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You've lost pounds in front of the computer!LOL:naughty:

doing nothing !forgetting to eat!


ha ha.. i doubt it.. but when i go to america i will be walking more .. even though they got a lot of cheap fatty food there.. grr.. i'm never gonna win!! lol

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lol i hardly go on mika's myspace anymore...his profile really slows down my computer :thumbdown:

i bet he's wondering where ive gone, i went through a period of sending him loads of comments rofl xDDD

and so i dont go on THAT profile, i havent "looked" at his personal one.

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ha ha.. i doubt it.. but when i go to america i will be walking more .. even though they got a lot of cheap fatty food there.. grr.. i'm never gonna win!! lol


ArE you going to NY?

We'll gonna see!:naughty: :naughty:

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labradoodle :lmao: oh gosh mika..rent a dog...hey u stole my idea i ach was talking bout that yrs ago :sneaky2:

oh gosh i say the same thing bout dogs r more rewarding than doing things for ppl!!!

woop swimming pool anytime too!!!!

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ha ha.. i doubt it.. but when i go to america i will be walking more .. even though they got a lot of cheap fatty food there.. grr.. i'm never gonna win!! lol


when i went to america, i was aware of all the crap food there, so i made sure i ate as little crap food as possible rofl! I remember once buying a tub of grapes and was amazed at how healthy i felt xDDDD

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when i went to america, i was aware of all the crap food there, so i made sure i ate as little crap food as possible rofl! I remember once buying a tub of grapes and was amazed at how healthy i felt xDDDD


ha ha.. ok.. i will use your technique then :wink2: i bet its not gonna work with me though :doh:

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yup :D and not to forget all the jumping i will do when i see mika!! woop :yay:





You wont gonna be here on the 10th ?!:blink:

I don't go to Hungary at that festival anymore cause mika has cancelled it!DAMN!:boxed: :boxed:



HELLLLLLLLLLLLLLOoooooooooo Laurrrrrrrrraaaaaaaa!

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okay, this thread always seems to turn into like cyber agony-aunt thread, but you guys are really good at giving advice, so im gonna go right ahead and attempt to throw my dilemma out there incase anyone can help, cos i dont know what to do - and im starting to lose sleep over it.

i have known fred ( or gabbi) for 4 years, and when i first met her she was happy, hyper and quite hippy-esc. but she has become progressively more goth, and for a year now, i have noticed cuts ansd bruises on her arms and legs, which she tries, and fails to hide. im one of her best friends, so when we went on tour with my chior to lake garda last week, i shared a room with her. it was so wierd suddenly realiasing how unlike the person i thought i knew so well she had become - she barely ate - just picked at her food ( ans she's not the skiiest of girls) and i caught her standing in her bra and knickers infront of the mirror, obviously in the middle of some self-hate ritual. i watched her for days, and it became so obvious that she showed all the things i have come to associate with annorexia. and i strongly suspected she was bulemic too - she would stay in the bathroom for hours after meals with the water running. it got even scarier when, after a party ( and way too much booze) i got her to admit to me that she self harmed, and had done for a while. it made so much sense. she told me her parents knew - but i didnt fully believe her. she spent the wednesday silently obsessing about something, muttering, and in the bus on the way back after a concert, burst suddenly in to floods of slient tears, and finally when i rushed to comfort her, my other friends noticed. she ran straightinto te room and into the bathroom upon arriving backin the hotel, and sat in the shower sobbing. i crept in after her, really worried she'd do something stupid, and as tactfullyasi could removed anythingi thought could be remotely dangerous - but as i am all too aware, it can be done with anything. i squeezed into the glass shower cubicle with her and hugged her as she sobbed and tried to get her to tell me why she was crying. she wouldnt tellmeathing, and suddenly stopped crying,and started to mutter 'you have to go now - get out. go!' and pushed me out of the bathroom and then the room altogther and slammedthe doorin myface. it was about 2amby this point,but i had a smallaudience waiting for me. i burst into tears, and they all asked me what hadhappened. christina, naomi and hanna are all olderthan me, and christinaandnaomi both usedto self harm. christinatried, and then naomi, but when the door stillwoukldnt open, wehad to tell our supervisor,roz.i feltso bad like i'd betrayed her, cosi knew she wouldbnt understand! rozgot her outa the shower, and into bed,and helen stayed and tried to get senseoutta the slightly pissed fred. 3amby now.

