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he has definately ahd a drama filled life. allergic to paracetamol? me too! and when i take it my chest hurts and i cant breathe. maybe thats it? have you given him similar madication lately ? he may be allergic to it if so!


See thats what I thought immediately but the doctor says that he would have been able to tell if it was an allergic reaction.


Plus Jack has only had stuff that he usually has when he is sick.




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I hope it's not. :sad:





And yes I was young,



No one have a baby!! Lol.






ive had the flu before. its horrible. my dad has had it once as well and if i remember rightly he was sick too. i reckon jack will be fine give or take a few days. it seems to be an on/off thing since he's still climbing around and eating and suff.

just out of curiosity and interest, do you still date jack's dad? still talk to him at all? how did you tell your parents you were pregnant? i bet it was the hardest moment of your life, you're a star for coping!

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See thats what I thought immediately but the doctor says that he would have been able to tell if it was an allergic reaction.


Plus Jack has only had stuff that he usually has when he is sick.





maybe you should go to another doctor. or see a nurse. it won't hurt to get a second opinion. compare and contrast the two.

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yes well done! i couldnt imagine having a kid. im onew of those people who kids love, nad try to play with, and i love them, but because im the youngest of 5, i find it hard not to go over the top. im afraid i might hurt them. like mika, i couldnt even keep my tamagotchi alive! ( but that proba had more to do with the fact that it was handed down through all 5 of us, and was dead when i got it!!)

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ive had the flu before. its horrible. my dad has had it once as well and if i remember rightly he was sick too. i reckon jack will be fine give or take a few days. it seems to be an on/off thing since he's still climbing around and eating and suff.

just out of curiosity and interest, do you still date jack's dad? still talk to him at all? how did you tell your parents you were pregnant? i bet it was the hardest moment of your life, you're a star for coping!


:biggrin2: I know he is always climbing around on something.

I think he should be fine, maybe it's just a bug and his body is having a hard time handling it.


As for your questions lol

I still see Jacks dad, Kyle, we don't date but we do get on.

I told my older sister first who held my hand while I told my mum.

My mum told my step dad and he said he didn't care what was up, he would take care of me no mater what happened (then we both cried lol)


My real dad lives in Australia so I had to ring him up and tell him.

He sees Jack every 6months or so.

But Jack calls my step dad Grandad. (well pappa)



Anything else you want to know, just ask :biggrin2:



maybe you should go to another doctor. or see a nurse. it won't hurt to get a second opinion. compare and contrast the two.


I might, I'll see what my mum says when she gets home.



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yes well done! i couldnt imagine having a kid. im onew of those people who kids love, nad try to play with, and i love them, but because im the youngest of 5, i find it hard not to go over the top. im afraid i might hurt them. like mika, i couldnt even keep my tamagotchi alive! ( but that proba had more to do with the fact that it was handed down through all 5 of us, and was dead when i got it!!)


Thank you *bows* :bleh:


It has been the hardest thing I have ever had to do but it has been worth it :biggrin2:



[EDIT: My tama has been alive for 27 days today :bleh: ]

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yes well done! i couldnt imagine having a kid. im onew of those people who kids love, nad try to play with, and i love them, but because im the youngest of 5, i find it hard not to go over the top. im afraid i might hurt them. like mika, i couldnt even keep my tamagotchi alive! ( but that proba had more to do with the fact that it was handed down through all 5 of us, and was dead when i got it!!)


i adore children.

i am also the youngest in my family.

my two half sisters had children when i was very young, and i first became an aunt when i was three. so, although i was a toddler/child, i grew up having more authority over my niece and nephews, even though there is only a three year age gap between me and the eldest nephew. I grew up watching them grow up too, watching how they got disciplined etc, and i remember rightly how i was disciplined too.

I think that's why I'm quite good with children...it's quite hard to explain, but U'm sure you get me...kind of. lol

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:biggrin2: I know he is always climbing around on something.

I think he should be fine, maybe it's just a bug and his body is having a hard time handling it.


As for your questions lol

I still see Jacks dad, Kyle, we don't date but we do get on.

I told my older sister first who held my hand while I told my mum.

My mum told my step dad and he said he didn't care what was up, he would take care of me no mater what happened (then we both cried lol)


My real dad lives in Australia so I had to ring him up and tell him.

He sees Jack every 6months or so.

But Jack calls my step dad Grandad. (well pappa)



Anything else you want to know, just ask :biggrin2:





I might, I'll see what my mum says when she gets home.




wow, you have such an amazingly supportive family. Other people would throw their children on the streets, so you are VERY VERY lucky. Bless everyday that goes by. It's good that you still talk to his dad though. Does Kyle ever have Jack sometimes? I know you know this, I don't mean to patronise, but it's important for a child to have a father figure as well :)

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i adore children.

i am also the youngest in my family.

my two half sisters had children when i was very young, and i first became an aunt when i was three. so, although i was a toddler/child, i grew up having more authority over my niece and nephews, even though there is only a three year age gap between me and the eldest nephew. I grew up watching them grow up too, watching how they got disciplined etc, and i remember rightly how i was disciplined too.

