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Official - Dreams about MIKA thread =)


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Had a very blurry dream the other night...I think I knew Mika personally in my dream, was friends with him, because I got to go backstage at a show...I know Jimmy was in there too, and another friend of mine.

The show was somehow weird, I remember flying and hanging at the ceiling. :loco::lmfao:

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I had a hilarious dream last night but Mika wasn't in it, I'm pretty sure neo was tho. :lmfao:


Paul Mccartney lived in my best friend's house , but on my street, and someone was murdered on our street, so I went to his house to go tell him that it was a rumour (dont want bad opinions about canucks!) so i went into lu's house, and asked if i could go see sir paul, so she let me go to his half of the house which had like a million crystal chandeliers , and I was like "Hey linda (WTF) is paul home?" and she was like "no he died, and you inherited all of his money." :lmfao:

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I had a really weird one last night. It started off really scary, but turned to funny and so very odd. I apologize that my writing won't be correctly structured :roftl:


So, I on my way to school and I was driving to the train station and I went into the parking garage and drove into a space. I was about to get out of the car when I look up and there's a huge moose standing in front of my car. I was like :shocked: and all of a sudden it charged my car. I don't know how strong moose are in real life, but this one was tearing my car to pieces, and it was that scariest thing ever. I kept having to move through the crushed car so that its antlers wouldn't get me...gah it was bad. So it got to the point were the car was almost flat, save for the area around the driver's side window, and I was sitting there and the moose was standing by the window just looking at me, and I was like, "Please, moose, just go away, please!" :tears: and I thought I was going to die, and all of a sudden, this guy comes out of nowhere with a golf club, and scares the moose away. Then that guy went away.


I somehow managed to get myself out of the car and just thought "Oh crap I'm late for class" :aah: I run into the train station, which had become my school to save time I guess and I rush to my classroom and sit down, and my teacher's eyes bug out and he's like "Hold on a moment class." and I think I'm going to be in big trouble, and all of a sudden, he shapeshifts into Mika. :blink: Yeah, shapeshifts into Mika. I'm just sitting there :shocked: and the whole class jumps up and screams, "OMG MIKA AAHAHAAAHHHH" and they all crowd him to get pictures and what not, and they're all :mf_lustslow:, and I'm just sitting there like, "Oh, okay what? No one else thought that was strange?" and after everyone gets what they want, he's like "Now, class dismissed, everyone out."


So everyone leaves and I get up to leave and Mika's like "Not you," and motions for me to come up to him. So I did and he just looks down at his feet and goes "Sorry about that" and I get really confused and I ask "Sorry about what?" and he puts his hands up like moose antlers, says "You know..." and does a charging gesture with his head and I was like :jawdrop: and I asked him what he meant by that and he said "Sometimes I turn into a Moose. I don't know why, I just do." and I'm just staring at him, and I said "What? You...what?" and he just said, "I'm really sorry, but just imagine how it's like for me at the Opera!" (no idea where that came from) and he started laughing and I became super :furious: and I screamed "YOU FU-" and my dream ended before I got that last word out... :aah:



I know where every piece of that dream came from, but I don't know why it manifested itself in that manner. If it means anything, I don't know. I hope it's not a premonition of me being attacked by a moose, because that would be a whole bunch of no fun. :lol3:

Edited by Cherol
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I had a really weird one last night. It started off really scary, but turned to funny and so very odd. I apologize that my writing won't be correctly structured :roftl


So, I on my way to school and I was driving to the train station and I went into the parking garage and drove into a space. I was about to get out of the car when I look up and there's a huge moose standing in front of my car. I was like :shocked and all of a sudden it charged my car. I don't know how strong moose are in real life, but this one was tearing my car to pieces, and it was that scariest thing ever. I kept having to move through the crushed car so that its antlers wouldn't get me...gah it was bad. So it got to the point were the car was almost flat, save for the area around the driver's side window, and I was sitting there and the moose was standing by the window just looking at me, and I was like, "Please, moose, just go away, please!" :tears and I thought I was going to die, and all of a sudden, this guy comes out of nowhere with a golf club, and scares the moose away. Then that guy went away.


I somehow managed to get myself out of the car and just thought "Oh crap I'm late for class" :aah: I run into the train station, which had become my school to save time I guess and I rush to my classroom and sit down, and my teacher's eyes bug out and he's like "Hold on a moment class." and I think I'm going to be in big trouble, and all of a sudden, he shapeshifts into Mika. :blink: Yeah, shapeshifts into Mika. I'm just sitting there :shocked: and the whole class jumps up and screams, "OMG MIKA AAHAHAAAHHHH" and they all crowd him to get pictures and what not, and they're all :mf_lustslow:, and I'm just sitting there like, "Oh, okay what? No one else thought that was strange?" and after everyone gets what they want, he's like "Now, class dismissed, everyone out."