she got up , and walked around the roomrestlessly,counting something offon her fingers. then she gotdown the picture abovethe bed and wrote something on it,andgotupagain,mutterning. helen was in the bathroom,when she turnedto me,completelycalmlyand said - 'why didnt ibring a cigarrette lighterwith me? theyre great for burningthings, especially hair( looking at mylion mane with interest) '. i was sitting on the bed, curledup with a pillow hugged against mychest trying not to hyper-ventilate by now, but im afraid to say this totallyfreakedmeout. iworry about normaleveryday things, so totalsuicicay schitofrenia wasjust too much for me - i ran outta the room and straight over to my other friends in the room opposite( ALL of them togEther,my best freinds and me and fred onj our own!) and stumbled in crying 'she's scaring the **** outta me!!!' and had a reallybad panic/asthma-attack when they went for roz again . ijust couldnt tell her what fredwasreally like! ididnt want her to get locked up,and that really convinced me she is a lot crazier than anyonecould ever guess,and notjust mad, but like proper shge needs medicalhelp mad. i slept in zanny and naomi's room that night, but freds dad ( who is tour manager!)and roz grilled me aboutit the next day. ihad totellhimsome things.he issonice,and when itold him about hersaying she wished she'd brought acigarrette lighter, he looked to sad, like he thought it was allhis fault. i didnt tellhim abaout the annorexia/bulemia thing.that is lessobvious, and i only noticed because i am all too familar with annorexic behaviour. imsure he's noticed the cutsonher arms. iwant tohelpher, but as she showed in garda,she doesnt want help.she had 2recovered self harmers, anedphsychiatrist and her dadto tell,and she wouldnt. but worst of all, iwish she'd told me - imher best friend, and she didnt tell me for4 years. i feel like the fred i grew to know was just a mask, and know she'sfinally taken the first layer off, i dont recognise her. what shouldi do? should i tell someone at school? or church? or should i keep quiet? i dont know ifi could bear it if she was whisked away and it was all my fault! i feel bad enough for running outon her when she needed me most in italy, because i was too cowardly to take being scared. she's been scared and lost for years. what should ido?

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well remember when i posted ages ago that i spotted my mum looking over the net, wondering when Mika was playing in Padova? and i thought that was strange because we have relatives over there? well it turns out mum wanted to know because she thought it would be awesome if we had a trip over there: see mika in concert AND see relatives rofl, she thought of having that as a bday present instead of hammersmith apollo, but it couldnt be done because padova is still unconfirmed.

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okay, this thread always seems to turn into like cyber agony-aunt thread, but you guys are really good at giving advice, so im gonna go right ahead and attempt to throw my dilemma out there incase anyone can help, cos i dont know what to do - and im starting to lose sleep over it.

i have known fred ( or gabbi) for 4 years, and when i first met her she was happy, hyper and quite hippy-esc. but she has become progressively more goth, and for a year now, i have noticed cuts ansd bruises on her arms and legs, which she tries, and fails to hide. im one of her best friends, so when we went on tour with my chior to lake garda last week, i shared a room with her. it was so wierd suddenly realiasing how unlike the person i thought i knew so well she had become - she barely ate - just picked at her food ( ans she's not the skiiest of girls) and i caught her standing in her bra and knickers infront of the mirror, obviously in the middle of some self-hate ritual. i watched her for days, and it became so obvious that she showed all the things i have come to associate with annorexia. and i strongly suspected she was bulemic too - she would stay in the bathroom for hours after meals with the water running. it got even scarier when, after a party ( and way too much booze) i got her to admit to me that she self harmed, and had done for a while. it made so much sense. she told me her parents knew - but i didnt fully believe her. she spent the wednesday silently obsessing about something, muttering, and in the bus on the way back after a concert, burst suddenly in to floods of slient tears, and finally when i rushed to comfort her, my other friends noticed. she ran straightinto te room and into the bathroom upon arriving backin the hotel, and sat in the shower sobbing. i crept in after her, really worried she'd do something stupid, and as tactfullyasi could removed anythingi thought could be remotely dangerous - but as i am all too aware, it can be done with anything. i squeezed into the glass shower cubicle with her and hugged her as she sobbed and tried to get her to tell me why she was crying. she wouldnt tellmeathing, and suddenly stopped crying,and started to mutter 'you have to go now - get out. go!' and pushed me out of the bathroom and then the room altogther and slammedthe doorin myface. it was about 2amby this point,but i had a smallaudience waiting for me. i burst into tears, and they all asked me what hadhappened. christina, naomi and hanna are all olderthan me, and christinaandnaomi both usedto self harm. christinatried, and then naomi, but when the door stillwoukldnt open, wehad to tell our supervisor,roz.i feltso bad like i'd betrayed her, cosi knew she wouldbnt understand! rozgot her outa the shower, and into bed,and helen stayed and tried to get senseoutta the slightly pissed fred. 3amby now.

