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Official - Dreams about MIKA thread =)


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I'm quite fond of dreams in general so, I'll give you a piece of advice:


dreams are the result of our brain during the night when we get to see what we actually want to happen in real life. (tho apparently we think that it just can't be...).


In order to set what you want to dream, you need to , for example if you want to dream something whatsoever about Mika you have to watch one of his DVDs, or vlogs, look through some pics (stare at them better) or even read something. It works for me everytime, not only with Mika. In my dreams the unfinished reality goes to the next level and ends...with credits and all. :lol3:


I think you should watch some Mika before going to bed. :wink2: Try it!


Looking forward to your dream. :biggrin2:

Oh that would make sense I spent most of last evening staring at the new mika pics!




And kathy, i know! Stop invading my dreams! You got his autograph instead of me!

haha jk!

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I finally had a Mika dream again!! :boing:


We were in Cambodia, where I went for the holidays, and we went to a restaurant. When we got there I sat down at this table with my parents and kathy from the MFC (MissPie) and we realised that someone relatively famous was sitting next to us! So we figured there must be something pretty big going on. I then saw Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie sit down at another table, so we were like :yikes: and Kathy said 'OMG what if Mika comes here you'll go crazy!'


And then music started and I saw the singer and it was iMMa, and Kathy went crazy and she was begging me to get her an autograph. but suddenly all the walls dissapeared and in the middle of the roon there was a swimming pool full of glitter and Mika was swimming in i! Then Rain started and we realised it was just a new performance of Rain. I got so excited I squealed and I hit the tble really hard, causing half of it to collapseand a peice to roll to the other side of the room! So I got up to go get it,k but that was just the part when mika got to our table and was singing about giving us an autograph, and since i wasn't there, he gave it to kathy, but in the end it was just the restaurant bill. he was still singing when I sat down and I was starng at him like :drool: and he turned and winked at me!!!!


and there WAS more but i can't remember it! What a strange dream :loco:

wowz, what a mad dream!! i love the glitter swimming pool bit!!

I'm quite fond of dreams in general so, I'll give you a piece of advice:


dreams are the result of our brain during the night when we get to see what we actually want to happen in real life. (tho apparently we think that it just can't be...).


In order to set what you want to dream, you need to , for example if you want to dream something whatsoever about Mika you have to watch one of his DVDs, or vlogs, look through some pics (stare at them better) or even read something. It works for me everytime, not only with Mika. In my dreams the unfinished reality goes to the next level and ends...with credits and all. :lol3:


I think you should watch some Mika before going to bed. :wink2: Try it!


Looking forward to your dream. :biggrin2:


erm. i worry then!!! all my dreams either end with me killing someone, or i break something... or someone is trying to kill me... (i had one where mika tried to kill me with a spoon :blink:)


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erm. i worry then!!! all my dreams either end with me killing someone, or i break something... or someone is trying to kill me... (i had one where mika tried to kill me with a spoon :blink:)



I remember that one! :floor:


Yeah...tell it to Freud not me...:naughty:

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I'm quite fond of dreams in general so, I'll give you a piece of advice:


dreams are the result of our brain during the night when we get to see what we actually want to happen in real life. (tho apparently we think that it just can't be...).


In order to set what you want to dream, you need to , for example if you want to dream something whatsoever about Mika you have to watch one of his DVDs, or vlogs, look through some pics (stare at them better) or even read something. It works for me everytime, not only with Mika. In my dreams the unfinished reality goes to the next level and ends...with credits and all. :lol3:


I think you should watch some Mika before going to bed. :wink2: Try it!


Looking forward to your dream. :biggrin2:


Thank you!!! I am DEFINITELY going to try that one out!!!:thumb_yello:

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Last night I dreamt that Mika and I had bought a run-down house together somewhere abroad, don't know where it was but somewhere sunny and hot. I was really excited about doing it up, redecorating etc. I don't remember much of the dream, but I remember we did have some friends round and we were showing them around the house. At one point I was on a large terrace outside while Mika was having a nap/lying on a sunlounger in the sun. I was looking at the floor of the terrace which was painted a ghastly blue colour and trying to decide what tiles we should have laid instead. I was so looking forward to having this project to do together with him, a great feeling!


Not the most exciting of dreams but it was just so lovely because it seemed so realistic (aren't they all?!) but more than that, just 'normal', like boring 'couple' stuff! And yet, I don't know if the house had been bought by us as a 'couple' or just as close friends iyswim!


