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Official - Dreams about MIKA thread =)


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i can actually find a picture of the exact shoes but in a different colour. it was because i saw them in a magazine i think... :naughty:


:lmfao: i used to have one of them...


can i see the shoes? i like imagining him wearing (or not wearing in some cases) things:teehee:

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I had a really monstrous long one last night!


First, I was walking around downtown in my hometown, and I was walking on this bridge that overhung another part of the street. So I looked over the barrier....and I saw my friend Laura talking to this group of people. And there was one with curly hair, and there was one with straight blonde hair, and I leaned over the barrier and was like "LAURA!" and got her attention. She looked up and I said "IS THAT WHO I THINK IT IS?" And she motioned me down.


So there were some stairs to get off the bridge, and I went down them and Mika's band was standing on them. So first I came across iMMA, and I really just wanted to talk to Mika, but I made small talk with her. She was like FREAKISHLY TALL. I was like "Wow, you're tall." And she was like "Yeah, I know." And so I moved up a step, and asked her a little bit with playing with the band, etc.


Then I came across Jimmy, who I talked to a little bit, but I don't remember what I said.


There I went to this little group of people that Mika was in. And I just stood there and I absoLUTELY couldn't say ANYTHING. :doh: So he just kind of looked at me like :blink:


And then it switched and I was at this hotel in Canada. And basically, there were a lot of MFCers (WHO ROCK) and we just chilled around. At one point I went to the venue, and talked to these Mexican fans who I had met somewhere before, but they were really nice. And then when I was in the venue, there were a bunch of people running around wildly. I asked my sister "What are they doing, Mika's not going to come in the front doors," and she was like "No, he comes out and talks to people before the show. It's just a thing he does."


I also had a little venture out to an elementary school, I know, WTF, where I played basketball with this dude.


So then I realized that it was 7pm, and I would have to go to the venue soon. And it was weird, because for some reason the venue had a costume contest and I was doing it, and it started at midnight. But anyways, we started driving to the venue, and I was feeling really late, and I was like "Where is the venue?" And my dad was like "NYC."


And I started crying. :naughty:


A little view....into Kira's subconcious.

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I had a really real dream that Mika was doing a "Mika's day out" kind of thing where he just hung out with a group of MFCers all day. It was one of those dreams that when you wake up, for about a minute you still think it's real, so when I woke up I was like, "Oh, I have to go to the MFC and do my report!" :aah:


Anyway, when it started he performed a song for us, but were were all at a furniture store in California that just happened to have a piano. I don't know why we all went to a furniture store, but he stopped and played a little bit of Toy Boy, then he messed up and laughed and then told us a story about a toy piano he once had.


I distinctly remember one part, that when he messed up, I was talking to another MFCer and we were talking about his voice, but in sign language and I did the ASL sign for voice and he came over and asked us what we were signing, then he started to sign to us, but it wasn't ASL so we didn't know what he was saying, and then I said, "Oh maybe you're doing, BSL." and he said he didn't know.


Then he let us come to his music video shoot, which was in Kenya, and there was a real lion, because Mika was a lion tamer in the video and we were all so close to the shoot that we were worried for Mika and thought it was going to eat everyone, but in the end it turned out to be a nice lion.


After that we were somehow on a tourbus, a huge tourbus, and he was just hanging out and talking to everyone, and I got to hang out with Cherise and she was really cool. I told her that I wanted her to be my sister, and she said "Oh, but you already have a sister!" and I said, "Pffft, she's only half my sister, so that really doesn't count." and she agreed.


Then I took photos of everyone, and Mika, Imma, and Martin all posed for silly photos, and then Mika performed on the bus, and he tried to jump off of something, but he fell and had this cut on his head and he tried to keep playing, but John told him he had to go to the hospital, so he told us all to go with him to the hospital, and then I woke up.



