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Yeah. I want like, six kids. :roftl:


lol i haven't decided how many iw ant but def more than 2, it just seems like home life will be more exciting, hehe hanging out with your children take them out to the zoo or whatever, forc them to listen to mika etc :naughty: mwahaha

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have u heard about that thing where if u keep playing a same song while you're pregnant the child will grow up to like it? or like recognise it or summin, i don't memba what it was, but i will def keep playing grace kelly or summin while i'm pregnant lol

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I hated my textiles teacher, because she hated me...because I couldn't sew.


Now, excuse this next sentence, but I can sing, dance, act and draw...I'm not at all perfect in any of them, but I can do them to a certain extent. Just coz I can't sew, doesnt mean to say I can't do anything else, you know?


So once, we had to do this "making-a-bag" project, and at first, we had to draw our own bags.


So I did, and I'll admit, it was very impressive for a 13 year old! Even my teacher said so. Conversation went like this:


Mrs. Sawyer: Oh Caroline that's a MARVELLOUS drawing!

Me: Thankyou

Mrs. Sawyer: At least you can do something right.

Me: :shocked:




as for children...i want about 2. or 3. the number 4 keeps coming into mind or some reason...I'm guessing that maybe I'll have a miscarriage or something when I'm older. I couldn't handle loads of children.

I'll do it all properly...breast feed...and they're only gonna get chocolate one day a week. My mum buys so much crap it's no wonder I'm a tad overweight...it's just THERE, and she moans she has to throw it away when it's out of date because none of us have eaten it. Once I get my own house, complete with my own family, I'm definitely doing the shopping. No crap for my children whatsoever!

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About you fainting that much! :blink:


OH...i dont think its that bad...coz...like its normal...it usually happens when im alone in the house...so i suppose that could be dangerouse!!!!


but im sure u ppl get it sometime...u know....when u wake up....and u go all dizzy when u get up???

well i do that every morning!!! *hehe*:biggrin2: :biggrin2:

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lol i haven't decided how many iw ant but def more than 2, it just seems like home life will be more exciting, hehe hanging out with your children take them out to the zoo or whatever, forc them to listen to mika etc :naughty: mwahaha


Exactly! I kind of want like a little pack of children all close in age that all take care of each other and you know...sing and dance... :roftl:

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That really bothers me too, but then I thought: Every person on this planet was born, and most of them that way, so it can't be THAT bad, or women would stop having babies...


Haha well do you think all first time pregnant ladies really knows how it feels??

You'll never know untill you've given birth and efter the first baby they probably think why not another :naughty:

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I hated my textiles teacher, because she hated me...because I couldn't sew.


Now, excuse this next sentence, but I can sing, dance, act and draw...I'm not at all perfect in any of them, but I can do them to a certain extent. Just coz I can't sew, doesnt mean to say I can't do anything else, you know?


So once, we had to do this "making-a-bag" project, and at first, we had to draw our own bags.


So I did, and I'll admit, it was very impressive for a 13 year old! Even my teacher said so. Conversation went like this:


Mrs. Sawyer: Oh Caroline that's a MARVELLOUS drawing!

Me: Thankyou

Mrs. Sawyer: At least you can do something right.

Me: :shocked:




Oh dear!!!


And I thought my teachers were bad lol!

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OH...i dont think its that bad...coz...like its normal...it usually happens when im alone in the house...so i suppose that could be dangerouse!!!!


but im sure u ppl get it sometime...u know....when u wake up....and u go all dizzy when u get up???

well i do that every morning!!! *hehe*:biggrin2: :biggrin2:


Nah, that's definitely not normal. You should really get that checked out if it's that bad. I get light headed sometimes, but only if I'm sick or something. :blink:

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Haha well do you think all first time pregnant ladies really knows how it feels??

You'll never know untill you've given birth and efter the first baby they probably think why not another :naughty:


my mum said i just flew out...she was reading the paper and i just...popped out!!! *haha*:roftl: :roftl:

so i just suppose its different for different ppl!!!

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have u heard about that thing where if u keep playing a same song while you're pregnant the child will grow up to like it? or like recognise it or summin, i don't memba what it was, but i will def keep playing grace kelly or summin while i'm pregnant lol


That's true!!

My mum often listened to 50's and 60's rocknroll/rockabilly music. And I loooove that kind of music!!!

And my cousin's mum listened to reggae during her pregnancy, and he likes reggae!

Quite cool when you think of it ^^

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my mum said i just flew out...she was reading the paper and i just...popped out!!! *haha*:roftl: :roftl:

so i just suppose its different for different ppl!!!


WTF? :roftl: :roftl: Just like...randomly... *pop* ?


