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MIKA in AUSTRALIA!!! - Sydney June 2nd!


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SOANGEL you rock! I just got home! Just gotta organise my pics ((swoooon)) and think of a few things and I'll be adding my bit too. You did really well mate in describing events!


Back soon!!

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RBSKY... I'm all excited again, afterwards nico and i flet kinda down so we put on the cd and went through pics and stopped at a servo to buy lolllies to replace missing energy including... a diet coke and a gummin pizza each.

Anyways so glad for internet cafes. Means i can safely waste a few hours and keep up to date. Can't wiat for pics... but will have to wiat till get home to save em and post mine...

OMG How fun was last night

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rainbow sky!

(she who thought that she wouldnt get to meet mika?!:naughty: )

i was about to go to bed and saw you logged on!

i am so excited for you all!

whooo hoo!

omg! i cant wait to see pics!




oh i have to say - i loved seeing you behind mika at the sunrise show!

i knew it was you before i even read the sign!!!


is your head still in the clouds???

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hehehehe awesome!! Thanks guys! It's gonna take me a little bit to do it, but I'm working on it now! I'm still in shock. Totally can't believe it.


I can understand that.... Expect your head to be in the clouds for quite a few days !

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SOANGEL you rock! I just got home! Just gotta organise my pics ((swoooon)) and think of a few things and I'll be adding my bit too. You did really well mate in describing events!


Back soon!!



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well, you do your thing!

uploading, organizing....:bleh:

i cannot stay up any longer tonight

eyes are needing toothpicks to look at the screen...

(stayed up too late last night!)

i will sleep well just knowing there will be


pics on here when i get up in the morning!:punk:

or maybe i will toss and turn all night?:naughty:


whooo hooo!:biggrin2:

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Rainbow Sky’s story


Part One: Before the concert


After a nightmare trip to the city that took hours and hours, we finally got to The Forum in the afternoon and realised we were second in line!! (Hi 8:30 and g/f! Don’t know your names sorry!)


My wonderful mum acted as spot minder in the line (thanks mum, you rock!), while we just happened to be sitting by the back entrance of the venue having a nice little chat.


I saw my new friend (he’s one of Mika’s roadies I think) and went up to him and thanked him for giving Mika my gift at Sunrise the day before. This guy is so awesome, and I still don’t even know his name.


We watched some guys painting the big MIKA letters (how excited can one get over a giant piece of foam?), and even had a go of “painting†them with our imaginary brushes (as you do).


All of the MFCers arrived, so we had a few piccies taken. It was great to finally meet everyone. Here’s nico collard, rainbow sky, soangel and happikali. We're a little bit excited.



We heard Mika’s voice inside and thought he snuck inside somehow without us seeing. I swore some guy wheeled him in inside a garbage bin! Teehee!! So anyhoo, we sat around for a bit, and then happikali and mouselle spoke to a man about getting some gifts to Mika. He said Mika was actually on the way and would be there soon (cue major freakouts and squeeing).




More to come…

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The support band were really good, came on at 830 and played for 30 minutes, they did a set change and Mika was due on at 930. A whole row of photographers came in front of the rope barricade, but security told us "they're only here fro the first 3 songs and then you can move forward!!"


Started with Relax, then Big Girl, then Billy Brown. As the show was being recorded for MTV no flask photography was allowed but we got soooo many photos (soon guys, soon!) Okay, trying to think.. next was Stuck in the Middle, Holy Juhnny, Sweet Dreams, I want You Back. Then LOVE Today, Grace Kelly and Lollipop..... think that is all correct!


Anyway, we had 2 Big Girls come out and dance, Mika dissapeared offstage at one point and came back with hapikali's necklace!!! He wore it for a bit and then put it on Martin.


Need more credit, hang on a minute!!!


OK.....I know you may want to see photos...I got a great one of Mika wearing hapikali's necklace....I'm sending them to Sivan so she can share them with you all since my kids need me...all crying wanting something....40 hours without their MIKA crazed mother was just too much....need some sleep too. Thanks Joelene for keeping the loyals updated...so far so good with your report.....can you believe only 9 of us got to go backstage with him!!! I was a bit shocked that all of you got a bit tongue-tied and I got to do most of the talking with him....my brain was racing a miillion miles an hour going ...ok what else can you ask him....i don't want to be told to go yet! But wasn't he amazing and calm about everything...felt so special when we got taken through that door!!! AMAZING

gotta go.....:naughty::biggrin2:

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Rainbow Sky’s story


Part One: Before the concert


After a nightmare trip to the city that took hours and hours, we finally got to The Forum in the afternoon and realised we were second in line!! (Hi 8:30 and g/f! Don’t know your names sorry!)


