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Official - Dreams about MIKA thread =)


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I did just the other night! It was while he was in Los Angelas, which is not too far from where I live. So ill jump into the dream.


I was walking down the streets of LA with my friend Jaycee when we passed an apartment building with a small sign in one of the windows indicating that was his room. So I run inside with Jaycee following behind. I find what i thought was the door and rush in, but alas, it wasnt mika but instead it was Johnny Depp. I shouted "Youre not Mika!", slammed the door, and continued in my search with jaycee. We finally found the door and walked in. Zulieka was sitting at a table and I asked, very confused, where Mika was. She said that he had decided to go swimming! So I sprint down the stairs to the street intersection outside where Mika is spinning and dancing in circles in the pouring rain singing, approprietly, Rain. (I had NOTHING to do with this part on purpose!) Jaycee then says, "Hes such a pansy!" (once again, this is NOT what I think in real life!) then he stops dancing and begins to walk over with a sober look on his face. I was getting all excited then POOF! Mika full out decks jaycee across the face!! Super hard! Shes laying on the street unconciouse and Mika and I are laughing and high fiving uncontrollably. I then woke up to myself laughing in real life. my mother (who was visiting at the time) said I had gotten up, screamed YOU ARENT MIKA! and slammed my bedroom door. She came up to check on me, to make sure there wasnt some internet stalker at my door, to find me laughing uncontrollably and high fiving the air. She was quite sure I'd gone mad.:aah: totally worth it though. best dream ive had in a while!!!!:biggrin2:

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2 Mika dreams lately but I keep forgetting to post it here :teehee:


The first one: I was at this meet up that's similar to the MFC's, but this one is much more crowded. Strange enough, Mika was there, and whenever he finishes his sentence, I squeal :shocked: EVERYTIME. So after that we had a break, and Mika pulled me to the corridor and said that I embarrassed him :boxed: he shouted at me and I felt really bad then. Later, we had a drawing class, hosted by Mika. He told us to draw *something that I forgot*, but he didn't say when to start. After a while, when everyone had finshed theirs and submitted it, I didn't draw anything. Mika again shouted at me, and I blamed it on him, didn't say when to start. His face was so red cause of the anger, and he kicked me out. :mf_rosetinted:


EDIT: I forgot the second one at the moment, I'll try to remember it



Aww! this ones kind of sad! I would cry and beg for forgivness if Mika yelled at me! Hahahah I would be totally unsettled if I had a dream like this.

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2 Mika dreams lately but I keep forgetting to post it here

Mika again shouted at me, and I blamed it on him, didn't say when to start. His face was so red cause of the anger, and he kicked me out.

EDIT: I forgot the second one at the moment, I'll try to remember it


aww...i'm sorry mika got all mad at you in that dream wendy :huglove: i've had a few of those too :teehee:


. I then woke up to myself laughing in real life. my mother (who was visiting at the time) said I had gotten up, screamed YOU ARENT MIKA! and slammed my bedroom door. She came up to check on me, to make sure there wasnt some internet stalker at my door, to find me laughing uncontrollably and high fiving the air. She was quite sure I'd gone mad.:aah: totally worth it though. best dream ive had in a while!!!!


"you're not mika!"

:floor: i think i'll steal this line...:roftl:


i had a mika dream after a long while - to start with, we were at a beach and he came up to my towel and asked me smth about his hair - needless to say i was dumb for a bit but then i answered :clap: ffwd to him tweeting that everyone should go outside of chiswick tmrw if they wanted a surprise...somehow i got there and there were so few ppl i started to feel bad but then as the day wore on suddenly there was this massive crowd and then mika appeared to sing one of his new songs live :boing: i can't remember too much about it - except that his performance was amazing and it sounded liked sia's 'titanium' at some points....:teehee:

later on he tweeted a friend a dm saying he was going to send some private photos..i got a bit jealous but then i got the same tweet too :aah: the pics were of him and his bf over the holidays..turns out his partner has a son (!) who's like 9 or smth and i actually met them at the beach that day :aah: they made the cutest couple and i was so happy he'd finally decided to share this news...then i started getting ready for a small private gig he was giving here in barbados..!:teehee:


woke up with titanium stuck in my head :naughty:

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I did just the other night! It was while he was in Los Angelas, which is not too far from where I live. So ill jump into the dream.