I'm not really sure what any of that means. It was cool though. :roftl:

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I finally had another Mika dream! It's been a while :blush-anim-cl:

So I was at a concert with 2 of my friends. It was just a small standing-only concert and he was on this tiny stage that looked like they assembled just for the performance. No one was really into it (kind like the live French TV performance recently? :naughty: haha). We were right near the front, on the right side of the stage. Mika walked on and my friend kat started flirting with him! He kept looking at her and talking to her and she got his autograph and I got extremely jealous :naughty:. So then I managed to rewind my dream?! And when Mika came out this time I waved hi to him and flirted with him to try and beat out my friend. He started talking to both of us then and it was ok haha. Then we went out to a sort of merch table and I saw someone from the MFC (hypothetically-speaking.. it wasn't a real mfcer i could think of) and I was going to hug her but she backed away and pointed to her bald head :blink: and I just apologised quickly haha. Then we went to get back to our spot in the pit and someone was standing there so we moved further down and Mika was lining things up, like little stickers and sporks :roftl: haha idk why... but they had all Mika logos on them and he was just trying to get rid of all this merch so I took a bunch of stickers and sporks :naughty:.

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I had a really weird dream last night!


I walked into a Starbucks, where I was interviewing for a job (which is weird, since where I currently live there are no Starbucks...). A barista lead me into the manager's office, and lo and behold, MIKA was the manager! :roftl: I just dithered around saying "Ummm" over and over, while turning beet red. :blush-anim-cl: He just sat there and giggled a little, looking gorgeous in all white. He started asking interview questions, and I could barely answer since I was listening to his voice rather than the actual words being said. Out of the blue he asks if I want to go play basketball (again weird, since I don't like basketball) and of course I say YES!! So we end up on top of a huge aircraft carrier, where there just happened to be a basketball court. My 8-year-old cousin was there too for some reason, and wanted to play basketball with us. Mika and I said sure, but my cousin took a shot and the ball went over the edge of the ship. Mika told him that he'd better go get the ball and my cousin left, leaving us alone. :naughty: Mika grabs my hand and walks me over to the bow of the ship, where we watch the sunset. We look at each other and he says smiling, "How could I not hire you?", making me practically fall over. :mf_lustslow: Then I woke up. It was an excellent dream. :biggrin2:

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Last night, I had a Mika dream for the first time in a very long time. I dreamt that we were hanging out in a posh nightclub, like we were good friends. We were sitting in a private booth with dark leather seats, and a curtain for privacy. I remember that there were other people in the booth, but I was seated next to Mika. I snuggled closer to him (not in a romantic way, I'm just naturally very snuggly), and he told me he had a secret he wanted to tell me. His face got very serious, and he said that he didn't want this getting out, and not to post it on the boards. I told him not to worry, I wouldn't tell. He leaned in to tell me, and that's when I woke up! :aah: Dang and blast! I was hoping it would be something juicy...

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Last night, I had a Mika dream for the first time in a very long time. I dreamt that we were hanging out in a posh nightclub, like we were good friends. We were sitting in a private booth with dark leather seats, and a curtain for privacy. I remember that there were other people in the booth, but I was seated next to Mika. I snuggled closer to him (not in a romantic way, I'm just naturally very snuggly), and he told me he had a secret he wanted to tell me. His face got very serious, and he said that he didn't want this getting out, and not to post it on the boards. I told him not to worry, I wouldn't tell. He leaned in to tell me, and that's when I woke up! :aah: Dang and blast! I was hoping it would be something juicy...


AH!!! Not knowing what he had to say would really make me upset the rest of the day :roftl:

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I had a really monstrous long one last night!


First, I was walking around downtown in my hometown, and I was walking on this bridge that overhung another part of the street. So I looked over the barrier....and I saw my friend Laura talking to this group of people. And there was one with curly hair, and there was one with straight blonde hair, and I leaned over the barrier and was like "LAURA!" and got her attention. She looked up and I said "IS THAT WHO I THINK IT IS?" And she motioned me down.


So there were some stairs to get off the bridge, and I went down them and Mika's band was standing on them. So first I came across iMMA, and I really just wanted to talk to Mika, but I made small talk with her. She was like FREAKISHLY TALL. I was like "Wow, you're tall." And she was like "Yeah, I know." And so I moved up a step, and asked her a little bit with playing with the band, etc.