I've had several dreams about Mika or with Mika featuring in them somewhere - they're always very relaxed and 'ordinary', like we've known each other for ages, and very comfortable in each other's company. All of the above, including all the other dreams I've had about him, definitely is wishful thinking surfacing from my unconscious-self!!! :wink2:

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Last night I dreamt that I was going on a trip with a lot of people, we were travelling by bus, there were a lot of them. Mika was in the one I was and apparently the only possible way of talking to him was if you were sitting next to him. I did all I could to make him sit next to me, but he sat behind of me instead. So I travelled all the time staring at him :wub2: I was unhappy that I couldn't talk to him, but I was happy that, at least, I travelled in the same bus he did :biggrin2:

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A few nights ago I had a dream where I was traveling on the road with this band and we were watching a dvd of something on the tour bus and a little clip about the MFC came on the dvd. It said that the MFC was a 'crazy bunch of fans who put other fan clubs to shame' or something like that and it showed an image of a bunch of people cheering for Mika outside in a line somewhere. Mika wasn't in my dream, but the band i was touring with said that they wish they had crazy fans like Mika had :roftl:

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Last night I dreamt that I was going on a trip with a lot of people, we were travelling by bus, there were a lot of them. Mika was in the one I was and apparently the only possible way of talking to him was if you were sitting next to him. I did all I could to make him sit next to me, but he sat behind of me instead. So I travelled all the time staring at him :wub2: I was unhappy that I couldn't talk to him, but I was happy that, at least, I travelled in the same bus he did :biggrin2:


A few nights ago I had a dream where I was traveling on the road with this band and we were watching a dvd of something on the tour bus and a little clip about the MFC came on the dvd. It said that the MFC was a 'crazy bunch of fans who put other fan clubs to shame' or something like that and it showed an image of a bunch of people cheering for Mika outside in a line somewhere. Mika wasn't in my dream, but the band i was touring with said that they wish they had crazy fans like Mika had :roftl:


Alot of travelling-related dreams recently.


I finally remember what my Miak dream from the other night was!


There was this comp where you had to make a vid clip for Love Today (my fave video clip atm :thumb_yello:). Anyway, I went to this special high tech building and just recorded heads shots of myself using this webcam on a TV and then Mika turned up and was just like, 'Ah, let me help you with your video.' So he sat in front of the TV across from me and recorded some shots of him singing.


And THEN my whole class was going to a Mika concert (I think it was coz I won the LT vid clip contest) in this really run-down area and Mika came on stage and I just yell out, 'I know that guy! I'm on his fan club!' :teehee:

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Really strange one last night...


So I was walking around london when I stumbled on this little store. It had the absolute cutest clothes and was owned by Mika's sisters. (Apparently in this dream I knew the Pennimans) Mika comes up from his flat (which was in the basement of the store instead of his house:blink:) he was carrying a big box of money.


Yasmine- What are you doing???

Mika- burning my money.

Me and sisters- what!!!????

Mika- I thought it would be fun to start over again with nothing...reinvent my life.

Paloma- your crazy!


(we couldn't stop him.....he went out and burned it anyway)


Me- you must have something in your savings account?

Mika- yes........15 cents

Me and sisters- what?!

Mika- relax, I bought bonds years ago....they must be worth something....


then I woke up........weird

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Really strange one last night...


So I was walking around london when I stumbled on this little store. It had the absolute cutest clothes and was owned by Mika's sisters. (Apparently in this dream I knew the Pennimans) Mika comes up from his flat (which was in the basement of the store instead of his house:blink:) he was carrying a big box of money.


Yasmine- What are you doing???

Mika- burning my money.

Me and sisters- what!!!????

Mika- I thought it would be fun to start over again with nothing...reinvent my life.

Paloma- your crazy!


(we couldn't stop him.....he went out and burned it anyway)


Me- you must have something in your savings account?

Mika- yes........15 cents

Me and sisters- what?!

Mika- relax, I bought bonds years ago....they must be worth something....


then I woke up........weird


That is a bit of a strange dream. He shoulda given the money to me instead of burning it. :naughty:

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I had a Mika dream for the first time in ages last night (if you don;t include the night before where I was forgot about the concert the next day and realised I hadn;t got anything to wear).

It started by my mum telling me that we were going to this party held by Mika. I thought it would be like the one I'd been to before (no idea when this was supposed to be) where, though he was there, he was too busy to talk to anyone so I didn;t see him. I was being slow about getting there because I wasn't particularly looking forward to it. When my mum knocked on the door, I was still on the other side of the road, but I heard Mika greet her. When I heard this, I got all excited, and hurried to join my mum. He invited us in like old friends (except I was still a huge fan in the dream).

He showed us around the house, and I realised he had only invited us to this 'party'. Though a few people randomly appeared later on in the dream.

He started teaching me and my sister a few piano techniques in his garden, which he continued to say we had to remember for a game later on. They weren;t anything amazing - just being able to hit keys on either side of the piano, basically.

Numerous things happened that I don't remember. Then the game happened, and it was me playing two guys I hadn't seen before. We each had a piano and I think Mika was in a plane above us. Saying that, I never got any confirmation, but its a dream, who cares? So anyway, I gathered the more of these piano techniques we did, the more the plane edged towards the player. I worked this out once the plane was almost completely at their side. So I tried to remember, and could only work out one.

