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Official - Dreams about MIKA thread =)


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Mine from last night:

We were riding in the car. Mika was driving and I was in the back seat and there was this lady with really short hair in the passenger's seat who wouldn't stop talking. We were in some country that every building was covered in plants and there was a random billboard of Steven Tyler that was upside down and colored purple and green. Mika and I had a really long conversation (which I remember none of) while I was looking out the window.


Yep, it was a very complicated dream! I can't really remember much of it. I just remember thinking it was weird that Mika was driving, because the billboard is completely normal.

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Today i had a dream.... With Mika ;)

I was in Sweden and Mika was in some shop.. So i went in.. And I wanted to give him my pictures.. But i left them home :aah::aah: And when I wanted to say something, I woke up ... :blink:

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Last night I had another dream about Mika. It was at a gig, but I can't really remember the rest. :aah:

Every time I go/might go to a Mika gig, the night(s) before I have a dream about him :biggrin2:

I had it with Antwerp. I would have had it with Eden too, but my dad snored... all night long :sneaky2: No dream that night. And I might be going to TW Classic tomorrow.

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Last night I had a dream that i went to see mika in edinburgh and mrs howard (my music teacher

) was there. She was on the sound desk thingy and doing technical stuff. So i said hi and she

ignored me. i got dragged on stage and i was like wow, hi and i boogied. And then after the show

we waited outside and i asked the dude which door mika was coming out of, and he told me and

everyone heard him and rushed to that door. Then i was like, OMG WHERE IS MY CD! then i found

it and asked rachael if i could borrow her sharpie... and then my mum woke me up :(

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Ok, Here's my dream..

I went to some 'twitter-meeting' with friends, a few people I'm following there and lots of others I don't know..

There was a big hall with many stools and we had to sit down there. Mika was there ,too (of course.. ;D) Then a huge, fat man came on a stage that was build in the hall and shouted we have to be quiet because there's going to be a surprise.. Many people screamed and ran around to annoy the man and then he left the room.. Mika was talking to them then, and they laughed a lot. So I was very jealous and I thought he was talking to them because they were loud :blink: So I shouted the whole time.. But he did not come to me and I was very very sad and cried.. Then we had to go to our rooms and a friend said I should go with my CD and try to get an autography. I went outside the room and saw Mika walking around in a circle. I asked him to sign my CD but then he said that I have not got a pen although I had one.. I was angry and stared at him because he was talking to himself and then he suddenly disappeared.. :blink:

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Ok, Here's my dream..

I went to some 'twitter-meeting' with friends, a few people I'm following there and lots of others I don't know..

There was a big hall with many stools and we had to sit down there. Mika was there ,too (of course.. ;D) Then a huge, fat man came on a stage that was build in the hall and shouted we have to be quiet because there's going to be a surprise.. Many people screamed and ran around to annoy the man and then he left the room.. Mika was talking to them then, and they laughed a lot. So I was very jealous and I thought he was talking to them because they were loud :blink: So I shouted the whole time.. But he did not come to me and I was very very sad and cried.. Then we had to go to our rooms and a friend said I should go with my CD and try to get an autography. I went outside the room and saw Mika walking around in a circle. I asked him to sign my CD but then he said that I have not got a pen although I had one.. I was angry and stared at him because he was talking to himself and then he suddenly disappeared.. :blink:


haha :roftl:

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There is my dream..:teehee:

Mika first time came to the concert in Latvia. one day before the concert. I await him at the airport,and then we drove to my home by taxi. home had all my family, but none of them did not speak with him. He went to my room and stayed with his mouth open. He looked at my room wall, which is the whole of his posters. then I went to the shelf, to take a cd, where he could sign, but they had disappeared. Then I wanted to take a photo, where he could sign on, but there was only some of ugly photo. I was very angry ....

and yea, then I woke up..:wink2:

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I finally had a Mika dream again!! :boing:


We were in Cambodia, where I went for the holidays, and we went to a restaurant. When we got there I sat down at this table with my parents and kathy from the MFC (MissPie) and we realised that someone relatively famous was sitting next to us! So we figured there must be something pretty big going on. I then saw Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie sit down at another table, so we were like :yikes: and Kathy said 'OMG what if Mika comes here you'll go crazy!'