Then I came across Jimmy, who I talked to a little bit, but I don't remember what I said.


There I went to this little group of people that Mika was in. And I just stood there and I absoLUTELY couldn't say ANYTHING. :doh: So he just kind of looked at me like :blink:


And then it switched and I was at this hotel in Canada. And basically, there were a lot of MFCers (WHO ROCK) and we just chilled around. At one point I went to the venue, and talked to these Mexican fans who I had met somewhere before, but they were really nice. And then when I was in the venue, there were a bunch of people running around wildly. I asked my sister "What are they doing, Mika's not going to come in the front doors," and she was like "No, he comes out and talks to people before the show. It's just a thing he does."


I also had a little venture out to an elementary school, I know, WTF, where I played basketball with this dude.


So then I realized that it was 7pm, and I would have to go to the venue soon. And it was weird, because for some reason the venue had a costume contest and I was doing it, and it started at midnight. But anyways, we started driving to the venue, and I was feeling really late, and I was like "Where is the venue?" And my dad was like "NYC."


And I started crying. :naughty:


A little view....into Kira's subconcious.

CANADA! :aah:


Was I thurr rockin ur world? :das:

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I just had a dream last night that mika made a movie and was coming over to my house to tell me, but this guy elaine from seinfeld was dating came over and started sleeping in my dad's chair, and then mika came and we all went to the theatre to see it and it was amazing and then i tried to kiss mika but then nothing happened:blink:

I Love this dream I wrote it like 2 years ago :bleh:


I left out the part about me becoming a CSI and packaging dead skateboarders in ziploc containers though.....:blink:

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i had a weird dream the other night...


an invite came through the post for me to attend a big do and it involed mika. i was all :woot_jump: that sounds soo great.

nect thing i knew i was standing with all these people who were crying and moaning. but the place was decorated mika- style and looked fabulous as always. so i walked upto a person and said what is going on, and she looked at me weirdly and said, it's a funeral.

i had my heart in my mouth and said for her to please not tell me it was mika's funeral. she nodded and i looked at the floor. then (i felt soo bad when i woke up :sad: ) from deep within, all i did was laugh. in the middle of this room with hundreds of crying/ moaning people i stood there laughing at this weirdness. everyone looked at me and the woman i was talking to walked me to the coffin and showed me mika laying there in his perfectness. but i was still laughing, she went off and left me to stand and laugh next to him, and then he turned his head and looked at me, winked and was about to do something

but i woke up before i had a chance to see what he would do


i felt awful that i laughed though :doh:


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I had a dream that Mika came into my science class.. :blink:



I was sitting, drawing on my homework planner (like normal. I have a Mika thing going on there now. :teehee:) and the door burst open, and Mika was standing there. He walked in, and my best friend (Who sits across the room from me) started to hyperventilate, and I was still drawing. She fainted, and I looked up, after hearing a thud. Mika grabbed my arm, and stared at me. I stared back, and he went, "You've GOT to come with me. Now."


I looked REALLY annoyed, and shoved him away. (Something that will only happen in a dream.) I told him, and I quote, to "Stop being such a weirdo! I don't wanna go with you!"


Mika then proceeded to pick me up (I flailed madly) and walked out the room. What bothers me is that my teacher didn't give a damn!


Anyway, I ended up in the back of a dodgy white Transit van, with Mika driving, which is odd, since he can't. Can he?


After a bit, it stopped and he opened the back, smiling. He reached out to me, and I jumped out the van. He told me that "My acting was brilliant.", and I grinned at him.


Then I woke up. :blink:




P.S if you think something was gonna happen, sorry, but I'm twelve. If Mika tried anything on me, he'd be a bit of a creep.



:roftl: I'm kidding!

