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Official - Dreams about MIKA thread =)


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Ah. I was on a tour of a factory and we were on a balcony, and then it turned into a gig! And me and cisserz were there and about 50 other people were at the gig. It was really small. So we couldnt see very well and then it was the break. So we went onto the ground floor and a woman was asking us if we wanted to sit at the front cos there were some spare seats (SEATS?) and then a man came out and told people there were only 300 hotdogs left so get them quick :aah: then mika came on did a bit of rain and then stopped. There was no band either. then he started talking to Cisserz about school ( :aah: ) and i was there just taking a picture of him cos he was standing right over me, and leaning over me and he looked into the camera and shouted "DO I LOOK SEXY?" I was like "HELL YEAH!" :aah: and then the lights went right down and some girls came on in clothes which were a bit revieling (is that how you spell it?) and they started to tap dance around mika :aah: he loved it and then at the end they held him up and said "tada!" It was the most awesome dream I've had in a long time :aah:

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  • 3 weeks later...
:aah: I dreamt he was at my birthday party. I was all hyper and smiling ,of course..:biggrin2: He told me he wants cake and I just grinned and told him the cake is in the supermarket, but he said he wants the cake now and here and so I told my mother she should go and get some. Then I was with my friends standing on some platform in the garden, like a small stage just without all this light-stuff and instruments. He wanted to join us and tried to climb up the stage but he just couldn't!! :roftl: He tried and tried but anyhow his legs were too short.. And I just laughed all the time because it looked so funny.. :blush-anim-cl: And then my mum brought the cake and he told me it's a terrible thing and he wants 'the' cake, u can only get in Austria and so I got my bike and drove to Austria (:aah:) but I fell into a lake and woke up..
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:aah: I dreamt he was at my birthday party. I was all hyper and smiling ,of course..:biggrin2: He told me he wants cake and I just grinned and told him the cake is in the supermarket, but he said he wants the cake now and here and so I told my mother she should go and get some. Then I was with my friends standing on some platform in the garden, like a small stage just without all this light-stuff and instruments. He wanted to join us and tried to climb up the stage but he just couldn't!! :roftl: He tried and tried but anyhow his legs were too short.. And I just laughed all the time because it looked so funny.. :blush-anim-cl: And then my mum brought the cake and he told me it's a terrible thing and he wants 'the' cake, u can only get in Austria and so I got my bike and drove to Austria (:aah:) but I fell into a lake and woke up..


i love the end the most :roftl: oh and the bit where his legs are too short :naughty:

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Ok, this is the first time I am writing in this thread...and Im glad I found it because last nights dream was so great!:teehee:


I have a friend who I was speaking with over the phone and she lives in the Dominican Republic. She was telling me she was coming to NYC next month for a 2 week holiday. This info ties into my dream.


So I arrive a this hotel in Downtown NY where I went to visit my friend (the one who I had spoken to in real life) and I go to the lobby and ask for her name and they told me she had checked out. I was so sad and could not understand why she would just leave without even telling me. So I head over to the bar in the lobby (those bars Hotel's have in the lobby area) for a drink and to try and text message her/call her and see where she was!


So I arrive to the nearly empty bar, sit down, order my drink and began texting her etc. As I look to my left I see a guy on his laptop sitting at the bar as well. I take a closer look...and yes, it was Mika. However, in my dream this was completely normal and I did not even panic. He seemed pretty out of it as well. So, I told the bartender to send him a glass of wine and to put it on my bill. When the bartender took it to him, Mika's face was a little puzzled and the bartender pointed to me. Mika then looks at me from afar, and smiles– as he raises his glass (kind of a "Thank You" gesture) -I do the same.


So I look down at my phone and my friend had text messaged me back and I was really bummed to read "Sorry, I just had to go. Maybe we can see each other next time" Before I knew it, I see something approaching me; I look up and it was Mika, with his laptop in his hand. He said "hello! Thank you for the drink that was really sweet of you!" and I kind of just gazed at his gorgeousness and said "Your very welcome!, you seemed a little out of it as I am so I thought a drink couldn't hurt" He replied "Your absolutely right" as he extended his hand to shake mine "My name is Mika" he said as he gave me a firm hand shake. "Pleasure to meet you Mika, I'm JP". "You look a bit out of it as well! is everything ok?" he said, I look up and reply "Ahhh, its about a friend, but its ok...its too much to get into" He looked at me and laughed, "Its fine! Please tell, I am always talking about myself to people so it would be nice to listen to someone else's problems for a change" and I could not help but grin and begin telling him the story.


