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Official - Dreams about MIKA thread =)


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The ULTIMATE Mika fantasy LOL! :roftl:


I know, if one's not enough, surely two is!!!


B*stards only had eyes for each other though.


Actually I don't think I was even there, I was like God, looking down.


Or a fly on the wall, but that makes me think of Miley Cyrus and...well...best not.

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Had the wierdest Mika dream day before yesterday :aah: he was on the bill at a private party my friend was throwing in his mansion (he lives in a terraced house really :teehee:) Lots of posh people there, including the Queen, in a glittery blue frock,who everyone ignored except me - I half curtsied awkwardly and said "good evening, your maj" :blush-anim-cl:


No-one except me had heard of Mika, and for some reason he wasn't on stage with the band, but sang from the audience so no-one knew it was him:naughty:


He sang one song no-one recognised, which was quite slow, everyone listened politely for a bit, then started clapping along at double speed. Then it finished and Mika disappeared before I could ask him what the song was and I thought :aah: bother :aah: i won't be able to tell the MFC :aah:


Then I woke up :sad:

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I had a weird dream last night...



I want to be an illustrator when I'm older, and I dreamt that I published a comic about a girl running to school, and everywhere she looked there was a Mika reference.


First, it was raining.

Then a guy handed her a pink balloon.

Next a two boys tried to blame something they did on some girls. (Quite a literal reference there, huh?)


But the weirdest bit was that this six year old dropped his pink umbrella on the floor, and his mother went:


"Grey! Pick it up off the floor!"


He replied, "Mommy! Pick up off the floor! Now!"




Then I woke up. :blink:




Sigh, maybe I'll draw it out, and post it up here. Then I won't sound so odd trying to explain it! :roftl:


Now THAT's what happens when you listen to an album too many times...:roftl:

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Had the wierdest Mika dream day before yesterday :aah: he was on the bill at a private party my friend was throwing in his mansion (he lives in a terraced house really :teehee:) Lots of posh people there, including the Queen, in a glittery blue frock,who everyone ignored except me - I half curtsied awkwardly and said "good evening, your maj" :blush-anim-cl:


No-one except me had heard of Mika, and for some reason he wasn't on stage with the band, but sang from the audience so no-one knew it was him:naughty:


He sang one song no-one recognised, which was quite slow, everyone listened politely for a bit, then started clapping along at double speed. Then it finished and Mika disappeared before I could ask him what the song was and I thought :aah: bother :aah: i won't be able to tell the MFC :aah:


Then I woke up :sad:



daamn! lol singing from the audience...hmmm, that's a real cool idea, maybe he should try that!! x x x

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I know, if one's not enough, surely two is!!!


B*stards only had eyes for each other though.


Actually I don't think I was even there, I was like God, looking down.


Or a fly on the wall, but that makes me think of Miley Cyrus and...well...best not.


I have NOT been able to get the image out of my head of not one (as if that wouldn't be heaven enough!!) but TWO Mika's to join in with (I mean me of course, not you, hahaha)....:mf_rosetinted::blush-anim-cl: since you posted about it!


Jeez, honestly, I think I need to get a grip....:biggrin2: makes it very difficult to concentrate at work, LOL!

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You can't go to a gig in your own dream? That's so sad!


I just remembered one that I had a while ago. I was going to the gig and there were SEATS that I were grateful for...and I had my little stuffed koala named Schlembaum with me but he had grown to be about human-size. And then a bald Mika came over, and he was really mean, and then he grabbed Schlembaum and they danced away.


Luckily he was much nicer and much less bald when the gig finally arrived IRL.

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I had two (more or less) Mika related dreams to which the radio playing next to my bed provided the "soundtrack". First one I was in some kind of mall and that commercial with Relax in it came up and I kinda...started swimming through the air :blink:

Second was that song "I'm a Believer" was playing and I dreamt of Mika performing it. After the performance - I don't quite remember, but there must have been some talking.

*sigh* I never remember all of my dreams and then the bits are utterly confusing :sad:

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I had two (more or less) Mika related dreams to which the radio playing next to my bed provided the "soundtrack". First one I was in some kind of mall and that commercial with Relax in it came up and I kinda...started swimming through the air :blink:

Second was that song "I'm a Believer" was playing and I dreamt of Mika performing it. After the performance - I don't quite remember, but there must have been some talking.

*sigh* I never remember all of my dreams and then the bits are utterly confusing :sad:


the first one sounds amazing!!x x x

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I had a dream that Mika and I were married. It was very short but very sweet :wub2:


it was just a little clip of our life:


I was walking through our house (which in my dream happened to be the house I'm living in now) and I....had something in my hand, I can't remember what. I was carrying it to our dining table and Mika came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me on the neck. I giggled and fell into him a little. Then our son came running down the hall toward us and Mika broke away from me and scooped him up and threw him in the air a little before hugging him.


