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Official - Dreams about MIKA thread =)


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I had a dream last night' date=' probably generated by staying up at night watching the performance from Jonathan Ross.


I dreamt that Mika simply came to our place, just like that. Surprisingly, I was quite used to his presence around the place, yet so happy he could be there and I really wanted him to stay longer.


I wanted to give him something to eat/drink so we had a conversation like this:


I said: "What would you like to eat? Some cheese perhaps? Or some fruits?"

Mika said: "Oh it's Ok, I'd like something to drink though!"

I said: "Would you like a glass of soda?"

Mika said: "oh Noo..."

I said: "Or do you want something like a glass of whisky?" :blush-anim-cl:

Mika said: "neah...not that strong"

I said: "Oh I know, I have a bottle of red wine from France."

Mika said: "That sounds great!"


So I went in the kitchen to get the cheese and the wine ready and Bianca (B!anka) came after me. I was really annoyed that she would not stay with him.


I told her: "Why wouldn't you stay there and talk to him and show him your projects? You plays, your scripts, you drawings, your book? Go ahead, this is the moment to do it!"


And she was really bored, almost as if she didn't really want him there and she told me: "Oh...no. Really I don't want to show him anything! :sneaky2: "


And that's it. I don't remember anything after that.


The funny thing is that I had no idea he was a big fan of cheese and when I told Bianca about my dream and she told me that is nice, because he would've liked the cheese and the wine too, I was amazed really! :teehee:


P.S. Bianca refused to eat any of that cheese we have today, I wonder if she's keepin git for later...just in case. :naughty:[/left']


It's really really cute Bianca's mother even me i take in my wardrobe my best clothes just in case of a special occasion like that :aah: the strange part is that your daughter didn't want him i think i'll probably going crazy only at concert i am really excited :aah: i can't think when i would meet him :aah: really nice unfortunately i don't have a mika dream in about a month :blink: but i hope to see the true and not only dreams :biggrin2: Bie

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It's really really cute Bianca's mother even me i take in my wardrobe my best clothes just in case of a special occasion like that :aah: the strange part is that your daughter didn't want him i think i'll probably going crazy only at concert i am really excited :aah: i can't think when i would meet him :aah: really nice unfortunately i don't have a mika dream in about a month :blink: but i hope to see the true and not only dreams :biggrin2: Bie


Thank you!


I like to think that she had probably had enough of him (in the dream I mean). But I'm afraid that won't happen too soon, or in a million years to be honest. Everytime she has a chance to give up on being a fan, she simply can't.


She is quite used to him. She was very natural when talking to him after the gig. I suppose talking about him all day long here with you, and keeping in touch so tight with him on Twitter (even without a reply) made her think of him more like a human being than this untouchable celebrity, which is good. :biggrin2:


My name is Magda, by the way! :teehee:

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Thank you!


I like to think that she had probably had enough of him (in the dream I mean). But I'm afraid that won't happen too soon' date=' or in a million years to be honest. Everytime she has a chance to give up on being a fan, she simply can't.


She is quite used to him. She was very natural when talking to him after the gig. I suppose talking about him all day long here with you, and keeping in touch so tight with him on Twitter (even without a reply) made her think of him more like a human being than this untouchable celebrity, which is good. :biggrin2:


My name is Magda, by the way! :teehee:[/quote']


Oooooooooook your daughter is so similar to me :aah: but i think i am a bit more excited about all of him :aah: infact i don't have enough even in dreams :biggrin2: In all case it's a pleasure for me Magda my name is Francesca :wink2: it would be great have a mum like you :thumb_yello: See you soon Bie

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Thank you! :teehee:

It was quite a surprise for me too. I usually have to listen to someone else :fisch: telling me about her dreams with Mika.


The Mika stuff is slowly making it in to your subconscious (ness) I guess!:naughty:

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I had a dream agesss ago, and I don;t know why I didn;t put it on here. It's a bit afded now, but it was a really cool dream.