Next thing you know, He tells the bartender "Hey, can we please have another round– this time its on me" as he looks at me with a sarcastic grin on his face. We spoke about different things but thats when it begins to get blurry for me (dreams are sometimes hard to remember fully :teehee:)


So after several drinks and hours of conversation, I say "Well, I should get going." he looks at me and says "Aw! well thank you for the lovely conversation! I honestly didnt expect to have such a nice time tonight as I only came down from my room because I was bored out of my mind!" I laugh hysterically at his funny comment and said "Don't thank me! Thank you! for listening to my "stupid" story!!....ahhh I should not have drank so much! I have to drive home!" He immediately has a worried look on his face and says "Ok, I'll tell you what, are you hungry?" "Ummm, yea I can deal with some food right now" I said, "Ok, I am starving, so how about we go up to my room, order some room service and keep chatting while we wait? this way you can wait till the liquor leaves your system" He said, astonished by his sweet efforts, I say "That sounds awesome! your too sweet!" He smiled and we began walking towards the elevator.


...and that is where my dream ends! :aah:


Such a lovely dream I woke up sooooo happy, because Im sure that is the way he really is, extremely sweet & compassionate.


Well, thats all! I hope I didn't bore you guys with such a long dream/story! :teehee:

Edited by Mika's boo
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Me wants! XD

Ok, they're short dreams XDD in one of my dreams Mika and I were in HEB buying some vegetables :aah:

In other there were few people in a white room and Mika was there and there was a piano in the corner and he asked me if I played the piano and I just said "yes, in a moment" XDDD they're short :blush-anim-cl:

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I had ANOTHER Mika dream last night!! It was once again, a very strange one. He showed up at my front door as if to pick me up for a date, and i just acted as if he was just one of my friends, i answered the door and i'm like "one second let me get my shoes!" and then we got in his hot pink limo and we went to IHOP (international house of pancakes) for breakfast. I got stuffed french toast and he got strawberry pancakes.




do you guys have IHOP's in europe? it would be weird if you didn't cause it's supposedly the "International House of Pancakes" lol


we don't have IHOP in australia, hehe!

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So' date=' I told the bartender to send him a glass of wine and to put it on my bill. When the bartender took it to him, Mika's face was a little puzzled and the bartender pointed to me.[/quote']


What a great dream! Did you wake up and think "dammit, why was that only a dream?! :aah:"


I love the bit about sending him a drink. Can you imagine? :roftl:

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What a great dream! Did you wake up and think "dammit, why was that only a dream?! :aah:"


I love the bit about sending him a drink. Can you imagine? :roftl:


Ugh! yessss! :aah: I woke up torn between feeling happy and disappointed!

and yes....it felt amazing in my dream to buy him a drink :teehee:

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:aah: I dreamt he was at my birthday party. I was all hyper and smiling ,of course..:biggrin2: He told me he wants cake and I just grinned and told him the cake is in the supermarket, but he said he wants the cake now and here and so I told my mother she should go and get some. Then I was with my friends standing on some platform in the garden, like a small stage just without all this light-stuff and instruments. He wanted to join us and tried to climb up the stage but he just couldn't!! :roftl: He tried and tried but anyhow his legs were too short.. And I just laughed all the time because it looked so funny.. :blush-anim-cl: And then my mum brought the cake and he told me it's a terrible thing and he wants 'the' cake, u can only get in Austria and so I got my bike and drove to Austria (:aah:) but I fell into a lake and woke up..


LOL going to Austria for cake :roftl: This is awesome :biggrin2:

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I had an odd Mika dream last night....


I was with Mika for some reason and he needed to go to the bank. When we got there it suddenly was a party instead of a bank. There were tons of people there and I lost him in the crowd. It seemed like forever til I found him but when I did it skipped ahead to the next day and I was swimming in the pool next to the bank (:blink:) Mika wasn't there but that was apparently expected. Also, Pixie Lott was in the pool with me and we seemed to be related because when we were talking I mentioned my aunt in real life and she seemed to know exactly who I was talking about. odd...

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Indeed it's odd :blink:.... it sounds... like a dream :aah:

I had a Mikadream last night :roftl:


I was with my mother at a party (it was a "chic" (is that the word?) party), and Mika was playing the piano (a black and white piano)... for a jazz band (:blink:)... He finished the piece of piano, and I sat next to him.