she got up , and walked around the roomrestlessly,counting something offon her fingers. then she gotdown the picture abovethe bed and wrote something on it,andgotupagain,mutterning. helen was in the bathroom,when she turnedto me,completelycalmlyand said - 'why didnt ibring a cigarrette lighterwith me? theyre great for burningthings, especially hair( looking at mylion mane with interest) '. i was sitting on the bed, curledup with a pillow hugged against mychest trying not to hyper-ventilate by now, but im afraid to say this totallyfreakedmeout. iworry about normaleveryday things, so totalsuicicay schitofrenia wasjust too much for me - i ran outta the room and straight over to my other friends in the room opposite( ALL of them togEther,my best freinds and me and fred onj our own!) and stumbled in crying 'she's scaring the **** outta me!!!' and had a reallybad panic/asthma-attack when they went for roz again . ijust couldnt tell her what fredwasreally like! ididnt want her to get locked up,and that really convinced me she is a lot crazier than anyonecould ever guess,and notjust mad, but like proper shge needs medicalhelp mad. i slept in zanny and naomi's room that night, but freds dad ( who is tour manager!)and roz grilled me aboutit the next day. ihad totellhimsome things.he issonice,and when itold him about hersaying she wished she'd brought acigarrette lighter, he looked to sad, like he thought it was allhis fault. i didnt tellhim abaout the annorexia/bulemia thing.that is lessobvious, and i only noticed because i am all too familar with annorexic behaviour. imsure he's noticed the cutsonher arms. iwant tohelpher, but as she showed in garda,she doesnt want help.she had 2recovered self harmers, anedphsychiatrist and her dadto tell,and she wouldnt. but worst of all, iwish she'd told me - imher best friend, and she didnt tell me for4 years. i feel like the fred i grew to know was just a mask, and know she'sfinally taken the first layer off, i dont recognise her. what shouldi do? should i tell someone at school? or church? or should i keep quiet? i dont know ifi could bear it if she was whisked away and it was all my fault! i feel bad enough for running outon her when she needed me most in italy, because i was too cowardly to take being scared. she's been scared and lost for years. what should ido?




i didnt read all of it but i pretty much got the jist.

1) has your friend got any goth/emo friends? she could be trying to fit in.

2) if she HAS told her parents, and if they truly know, you can talk to them about it. This is not just affecting her and her family, it's affecting you too. Maybe you should tell your parents, and they can have a one-to-one with hers, while you have a one-to-one with your friend. Something's troubling her and she may not realise it, but she needs you to lean on. She'll appreciate it later, trust me.

3) remember she is still a teenager. It may be a phase. a long one, but a phase none the less.

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aw wheenie hun :huglove: i really don't know how to help here .. cos its so serious.. i guess all u can do for now is be a mate and try and stay besides her.. talk to her do whatever u can to make her see sense

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okay, this thread always seems to turn into like cyber agony-aunt thread, but you guys are really good at giving advice, so im gonna go right ahead and attempt to throw my dilemma out there incase anyone can help, cos i dont know what to do - and im starting to lose sleep over it.