I was walking down the streets of LA with my friend Jaycee when we passed an apartment building with a small sign in one of the windows indicating that was his room. So I run inside with Jaycee following behind. I find what i thought was the door and rush in, but alas, it wasnt mika but instead it was Johnny Depp. I shouted "Youre not Mika!", slammed the door, and continued in my search with jaycee. We finally found the door and walked in. Zulieka was sitting at a table and I asked, very confused, where Mika was. She said that he had decided to go swimming! So I sprint down the stairs to the street intersection outside where Mika is spinning and dancing in circles in the pouring rain singing, approprietly, Rain. (I had NOTHING to do with this part on purpose!) Jaycee then says, "Hes such a pansy!" (once again, this is NOT what I think in real life!) then he stops dancing and begins to walk over with a sober look on his face. I was getting all excited then POOF! Mika full out decks jaycee across the face!! Super hard! Shes laying on the street unconciouse and Mika and I are laughing and high fiving uncontrollably. I then woke up to myself laughing in real life. my mother (who was visiting at the time) said I had gotten up, screamed YOU ARENT MIKA! and slammed my bedroom door. She came up to check on me, to make sure there wasnt some internet stalker at my door, to find me laughing uncontrollably and high fiving the air. She was quite sure I'd gone mad.:aah: totally worth it though. best dream ive had in a while!!!!:biggrin2:


Oh I'm SO glad I'm not the only one who does things like that while they're sleeping! :floor: It's the best though, I love waking up to myself laughing or doing something weird.


I've had two MFC related dreams lately but I forgot to post them! The first one was some time ago when me and Nas were organizing the gift for Kat. I had a dream where Kat and I were getting married because we wanted to make a scene out of how gay marriage isn't legal in all countries. We ended up being outlaws because we threatened to get married. :roftl:


The other one I had last night. I can't remember much of it, but I was watching a video on YouTube that Poisonyoulove had made. It was basically in two parts even though it was one video. I can't remember what the first part was, but the second part was a tutorial of how to apply vaseline to your lips and to your neck. :roftl:

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Oh I'm SO glad I'm not the only one who does things like that while they're sleeping! :floor: It's the best though, I love waking up to myself laughing or doing something weird.


I've had two MFC related dreams lately but I forgot to post them! The first one was some time ago when me and Nas were organizing the gift for Kat. I had a dream where Kat and I were getting married because we wanted to make a scene out of how gay marriage isn't legal in all countries. We ended up being outlaws because we threatened to get married. :roftl:


The other one I had last night. I can't remember much of it, but I was watching a video on YouTube that Poisonyoulove had made. It was basically in two parts even though it was one video. I can't remember what the first part was, but the second part was a tutorial of how to apply vaseline to your lips and to your neck. :roftl:




i would think such a procedure would be fairly self-explanatory:


step 1 - apply vaseline to lips

step 2: apply vaseline to neck



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I had a dream last night, but not exactly about Mika :fangurl: He released a single and it was the most amazing song I've heard :mf_lustslow::mf_lustslow::mf_lustslow: I was so happy (in my dream), because I knew everyone will be blown away by the song :wub2: I can't remember any words, but what I do remember is that it was a very happy song, not just melody, but lyrics too :wub2: I was so sad when I woke up and realized it was only a dream :aah:

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I had a dream last night, but not exactly about Mika :fangurl: He released a single and it was the most amazing song I've heard :mf_lustslow::mf_lustslow::mf_lustslow: I was so happy (in my dream), because I knew everyone will be blown away by the song :wub2: I can't remember any words, but what I do remember is that it was a very happy song, not just melody, but lyrics too :wub2: I was so sad when I woke up and realized it was only a dream :aah:


awww...here's hoping this dream def comes true!:thumb_yello:

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The other one I had last night. I can't remember much of it, but I was watching a video on YouTube that Poisonyoulove had made. It was basically in two parts even though it was one video. I can't remember what the first part was, but the second part was a tutorial of how to apply vaseline to your lips and to your neck. :roftl:



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I just woke up from the best and most detailed Mika dream i've ever had!

the most relevant bits...