My wonderful mum acted as spot minder in the line (thanks mum, you rock!), while we just happened to be sitting by the back entrance of the venue having a nice little chat.


I saw my new friend (he’s one of Mika’s roadies I think) and went up to him and thanked him for giving Mika my gift at Sunrise the day before. This guy is so awesome, and I still don’t even know his name.


We watched some guys painting the big MIKA letters (how excited can one get over a giant piece of foam?), and even had a go of “painting” them with our imaginary brushes (as you do).


All of the MFCers arrived, so we had a few piccies taken. It was great to finally meet everyone. Here’s nico collard, rainbow sky, soangel and happikali. We're a little bit excited.



We heard Mika’s voice inside and thought he snuck inside somehow without us seeing. I swore some guy wheeled him in inside a garbage bin! Teehee!! So anyhoo, we sat around for a bit, and then happikali and mouselle spoke to a man about getting some gifts to Mika. He said Mika was actually on the way and would be there soon (cue major freakouts and squeeing).




More to come…


oouu im excited to know more now :biggrin2:

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Rainbow Sky’s story


Part One: Before the concert


After a nightmare trip to the city that took hours and hours, we finally got to The Forum in the afternoon and realised we were second in line!! (Hi 8:30 and g/f! Don’t know your names sorry!)


My wonderful mum acted as spot minder in the line (thanks mum, you rock!), while we just happened to be sitting by the back entrance of the venue having a nice little chat.


I saw my new friend (he’s one of Mika’s roadies I think) and went up to him and thanked him for giving Mika my gift at Sunrise the day before. This guy is so awesome, and I still don’t even know his name.



We watched some guys painting the big MIKA letters (how excited can one get over a giant piece of foam?), and even had a go of “painting†them with our imaginary brushes (as you do).


All of the MFCers arrived, so we had a few piccies taken. It was great to finally meet everyone. Here’s nico collard, rainbow sky, soangel and happikali. We're a little bit excited.



We heard Mika’s voice inside and thought he snuck inside somehow without us seeing. I swore some guy wheeled him in inside a garbage bin! Teehee!! So anyhoo, we sat around for a bit, and then happikali and mouselle spoke to a man about getting some gifts to Mika. He said Mika was actually on the way and would be there soon (cue major freakouts and squeeing).




More to come…


sweet!:punk: :punk: :punk:

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ok just quickly....MIKA and PamRam....so exciting! I gave him this wrist band, which he so attentively listened to me rattle on what it represented....basically its for my a house (Clark House) at my husbands school (he's a teacher) and they sell them trying to raise money for different charities...and one of the aims was to try and get famous people to wear your house colour band...Mika accepted my gift and is seen here wearing it with pride...good on ya Mika!:thumb_yello:


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ok just quickly....MIKA and PamRam....so exciting! I gave him this wrist band, which he so attentively listened to me rattle on what it represented....basically its for my a house (Clark House) at my husbands school (he's a teacher) and they sell them trying to raise money for different charities...and one of the aims was to try and get famous people to wear your house colour band...Mika accepted my gift and is seen here wearing it with pride...good on ya Mika!:thumb_yello:


thanks for that



cute pic btw, i love his sunglasses :P

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ok just quickly....MIKA and PamRam....so exciting! I gave him this wrist band, which he so attentively listened to me rattle on what it represented....basically its for my a house (Clark House) at my husbands school (he's a teacher) and they sell them trying to raise money for different charities...and one of the aims was to try and get famous people to wear your house colour band...Mika accepted my gift and is seen here wearing it with pride...good on ya Mika!:thumb_yello:


cool ! you must be so happy to have met him ! be sure to send this pic to Sivan to add it to the Mika and fans album !


and the glasses he's wearing... very Elton John-ish !


alright I'm going to bed for real now... night everyone !

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Hapikali....I know you'll love this photo!!! He was very impressed with his gift...you did well!!! Enjoy!:wink2:

I was right in the middle, right in front of the stage....so he looked at me very often....especially when he sang "Why don't you like me?".....he should have asked me the opposite....ahh still in dreamland awake, but I should be asleep...catch up with you guys maybe Tues....gotta work tomorrow....catch up on what I didn't do Friday!......ah Mika, you were so worth the worrying and waiting, wondering if we would ever meet you and WE DID, thanks for having us MFCers backstage!! Wow...still can't get over it!


