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Official - Dreams about MIKA thread =)


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I dreamed that Mika was Batman, I will only attach this image so you can visualize better:lol3:



I think I had this dream because a few days before I was looking at my gallery and I found this photo of Mika with Fedez, hahahaha it seems like Mika's suit is a little big, it makes me tender:blush:

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We had talked about the new songs on the MFC Zoom yesterday, and also the line about saying yes from Moi, Andy et Paris came up, and so I dreamt about Mika's and Andy's wedding. :teehee: Where and when it was (last year in fall, but I don't remember where), how we found out about it, what they were wearing... (it was bridal dresses, without shoes :lol3:)... what a crazy dream, and so detailed! We first saw a photo, then a video, and then Andy told us about the details when we met him after a gig. And he told us that they weren't wearing shoes to the bridal dresses, but were instead walking on their tiptoes like Barbie, because they didn't want to have High Heels custom made especially for this occasion. :lmfao: 

That might sound ridiculous, but that's not at all how it felt in the dream - it was all very poetic and elegant, typical Mika style. :wub2:


(I might or might not have watched the Live Action movie of Beauty and the Beast yesterday, triggering dreams of beautiful dresses and fairytale weddings :naughty:)

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  • 5 weeks later...

   I only got round to watching The Piano Christmas special today but had a Piano themed dream last night!


   I was in the hall of my old primary school but in my dream it was much larger to accommodate the crew and hosts of The Piano! I was sat near the back admiring Mika and Lang Lang, they were talking to people taking part and Claudia was there too. A woman then came up to me and said Mika wanted to talk to me privately after filming. I got really excited but also nervous at wondering what Mika would want to say to me. 

   I could see eventually that filming was over but Mika didn't come over to me. I plucked up the courage to go over and speak to him myself and find out what he wanted to say. Because he wanted a private chat we went down into the schools basement, he didn't like me sitting on a chair that made me taller than him so we sat on little children's chairs! :lmfao:

   Turns out he wanted me to be the new host of The Piano but wanted to go over my old school reports first. I was surprised he wanted to look back at something from years ago but apparently he'd read in my report that I wasn't very good at working with people. I told him that wasn't true and would love the chance to be a host on The Piano. He said he'd give me a chance if I learned to play something on the piano and he would teach me.

   I sat with him and learned one song within minutes, Mika was impressed and gave me the job! :biggrin2:

   The next thing I know I'm suddenly playing a piano in Times Square, New York with a woman sat behind me judging me! There were some Mika fans watching on but Mika himself wasn't there. After I'd finished playing the woman also said I'd be great hosting The Piano and congratulated me on getting the job!


   A nice dream albeit a little odd seeing as I've never been inside my old school's basement or been to New York!

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I just dreamt I was googling pictures of refrigerators and I found a photo of Mika standing in a kitchen. He looked about age 19-21 or so and he was wearing a little black lacy bra and panties over his hoodie and trousers. For some reason I thought this pic was from one of his early showcases (there was a caption maybe?!). I was sort of distracted by the nice green and black fridge also in the picture :teehee: 

That’s all I remember about the dream.

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26 minutes ago, kreacher said:

I just dreamt I was googling pictures of refrigerators and I found a photo of Mika standing in a kitchen. He looked about age 19-21 or so and he was wearing a little black lacy bra and panties over his hoodie and trousers. For some reason I thought this pic was from one of his early showcases (there was a caption maybe?!). I was sort of distracted by the nice green and black fridge also in the picture :teehee: 

That’s all I remember about the dream.


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   I don't remember a lot from my dreams last night other than Mika pulling me out from a large crowd of people just to tell me personally that new merch will be coming in the new year and it will fit more with the theme of QTTFT!


  I'm taking that as a positive omen that it will actually happen! :biggrin2:

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So I actually don’t dream about Mika, only about meeting up with friends to go see a Mika gig - but I always wake up before the gig!! So frustrating!! 

And I actually think I still didn’t dream about Mika a few nights ago, because in my dream I was talking to someone whose name was Mika and he sounded like him, but he didn’t look like him AT ALL….and we were passionately talking about football… I am actually quite certain neither of us really passionately likes football, so all this combined, I have come to the conclusion that I still haven’t dreamt about him up to this day. 