i have known fred ( or gabbi) for 4 years, and when i first met her she was happy, hyper and quite hippy-esc. but she has become progressively more goth, and for a year now, i have noticed cuts ansd bruises on her arms and legs, which she tries, and fails to hide. im one of her best friends, so when we went on tour with my chior to lake garda last week, i shared a room with her. it was so wierd suddenly realiasing how unlike the person i thought i knew so well she had become - she barely ate - just picked at her food ( ans she's not the skiiest of girls) and i caught her standing in her bra and knickers infront of the mirror, obviously in the middle of some self-hate ritual. i watched her for days, and it became so obvious that she showed all the things i have come to associate with annorexia. and i strongly suspected she was bulemic too - she would stay in the bathroom for hours after meals with the water running. it got even scarier when, after a party ( and way too much booze) i got her to admit to me that she self harmed, and had done for a while. it made so much sense. she told me her parents knew - but i didnt fully believe her. she spent the wednesday silently obsessing about something, muttering, and in the bus on the way back after a concert, burst suddenly in to floods of slient tears, and finally when i rushed to comfort her, my other friends noticed. she ran straightinto te room and into the bathroom upon arriving backin the hotel, and sat in the shower sobbing. i crept in after her, really worried she'd do something stupid, and as tactfullyasi could removed anythingi thought could be remotely dangerous - but as i am all too aware, it can be done with anything. i squeezed into the glass shower cubicle with her and hugged her as she sobbed and tried to get her to tell me why she was crying. she wouldnt tellmeathing, and suddenly stopped crying,and started to mutter 'you have to go now - get out. go!' and pushed me out of the bathroom and then the room altogther and slammedthe doorin myface. it was about 2amby this point,but i had a smallaudience waiting for me. i burst into tears, and they all asked me what hadhappened. christina, naomi and hanna are all olderthan me, and christinaandnaomi both usedto self harm. christinatried, and then naomi, but when the door stillwoukldnt open, wehad to tell our supervisor,roz.i feltso bad like i'd betrayed her, cosi knew she wouldbnt understand! rozgot her outa the shower, and into bed,and helen stayed and tried to get senseoutta the slightly pissed fred. 3amby now.

she got up , and walked around the roomrestlessly,counting something offon her fingers. then she gotdown the picture abovethe bed and wrote something on it,andgotupagain,mutterning. helen was in the bathroom,when she turnedto me,completelycalmlyand said - 'why didnt ibring a cigarrette lighterwith me? theyre great for burningthings, especially hair( looking at mylion mane with interest) '. i was sitting on the bed, curledup with a pillow hugged against mychest trying not to hyper-ventilate by now, but im afraid to say this totallyfreakedmeout. iworry about normaleveryday things, so totalsuicicay schitofrenia wasjust too much for me - i ran outta the room and straight over to my other friends in the room opposite( ALL of them togEther,my best freinds and me and fred onj our own!) and stumbled in crying 'she's scaring the **** outta me!!!' and had a reallybad panic/asthma-attack when they went for roz again . ijust couldnt tell her what fredwasreally like! ididnt want her to get locked up,and that really convinced me she is a lot crazier than anyonecould ever guess,and notjust mad, but like proper shge needs medicalhelp mad. i slept in zanny and naomi's room that night, but freds dad ( who is tour manager!)and roz grilled me aboutit the next day. ihad totellhimsome things.he issonice,and when itold him about hersaying she wished she'd brought acigarrette lighter, he looked to sad, like he thought it was allhis fault. i didnt tellhim abaout the annorexia/bulemia thing.that is lessobvious, and i only noticed because i am all too familar with annorexic behaviour. imsure he's noticed the cutsonher arms. iwant tohelpher, but as she showed in garda,she doesnt want help.she had 2recovered self harmers, anedphsychiatrist and her dadto tell,and she wouldnt. but worst of all, iwish she'd told me - imher best friend, and she didnt tell me for4 years. i feel like the fred i grew to know was just a mask, and know she'sfinally taken the first layer off, i dont recognise her. what shouldi do? should i tell someone at school? or church? or should i keep quiet? i dont know ifi could bear it if she was whisked away and it was all my fault! i feel bad enough for running outon her when she needed me most in italy, because i was too cowardly to take being scared. she's been scared and lost for years. what should ido?


*hugs* first of all, dont feel guilty for running out on your friend! its no suprise you were shocked and when that happens,sometimes we dont know what to do with ourselves. Secondly, if you think your mate needs medical help then telling somebody you think might help could be whats best for her,even if at the time she doesnt think so.





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you're so extra aren't ya :bleh:

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