Me and my family had gone out and I was really bored. As we walked into the train station, I was in a huff because we were going somewhere I wasn;t interested in. And as we walked in, I noticed someone handing out London Lite. I was going to pick one up from him when I realised it was Mika. I grinned and went over. I babbled on about how I loved his music and asked for a picture. He looked at his watch.

"I was about to go on a break actually. Come with me!" So he took me off with him, completely ditching my family. We went to catch a tram to somewhere (he was either taking to his house for dinner/lunch, or taking me to a restaurant). I decided to walk along the bench because I was bored. I accidenty kicked this lady's leg, and apologised. But she went into a rant at me, so Mika turned around and said "Eff off and leave her alone." Except, it wasn't eff he said :roftl: I sat down, slightly shocked, and this woman threw a dirty look at both of us, but didn't say anything else. Then the tram turned up...

I don't remember what happened much after that pther than my dadf turning up and dragging me home, without giving me a chance to say bye to Mika (who had gone to get something) and I wasn't happy, because I was scared Mika would think I ditched him and would hate me.

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Just last night I had the weirdest, most vivid MIKA dream. Kira (Superstar) and I were at a MIKA concert, but it was really intimate (like him on a stage with an audience of 30 or so). We were in an outside row, but still really close, and then MIKA walked right by us! I, in my dream, could hardly breathe, and Kira was spazzing all over the place. Then MIKA stopped and sat down to talk to us!!! But this is where it got weird. Kira went from a blonde haired, blue eyed teen to a chubby baby with curly brown hair and brown eyes. She was a very giggly baby too, so maybe she had gas or something. Although I hope not, because she was SITTING ON MIKA'S LAP!!! My dream me was jealously watching him bounce and tickle her. It was cool though, because she could still talk to him like the normal her. So then he handed her back, and she returned to normal size and color, and we started freaking out because she was SITTING ON MIKA'S LAP!!! after that we went into like MIKA's changing room, but he wasn't there, just these other girls, which would have bothered us except they were MFCers. And for some reason we had to change shorts because ours were wet (we probably peed ourselves), and someone lent me a pair, so thanks to whoever that was. We went back out and watched MIKA perform, AND THEN MY DREAM ENDED. I couldn't fall back asleep until I listened to We Are Golden a few times on my ipod. Now I'm at Kira's and neither of us has any idea what this means! Ideas?

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Just last night I had the weirdest, most vivid MIKA dream. Kira (Superstar) and I were at a MIKA concert, but it was really intimate (like him on a stage with an audience of 30 or so). We were in an outside row, but still really close, and then MIKA walked right by us! I, in my dream, could hardly breathe, and Kira was spazzing all over the place. Then MIKA stopped and sat down to talk to us!!! But this is where it got weird. Kira went from a blonde haired, blue eyed teen to a chubby baby with curly brown hair and brown eyes. She was a very giggly baby too, so maybe she had gas or something. Although I hope not, because she was SITTING ON MIKA'S LAP!!! My dream me was jealously watching him bounce and tickle her. It was cool though, because she could still talk to him like the normal her. So then he handed her back, and she returned to normal size and color, and we started freaking out because she was SITTING ON MIKA'S LAP!!! after that we went into like MIKA's changing room, but he wasn't there, just these other girls, which would have bothered us except they were MFCers. And for some reason we had to change shorts because ours were wet (we probably peed ourselves), and someone lent me a pair, so thanks to whoever that was. We went back out and watched MIKA perform, AND THEN MY DREAM ENDED. I couldn't fall back asleep until I listened to We Are Golden a few times on my ipod. Now I'm at Kira's and neither of us has any idea what this means! Ideas?


I was on Mika's lap. :kachinga:

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Heyyy guys...x


I hope you dont mind me making this thread a [ official dreams of mika ] =)


Sooo Guys!!!


Have you had dreams about MIKA?


&& would like to share them with us...?


Any kinds of dreams....funny,sad [ hey not nawty :P we got yung members lol]


So Who would like to start....?