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I apologise in advance if anything I write is not understood as English is not my native language but here is one of the many dreams I have had of Mika. This was the second dream I had with him, I was in an elegant place, there were many people dressed in fine clothes and some were dancing. :roll1:


I didn't get it right away but then I knew I was in another era (the clothes of the others and myself were very 1800's) I was sitting there, as if I was waiting for something but then they asked me to dance and I accepted. It was one of those classic dances where everyone did the same moves (very coordinated) I kept looking for something in the dream, I remember constantly looking around, until I saw Mika. It wasn't the current Mika, it was his 24-30 year old version, he was also dancing (with someone else) so I left my dance partner to go with him and he seemed to notice my presence and did the same. The dream ended before we could exchange any words. :annoyed:

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I think it was in November that I dreamt about Mika and I still haven't written about it here.:lol: But I want to do it before the year comes to an end. 


I was at a Mika concert and had to go to another Mika concert. The concerts were quite close to each other, maybe even on the same day or the day after. Another MFCer then said to me that I had to hurry or else I'd be late. I was quite relaxed and even if I was late, it wouldn't be a problem (in normal life, of course, I would be quite stressed). I then took three trains or buses (I'm not quite sure which) and yes, I would actually have been late for the start of the concert, but still not. I ended up walking and there was Mika sitting in a cafe by the street. We looked at each other at the same time and he said to me: "Aren't I too late"? And I said: "Not for me, but the others are probably waiting". He ended up walking with me (I don't remember him paying, but let's say he did), we both had to go to the same place. I think I talked quite a lot to him and he mostly just smiled. And then at some point I was in his hotel without realising it (I was so engrossed in the conversation). It was the kind of hotel where you get there from the inside, not the outside.

We were where the floors are displayed and there is often a lift. He then told me that he had to go and ran up the stairs. And I thought to myself: How did I end up there? Where is my accommodation? I'm unlikely to have the same accommodation as Mika and it probably won't be as close to the concert venue as Mika's is. Hopefully I won't be late for the concert in the end. From there I could also see that there was a chapel on the lower floor and it had the same name as the place where I grew up. And that was the moment when I thought: Maybe this would actually be my hotel. I think we were in Spain and the hotel was called something like Hurgada.


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On 12/31/2023 at 3:17 PM, Hero said:

That wasn't a dream! :lol3:

No :lol3:

And a lot actually not. 😅


On 12/31/2023 at 2:59 PM, Prisca said:

The concerts were quite close to each other, maybe even on the same day or the day after.

Mika often does a concert the day after he has already done a concert.


On 12/31/2023 at 2:59 PM, Prisca said:

Another MFCer then said to me that I had to hurry or else I'd be late. I was quite relaxed and even if I was late, it wouldn't be a problem (in normal life, of course, I would be quite stressed). I then took three trains or buses (I'm not quite sure which) and yes, I would actually have been late for the start of the concert, but still not.

Coming to Marbella this year was a real adventure for me. In the end, I was in my seat five minutes before the actually concert beginning but Mika also started a bit later. 😅 But of course, I was stressed and I didn't feel that if I was late, everything would be ok. :lmfao:


On 12/31/2023 at 2:59 PM, Prisca said:

. I ended up walking and there was Mika sitting in a cafe by the street. We looked at each other at the same time and he said to me: "Aren't I too late"? And I said: "Not for me, but the others are probably waiting".

Mika and his team arrived so late in Casablanca that they couldn't even do a soundcheck and there were also problems with the equipment deliveries (Mika didn't have one of his pianos and no flowers etc. and he also said that they had huge problems). Mika arrived late for a radio interview in Korea (there was a lot of traffic) and Mika was also late for the Tempo Delle Donne in Italy. They therefore had to change the programme and do the part with Mika at the end. At the autograph session on 2 December, Mika couldn't do it because he was stuck in Italy due to strong winds. So Mika was definitely late for appointments a few times this year (and not just this year :teehee:


On 12/31/2023 at 2:59 PM, Prisca said:

I ended up walking and there was Mika sitting in a cafe by the street. We looked at each other at the same time and he said to me: "Aren't I too late"? And I said: "Not for me, but the others are probably waiting". He ended up walking with me (I don't remember him paying, but let's say he did), we both had to go to the same place. I think I talked quite a lot to him and he mostly just smiled. And then at some point I was in his hotel without realising it (I was so engrossed in the conversation). It was the kind of hotel where you get there from the inside, not the outside.

