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Official - Dreams about MIKA thread =)


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Wow! Maybe you´re right and he will be like this!!! :wub2:

But he´s more magical for me because of his popularity, which is ok, enough, not too annoying.


3 days ago I had a dream that Mika was travelling with me ina bus (weird, isn´t it? :naughty:) and he was like - So you love me, huh? And I was so ashamed, like a kid :aah: And we were together like for a week, then he returned to London and he tweeted something like - Do you know the girl from MFC? that.. Miss.roxy? :aah: She´s so amazing! I need to meet her again! :aah:

And I was so happy that we ´ll meet again. :wub2:


Then, of course, I woke up. :thumbdown:


Aahh that sounds lovely :wub2:


I specially liked the tweet ( he tweets so rarely :teehee: ) .

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I don't know if it's because I can't go to the next concert in Oporto but last night had a dream about Mika, It was weird, Mika doesn't appear, but a few guys I've never seen before said to me they read everyday my twitter and I only wrote things about Mika and they were worried because they thought I was obssessed!:mf_rosetinted:

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I don't know if it's because I can't go to the next concert in Oporto but last night had a dream about Mika, It was weird, Mika doesn't appear, but a few guys I've never seen before said to me they read everyday my twitter and I only wrote things about Mika and they were worried because they thought I was obssessed!:mf_rosetinted:


You are obssessed, aren't you? :mf_rosetinted:

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I dream about him, like, once a week anymore. Ive even tried cutting myself off in RL, but they dont go away.... its too friggin often!


My last one was last night.

He took the place of my music teacher, but when I tried to listen to what he had to say its like I went deaf. There was just this enormous ringing in my ears every time he opened his mouth. I have to sight read the music, but there is no music, so i try to improv, but i make no noise either. He tries to yell at me, but it takes no effect and i walked out of the room looking for a q tip. once in the hall, my music teacher tells me he stole Mika's voice out of jealousy. (enter evil laugh) Then the music room turned into a ship and sailed away. then I woke up.



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another dream with Mika


i dreamed that I am in something like boarding school and I was in my room with some other people .... and from nowhere Mika came. In this room was some guy who waited for Mika .... I dont know, I think that he work for him,I know that Mika was in my room, and I was :shocked: but I still was in my bad..pretending to sleep :teehee: , and I know that my laptop was in my bad. Next second I saw Mika who's going to sit at the table and I realized that he took my laptop.. I jumped out my bad because I remembered I have my Mika folder in my screen with pic like gasmic and lots of others from MFC!!! I was like :blink: no he can see all of that and I run to him try to take laptop from him but he already watched pics of himself :aah::teehee:

In other part of my dream Mika came to some of classes, because he was guest in that school... he came to give us some lecture ... and he asked who wants to take pics with him... I know that he came close to me and ask me if I want to be in a pic... next I know he hug me and he whispered me:"I know what are you thinking now. You are so happy because I ask you to be in a pic and you just want to scream for joy.... (something like that)"

He was hugging me very hard and after I heard what he told me I was :shocked: and :swoon:

I can't remember that someone took a pic of us, but I know it came some professor and ask Mika to start a lecture ... and he was talking about history of mankind :aah: ....













and I don't know why I always dream about elementary or high school... I am 27 and I finished school long time ago :aah:

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Today , in the wee hours of the morning I had a dream in which I saw that I had gotten a merit in an International Olympiad ( that part is true in real life also :naughty:) who's celebrity judge was Mika. The merit students got to spend half a day with Mika ! I remember that I was really over the top excited :excite: to meet him but after chatting with him for about 15 minutes , he fell asleep ! :sneaky2:


I hope if I ever meet him in real life that wouldn't happen ! :aah:

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  • 3 weeks later...

tonight I saw mika, he was in my home, for 4 days :fangurl::aah:

he was not doing smth fun but when he was sitting it was already funny:aah:

oh yeah and he was wearing new years hat, red one:naughty: (edit: as his car :aah: )

it was like I was in real life.... but- wake up!school! -aahh mum.. :sneaky2:



now I'm going to school and that dream will known for all my friends:naughty::aah:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Today, i had a dream that i was watching a show ( some lame TV serial) and in the casting they started playing Mika's One foot boy ! I was really excited and started tellinh everyone but noone was very excited, Lol.


how come every time you write "Mika" it comes in red colour? :aah:

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Well, I'll tell my dreams too.


three days ago I dreamt about Mika.

I was at home and we were about to eat lunch, but I wanted to see Mika, so I texted him he could come over to me to eat some lunch :naughty:

And guess what.. HE DID!

he was at my house sitting, standing, walking and talking :mf_rosetinted: haha, can't remember much of that actually. but then my aunt came, and she said she had to talk with Mika, so I went inside to get something. when I came back, my aunt and Meeks were still sitting by the window and I was standing behind the window, so actually very close to them, watching Mika. and I was really mad at my aunt that she took him away from me :sneaky2: then my dream ended :sneaky2:


then the next day, I had another dream about Mika! :naughty:

he was again in my house, in my room. me, my friend, Mika and another boy, who I don't know where there. and Mika was talking to that boy. my friend and me were watching Mika while he was talking and my friend suddenly told me Mika was wearing such cool shoes! actually they were weird, but I thought they were very nice too! so I said that to Mika. his socks were also weird because they were very dirty, but that was because they were from 2007. (:blink:) they had white with green stripes on them. he said I could were his shoes and socks if I wanted. of couse I wanted that! :roftl:

so, I took them on and walked a while with one shoe and one sock, and Mika also, he was barefoot :teehee:

and my dream ended.

So, very strange :blink::aah:


it's the third time I dreamt about Mika being in my house! :naughty:

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Well, I'll tell my dreams too.


three days ago I dreamt about Mika.