I think that's why I'm quite good with children...it's quite hard to explain, but U'm sure you get me...kind of. lol



I get you Caz :bleh:



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I was 14 when I got pregnant adn 15 when I had him :biggrin2:





hahaha now for the gory questions!


was it a natural birth or caesarean?

did you have any gas or injections or anything?

did they...have to...use like...forcepts at all? to help bring him out? xDDD


i'll stop there...


actually, did u have any cravings at all? morning sickness?

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wow, you have such an amazingly supportive family. Other people would throw their children on the streets, so you are VERY VERY lucky. Bless everyday that goes by. It's good that you still talk to his dad though. Does Kyle ever have Jack sometimes? I know you know this, I don't mean to patronise, but it's important for a child to have a father figure as well :)


:biggrin2: I get what you mean, don't worry I never take anything the wrong way.


He see's Jack and has him at weekends and stuff but he has a job, goes to college and has a new girlfriend (who I hate lol)


He always makes time for Jack but he can only do so much.

When Jack is older it will work out better because Kyle can pick him up from school and stuff.


He is a very good father though :biggrin2:

Jack loves him.




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:biggrin2: I get what you mean, don't worry I never take anything the wrong way.


He see's Jack and has him at weekends and stuff but he has a job, goes to college and has a new girlfriend (who I hate lol)


He always makes time for Jack but he can only do so much.

When Jack is older it will work out better because Kyle can pick him up from school and stuff.


He is a very good father though :biggrin2:

Jack loves him.





that's awesome. i'm glad it's worked out well, at least he's interested in Jack.

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hahaha now for the gory questions!


was it a natural birth are caesarean?

did you have any gas or injections or anything?

did they...have to...use like...forcepts at all? to help bring him out? xDDD


i'll stop there...


actually, did u have any cravings at all? morning sickness?


I had to have an emergency caesarean because he was breached.

(you know what that means right?)

If not look it up lol

It's hard to explain. :bleh:


I had a local anesetic (or however you spell it lol)


I had one craving and it was peanut butter.

I hate the stuff!! :thumbdown:

And Jack hates it now! :blink:



And I didn't have morning sickness until 2 months before he was born.




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that's awesome. i'm glad it's worked out well, at least he's interested in Jack.


I know!


I hate hearing about fathers that just take off.

My dad did that so thats probably why I am always maing sure Jack gets to see Kyle.


Even speaking to him on the phone is better than nothing.




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I had to have an emergency caesarean because he was breached.

(you know what that means right?)

If not look it up lol

It's hard to explain. :bleh:


I had a local anesetic (or however you spell it lol)


I had one craving and it was peanut butter.

I hate the stuff!! :thumbdown:

And Jack hates it now! :blink:



And I didn't have morning sickness until 2 months before he was born.






looking up breached now lol!

and about the peanut butter thing...looks like those genes passed down onto him haha...taste buds wise!

did u breastfeed at all? *LMAO I'm really sorry for these questions*

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looking up breached now lol!

and about the peanut butter thing...looks like those genes passed down onto him haha...taste buds wise!

did u breastfeed at all? *LMAO I'm really sorry for these questions*


:biggrin2: haha don't worry about it.

You're curious, all my friends were too lol


I didn't breastfeed even though my mum told me I should.




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oh breached is when they're all twisted and cant come out naturally lol gotcha!


gooodddd i'd have to have a caesarean. i'd rather be in complete agony and give birth naturally lol the thought of someone opening me up just makes me feel physically sick...

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oh breached is when they're all twisted and cant come out naturally lol gotcha!


gooodddd i'd have to have a caesarean. i'd rather be in complete agony and give birth naturally lol the thought of someone opening me up just makes me feel physically sick...


I know it did me too!!

I'm glad he was breached kind of lol





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damn. i posted that link to the lollipop interview earlier on the thread, but cant find it now... sorrry , you'll just have to look. i would probs die in child birth, im so tiny. there's no room for a baby in me, which makes no sense, as i was 11 lb's when i was born!

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:biggrin2: haha don't worry about it.

You're curious, all my friends were too lol


I didn't breastfeed even though my mum told me I should.





yeah, breastfeeding IS best for your child. it helps boost their immune system and helps them keep a trim figure later on in life. it's just generally healthier for them. Apparently women lose weight through breastfeeding as well and helps keep em firm and perky haha xDDD

but you were 15 and probably didnt want your boobs getting sucked on LMFAO

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