i was riding in a car with Mika and he pulled over and asked meto park it then he got something from the back and then took off running. I moved the car and did some other nonimportant stuff then took off running after him. I finally caught up and saw Mika was wearing really short shorts made of a silky material that hugged Bob even more each time he pumped his legs. I wanted to stay back and enjoy the view but made myself run beside or even in front of him. We ran for a while then we were at the Philadelphia Museum of Art with my sister. We three were looking around, for some reason when we were in the 15th-18th century European art room there was a huge wall of candy in the middle of the room. Mika was standing by it and i said, "Mika, candy, and Rennaisance stuff-three of my favorite things all together! Then we all were in huge old house that was Mika's house. My mom was there too. We all went to our respective rooms to sleep. When i woke (in the dream) Kreacher was curled up on the bed like a cat. I won't bore you with all the details of what we talked about except that he bought hitler's lipstick and wine bottle! I got up to find the bathroom and wandered around Mika's old house. I passed a closed door with a light shining under it and just knew it was Mika's door. Only with restraint i only have in dreams i didn't go in that room or snoop around other that looking at things that laying on the table, such as a christmas card for Sam and Lola. I wandered a bit more then people started coming out of their rooms. Then Mika came out and i asked where the loo was :teehee:

Then i woke up :(

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I just woke up from the best and most detailed Mika dream i've ever had!

the most relevant bits...

i was riding in a car with Mika and he pulled over and asked meto park it then he got something from the back and then took off running. I moved the car and did some other nonimportant stuff then took off running after him. I finally caught up and saw Mika was wearing really short shorts made of a silky material that hugged Bob even more each time he pumped his legs. I wanted to stay back and enjoy the view but made myself run beside or even in front of him. We ran for a while then we were at the Philadelphia Museum of Art with my sister. We three were looking around, for some reason when we were in the 15th-18th century European art room there was a huge wall of candy in the middle of the room. Mika was standing by it and i said, "Mika, candy, and Rennaisance stuff-three of my favorite things all together! Then we all were in huge old house that was Mika's house. My mom was there too. We all went to our respective rooms to sleep. When i woke (in the dream) Kreacher was curled up on the bed like a cat. I won't bore you with all the details of what we talked about except that he bought hitler's lipstick and wine bottle! I got up to find the bathroom and wandered around Mika's old house. I passed a closed door with a light shining under it and just knew it was Mika's door. Only with restraint i only have in dreams i didn't go in that room or snoop around other that looking at things that laying on the table, such as a christmas card for Sam and Lola. I wandered a bit more then people started coming out of their rooms. Then Mika came out and i asked where the loo was :teehee:

Then i woke up :(


OH. MY. GOD. :floor: I've never been more curious to know how dreams get created in our minds! That whole thing is so hilarious!


... I still like your camping dream better though, it was filthier than Dubstep Santa's coal. :roftl:

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I just woke up from the best and most detailed Mika dream i've ever had!

the most relevant bits...

i was riding in a car with Mika and he pulled over and asked meto park it then he got something from the back and then took off running. I moved the car and did some other nonimportant stuff then took off running after him. I finally caught up and saw Mika was wearing really short shorts made of a silky material that hugged Bob even more each time he pumped his legs. I wanted to stay back and enjoy the view but made myself run beside or even in front of him. We ran for a while then we were at the Philadelphia Museum of Art with my sister. We three were looking around, for some reason when we were in the 15th-18th century European art room there was a huge wall of candy in the middle of the room. Mika was standing by it and i said, "Mika, candy, and Rennaisance stuff-three of my favorite things all together! Then we all were in huge old house that was Mika's house. My mom was there too. We all went to our respective rooms to sleep. When i woke (in the dream) Kreacher was curled up on the bed like a cat. I won't bore you with all the details of what we talked about except that he bought hitler's lipstick and wine bottle! I got up to find the bathroom and wandered around Mika's old house. I passed a closed door with a light shining under it and just knew it was Mika's door. Only with restraint i only have in dreams i didn't go in that room or snoop around other that looking at things that laying on the table, such as a christmas card for Sam and Lola. I wandered a bit more then people started coming out of their rooms. Then Mika came out and i asked where the loo was :teehee:

Then i woke up :(


this part just had me!!:blink::roftl:


i dunno why but i really love reading about these weird dreams...:teehee:

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i had dream about mika yesterday.. and i dont really remember the detail of it.


so i was sitting in the guest room alone, playing my laptop. then suddenly, someone knocked on my door. and there was mika with his sunglasses and his 6'3 tall, standing upon me as i open the door. i looked at him, and wondered, "do i know this guy? i think i know this guy. but who?"


then, i asked him to come inside and sit whereever he want. he sat in the living room, watched tv.. as i sit back on my couch, my dad came home from work. then, suddenly, i feel like i dont want him to see mika sitting on the living room. so i dragged him to my room and keep him safe (like give him some milk or cookies #hesnotacatyouknow)


so.. bla bla bla.. i dont remember.


in the end, i come back to my bedroom, and saw mika sat on the floor and looked at me. he said something, but i just dont remember. i dont think thats important because it was only a dream. but i feel like.. i need to remember what he just said. and i believe he's talking about something thats gonna happen in the future.. :blink:

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I had fun dream.