After the game, it looked like the plane was going to crash, and I was panicking.

Then the dream jumped and I was upstairs, and something was going outside one of the widows, and two people were watching, so I went to see. Mika was on a huge elastic string, and he was bouncing on it (to describe, has anyone seen those trampoline things at funfairs, where they have the trampolines plus the elastic strings so that the people on them go higher? It was that except with one strig going across, no safety strap, and no trampoline). He noticed me come up and said

"Trust you to come just as I finish. Do you want to see?" I nodded and he showed me and the other people again. I was thinking to myself how nice he was to fan, continuously trying to make them happy.

There was more to the dream, but little involved Mika after that, and he was just there rather than having an active role.

It was so nice :wub2:

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I love this thread btw.... <3


Last night I had a really weird and LONG dream about Mika. I was at school and they were giving out diplomas and rewards of some kind. I was standing there and thinking that I wouldn't get anything. Then an ambulance came to the school yard and OMG! MIKA came out of it and started wawing at me and turns out HE was a reward for me! :blush-anim-cl: I almost fainted on the spot. Then I left with Mika, only the two of us... We came to this house, I think it was mine and we had tea and then we just talked and talked and talked.... I sat next to him on my couch and started touching him and he just smiled and laughed :teehee: I can't tell you what happened after that but YOU KNOW :naughty:

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I finally had a Mika dream!!!!

I was in a sort of volleyball competition (although I've never played that in my life) and I won!!! But then it was my brother's turn and he had no idea so MIKA (wearing the clothes he used on the big girl video" stepped onto the pitch and started teaching him!!! I don't remember feeling excited about MIKA being there, I just stared and thought "uhu, that's Mika... ".

I'm so happy!!!

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Last night I dreamt that I was going on a trip with a lot of people, we were travelling by bus, there were a lot of them. Mika was in the one I was and apparently the only possible way of talking to him was if you were sitting next to him. I did all I could to make him sit next to me, but he sat behind of me instead. So I travelled all the time staring at him :wub2: I was unhappy that I couldn't talk to him, but I was happy that, at least, I travelled in the same bus he did :biggrin2:



I dreamt that It was theday of the sweden gig and I was going to stockholm to se him and when I got on the bus he was sitting there on a seat but he was talking on the phone so i didn't sit next to him cos I knew that he was busy so I just stared at him all the ride and then he got off the bus and I waved at him and he smiled and said aren't you pideh?

and I was like Yeeees!:wub2:

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My dream was that i was at PGL or something like that, and the computers werent working. so we went outside and there was a long vertical pole floating in the air, and random people were hanging from it. I walked about and i saw Mika!! i stood opposite him and he whispered to me "you have to try and stay on the pole, who ever falls of first loses and last one to fall off wins!" so i did it and mika was first to fall off. he was very upset so i went up to him and hugged him to make sure he was ok. he was fine afterwards. i asked him if he would add me as a friend on twitter. he did and i was happy forever more!!!:naughty::wub2:

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I had a great Mika dream last night :roftl: Apparently, in his free time, Mika likes to race vintage cars :lmfao: (Completely ignoring the fact that he doesn't know how to drive :naughty:) I guess someone in my family knew him or he had heard about me in some way, I dunno, but I had a big garage and lived near the track he was going to be racing at over the next few weeks so he asked if he could keep his cars at my house and stay there. I agreed and started hanging out with him in my garage while his crew was working on his cars.

He was working under the hood and I said something stupid about cars and he peeked out, stood up and smiled at me :wub2: Then said 'You really don't know anything about cars, do you?' then laughed his adorable laugh and proceeded to tell me about his car.

Then it was night and I wished him a good sleep and walked out. And I woke up early the next morning andwas wondering where he had slept because I had told him he could sleep wherever he wanted. So I roamed the house and found my mom sleeping in the living room and I checked the guest room and he wasn't there so I decided to check the garage and Mika was curled up in a bed in the garage :lol3::wub2: He looked very comfortable and I just stood there and watched him sleeping for a moment :wub2:


Then I woke up.

Edited by purplegrape
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He was signing autographs after a show, but when he got to me all I could say was "Dad. DAD!" because my father was the only person out of the two of us with a piece of paper to sign.


He never talks in my dreams. I think it's because my brain doesn't know how his voice works.

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Had one last night where he'd moved into the house next door to my best friend. They called as soon as they saw who their new neighbour was because they knew I'd want to see him, so obviously I went running round, grabbed my friend and dragged her over to Mika too. Then it started getting weird, after introducing ourselves and having a bit of a chat he told us he'd hidden some tickets and backstage passes in his house and if we found them we could have them. Cue us running round the poor man's newly furnished house desperately hunting for these tickets while this strange dog-cat-fox...thing...chased us trying to nip us and get us out. We did find the stuff though, and got a big hug in reward :D


Told my friend about it, her reaction: :blink: ---> :teehee: ---> :roftl:

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