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Official - Dreams about MIKA thread =)


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Wauw i had a dream 1 year ago sun-mon night w. Mika... a dreams that was the reason for why i joined here and MS. I hadnt seen or heard anything w. him before t for moths and he was just there in my dream. I KNEW it was him... and the first thing i did when i woke up was go online, find this place and MS and i dont regret at all that i did and he was in my dream. I just wonder why he was there and how come i just knew it was him :blink:

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Maybe your heart started to hurt because you felt like you were there with him and your heart was beating faster than normal. Then your brain thought you were going to have a heart attack, so it got him out of your dream as quickly as possible.


Haha that´s true i didn´t think about it this way :D

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Had one last night again... a returning dream but with a lil xtra... :wink2:


short version: he requested some snaps from me from a vid. w. him. As a "thank you" i got to see him to a photoshot... the photoshot that was my returning dream.... naked photoshot :das: Then later there was something w. him, me and a few others watching a movie & drinkin at his place ect.

Edited by Dark Angel
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My friend just told me her dream today.. :D

I am popular in our class because everyone knows that I LOVE MIKA :D

My schoolmate had a dream that she was at a bus stop and then the bus came.. :D And I was a driver and there were something about 20 MIKAs in the bus :D:D

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:mf_lustslow:I've had so many MIKA dreams that I lost count! XDD But there's one that I vividly remember. But Its kinda funny, i think. So it goes like this. For some reason or another, My class was stuck at the Hong Kong Airport ( idunno why its HongKong:blink:) and suddenly, I saw MIKA there. And he was SOOO ADORABLE. And he had troubles with the coffee machine.(now, i dunno where did this machine popped out from). The guys from our class instantaneously went up, and helped him. You really should have see his smile. XDD Then, gathering up all my courage, I went forward and told him how much I LOVED him and his music, and he went, "really? Awww... thank you!" And I requested for a photo with him. He agreed, and just went my mate took the photo and wanted to show it to me and MIKA, my mum had to wake me up. :mf_rosetinted:


now coming to think of it, I always laugh at this dream. And sometimes get a bit frustrated because I dunno how I looked like in that, you know, "photo" XDDD



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My friend just told me her dream today.. :D

I am popular in our class because everyone knows that I LOVE MIKA :D

My schoolmate had a dream that she was at a bus stop and then the bus came.. :D And I was a driver and there were something about 20 MIKAs in the bus :D:D


:roftl: haha that's great :naughty:

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My friend just told me her dream today.. :D

I am popular in our class because everyone knows that I LOVE MIKA :D

My schoolmate had a dream that she was at a bus stop and then the bus came.. :D And I was a driver and there were something about 20 MIKAs in the bus :D:D


WOW :naughty:

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Ok, so mine didn't really have Mika in it persay but it did have his tofu dolls!

There was this vending machine in a school I went to last year. In the dream we all just got our schedules and were waiting at the door of the band room. This vending machine had no glass for some reason and as soon as everyone realized it we grabbed all the devilrobots toys in the machine. After everyone had left I saw there was something in the waaaay back of the machine so I grabbed it and it was a Mika Tofu doll! Then I woke up.

I guess I want that toy more than I thought, eh?

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i have lots of dreams with M in... but i remember in such deatail it get to where it feals soo real

but there realy sadated compaird to some

i dont know if i should tell any

it just days together you know silly things wallks in the park bike rides sitting together watching the world go by shopping playng colwd shapes you know nothing much

i tend to tell dream M all my trubbels and he always makes me smile

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I had a dream last night...

I went on a school trip to a forest and lost of mika people were there including CazGirl. lol. and then they said "OMG! mika is at eden project! I totally forgot!" so we rushed there in our cars and then when we got there, i was with my friiend Rachael. She was excited and we pushed our way to the front. Then apparently mika wasnt on yet. So everyone went away. and we waited at the front for a long time. and then mika came on, and then sang two songs, then went off and a stupid person came on and sang. Then that was kinda it.

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I don't remember it much, but I had a dream a couple of nights ago where Mika and I were in some rented storage room where he found a box of all of his old journals he was sort of letting me skim over them, but not really. Something else happened, but yeah...can't remember. The end. :naughty:

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I don't remember it much, but I had a dream a couple of nights ago where Mika and I were in some rented storage room where he found a box of all of his old journals he was sort of letting me skim over them, but not really. Something else happened, but yeah...can't remember. The end. :naughty:


PURE LITERATURE! :bow::stretcher:

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Woke up today to realize i had a Mika-related but totally pointless dream.I dreamed that Mika had changed the background of his twitter page(aka the donkey sketch)and had place to the donley's face a green smiling frog,because,as he explained immediately to a tweet he wrote afterwards,he equally love the frogs and he didn't want them to feel neglected.:boxed:

Sorry you had to read that.:mf_rosetinted:


Any explanation anyone?:boxed:

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I actually had a mika dream last week...and by mika dream I mean this breaf moment where mika was in!

we must have been in some CD store or something because there was mika CDs on the wall (but nobody else was there) and all mine had been stolen and he was being really sweet and he gave me a CD and I said "is it free" and he said "for you" and I was like OMG and huged him and he just stood there like

see...I even freaked out our beautiful freak mika being totally sweet, even in my dream!:blink:

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I had a Mika dream last night, that may have been because I fell asleep listening to his music though!