MIKA had gig at my place. We made astage in my room,. It looked so huge (my room). The gig was like private gig. I was on stage with MIKA and I jumped and sing but the whole vrowed were just standing still and watched. Mika didn't care cos they were just standing he did his job... But I was c'mon people :blink::annoyed_h4h: You need to :dance_man:


They were the worst crowed ever :sneaky2:


and then my mum comes in to my room and said ok the gig is over, and dinner is ready :roftl:

We all sit and ate ... I was hunging out with the band, and I was sitting next to MIKA :wub2:

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OH. MY. GOD. :floor: I've never been more curious to know how dreams get created in our minds! That whole thing is so hilarious!


... I still like your camping dream better though, it was filthier than Dubstep Santa's coal. :roftl:


It was so random, but it was so detailed that felt real at the time :roftl:


this part just had me!!:blink::roftl:


i dunno why but i really love reading about these weird dreams...:teehee:


This was my first hitler or kreacher dream ever :aah: in the dream i made some comment to kreacher about being obsessed with hitler's mouth :teehee:



I am suprised neither of you mention the bit about Bob in those cheek hugging shorts. I

wish you could've seen it. It was one of the best parts of the dream. :naughty:even my dream thoughts were filthier than dubstar santa's coal :aah:

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This was my first hitler or kreacher dream ever :aah: in the dream i made some comment to kreacher about being obsessed with hitler's mouth :teehee:


Wait, who's Kreacher? I thought it was you? :teehee:


I am suprised neither of you mention the bit about Bob in those cheek hugging shorts. I

wish you could've seen it. It was one of the best parts of the dream. :naughty:even my dream thoughts were filthier than dubstar santa's coal :aah:


I was too devastated that I didn't see it, it was easier for me to just ignore it. :shun::roftl:

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This was my first hitler or kreacher dream ever :aah: in the dream i made some comment to kreacher about being obsessed with hitler's mouth :teehee:



I am suprised neither of you mention the bit about Bob in those cheek hugging shorts. I

wish you could've seen it. It was one of the best parts of the dream. :naughty:even my dream thoughts were filthier than dubstar santa's coal :aah:



i can honestly say i've never dreamt anything remotely related to hitler..:teehee:


nothing can be filthier than that santa!!:aah:


Wait, who's Kreacher? I thought it was you? :teehee:




I was too devastated that I didn't see it, it was easier for me to just ignore it. :shun::roftl:


same here!:roftl:

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I am suprised neither of you mention the bit about Bob in those cheek hugging shorts. I

wish you could've seen it. It was one of the best parts of the dream. :naughty:even my dream thoughts were filthier than dubstar santa's coal :aah:


I look forward to the day we have the technology to record our dreams and upload them to youtube (dreamtube!) so others can watch them. :biggrin2:

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I look forward to the day we have the technology to record our dreams and upload them to youtube (dreamtube!) so others can watch them. :biggrin2:


hmmm....will have to get serious password protection for some of mine..:aah:

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I look forward to the day we have the technology to record our dreams and upload them to youtube (dreamtube!) so others can watch them. :biggrin2:


Wasn't there something like this mentioned in Harry Potter? Or maybe i'm thinking of Red Dwarf... :aah:


*waits for science to catch up*

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last night i dreamed i had 5 new notifications on the MFC :kachinga:


also, perhaps in a different dream, i dreamed i was backstage at some television show like The Voice and this African-American girl was going out to sing a country song and Billy Ray Cyrus came to give her advice & was going to perform with her but she didn't want him to because of his mullet :aah: then they went out on stage and i was looking around the room. on one wall there were about 7 stickers of Mika and i turned to ask Christine if she'd won them in MikaSounds contests :dunno:

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