So everyone leaves and I get up to leave and Mika's like "Not you," and motions for me to come up to him. So I did and he just looks down at his feet and goes "Sorry about that" and I get really confused and I ask "Sorry about what?" and he puts his hands up like moose antlers, says "You know..." and does a charging gesture with his head and I was like :jawdrop: and I asked him what he meant by that and he said "Sometimes I turn into a Moose. I don't know why, I just do." and I'm just staring at him, and I said "What? You...what?" and he just said, "I'm really sorry, but just imagine how it's like for me at the Opera!" (no idea where that came from) and he started laughing and I became super :furious: and I screamed "YOU FU-" and my dream ended before I got that last word out... :lol3:



I know where every piece of that dream came from, but I don't know why it manifested itself in that manner. If it means anything, I don't know. I hope it's not a premonition of me being attacked by a moose, because that would be a whole bunch of no fun. :aah:


That's amazing!!!! :shocked:


the highlighted bits - :blink::lmfao:


ah, Moose... so that's where you get the nickname Mika... :teehee:

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I had a really weird one last night. It started off really scary, but turned to funny and so very odd. I apologize that my writing won't be correctly structured :roftl:


So, I on my way to school and I was driving to the train station and I went into the parking garage and drove into a space. I was about to get out of the car when I look up and there's a huge moose standing in front of my car. I was like :shocked: and all of a sudden it charged my car. I don't know how strong moose are in real life, but this one was tearing my car to pieces, and it was that scariest thing ever. I kept having to move through the crushed car so that its antlers wouldn't get me...gah it was bad. So it got to the point were the car was almost flat, save for the area around the driver's side window, and I was sitting there and the moose was standing by the window just looking at me, and I was like, "Please, moose, just go away, please!" :tears: and I thought I was going to die, and all of a sudden, this guy comes out of nowhere with a golf club, and scares the moose away. Then that guy went away.


I somehow managed to get myself out of the car and just thought "Oh crap I'm late for class" :aah: I run into the train station, which had become my school to save time I guess and I rush to my classroom and sit down, and my teacher's eyes bug out and he's like "Hold on a moment class." and I think I'm going to be in big trouble, and all of a sudden, he shapeshifts into Mika. :blink: Yeah, shapeshifts into Mika. I'm just sitting there :shocked: and the whole class jumps up and screams, "OMG MIKA AAHAHAAAHHHH" and they all crowd him to get pictures and what not, and they're all :mf_lustslow:, and I'm just sitting there like, "Oh, okay what? No one else thought that was strange?" and after everyone gets what they want, he's like "Now, class dismissed, everyone out."


So everyone leaves and I get up to leave and Mika's like "Not you," and motions for me to come up to him. So I did and he just looks down at his feet and goes "Sorry about that" and I get really confused and I ask "Sorry about what?" and he puts his hands up like moose antlers, says "You know..." and does a charging gesture with his head and I was like :jawdrop: and I asked him what he meant by that and he said "Sometimes I turn into a Moose. I don't know why, I just do." and I'm just staring at him, and I said "What? You...what?" and he just said, "I'm really sorry, but just imagine how it's like for me at the Opera!" (no idea where that came from) and he started laughing and I became super :furious: and I screamed "YOU FU-" and my dream ended before I got that last word out... :aah:



I know where every piece of that dream came from, but I don't know why it manifested itself in that manner. If it means anything, I don't know. I hope it's not a premonition of me being attacked by a moose, because that would be a whole bunch of no fun. :lol3:

:roftl: I wish my dreams were like that. It sounded hilarious =)

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I had a really weird one last night. It started off really scary, but turned to funny and so very odd. I apologize that my writing won't be correctly structured :roftl:


So, I on my way to school and I was driving to the train station and I went into the parking garage and drove into a space. I was about to get out of the car when I look up and there's a huge moose standing in front of my car. I was like :shocked: and all of a sudden it charged my car. I don't know how strong moose are in real life, but this one was tearing my car to pieces, and it was that scariest thing ever. I kept having to move through the crushed car so that its antlers wouldn't get me...gah it was bad. So it got to the point were the car was almost flat, save for the area around the driver's side window, and I was sitting there and the moose was standing by the window just looking at me, and I was like, "Please, moose, just go away, please!" :tears: and I thought I was going to die, and all of a sudden, this guy comes out of nowhere with a golf club, and scares the moose away. Then that guy went away.


I somehow managed to get myself out of the car and just thought "Oh crap I'm late for class" :aah: I run into the train station, which had become my school to save time I guess and I rush to my classroom and sit down, and my teacher's eyes bug out and he's like "Hold on a moment class." and I think I'm going to be in big trouble, and all of a sudden, he shapeshifts into Mika. :blink: Yeah, shapeshifts into Mika. I'm just sitting there :shocked: and the whole class jumps up and screams, "OMG MIKA AAHAHAAAHHHH" and they all crowd him to get pictures and what not, and they're all :mf_lustslow:, and I'm just sitting there like, "Oh, okay what? No one else thought that was strange?" and after everyone gets what they want, he's like "Now, class dismissed, everyone out."