And we just talk about things and other... That was a really sweet dream :blush-anim-cl: (if I had to give a color to it, it would be a blue dream:blush-anim-cl:)

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Mika and I was in my village, in street and it was night. we were drunken and mika said: ''I don't like singer MIKA, he is ugly and his name too...'' (:roftl:) (it's for fan)

and i agree with laugh:biggrin2:

then we go to stadium and we were laughing whole way:roftl:


it's one of my dreams. one of 19 :biggrin2:

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last night i had a dream that mika was having a gig but you couldnt book anymore tickets, unless you went there and booked them on the day. my mum and i (and i dont know who else) were waiting in the extra long queue to get to the place where we could buy the tickets...


after waiting for aaages i got bored ao i went to the changing rooms (idk! my dreams are random) i sat in the changing rooms on my phone... (probably on twitter! :aah: )

... then the gig started (mika was singing relax) =( upset, i went out of the cubicle i was in (ready to go home)


and then... mika comes out from the changing room next to me! :boing:

OMG i was so excited!!! i was eatting something and i had my mouth stuffed with whatever it was :aah: and i was grinning like this ==> :biggrin2:

(btw my cousin was with me :dunno:)


but in my dream mika wasnt as nice as he is in real life =( and at first he didnt smile =( (even though ive never met him, for real! :aah: )


but anyways i jumped up and gave him a hug but he kinda bloked me as if he thought i was going to kick him :boxed:


then after that we got to talk... and i got to hang out with him :boing: and then he became more like the real MIKA.. smiley =D. ive forgotten what i or he said thoughhh =(


AND THEN!!!... he started to shrink!!! and i was like 'on no :tears: whats happening to MIKA?!?!?!?' :shoc ked: :crybaby:


then he turned into my baby cousin :blink: (RANDOM!!!)


:lmfao: My dreams are so WEIRD and random!


after that i forgot what happened but i went out of the gig place (its was like a weird tower thing :blink:) and my dad told me he was sorry he coudnt get the tickets and that we could go and see Queen next week if i liked :aa h:

i was in a bad mood and was like "NO!!! i want to see MIKA!" >:[ (spoilt child! :aah: )


and that... was my weird mika dream!


...but when i woke up i was so happy! and was getting excited thinking about it!!! :aah:


urgh! if only my dad was like the dad in my dream! he wont even let me got to a concert! ::sneaky2:

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I parked my car at the elementry school that for some reason was right across from the high school. All I wanted to do was check my grades with my favorite teacher, when I heard sirens. The elementry school I parked by was on fire, along with my car and everything in it.

After the fire was out, there was this disgusting stench and goo, coming from my car. I opened the door and it all spewed out. My trumpet floated by in the gross goo while my music teacher grabbed at it. He eventually saved it. But I was more worried about my purse and guitar. My purse was completely torn up (how a fire tears up a leather purse, I wouldn't know) and Mika had my guitar in his hands. I wanted to talk to him, but I had no idea what to say. I guess I smiled like an idiot until my mom woke me up.

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I parked my car at the elementry school that for some reason was right across from the high school. All I wanted to do was check my grades with my favorite teacher, when I heard sirens. The elementry school I parked by was on fire, along with my car and everything in it.

After the fire was out, there was this disgusting stench and goo, coming from my car. I opened the door and it all spewed out. My trumpet floated by in the gross goo while my music teacher grabbed at it. He eventually saved it. But I was more worried about my purse and guitar. My purse was completely torn up (how a fire tears up a leather purse, I wouldn't know) and Mika had my guitar in his hands. I wanted to talk to him, but I had no idea what to say. I guess I smiled like an idiot until my mom woke me up.


The dream I had last night also featured my guitar! :biggrin2:


At the start of the dream me and my family were on a coach, and Mika was sitting in the seat in front of mine and my sister's. We spoke to him a bit, but both me and Mika were quite shy. :aah:

Then the coach stopped by a lake, and everyone started to get out. But before everyone was out, the coach started to slip into the lake. Mika, my parents and my sister all swam out to safety but I was a bit stuck so my mum and Mika came back to save me! Then I realized my new guitar was still in the coach and I was going to back down into the lake to get it but Mika held me back (which was quite cool! :aah:).

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