This might end up being a long post because it was so vivid and beautiful!


It started off as me and my best friend being driven to the Brighton centre by my step dad. I had no idea where we were going and Rick had driven round the centre 3 times to try and find a space - Just like he did on the night of the concert! We found our seats and for some reason, the whole of the standing area was deserted so me and my friend grabbed our fold out chairs (which had just suddenly appeared?) and waited for the show to start. It started off with him floating down from the ceiling like he did in the happy ending video, just down not up, and he was singing by the time. He performed it so beautifully that in the dream I was in tears (which doesn't surprise me!). The concert seemed to go really fast and he finished by performing I see you, again floating mid air happy ending style. And in I see you i can even remember what jacket he was wearing, it was yellow with a few white spots on it! And afterwards me and my friend were leaving an in the hall on the way out was Mika, sat on a chair with a few other fans around him he saw me and said "Hey Jaz!" and I went over feeling baffled and shy. He was only talking to me as the other fans had left, and I suddenly asked "Are they still selling the postcards?" because I'd noticed i had nothing on me for him to sign and I wanted to buy the postcards I'd bought at the real concert for him to sign. he replied "Yeah sure." and I went to go look but everyone else had vanished so I came back. We were talking for ages about the fact I'd cried when he sung I see you and how amazing I thought the song was. Then I had an idea and held out my phone for him to sign the back of and he did. I watched him sign it as we were now sitting side by side on the floor, and he wrote "The only lonely one, Mika" on the back of my phone. I then burst into tears when he handed me back my phone because he'd written it so beautifully. He thought he'd upset me so put his arm around me and then I woke up. If I hadn't woken up because it's so hot here at the moment i could have kept dreaming... I've been in a great mood all day!!!


Sorry for massive post x]

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I had one a while ago about him!

I was in a completely white room, except it only had one window that made everything look grayish. My uncle appeared out of nowhere and told me he wanted to watch the Super Bowl while he turned on the tv. I sat on the edge of the couch and my cousin appeared and raided my fridge for any kind of meat she could find. Which is good cuz that's all we seemed to have. Then when I went to go check on her in the kitchen Mika was standing there and he told me she went to the library, but he didn't tell me why. So for some reason I ditched him and ran through the middle school in order to get to the public library. It was raining really hard and I found her in the kids section under the moldiest ceiling tile I've ever seen. Then we ran back to the house and Mika said he'd fix me a plate of left overs. Then I woke up.

Something tells me I was really hungry that day. :D And I wanted to go to the library?

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This isn't a dream, as such, lately I've been suffering from hallucinations, which are a bit scary. Usually shadowy figures in the bedroom, or things crawling on the bed. But last night I woke up and looked over at my dressing gown hanging on the door and... I kid you not... It had turned into a huge Mika Happiness Coke Bottle! As plain as day!

Now, if I can only hallucinate about Mika I would cancel my doctor's appointment. No I wouldn't cancel it, just kidding about that, not about the hallucinations though. they are real unfortunately.

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My dream from this night was just unbelievable..

Mika was my husband.. But we didn´t know each other very well.. So everyday we had a date somewhere.. Meeks didn´t have so much time for me, but he found it.. Everyday.. And it was like.. Flirting after marriage, it was so loveful (?? :D) :mf_lustslow: I was really amazed, but i was a little sad, because I didn´t know why the hell did we get married.. And I was sad because i didn´t know if Mika wanted it or not.. But he looked happy spending time with me :wub2:

I have to know what does it mean! Now! :D I´m gonna find some dream interpreter :mf_rosetinted:

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I had a dream I was getting out of the car, and then I fell onto the floor because I saw Mika walking by with his manager. They were going to Joann's (fabric/craft store) so I followed them and we just started running down the aisles and stuff.


Yeah, I don't get it either. :naughty:

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Oh no, I can't, it's too weird.


Fine then...


I was at another one of his gigs, which seemed to be in a little social club in my town. Loads of people from my school were there, for some reason.

He came on stage with the band, didn't sing much (from what I can recall), did a shortened version of the drumming from the start of Lollipop. A stage invasion happens, but I never get close to him.

After that, we seem to fast forward slightly. He's now dancing about in his pants, but his stomach is quite swollen...almost as if he's pregnant!*

The gig cuts forward again, another faff about with the trash can drums.

Everyone goes off stage, we sit there like lemons waiting for an encore.

A policeman then comes in and asks us if we know anything about an incident. As it turns out, they all left the club and went to an Indian restaurant. A random fangirl comes in and forces herself onto Meeks (just a massive kiss and a tight hug).


*sigh* At least it was a Mika dream. But my brain never gives me a proper dream with him because it can't fully replicate his voice, his appearance or the scale of him and I.


*Either that or he was just a bit more flabby than usual. But if he was actually "pregnant", that was probably my brain trying to be funny.

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