"Oh, what was that thud that just hit the floor?"



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OH...i dont think its that bad...coz...like its normal...it usually happens when im alone in the house...so i suppose that could be dangerouse!!!!


but im sure u ppl get it sometime...u know....when u wake up....and u go all dizzy when u get up???

well i do that every morning!!! *hehe*:biggrin2: :biggrin2:


I've never fainted in my whole life! *serious*

You should check that up with a doctor. I've been dizzy and stuff before but I had anaemia. Maybe your not eating enough veggies?

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I've never fainted in my whole life! *serious*

You should check that up with a doctor. I've been dizzy and stuff before but I had anaemia. Maybe your not eating enough veggies?


Oh yeah! Lauren, you're vegan, right? You could be missing something in your diet that's causing you to faint.

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I hated my textiles teacher, because she hated me...because I couldn't sew.


Now, excuse this next sentence, but I can sing, dance, act and draw...I'm not at all perfect in any of them, but I can do them to a certain extent. Just coz I can't sew, doesnt mean to say I can't do anything else, you know?


So once, we had to do this "making-a-bag" project, and at first, we had to draw our own bags.


So I did, and I'll admit, it was very impressive for a 13 year old! Even my teacher said so. Conversation went like this:


Mrs. Sawyer: Oh Caroline that's a MARVELLOUS drawing!

Me: Thankyou

Mrs. Sawyer: At least you can do something right.

Me: :shocked:





OMG, what a b*tch. how horrible, hate teachers like that.


my textiles teacher only hated me because I'm iranian and she's a racist. Atleast she was fair when she graded me - got an A :biggrin2:

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WTF? :roftl: :roftl: Just like...randomly... *pop* ?


"Oh, what was that thud that just hit the floor?"




yeh just randomly....POP "hello" *hehe*

obveously she knew she was pregnant!!!:roftl: :roftl: :roftl:

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OMG, what a b*tch. how horrible, hate teachers like that.


my textiles teacher only hated me because I'm iranian and she's a racist. Atleast she was fair when she graded me - got an A.


Thats so not right. Teachers should treat everybody equally, at my school they'd probably get sacked for being racist....


At least she graded u fairly though, A - nice one!!! :thumb_yello:

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OMG, what a b*tch. how horrible, hate teachers like that.


my textiles teacher only hated me because I'm iranian and she's a racist. Atleast she was fair when she graded me - got an A.



thats evil if you have a racist teacher

but as long as she doesnt mark you down i guess thats good right?

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haha awesome. I'm gonna repeatedly play Mika and J-Pop!


Hmmm...maybe I'll play Mozart for my child when they're sleeping. Apparently it helps children become smart during later life, like when they start school. I'm not sure if that's going too far though lol!


I was born 2 weeks late. I was meant to be born on the 12th July, but my mum tried to have me 2 weeks early (i think) because her mum was going away on holiday, and my mum wanted her to see me before she went lol. I musta thought "stupid woman, she wants me two weeks early, I'll be two weeks LATE!" So I sat there like a sack of potatoes until I was ready hehe :)


My mum's waters broke when she was eating curry i think lmao! woops.


When my mum first gave birth to my eldest sister, her waters were like a ... greeny blue colour, coz my sister did a toilet inside her lol! But that's not normal. She only toileted inside her because she was panicking...her umbilical chord was wrapped round her neck apparently.


What else? Oh yeah...my mum had sleeping tablets, injections and laughing gas so my mum couldn't feel the pain. In fact, she felt no pain at all. In fact, she thought giving birth was a dawdle. LMAO! My mum kept falling asleep so much my dad had to keep waking her up, telling her she was having contractions XDDD


I was born with my arm over my head apparently. That must have been painful lol!

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yeh just randomly....POP "hello" *hehe*

obveously she knew she was pregnant!!!:roftl: :roftl: :roftl:


Lol! Would have been kinda weird if she didn't!!


But it happens though, you see those stories in magazines like 'i went to the toilet and a baby came out' and its like 'WTF?! how can u not know that your pregnant!!'

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Oh yeah! Lauren, you're vegan, right? You could be missing something in your diet that's causing you to faint.


no im not a vegan...im a vegetarian!!!!*hehe*

but...i eat all the things ur suppose to eat....like cheese....oh but i dont drink much at all....all ive had today is...a glass of orange juice....im never thirsty!!!!!:biggrin2: :biggrin2: :blink: :blink:

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Textiles teachers are known to be rude ^^

I had a textiles teacher, she was qutie mean to everyone except me and one of my friends :P But she became friendlier after a year... Kinda weird.

I got highest mark, yay!

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