We were where the floors are displayed and there is often a lift. He then told me that he had to go and ran up the stairs.

That's the only part that never happened. I was so happy after I woke up, I had such feelings of happiness. I tell you, if I woke up like that every morning. :wub2:

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5 minutes ago, Prisca said:

That's the only part that never happened. I was so happy after I woke up, I had such feelings of happiness. I tell you, if I woke up like that every morning. :wub2:

Your dream gave you your wish! :hug:


10 minutes ago, Prisca said:

Mika was also late for the Tempo Delle Donne

Do we know why? Traffic again?


He needs your teleporter. :lol3:

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11 minutes ago, Hero said:

Do we know why? Traffic again?

Flight was maybe late? :dunno_grin:


11 minutes ago, Hero said:

He needs your teleporter. :lol3:

My car would be enough (or me as a taxi :teehee:). I was also in Chalons the night before and I was there early enough to be one of the first in the queue. :lmfao:


13 minutes ago, Hero said:

Your dream gave you your wish! :hug:

Yes, that's why I didn't realise it was a dream, sometimes I notice it, there I didn't notice it...

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  Had a lovely Mika dream last night where I got the chance to meet him before a concert!


   I was in Blackpool having a look around when I got a phone call from a woman saying that Mika would call me next to discuss where we were going meet. I couldn't believe Mika was going to call me and I was very excited! He rang within minutes and told me to meet him near a little market. I headed there straight away and waited. And waited... of course Mika was late! :biggrin2:

   He turned up eventually and we chatted for a while. I'd made my own tiger head to show him and he loved it! He also had a gift to give me, one of his capes! It was one of the recent ones with green flowers at the bottom and yellow at the top (he signed the back of it too). I tried it on with the tiger head and Mika said I looked good enough to go to his concert!

   The concert was inside Blackpool tower in a really small room that looked almost like a class room, everyone had to sit down behind desks! A group of Mika fans at the back complimented me on my outfit, I wanted to sit near them but the I could only find a seat near the middle of the room. Another fan wanted to sit next to me but she was rather rude about my outfit and marched off! :sneaky2:

   At least I got the little seating area all to myself! Before the concert started a woman came up to me (turns out she was the one who called me before) and said Mika would meet me again after the concert to discuss an art contract with him. It wasn't long then before Mika turned up on the small stage at the front of the room, I think the first song was Lollipop and he too was wearing his tiger head with a bright green cape. I remember dancing but not much more after that.


   Quite a fun dream though! :biggrin2:

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Last night I dreamt I was a new judge on The Piano alongside Mika and Lang Lang (despite the fact that I could never play piano as well as any of the contestants!). It was quite a short dream but Mika was asking me what I thought of the performers and talking to me as if I was his friend.


Mika then promised he would do a private concert for all The Piano contestants and I could go too. But I woke up before that part! :lol:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Can't really remember the details, I think there was a big cruise ship, a concert was being put on and I was part of the artist support team. There were a few artists there, I remember Emma and Zazie. We were all sat chatting in a relaxed chill out area with drinks. I looked to the far left seat and... there was Mika. All good, except dream brain decided to dress him in a jauntily angled black leather bikers cap, with his curls longer around his face. A black leather jacket with the sleeves bunched up. A white vest top. A chunky silver chain. Tiny little black pleather boy shorts. Low cut boots. And... fishnet tights. :eek: :lustslow::blink::teehee:

And yet... It was Mika, the dream made it work. He was laughing and joking with everyone, being his normal adorable self. I remember thinking, maybe he's wearing that to remind Emma that he's gay... :lmfao:


Whatever. I blame the cold germs. :naughty:

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 6/2/2024 at 12:04, aleeeeeec said:

Soñé con Mika y Andy, un poco raro, estábamos comiendo comida mexicana. :hipo:

Hahaha, I assure you that Mexican food is delicious :teehee:

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On 2/6/2024 at 6:04 PM, aleeeeeec said:

I dreamt about Mika and Andy, a bit weird, we were eating Mexican food. :hypo:

I'm impressed you were able to eat in such company! :naughty:

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