at a lower big table and they were all in view. Then I noticed Fortuné staring at me, and that was pretty much it :lol3:

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I just had a dream last night:


I dreamt that Mika was driving a car (:das: yeeee ) and he was with some people in that car. When I arrived home, he was there and we were supposed to have guitar lessons, like he was supposed to teach me. :naughty: And he started telling me what to do to play "Any other world" right on guitar but it didn't sound good and I told him that and he didn't seem to mind. Then I just got a bit (more) mad and told him that I've had enough! It doesn't sound right and I won't go on haveing guitar lessons with him! :lmfao:


Right, I guess this is a premiere... :blink:


A bientot,





Some day ago, He tweeted that he had a driving lesson :biggrin2:

I think that's better to have piano lessons... hehe


I sort of had a dream about the Pennimans :naughty:. They were all at my favorite Mexican restaurant after a Mika gig, though it didn't look the same inside. My mom and her boyfriend were with me, and we were sitting at a high circular table. The Pennimans were sitting at a lower big table and they were all in view. Then I noticed Fortuné staring at me, and that was pretty much it :lol3:


did u dream all HIS family?! wow... :wink2:

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I had my 2nd Mika Taco dream! lol

I'm not sure if I posted the first one in this particular thread, but if I did, I'll do it again.


Okay, in the early stages of my Mika love I had my first Mika dream. In it, I stole my English teacher's copy of Dante's Inferno and she called the cops on me. I was taken to jail and put in a tiny cell with a tall man with curly hair. He turned around, and it was Mika! He said "What are you in for?", and I said "stealing." Him: "Me too." Me: What did you steal?" Him: "A taco."


Last night, I had another dream about Mika. In this one, I was at my granny's house, and we were baking gingerbread cookies. She told me that she was babysitting and that she needed lots of cookies, so I could only eat a couple (except I had already eaten most of them.) Then the doorbell rang (My granny doesn't even have a doorbell. :teehee:) and I answered. It was Mika, Greg, and Ella! My granny was supposed to babysit...MIKA AND ELLA! Greg dropped them off and said "Take good care of my kids, Zelda!" (My granny's name isn't even Zelda!) Suddenly, Mika began stuffing cookies into his mouth, and dancing. Then he said "I WANT A TACO!" So my granny made me take him out for tacos, and he ate about 50. :aah:



I think I need a dream interpreter. :teehee:

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