I turned and smiled at the both of them....then I woke up :sad::wub2:


Mika was so cute and amazing that I almost cried when I woke up :tears::wub2:

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I had a dream that Mika and I were married. It was very short but very sweet :wub2:


it was just a little clip of our life:


I was walking through our house (which in my dream happened to be the house I'm living in now) and I....had something in my hand, I can't remember what. I was carrying it to our dining table and Mika came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me on the neck. I giggled and fell into him a little. Then our son came running down the hall toward us and Mika broke away from me and scooped him up and threw him in the air a little before hugging him.


I turned and smiled at the both of them....then I woke up :sad::wub2:


Mika was so cute and amazing that I almost cried when I woke up :tears::wub2:

Awh, that sounds amazing! :tears::wub2:

Wonder how the kiddie looked like.. Curlie hair, brown eyes :wub2:

I guess he was called Alice (That's how Mika wants to call his child, am I right? :naughty: )

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I had a dream that Mika and I were married. It was very short but very sweet :wub2:


it was just a little clip of our life:


I was walking through our house (which in my dream happened to be the house I'm living in now) and I....had something in my hand, I can't remember what. I was carrying it to our dining table and Mika came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me on the neck. I giggled and fell into him a little. Then our son came running down the hall toward us and Mika broke away from me and scooped him up and threw him in the air a little before hugging him.


I turned and smiled at the both of them....then I woke up :sad::wub2:


Mika was so cute and amazing that I almost cried when I woke up :tears::wub2:

awww bless that sounds sooo sweet!

Awh, that sounds amazing! :tears::wub2:

Wonder how the kiddie looked like.. Curlie hair, brown eyes :wub2:

I guess he was called Alice (That's how Mika wants to call his child, am I right? :naughty: )

... that was what i thought when i read about the son :lol3:

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I had a dream that Mika and I were married. It was very short but very sweet :wub2:


it was just a little clip of our life:


I was walking through our house (which in my dream happened to be the house I'm living in now) and I....had something in my hand, I can't remember what. I was carrying it to our dining table and Mika came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me on the neck. I giggled and fell into him a little. Then our son came running down the hall toward us and Mika broke away from me and scooped him up and threw him in the air a little before hugging him.


I turned and smiled at the both of them....then I woke up :sad::wub2:


Mika was so cute and amazing that I almost cried when I woke up :tears::wub2:


Aww, that's amazing:wub2:

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not my dream but my mum's


i walked down stairs and said morning to mum like normal and she said " oh that's it, i'm not talking to you again today, because of you.... i had the weirdest dream about mika. and one foot boy"

and i thought, a simple morning would have done wonders. so i asked her to describe the dream and this is what she came out with



she was with mika and they were standing in the album artwork, when suddenley they were being chased by something (no idea what) but then she couldn't run coz one foot boy was clinging onto her leg and grinning at her. mika was frantically shouting at mum to run and to hurry up but she couldn't run too fast as one foot boy was sitting on her leg, so mika was trying to coax him off her leg and to carry on running. and then mika was yelling at mum to hurry up coz she was too slow and the things were gonna catch up with them, but as they ran, they were running through the album art work... then she woke up


i was a bit like, odd! and she moaned at me for even letting her listen to him to start with... well stupid me:naughty:


x x x

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Awh, that sounds amazing! :tears::wub2:

Wonder how the kiddie looked like.. Curlie hair, brown eyes :wub2:

I guess he was called Alice (That's how Mika wants to call his child, am I right? :naughty: )

Neither of us said his name but that was prolly it.


Actually he had short straight hair. Dark brown of course. Brown eyes and the cutest nose :wub2:

When he ran down the hall he had a little yellow toy robot :biggrin2:

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i had a clip of a dream where mika was wearing heels when he was performing... it was disturbing. and they were pink/purple... :blink:





i dreamt (when i slept eventually) that me and he were having a race with them weird lil' felt worms you can get with string and we were pulling them through our fingers... i won of course, then we got into a big fight. but then a giant felt worm came and ate us

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i dreamt (when i slept eventually) that me and he were having a race with them weird lil' felt worms you can get with string and we were pulling them through our fingers... i won of course, then we got into a big fight. but then a giant felt worm came and ate us


i can actually find a picture of the exact shoes but in a different colour. it was because i saw them in a magazine i think... :naughty:


:lmfao: i used to have one of them...

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