And then music started and I saw the singer and it was iMMa, and Kathy went crazy and she was begging me to get her an autograph. but suddenly all the walls dissapeared and in the middle of the roon there was a swimming pool full of glitter and Mika was swimming in i! Then Rain started and we realised it was just a new performance of Rain. I got so excited I squealed and I hit the tble really hard, causing half of it to collapseand a peice to roll to the other side of the room! So I got up to go get it,k but that was just the part when mika got to our table and was singing about giving us an autograph, and since i wasn't there, he gave it to kathy, but in the end it was just the restaurant bill. he was still singing when I sat down and I was starng at him like :drool: and he turned and winked at me!!!!


and there WAS more but i can't remember it! What a strange dream :loco:


:roftl::roftl::roftl: Phahahahaaa!!! A swimming pool full of glitter... The best until now!! I wish I had dreams like this.. :naughty:

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Ooh, I had a very nice Mika dream during my nap today. I really can't remember much, but I think we broke into some mansion and then we went to the "reading room" or something, and nice things happened. :lol3:


And then I woke up. :sneaky2:

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Ooh, I had a very nice Mika dream during my nap today. I really can't remember much, but I think we broke into some mansion and then we went to the "reading room" or something, and nice things happened. :lol3:


And then I woke up. :sneaky2:

I was hoping you had dreamt about a rasta Mika :mf_rosetinted:

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Ooh, I had a very nice Mika dream during my nap today. I really can't remember much, but I think we broke into some mansion and then we went to the "reading room" or something, and nice things happened. :lol3:


And then I woke up. :sneaky2:




How do you do it!? What is your secret? :mf_rosetinted:

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This, you know, you were talking about it on the doctor is in thread the other day :aah:


Oh no :lmfao:



How do you do it!? What is your secret? :mf_rosetinted:


I feel like there are people who dream about him way more. :dunno:

Try eating ice cream...

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I had another Mika dream,

I was camping with my family and one of my friends, and my friend was walking round the camp site with me when we heard some music coming from a marquee, so we went over, and there was Mika singing Rain. We went to talk to him, and literally just walked up to him. We were chatting for a bit and he suddenly went "You were the girl at the Brighton centre?" I was like :blush-anim-cl: "that was me." and we were just chatting for ages about anything and everything :)

Then I woke up, and realised I had to go to a hospital appointment :sneaky2:

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This dream wasn't about Mika..it was about the MFC

in this dream, the MFC was actually a place..not a website....which was cool


So we all thought Lady GaGa was here to do a live performance, but when she got here she started making all these crazy demands...we gave in at first, because she was Lady GaGa, but then the demands started to get more ridiculous. So she basically then took over the MFC and made us all her slaves. :blink: weird....

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I can´t say it.....

I had terrible dream.

I was at Mika´s gig, then he did Meet and Greet for fans.. And I spoke with him.. It was great.. But... :tears:

Next day I was home and I saw slovak magazine, Mika was there on headline...

I didn´t understand why, because here in Slovakia Mika is not too known...

And when I saw title.. i almost died :tears:

It was like - One foot boy is dead

And i opened magazine, and there was - Mika died in a smash, his car was destroyed and he was absolutely split......

Then I started to cry.

And when I woke up, i ran to a living room and i looked at magazines.. there was nothing about Meeks, but i cried almost 15 minutes :aah:

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I can´t say it.....

I had terrible dream.

I was at Mika´s gig, then he did Meet and Greet for fans.. And I spoke with him.. It was great.. But... :tears:

Next day I was home and I saw slovak magazine, Mika was there on headline...

I didn´t understand why, because here in Slovakia Mika is not too known...

And when I saw title.. i almost died :tears:

It was like - One foot boy is dead

And i opened magazine, and there was - Mika died in a smash, his car was destroyed and he was absolutely split......

Then I started to cry.

And when I woke up, i ran to a living room and i looked at magazines.. there was nothing about Meeks, but i cried almost 15 minutes :aah:


I hate those kinds of dreams! :aah::no:

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I hate those kinds of dreams! :aah::no:


Me too, i hope Mika will be okay 4ever....


Because me and my mother, our dreams are sometimes scary true, for example my mother said once that our grandma died in her dream, tuesday evening... We did not believe her, and wednesday morning we received a call from hospital that she died at 19:30 tuesday...... :shocked:

That´s why I am really afraid :(

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