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Official - Dreams about MIKA thread =)


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I dreamt a few weeks ago that our own ewokwicket (Karen) and I were kind of friends with Mika and were waiting in this flat for him to come round. We were laughing at a silly picture of him in a magazine when suddenly he came through the door and caught us making fun of him and was very hurt, so I went over to him and gave him a big hug to say sorry.

Next thing I know, Karen grabbed him off me, got him down on the sofa, and - for want of a better phrase - started snogging his face off! :blush-anim-cl::aah::shocked: I kept thinking..in a minute he will tell her to stop because, well, you know he maybe doesn't like women in that way *ahem just a possibility* but whaddya know, he liked it :aah: and I was a bit jealous. Just a little bit, mind, not much :mf_rosetinted:



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I dreamt a few weeks ago that our own ewokwicket (Karen) and I were kind of friends with Mika and were waiting in this flat for him to come round. We were laughing at a silly picture of him in a magazine when suddenly he came through the door and caught us making fun of him and was very hurt, so I went over to him and gave him a big hug to say sorry.

Next thing I know, Karen grabbed him off me, got him down on the sofa, and - for want of a better phrase - started snogging his face off! :blush-anim-cl::aah::shocked: I kept thinking..in a minute he will tell her to stop because, well, you know he maybe doesn't like women in that way *ahem just a possibility* but whaddya know, he liked it :aah: and I was a bit jealous. Just a little bit, mind, not much :mf_rosetinted:




You were well jealous admit it. :naughty:

That made my day when you told me about that dream *sigh* :wub2:

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well,do you want my dream? :teehee:

It was so good :wub2:


Yes i want your dream and the becoming true of all my dreams specially these are including me and Mika! :teehee::wink2: i can't stop hope that one day... aaaaawww...mimimimi (lemur crying inside me) he's a reason to live for me...:wub2:


Crazy dreams are protagonist on this thread isn't it?! :aah: But they are amazing in almost of their rapresentation...:biggrin2::mf_lustslow:

See you soon guys Bie

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My dream last night reminded me that I've listened to the Album Sampler WAY too much.


Basically, my friend and I were sitting at this really long table, and there was a song playing that had a beat like One Foot Boy. And we both started singing the :30 seconds that iTunes previews because we knew it by heart.


It was just pretty sad that I knew every word to it in my sleep.


I am NOT listening to the album sampler any more! :aah:

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Yes i want your dream and the becoming true of all my dreams specially these are including me and Mika! :teehee::wink2: i can't stop hope that one day... aaaaawww...mimimimi (lemur crying inside me) he's a reason to live for me...:wub2:


Crazy dreams are protagonist on this thread isn't it?! :aah: But they are amazing in almost of their rapresentation...:biggrin2::mf_lustslow:

See you soon guys Bie


I understand you,there's nothing wrong about dreams :biggrin2:

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I had a dream last night that I befriended Lady Gaga (Whom I absolutely loathe) in order to be friends with mika and to have her make me famous. XD

She was so annoying. She would like buy a coffee and then walk outside and throw it out.

Just to spend money in peoples faces.

Or like buy me a coffee and then take it away from me.

I hated her.

And then I woke up...and still did ;)



Thats mean, I know.

But i presonally dont beleive in anything she stands for.

The world doesnt need one more pop icon spreading her negative messages around.

LMFAO, that's all i have to say.

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Last night I had one of those: "Mika is your best friend" kind of dreams. I think those may be my very favorite. I mean, while I'd definitely not oppose being more than friends with him :fisch:, there's something really sweet about being close friends and just goofing off with him. :wub2:

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Last night I had one of those: "Mika is your best friend" kind of dreams. I think those may be my very favorite. I mean, while I'd definitely not oppose being more than friends with him :fisch:, there's something really sweet about being close friends and just goofing off with him. :wub2:


:thumb_yello: I know what you mean just friends would be even amazing but i think i prefer dreams where i have the part of a girlfriend or better wife! :blush-anim-cl::mf_lustslow: When i'm dreaming i want to dream the best :aah:

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I still hope in a tweet reply before or after xD


I dont expect any reply from him anymore. Did in the beginning untill someone from here told me something else...

Theres only 1 person i expect a reply back from (i just dont use tweet for him) The 1 person i think has the biggest heart of gold... Bumblefoot (guitarist and singer) You have nooooooooo idea of what he have done for fans even when he is busy on tour with guns n roses, tour with others, makeing album or helping others with album. Things like invite a fan out for dinner... can even be if he is in an airport and they can make it before he will leave, home for tea after a show, invite a fan/fans for a meet up ect.

He and his wife invited me out for dinner and more but i said no cos i couldnt go (and i still hate myself for it) and we (me and him) now have a "deal" with that we definitely will meet up the next time he will come to Denmark or me to New Jersey :fangurl:

Edited by Dark Angel
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...I don't know what to say...Other artist are not bad or vanicious but they enjoy their life probably how i would make if i were in their position it's not their fault if they don't read and reply at our messages or they don't invite us out for dinner or for a meet after a concert, they probably can't...

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He cant too most time but makes the time. He had to take a break with writeing back to fans not so long time ago cos it was effecting his ability to play g'tar :blink: There is just something with Bfoot that i cant explain exactly short... ask other bfoot or guns n roses fans :roftl: Even though i know what some of em will answer :roftl:

But of course he dont answer EVERY pm, myspace or facebook mails... some he is not allowed to and some he wont cos prob. too private or just cant...

Edited by Dark Angel
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He cant too most time but makes the time. He had to take a break with writeing back to fans not so long time ago cos it was effecting his ability to play g'tar :blink: There is just something with Bfoot that i cant explain exactly short... ask other bfoot or guns n roses fans :roftl: Even though i know what some of em will answer :roftl:

But of course he dont answer EVERY pm, myspace or facebook mails... some he is not allowed to and some he wont cos prob. too private or just cant...


wait.... pm like private messaging him? does he have an account here???

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I had a dream last night, probably generated by staying up at night watching the performance from Jonathan Ross.


I dreamt that Mika simply came to our place, just like that. Surprisingly, I was quite used to his presence around the place, yet so happy he could be there and I really wanted him to stay longer.


I wanted to give him something to eat/drink so we had a conversation like this:


I said: "What would you like to eat? Some cheese perhaps? Or some fruits?"

Mika said: "Oh it's Ok, I'd like something to drink though!"

I said: "Would you like a glass of soda?"

Mika said: "oh Noo..."

I said: "Or do you want something like a glass of whisky?" :blush-anim-cl:

Mika said: "neah...not that strong"

I said: "Oh I know, I have a bottle of red wine from France."

Mika said: "That sounds great!"


So I went in the kitchen to get the cheese and the wine ready and Bianca (B!anka) came after me. I was really annoyed that she would not stay with him.


I told her: "Why wouldn't you stay there and talk to him and show him your projects? You plays, your scripts, you drawings, your book? Go ahead, this is the moment to do it!"


And she was really bored, almost as if she didn't really want him there and she told me: "Oh...no. Really I don't want to show him anything! :sneaky2: "


And that's it. I don't remember anything after that.


The funny thing is that I had no idea he was a big fan of cheese and when I told Bianca about my dream and she told me that is nice, because he would've liked the cheese and the wine too, I was amazed really! :teehee:


P.S. Bianca refused to eat any of that cheese we have today, I wonder if she's keepin git for later...just in case. :naughty:

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