Neone gonna start us off....? =)





i had a dreem about mika that i met him after a gig (first time eva)and that i was just standing there in a trance my eyes wide open my mouth open i was in shock it was sortof like this:shocked: its was freaky

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had a Mika dream last night. It was based on thius free show he's doing in London, which I can't go to because I'm in 6th Form til 6 (that piece of info has a oint in the dream).

It wasn't a free show, it was a sgning in HMV somewhere in London (it wasn't anywhere decent.) My mum agreed to get the wristband for me and my sister, if we went straight from school, and I bought TBWKTM instead of her. So Paige met me from school and we jumped on a bus.

It turned out, after an hour, half an hour before we were supposed to go in, we were going the wrong way. So Paige said she didn't want to go anymore, and I felt like I was about to cry because I'd missed it when I could have gone and still didn't have TBWKTM.

But the, on the way home, we passed it.

"Paige, press the bell!" I told her loudly. She did, and the bus driver almost didn't stop. I continually pressed the bell until he did, and we ran to the end of this queue.

Then it turned out Mika was having dinner with everyone, one by one. I decided to use the time we'd be waiting to find a copy of TBWKTM. I told Paige to stay where she was, and went searching (I think at one point I ended up at home). When I got back, with no CD, Paige had left the queue and went to eat with my mum and brother in this restaurant. I went out to have a go at her, and, as the queue continued to get longer, I ate with them too.

I eventually got to the queue, and waited for hours (it was about 2 mins in this dream though). It eventually got to the person infront of me, and I was the very last in the queue. So I wandered around the restaurant, instead of staying in the queue. It was now early morning, and my sister, mum and brother were still sitting there, so I went over to have a chat with them.

"Mika's talking to someone else now." My mum pointed out. I looked over, and he was, and about to leave. I panicked, and went over, wondering what to say. I didn;t have anything for him to sign, so decided to just ask if he'd have something to eat with me (actually, I want to know what he was eating, considering he had dinner with so many people and still stayed the same size).

He finished talking, and looked at me.

"Would you, um, have dinner- no more breakfast, I suppose-" I stuttered, but he cut me off.

"Of course." He smiled, and for some reason touched my fingertips. Then he led to his table, as I wondered if I should say how much I love his album, despite not having it yet...


Then it ended. It was really sweet =) And a bit weird :naughty:

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I had a dream about Mika a little while ago. In my dream Mika and I were married. We lived in a quiet town and we had this really pretty house with a pool in the backyard. It was really nice. :wub2: then at the end of the dream he had a big concert in the middle of our street. It was a really good dream.:biggrin2:

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I had a dream the other night that some MFCers and 'meh' fans were waiting outside some house. Then we saw Mika stroll up with Andy on the sidewalk, and he gave us all blank notebooks. I got a deffect one, so I joked with Mika, but he was really sad and didn't laugh. Then he walked away. We were just sitting there sort of depressed, and I was writing in the notebook. I saw Mika walking back towards us. He came up to me and gave me a purple-coloured gummy lizard in a little plastic wrapper. For some reason it meant a lot to me (:roftl:) and I jumped up and gave him a hug and thanked him. Then he picked me up and sort of span me around. *insert fangurliness* :fangurl:

He seemed much happier and I thanked him again. Then he was like "I want some gum" and I said "Okay, what kind?" and he was like "A cheese one! :freak:"





It was one of the sweetest dreams I've had. "wub2:



And then I woke up :sneaky2::tears:

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I don't know why I'm always DRUNK when I meet Mika in my dreams. This is the 3rd time I dream about him and I'm drunk! I don't know what it means anyway...anyone understand the meaning of dreams? :blush-anim-cl:


This one I had yeasterday: I was staying at a hotel and went out with some friends...had a hard partying night and when I came back to the hotel I was a complete MESS and didn't want to sleep or go to my room at all (you know that drunk people are stubborn:naughty:).