So everyone leaves and I get up to leave and Mika's like "Not you," and motions for me to come up to him. So I did and he just looks down at his feet and goes "Sorry about that" and I get really confused and I ask "Sorry about what?" and he puts his hands up like moose antlers, says "You know..." and does a charging gesture with his head and I was like :jawdrop: and I asked him what he meant by that and he said "Sometimes I turn into a Moose. I don't know why, I just do." and I'm just staring at him, and I said "What? You...what?" and he just said, "I'm really sorry, but just imagine how it's like for me at the Opera!" (no idea where that came from) and he started laughing and I became super :furious: and I screamed "YOU FU-" and my dream ended before I got that last word out... :aah:



I know where every piece of that dream came from, but I don't know why it manifested itself in that manner. If it means anything, I don't know. I hope it's not a premonition of me being attacked by a moose, because that would be a whole bunch of no fun. :lol3:


OMG that is seriously one of the most awesome dreams ever!! :lmfao:

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I had two Mika dreams. :lmfao:


1. Something to do with Mika seriously fanboying over Sir Ian McKellen. :lmfao: I can't remember it though. :roftl:


2. The second one well... It was weird.


Everyone on the MFC was talking about Kick-Ass, nothing special. But then someone said 'I'm not looking forward to the music video.. I'm actually slightly worried, actually.' and everyone agreed.


I asked why, and someone gave me a link to a YouTube video about Mika.


In the video, Mika was wearing a pink-ish/purple-ish catsuit and a mask. The catsuit said KICK ASS on it. :lmfao:


Mika went 'Ooh, I can't wait until I finish this video! It'll be the best one YET!'


That dream was slightly scary. :lmfao:


I'm blaming it on the fact that I have a high fever. :mf_rosetinted::aah:

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I had two Mika dreams. :lmfao:


1. Something to do with Mika seriously fanboying over Sir Ian McKellen. :lmfao: I can't remember it though. :roftl:


2. The second one well... It was weird.


Everyone on the MFC was talking about Kick-Ass, nothing special. But then someone said 'I'm not looking forward to the music video.. I'm actually slightly worried, actually.' and everyone agreed.


I asked why, and someone gave me a link to a YouTube video about Mika.


In the video, Mika was wearing a pink-ish/purple-ish catsuit and a mask. The catsuit said KICK ASS on it. :lmfao:


Mika went 'Ooh, I can't wait until I finish this video! It'll be the best one YET!'


That dream was slightly scary. :lmfao:


I'm blaming it on the fact that I have a high fever. :mf_rosetinted::aah:



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That was one of the funniest dreams I've ever read. :lmfao:


I second that! :lmfao:




2. The second one well... It was weird.


Everyone on the MFC was talking about Kick-Ass, nothing special. But then someone said 'I'm not looking forward to the music video.. I'm actually slightly worried, actually.' and everyone agreed.


I asked why, and someone gave me a link to a YouTube video about Mika.


In the video, Mika was wearing a pink-ish/purple-ish catsuit and a mask. The catsuit said KICK ASS on it. :lmfao:


Mika went 'Ooh, I can't wait until I finish this video! It'll be the best one YET!'


That dream was slightly scary. :lmfao:


I'm blaming it on the fact that I have a high fever. :mf_rosetinted::aah:


:lmao: OMG!

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Y'know, when I woke up I couldn't think if it was a dream or not. I was so confused. For a while I thought it was ACTUALLY happening. :lmfao::roftl::roftl:

THAT would actually be the best video so far! would kick gaga's ass big time! :lmfao:

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THAT would actually be the best video so far! would kick gaga's ass big time! :lmfao:




I think we should suggest it. :mf_rosetinted:


"Mika, for your video for Kick Ass, can you wear a pinky/purpley catsuit? Kthx." :mf_rosetinted:

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I had last night a dream about him..


I was with my friend in London. we went to mika's pub where he started his carrier hahaha.. when we were there we went outside again.. when we were outside there was a big car who wants to park his car.. but an other car parked his car unsocial so he pushed that car away with his car.. we didn't know what we saw.. but it was normal in london in my dream hahaha.. then my friend needed to go to the toilet and i was inside again and saw curly dark hair and he wears a golden jacket. i knew it was mika and then i saw more fans who i know.. but i was to late, he already played some songs. Mika was coming outside so i went outside again.. when i was waiting there for mika, gerard joling (a Television presenter and singer in holland) was next to me and we talked about parking your car in london hahahaha.. then I saw my shirt wasn't good so i opened my trouser but when i did that Mika was coming outside, so i was in a panic because my trouser was open.. and then i heard the alarmclock andi woke up hahahahaha..

