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MIKA @ Italia Love Wave Festival (former Arezzo Wave) - Florence (Italy)


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Here we are...so...before my blog...I thought about you all...here they are!!!


PART ONE: Mika tourist on Florence :biggrin2:






should I feel guilty for loving these?? :wub2:

thanks for sharing your pics they are amazing :thumb_yello:

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ok, so here are my videos and pix - starting with some screenshots of the videos i filmed of the show... the pix of the show didn't turn out well, as was said before, the light was really cr*p - sometimes i couldn't even see mika properly, because the light was blinding me. i don't think the reason for the show not being as good as some of this other shows was that he didn't enjoy it, like someone said before, but probably because he couldn't really connect with the crowd because of 1) the light and 2) the crowd itself.

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the first 2 videos: parts of relax and keyboard problems/billy brown. although i'm sure esperia's videos are better, her camera is brilliant! you just can't take a cam like hers into concerts normally, that's the only bad thing about it.


my interpretation keyboard problems:

he also got a line in billy brown wrong, didn't someone of you say that he had drunk some red wine before the show? maybe that was the reason...:naughty:


esperia, did you film lollipop, where he giggled because i threw the lollipops? i would so love to see that! :wub2:

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karin you're baaaaack!!! how are you?? did you survive to the infamous camping?? was a bit worried...

thank you so much for the pics :shocked: wow, you're pics are really good, light i mean! :thumb_yello: and you got the vid of my interpretation :roftl: thanks for that.

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thanks mellody...what amazing pics!

.....tell me...where was i? :boxed::shocked:

i mean, he was there for 30 seconds! and all those crazy girls screaming at him!


i'm lucky you could take at least one pic of his dear face!

...............i felt lost....................:shocked:

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yeah well the pix are screenshots of the videos played in full screen modus. :wink2:

yeah i survived the camping, it was a real survival training! :naughty: but cheap! :wink2: the showers and toilets were so disgusting, urgh! won't go into detail, but when i got home the first thing i did was take a shower for about an hour and scrub myself from head to toe! :bleh:

will write more and upload the other videos tonight, gotta leave now, going to the cinema to see shrek 3. :wink2:

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the first 2 videos: parts of relax and keyboard problems/billy brown. although i'm sure esperia's videos are better, her camera is brilliant! you just can't take a cam like hers into concerts normally, that's the only bad thing about it.


my interpretation keyboard problems:

he also got a line in billy brown wrong, didn't someone of you say that he had drunk some red wine before the show? maybe that was the reason...:naughty:


esperia, did you film lollipop, where he giggled because i threw the lollipops? i would so love to see that! :wub2:




OMG...I missed those videos!!!!

I love the some teste di c**o...he said "it" very good :biggrin2::naughty:

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the first 2 videos: parts of relax and keyboard problems/billy brown. although i'm sure esperia's videos are better, her camera is brilliant! you just can't take a cam like hers into concerts normally, that's the only bad thing about it.


my interpretation keyboard problems:

he also got a line in billy brown wrong, didn't someone of you say that he had drunk some red wine before the show? maybe that was the reason...:naughty:


esperia, did you film lollipop, where he giggled because i threw the lollipops? i would so love to see that! :wub2:


I think yes. Tomorrow morning I'll try to turn in digital format my tape...

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... Do You know I love you for every Pic of Luke???:wub2:


and i will love you if you have the lollipop giggle on video! :wub2::naughty:

yeah, luke looks really good, i esp. like the pic where he's about to drink, very sexy! :wub2:

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:wub2: awwwwww...the Gorgeous:biggrin2:

Sorry, I'm late with my reaction, but yeah - that is my favourite too... Especially with the blue background. :blush-anim-cl:


OK, now I am really really off to bed. :naughty:

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so here's the rest of the videos (sorry it's only parts of the songs):

any other world / stuck in the middle:

(who of you guys is singing there? :wink2: )

sweet dreams:

love today:

i want you back:


some more info about the show i remembered:

- when he talked about the mosquitos, he scratched himself on the arm really wildly, that looked very cute and funny! :biggrin2:

- he said that this was his first open air concert where the weather was good

- there were these light balloons all over the festival place, and mika said sth along the lines of "when i got on stage, i could've sworn this was the moon!" :naughty:


oh, and jeyjen, didn't i tell you he would be able to convert your friends?! :biggrin2:


is any of you on an italian mika forum and knows if there have been posted any pix of mika signing autographs? coz he wore my lollipop necklace there, but it's not visible on my pic.

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mellody, you gave me the best good night ever!!!!!! :wub2:


i'm sorry we could not speak more...i was so disappointed...and exausted by the heat, all day long! we had to go...but i 'd liked to stay and have more chit chat with you and yr german fan club!


are you coming to any other italian gig in october?


hope to meet you again....oh well, mika is here to stay! more occasions!:thumb_yello:

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