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i had a weird dream the other night...


an invite came through the post for me to attend a big do and it involed mika. i was all :woot_jump: that sounds soo great.

nect thing i knew i was standing with all these people who were crying and moaning. but the place was decorated mika- style and looked fabulous as always. so i walked upto a person and said what is going on, and she looked at me weirdly and said, it's a funeral.

i had my heart in my mouth and said for her to please not tell me it was mika's funeral. she nodded and i looked at the floor. then (i felt soo bad when i woke up :sad: ) from deep within, all i did was laugh. in the middle of this room with hundreds of crying/ moaning people i stood there laughing at this weirdness. everyone looked at me and the woman i was talking to walked me to the coffin and showed me mika laying there in his perfectness. but i was still laughing, she went off and left me to stand and laugh next to him, and then he turned his head and looked at me, winked and was about to do something

but i woke up before i had a chance to see what he would do


i felt awful that i laughed though :doh:





i can see the laughing though. maybe you were laughing cos you thought it couldn't be real.... i sometimes get that :dunno:

i wanna know what he was gonna do!!!!!!! :aah:

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i can see the laughing though. maybe you were laughing cos you thought it couldn't be real.... i sometimes get that :dunno:

i wanna know what he was gonna do!!!!!!! :aah:


trust me you aren't the only one!! it was so weird, and i still feel guilty for laughing!! :teehee::blush-anim-cl:


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i had a weird dream the other night...


an invite came through the post for me to attend a big do and it involed mika. i was all :woot_jump: that sounds soo great.

nect thing i knew i was standing with all these people who were crying and moaning. but the place was decorated mika- style and looked fabulous as always. so i walked upto a person and said what is going on, and she looked at me weirdly and said, it's a funeral.

i had my heart in my mouth and said for her to please not tell me it was mika's funeral. she nodded and i looked at the floor. then (i felt soo bad when i woke up :sad: ) from deep within, all i did was laugh. in the middle of this room with hundreds of crying/ moaning people i stood there laughing at this weirdness. everyone looked at me and the woman i was talking to walked me to the coffin and showed me mika laying there in his perfectness. but i was still laughing, she went off and left me to stand and laugh next to him, and then he turned his head and looked at me, winked and was about to do something

but i woke up before i had a chance to see what he would do


i felt awful that i laughed though :doh:



I had a dream like that too! It happened over the summer and I pm-ed with Bianca about it but I never put it in this thread.


I had a dream that Mika died because he went to the hospital for a routine procedure and their was a mix-up with the drugs he had to take. (maybe America does need to reform healthcare:wink2:) But the funny part was that the MFC didn't even care! I woke up scared, but then I just started laughing!

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I had a dream like that too! It happened over the summer and I pm-ed with Bianca about it but I never put it in this thread.


I had a dream that Mika died because he went to the hospital for a routine procedure and their was a mix-up with the drugs he had to take. (maybe America does need to reform healthcare:wink2:) But the funny part was that the MFC didn't even care! I woke up scared, but then I just started laughing!



I had a dream like that too... Except he got assassinated at the EMA's by Kanye West...



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I had a dream like that too! It happened over the summer and I pm-ed with Bianca about it but I never put it in this thread.


I had a dream that Mika died because he went to the hospital for a routine procedure and their was a mix-up with the drugs he had to take. (maybe America does need to reform healthcare:wink2:) But the funny part was that the MFC didn't even care! I woke up scared, but then I just started laughing!

weird, yeah we don't care, clearly :roftl: it's really freaky though right!!!

I had a dream like that too... Except he got assassinated at the EMA's by Kanye West...




:lmfao: kanye west assassinating mika... :lmfao:


sorry mika, if you're reading this. it is not a funny matter. i do love you to be alive. ( :lmfao: )


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guuuuuuuuuuuuuuysssssssss :boing:

i dreamed him again last night!!!:boing:


i dont remember much,i was lazy to write the dream down when i woke up at 2am :teehee:


but,i remember that i was in my room,listening to music,and then i just CALLED MIKA(:blink:) and i said:

* 'hello,Mika?'


(and then i said im sry -we talked about sth cant remember =( ............

*?how r u??'