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^ craaazy!!



i had a dream that he was in my room, but it didn't feel like my room. when i found him, he smiled and started pulling out my draws and tipping the contents into a big black plastic bag. i asked why (being quite annoyed he was looking through my stuff) and he said he was cleaning my room for me. that was ok for me, so i stood next to him and watched him, throwing all the stuff in my room away. and i was happy :blink:

when i woke up, i thought i should have at least moaned that he 'threw' my room away... :dunno: maybe i need help!


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I dreamt that I went down stairs to the kitchen and it was a school day. I went into the kitchen and mika was siting on my dining chair staring at me. I was like OMFG, MIKA IS IN MY KITCHEN! sso then he said, " Hi eloise. I dont know if you remember, but last night we got drunk and got a hamster." woh. And then i said, " that odd. but hi anyway. erm... i have to go to school. (looks at clock) Oh s**t. it is a bit too late for school. Want some lunch?" he said ok. so we layed down on the sofa together whilst eating hola hoops and watching friends. And then when we had done eating we cuddled whilst watching friends. One of the most amaaazing dreams ever. If only they would come true. As Jack Johnson would say "but if all of these dreams just might find their way into my day to day scene". :teehee:

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i dreamt i was waiting in a que outside in some street with an old friend. we didn't know what we were waiting for but it was a good thing. there were thousands of people waiting. we then went in and it was a small hall with about 50- 100 seats around a stage with all the instruments on. i then remembered why we were they (coz i'd forget i was seeing mika in real life :doh:). mika came on stage and called me and my friend off to his changing room so we could be big girls. i kept complaining that my friend was too little to be a big girl (which she is, i'm a big girl though) and he kept shhhhing me. mamma p was real nice to us. then we had to dance on the stage (minus the masks) and we having fun. but then he just wanted to dance with me and room faded away. he moved a little away

then i woke up.


when i went to sleep again, he was talking to me on the computer through a web cam and was gonna tell me the REAL secret of 'One Foot Boy' coz he said he bent the truth in the last interview. i made me sit really close to the screen, like he was gonna whisper and there was a small blip in the connetion. when we managed to get each other back again, he started to whisper to me

then i woke up. i was soo annoyed when i did, coz i wanted to know the truth!!!


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" Hi eloise. I dont know if you remember, but last night we got drunk and got a hamster."


:lol3: I love that.


I had a dream that I was at a Mika show, and he covered Stand Out from A Goofy Movie. It was so good, I went mad. That'd be cool if it ever actually happened :roftl:

Here's the song, if you've never heard it.

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Cool dream, Cherol. I would also love to hear Mika sing Stand Out, it's a great song! (the best one from Goofy Movie, in my opinion)


I've had a few Mika dreams over the last couple of months, but they're usually too short or uneventful to remember after I wake up. I had a pretty hilarious one last night, and thankfully, I remember most of it.


I dreamed that I was backstage after a Mika concert, with several other people. They were supposed to be MFCers I think, but I didn't recognize anyone. We were led to what looked like classroom, with rows of desks and a whiteboard at the front. Mika handed out papers, and said that we needed to take a quiz. He told us that there was a special prize for whoever finished first. I don't recall any of the details of the quiz, but I finished first. I handed my paper to Mika, he looked it over then said, "Nine eggs". Only, he said it in Spanish! :roftl: I have no idea why, especially since I don't speak Spanish. I asked him about the significance of "nine eggs", and he said it was a clue for the next part of the contest. I remember feeling very annoyed about this, LOL.


Everyone eventually finished the quiz, and M looked at all of them, but I didn't see him give the clue to anyone else. We were then led to (and I'm not joking) to a henhouse! The chickens were loud and smelly, and the farmer was standing there waiting for us. He gave us a lesson about hens and egg laying, and we were getting quite anxious. Finally, I just blurted out, "Nine eggs!" The farmer looked at me quizically, and asked me what on earth I was talking about. I said, "Nine eggs was the clue Mika gave me for the contest." Now the farmer was very confused now, and asked, "What contest? I didn't know about no contest!" Our little group was very upset now, because we were standing in this stinky henhouse for nothing! (another Mika contest gone awry :naughty: )


Suddenly, Mika appeared out of nowhere, and handed us each a little white paper basket full of candy. He seemed flustered, and in a great hurry. He said, "Thank you for playing, here are your prizes." I looked into my paper basket feeling disappointed and confused. What was the whole "nine eggs" thing about? I turned to ask Mika, but he on his way out the door. I ran after him, but by the time I made it outside, he was gone.


I'm not sure what that was all about, but it was amusing, nonetheless. :biggrin2:

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