So I went to the top of the hotel 'cause I heard there was some kind of piano bar up there, and when I left the elevator I heard that lonely piano sound coming from the bar...and then I saw him. He was wearing white pants, gray shirt and red suspenders.


He seemed a little suprised 'cause it was late at night and he didn't expect anyone to show up. I put my glass of vodca over the piano and looked at him. He stoped playing, took the glass off of the piano, dried it and looked at me like I've done something really wrong.


I said: "Sorry piano boy", 'cause I didn't recognize him at all. I tried to walk away but I was too drunk, so I tripped and fell down.


He helped me to stand up, then I looked straight into his eyes and said "wait a minute...you are...you are...Mika..."


Then he said "and you are drunk, lady" and laughed.


He took me to the elevator and said "maybe you need some sleep huh?"


I said "7th floor, please" and he pushed the button. Before the elevator door closed, I put my arm out, looked at him ashamed and said "I know I wont remember anything by tomorrow, but can I hug you? Maybe I'll remember it".


He smiled, huged me (it was so real that I almost could feel the sensation!) and I said "Thank you so much boy."

Edited by beckyLOVESmika
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I don't know why I'm always DRUNK when I meet Mika in my dreams. This is the 3rd time I dream about him and I'm drunk! I don't know what it means anyway...anyone understand the meaning of dreams? :blush-anim-cl:


This one I had yeasterday: I was staying at a hotel and went out with some friends...had a hard partying night and when I came back to the hotel I was a complete MESS and didn't want to sleep or go to my room at all (you know that drunk people are stubborn:naughty:).


So I went to the top of the hotel 'cause I heard there was some kind of piano bar up there, and when I left the elevator I heard that lonely piano sound coming from the bar...and then I saw him. He was wearing white pants, gray shirt and red suspenders.


He seemed a little suprised 'cause it was late at night and he didn't expect anyone to show up. I put my glass of vodca over the piano and looked at him. He stoped playing, took the glass off of the piano, dried it and looked at me like I've done something really wrong.


I said: "Sorry piano boy", 'cause I didn't recognize him at all. I tried to walk away but I was too drunk, so I tripped and fell down.


He helped me to stand up, then I looked straight into his eyes and said "wait a minute...you are...you are...Mika..."


Then he said "and you are drunk, lady" and laughed.


He took me to the elevator and said "maybe you need some sleep huh?"


I said "7th floor, please" and he pushed the button. Before the elevator door closed, I put my arm out, looked at him ashamed and said "I know I wont remember anything by tomorrow, but can I hug you? Maybe I'll remember it".


He smiled, huged me (it was so real that I almost could feel the sensation!) and I said "Thank you so much boy."


I found this online:


To dream that you are drunk, suggests that you are acting careless and insensible. You are losing control of your life and losing a grip on reality. Perhaps you are trying to escape from a waking situation.




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I found this online:


To dream that you are drunk, suggests that you are acting careless and insensible. You are losing control of your life and losing a grip on reality. Perhaps you are trying to escape from a waking situation.





OMG!!!! :shocked:


I think that maybe I'm a drunk dreamer 'cause I'm studying too much these days...I really hope not to be drunk the day that I meet Meeks on reality!:roftl:


Or...maybe I'm so afraid to look ridiculous when I meet him that I'm always drunk to justify!

Edited by beckyLOVESmika
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OMG!!!! :shocked:


I think that maybe I'm a drunk dreamer 'cause I'm studying too much these days...I really hope not to be drunk the day that I meet Meeks on reality!:roftl:


At least that would be interesting :naughty:

I'm sure you wouldn't be the first person who's been drunk while meeting :bleh:

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i was asleep in my dream, the alarm clock went off, i turned over and gave it a massive whack then heard a thump, thought that didn't sound good, looked over the side of my bed to see him laying on the floor. he said "WTF was that for? i was going for the 'surpise i'm here!' look not the flat on my a** look! oh and by the way, that is how alarm clocks are broken"


when i woke up i thought, what the hell was that about, and i can't believe i just hit mika really hard.


what a crazy night!!!!

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