-'well,im in the mid' of the tour,so we r all a bit tired,but no,u r not bothering me at all....'




he had THE SAME VOICE AND ACCENT on the phone like he really has...and we spoke twice...i called him,and he wasnt mad or sth,we spoke like.....friends :aah:


dont remember the rest =( but.....omg,it was so real :D

mika,give me ur phone number ;D

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I had a crazy dream a couple of weeks ago. Mika had 8 concerts in a row in Japan and each concert cost £8.00 (I know, strange right?) and I really wanted to go, I was begging my mum and we argued about it...


Next thing I know I'm in Japan and in the queue :blink: There were MFCers there but I was unaware of who actually was there...I can't name names, but I know I was surrounded by people I knew. We then started going inside the venue and it was like a school hall. There were tables and chairs (2 chairs to every table, one behind the other) and it had pictures of people's faces on the tables, so it was allocated seating. It was trying to find mine but I couldn't, so I went up to Mika and asked where I was going to sit, but he was like "Not my area" :sneaky2: (meaning he had nothing to do with it).

I eventually found it and I was right next to the wall, no-one was next to me, I was on my lonesome :sneaky2:


There was nothing on the stage apart from Mika and a keyboard. No band. No flashy lights. No stage set. Actually, it was still light outside with the sun shining through the floor-ceiling length windows. Mika opened up the show with "By The Time" :blink: And then he went off stage and came back on dressed in some monsterous hedgehog outfit, and that's all I remember.

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That's one strange dream, Caz! :blink:


Ok...I have had 2 strange dreams last week.


The first one:


I was in Vienna going at the gig with my mum. We left for the gig and on the way I wanted to stop at a souvenir shop to get myself something. I started looking around and my mum was like: "c'mon, Bianca, hurry up! We're gonna be late!"

and I was like: "Oh, don't worry, we wont be late!" and I found a shelf with some crayons and I've spent there like an eternity to choose 3 of them :lmfao:


Then I rushed through the door and went straight out and just by this shop was the venue. The doors were closed by now. I was looking through the door's window and I could see some people (like the janitors or something) and I started banging on the door to open to me but they wouldn't even look. So I tried the door and it opened. I went in and when I entered the room where the gig would be held, all the people were standing and clapping (tho there were rows of chairs) and it was dark. I looked at the stage and there came Mika dressed in: a white mariachi shirt :lmfao: He took a small hawaiian guitar and put it around his neck and started singing Toy Boy. We sat down and then the song was over and we left, as we apparently had to come back later for the proper show.


We went home and I changed my clothes and just as I walked out the door:

" :doh: I forgot to get myself the make-up (you know, the one-eye one) I was the one to think it as a mark for MFCers and I don't have it! :crybaby:"


then I woke up! :sneaky2:


Then...well I remember bits of the second dream:


I remember I won a M&G and I went to this venue and when I went in it looked like a restaurant kitchen. and there was Mika playing with the cutlery ( :lmfao: ) and I said Hi and this woman came to me and told me to behave nicely! :shocked: Then I told her that I just want to ask Mika about what should I have when I go to a Leb restaurant and she said: That is not possible! and now please go, we're kinda busy!


And I left and no M&G :sad:

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I had a crazy dream a couple of weeks ago. Mika had 8 concerts in a row in Japan and each concert cost £8.00 (I know, strange right?) and I really wanted to go, I was begging my mum and we argued about it...


Next thing I know I'm in Japan and in the queue :blink: There were MFCers there but I was unaware of who actually was there...I can't name names, but I know I was surrounded by people I knew. We then started going inside the venue and it was like a school hall. There were tables and chairs (2 chairs to every table, one behind the other) and it had pictures of people's faces on the tables, so it was allocated seating. It was trying to find mine but I couldn't, so I went up to Mika and asked where I was going to sit, but he was like "Not my area" :sneaky2: (meaning he had nothing to do with it).