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Nice pun robertina LOL.


Well, I arrived with my friend at about 5:10pm... I think all the people in front of us were Fan Club members (they saw/met Mika a bit before 5pm). Inside, I was 2nd row behind a guy that arrived at 8:30am, and another keen fan that flew from Melbourne! The support band Sparkadia were actually quite good, and Mika was super - so hyperactive with his movement on stage!


I can't remember the order of the set list, but Happy Ending was left out, despite being written down. Love Today was my favourite! And Lollipop was quite amusing - the band members were dressed in animal costumes, and there were lollipops, giant balloons and glitter paper pieces flying around the place. The energy in the venue was fantastic!!


The show was filmed for MTV.


The others looked like they were taking some great photos!



Happy Ending was left out because the girl who sings in i6t couldn't come cause it was too expensive to come for just one show... MIKA told us that!!! WE GOT BACKSTAGE!!!!!!!!!! :biggrin2:

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You guys did a great job representing MFC ! We can all be proud of you !!! :thumb_yello:


Yes, just what Sunshine said! What an exciting night for you! I loved reading about it -- thanks for sharing. Can't wait for the pix! :biggrin2:



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maybe someone from oz will explain,

but what is the "X" on martin's forhead????:blink:


awesome pics!

thanks for finding them titania!!!:wink2:


Martin had an X, Luke had a ?, Mikey had an = and Cherisse had a -, and all together they make a weird equation (apparently that's what Mika said)

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Okay guys, looks like I'm the only one on so far so I'll put my own spin on yesterday's events... (It's long and involved so get comfy!)


soangel and I arrived at The Forum at 3pm, and there were only two other people in front of us: one was a girl who caught the bus with us and a guy who had been there since 8:30 in the morning! We ended up going for a walk and when we got back, we found RBSKY and and her mother waiting, Mouselle was also around the corner near the stage door. We kept walking around the corner and eventually saw some backstage people painting big MIKA letters green (which he didn't like cause it would clash with his green trousers!). After more waiting, the band showed up and walked straight in, and started sound check. We actually thought that Mika was already in there, cause we could hear singing during the soundcheck, but we found out that he was coming later, so we were his welcoming committee!We all got autographs, and he actually remembered RBSKY and thanked her for the pressie and told us that he held a koala! We also had a group photo... and we have photographic evidence of MIKA checking out soangel's boobs!!!!


At about 8pm we got in, raced straight to the front and got to chat to Mika's manager who then invited us backstage!!! We stayed there till after the support act when we had to move back for some photographers (they were there for 3 songs then left) then we ended up right at the stage!


Mika told us about this email he got from a 14 year old girl who got really angry about it being an over 18 event, and apparently used A LOT of F-words in her email... Mika replied with, "You're f***ing 14?!" (Sorry about the swearing!!!). At the start of "Big Girl" he asked if there were any big girls in there, we all screamed out (even the skinny girls behind us!) and then he said, "Lets show them what you're f***ing worth!" (Or something along those lines - sorry for the swearing again!)


He didn't play "Happy Ending" cause the girl who mnormally sings it didn't come (cause of money) but that was okay, the rest of the concert was AWESOME! After Grace Kelly, they came out in the animal outfits, did their thing and then sang LOLLIPOP!!! All four lollipop people (2 boys and 2 girls) came out and were throwing lo0llipops, and I managed to cop one in the nose and I started bleeding! But did get a balloon. After the concert, we went upstairs to go backstage, and they weren't going to let us in cause we didn't have passes but Mika's manager came to our rescue. We went in, met Mika again (looking as good as always) and had a chat to us and then we left... By that stage my large balloon had been stolen! :sneaky2::thumbdown:




I will post some pics soon!

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I just have to add here how insanely jealous I am of you guys.


I was there for 8 hours and saw not a single trace that Mika was even there except for the posters and 1 line of a song I heard in the toilets. Even that was finished as soon as I stopped to listen. THE WORLD IS DETERMINED TO DEPRIVE ME OF MIKA!!!!




You'd better upload those pics quickly... can't wait for Rove... or another concert...


Apart from anything else I lost over $100 for this massive disappiontment



Sorry to be such a wet blanket.



Continue celebrating!!!



Aw sweetie! I know how you feel as we waited for ages in Shepherds Bush and didn't see him, so people are not always so lucky and he doesn't always come out and chat.

I have read in another thread that he will be back in Australia before the year end, so just make sure you are ready for that, and just get in there, whatever it takes!

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