I was at home and we were about to eat lunch, but I wanted to see Mika, so I texted him he could come over to me to eat some lunch :naughty:

And guess what.. HE DID!

he was at my house sitting, standing, walking and talking :mf_rosetinted: haha, can't remember much of that actually. but then my aunt came, and she said she had to talk with Mika, so I went inside to get something. when I came back, my aunt and Meeks were still sitting by the window and I was standing behind the window, so actually very close to them, watching Mika. and I was really mad at my aunt that she took him away from me :sneaky2: then my dream ended :snea ky2:


then the next day, I had another dream about Mika! :naughty:

he was again in my house, in my room. me, my friend, Mika and another boy, who I don't know where there. and Mika was talking to that boy. my friend and me were watching Mika while he was talking and my friend suddenly told me Mika was wearing such cool shoes! actually they were weird, but I thought they were very nice too! so I said that to Mika. his socks were also weird because they were very dirty, but that was because they were from 2007. (:blink:) they had white with green stripes on them. he said I could were his shoes and socks if I wanted. of couse I wanted that! :roftl:

so, I took them on and walked a while with one shoe and one sock, and Mika also, he was barefoot :teehee:

and my dream ended.

So, very strange :blink::aah:


it's the third time I dreamt about Mika being in my house! :naughty:



How cool was that! :aah:

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My Mika dream was a little insane


So Mika, the Scissor Sisters, and Lady Gaga all decided to have a concert together.

.....in my backyard. :blink:

and I was playing hostess at this little event. The dream started after the concert, at an afterparty in my living room, where a select group of superfans were invited. For some reason, Gaga, Jake Shears, and Ana Matronic got mad at the fans and made them all leave. Apparently all the artists and their entire road crews were all staying at my house, and after the party Mika was so tired that he crashed on my bed and didnt wake up for twelve hours.

all in all, it seemed like a lot of fun! :roftl:

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It wasn't ME who had the dream.


It was my mum.


She dreamt that Mika was showing people round his house. Showing off about it, even though it wasn't that amazing. My mum and I wandered off to the bathroom when he wasn't looking and there wasn't anything in there. Just a shower and bath. No soap, no toothpaste, no shampoo.


Then that was it. :aah:

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My Mika dream was a little insane


So Mika, the Scissor Sisters, and Lady Gaga all decided to have a concert together.

.....in my backyard. :blink:

and I was playing hostess at this little event. The dream started after the concert, at an afterparty in my living room, where a select group of superfans were invited. For some reason, Gaga, Jake Shears, and Ana Matronic got mad at the fans and made them all leave. Apparently all the artists and their entire road crews were all staying at my house, and after the party Mika was so tired that he crashed on my bed and didnt wake up for twelve hours.

all in all, it seemed like a lot of fun! :roftl:



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nice thread *subscribes* :aah: my best dream, was that i was his wife, and we had kids and everything :naughty: but in the dream i didnt know he was mika, it was as if i knew him from a long time ago. we were in the bed and he strated singing for me to sleep... awwww so kawaii. :wub2: i was very happy when i woke up:aah: i want to dream that again:mf_rosetinted:

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  • 3 weeks later...

This dream is a little hard to make sense of. It was like an action/adventure movie, but it starred Mika. Someone he had known years before had gone missing, and he showed up to find them. He met up with a woman who was a mutual friend, and the teen-aged daughter of the missing person (about half-way through the dream I started seeing everything from her perspective).

So we all went to this huge abandoned building and had to climb up some scaffolding. The woman ended up falling into the basement, but she was ok.

At one point we found a pink fuzzy hat, which was mine, so we knew we were on the right track. We stopped to rest in a fully furnished living-room (but we were still exploring the basement?) and Mika sang the chorus to Relax, Take it Easy to make me feel better. Then I sat next to him on the couch, leaned my head against his shoulder and fell asleep. :blush-anim-cl:

I know I woke up, and they were talking, but I can't remember anything more after this part.

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This dream is a little hard to make sense of. It was like an action/adventure movie, but it starred Mika. Someone he had known years before had gone missing, and he showed up to find them. He met up with a woman who was a mutual friend, and the teen-aged daughter of the missing person (about half-way through the dream I started seeing everything from her perspective).

So we all went to this huge abandoned building and had to climb up some scaffolding. The woman ended up falling into the basement, but she was ok.

At one point we found a pink fuzzy hat, which was mine, so we knew we were on the right track. We stopped to rest in a fully furnished living-room (but we were still exploring the basement?) and Mika sang the chorus to Relax, Take it Easy to make me feel better. Then I sat next to him on the couch, leaned my head against his shoulder and fell asleep. :blush-anim-cl:

I know I woke up, and they were talking, but I can't remember anything more after this part.


That is the most awesome thing I have heard all day :aah::naughty:



Last night I dreamt I went to a cafe. Mika was there eating with an old man... I asked for a picture, and then MIRANDA HART CAME ALONG AND JOINED IN WITH THE PICTURE TOO! Soo awesome :naughty:

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few days ago I saw a dream...

Me and my mum were at shopping,mum was buying watch and accidentally I saw Mika's poster and there were letter:"MIKA in Georgia/Tbilisi on 24July" (exactly remember this:aah:) but I couldnt believe 'cause there was nothing onMFC about it, so I was taking pics to this poster cuz I wanted to show you them :aah: when I wake it was like 3am, I was going at comp and you know why? 'cause I wanted to post that pics on MFC and ask you if it's true:roftl:

btw it was already real life :dunno:


and next day I saw that mika had new dog, black one. :aah: and Melachi too ofc :mf_rosetinted:

Edited by mary*
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