I eventually found it and I was right next to the wall, no-one was next to me, I was on my lonesome :sneaky2:


There was nothing on the stage apart from Mika and a keyboard. No band. No flashy lights. No stage set. Actually, it was still light outside with the sun shining through the floor-ceiling length windows. Mika opened up the show with "By The Time" :blink: And then he went off stage and came back on dressed in some monsterous hedgehog outfit, and that's all I remember.


my oh my!! that's crazy man!! lol i can just imagine the school hall... :teehee:



bianka... weird!!! (btw, what is the one eye one make up?? i am intreged! lol)


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I had a tiny Mika dreamlet last night. I dreamt that he was set to star in a movie. I was pretty happy about this, because it was a chance to check out his acting skills. I don't know if I was in the movie, or a member of the press, because I was on set with him. (He was dressed in his usual clothes, so this wasn't a period film, or sci-fi movie or anything.) When I approached him, he was getting his makeup retouched. I was about to ask him a question, then I woke up. Man, I'm always waking up at the worst times. Anyway, I think it would be cool to see Mika in a movie. He would make a very dashing leading man, don't you think? :biggrin2:

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I had a tiny Mika dreamlet last night. I dreamt that he was set to star in a movie. I was pretty happy about this, because it was a chance to check out his acting skills. I don't know if I was in the movie, or a member of the press, because I was on set with him. (He was dressed in his usual clothes, so this wasn't a period film, or sci-fi movie or anything.) When I approached him, he was getting his makeup retouched. I was about to ask him a question, then I woke up. Man, I'm always waking up at the worst times. Anyway, I think it would be cool to see Mika in a movie. He would make a very dashing leading man, don't you think? :biggrin2:


i think that would be awesome!!!!



last night, i dreamt i was sooo hungry. i was led to a room with a box on a table. and then they locked the door. i walked over to the table and looked in the box only to find it was full of jelly babies :woot_jump: i was real excited, i reached in a pulled a few out and looked at them, only to discover that each of them were/ had mika's face on them. i thought it was a wee bit weird and was about to eat one when it screamed and when i looked closely again, they were all tiny bits of mika. i.e. happy, sad, excited, shy... you get the idea. but i was hungry... so i either ate mika bit by bit or went without food. so i set each individual jelly baby mika out on that table and laid on the floor so i couldn't see them any more.

when i woke up i was very much wtf and i won't eat the rest of the jelly babies in my room :roftl: x

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I had two demented Mika dreams lately. :teehee:


In the first, I was doing some sort of trial period as Mika's assistant. They told me that they'd hire me permanently if I could prove to be useful. So I found out that Mika doesn't like it when he gets a drink, and other people in his entourage always confuse his drink for theirs (WTF?). So I went out and bought a package of these really wide straws, which I would carry everywhere and give one to Mika whenever he was drinking anything in order to set his drink apart from everyone else's. He was so grateful, he took me to a Lily Allen gig at a Starbucks to show his thanks. :roftl:


Then last night I had a dream that Mika was doing a gig in Chile, and I was going with Sariflor. Christine was also there, only she didn't come to the gig; she just stayed back at the hotel to fix Mika's hair for him. We were all staying in this weird luxury hotel that wasn't a normal hotel, but a bunch of connecting huts with thatched roofs - but they were very pretty on the inside. I woke up the morning after the gig, and Mika was in his pajamas in a common area, looking sleepy (the same clothes he was wearing in the Manic Monday video blog). I was waiting for Sariflor to finish using the bathroom, so I went over and started talking to Mika, and started rubbing his shoulders. :aah: At first he was concerned that he smelled bad becuase he hadn't showered yet, but then admitted that his shoulders were tense and having them rubbed felt so good he didn't care. I remember thinking "oh well, I'd do this for any other friend, so why would it matter that Mika's a pop star?" :roftl:


Then later, Mika had gone and I was in another giant bathroom with Sariflor and Aurélien. We were like "damn, that was fun, we don't want to go back to real life" - so we randomly decided to catch a plane to Australia instead, and were joking about how we should have gone there when Mika was doing his gig in Sydney, not after. :roftl:

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