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hello everyone! ok i have to visit here b4 i go nuts :roftl: now finished class...got another one just now but omg i have to tell....i was in animal b class and i was showing some friends pics for our project, but i also have mika pics on my phone, so anyway we were looking at it on her laptop and then a hot pic (lol as if ne r not!) of mika came up and the same time, our lecturer came in and he asked if he was my bf!! and he was waitin 4 an answer and i only had a stupid smile on my face (oh how i wish i could shout YES!) but i unfortunately had to say no!! lol it was funny, my friends just shook their heads. cause yes they all think i'm mental and obsessed with him! i am the only one, well here...how could that be :shocked: ?!?!

LOL kiwi, that was kinda funny...the paramedics and all like mika, how cool is that!

so wat's new been happenin? anything interesting i missed?


No not really. The weather's been sunny here.

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are we talking about dancing? ive just come back from dance class! we have a dance show in july :D been dancing since i was 4 hehe ^_^


and how amazing is mum! (well she's amazing for now lol)

we were in the car listening to Mika (obv) and she was telling me about this conversation she had with a lad at work.

anyway my mum said to him "yeah that mika's good isnt he" and he was like "NO WAY I CANT STAND HIM, I HATE HIM, I CANT STAND PEOPLE WHO TRY TO BE SOMEONE ELSE!"




So my mum told him the story about grace kelly (that i told her lol, and i made her watch the jensen interview too so she heard it from the man himself as well in his own words) and so the boy was like "oh right okay i didnt know that"


next day they're talking about it again and my mum asked him if he liked him (lol) and he was like errr i suppose he's okay (HA!) and then my mum was like do u want me to teach you the words (LOL like she knows them herself!) and he was like NAH MY MATES WILL KILL ME!





slowly but surely, the guy is getting converted! WOOP!

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:blink: how? wat? noooooooo. the sun is soooo hot here!!!


oh my god! i think i may have disproven the global warming theory! mika was born in 1984 - the same time the government began to notice global warming! the reason the ice caps are melting is mika - je's been secretly melting people with his smile for 23 years! and heating up the atmousphere by making girls blush and boil with desire all his life - THIS is the heat getting trapped in the atmousphere, not the sun's ! think about it - he is no ordinary man: he's a god, and god's have powers. mika's is eveidently his grin. mika and global warming: COINCIDENCE????!!!!! i think not!

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are we talking about dancing? ive just come back from dance class! we have a dance show in july :D been dancing since i was 4 hehe ^_^


and how amazing is mum! (well she's amazing for now lol)

we were in the car listening to Mika (obv) and she was telling me about this conversation she had with a lad at work.

anyway my mum said to him "yeah that mika's good isnt he" and he was like "NO WAY I CANT STAND HIM, I HATE HIM, I CANT STAND PEOPLE WHO TRY TO BE SOMEONE ELSE!"




So my mum told him the story about grace kelly (that i told her lol, and i made her watch the jensen interview too so she heard it from the man himself as well in his own words) and so the boy was like "oh right okay i didnt know that"


next day they're talking about it again and my mum asked him if he liked him (lol) and he was like errr i suppose he's okay (HA!) and then my mum was like do u want me to teach you the words (LOL like she knows them herself!) and he was like NAH MY MATES WILL KILL ME!





slowly but surely, the guy is getting converted! WOOP!


HOW COOL!!!! hmm still trying to convert my parents and bro...and everyone around me! i didn't know it would be this hard! u guys r lucky they don't need much persuasion. i only got 2 frineds to like him, but that's it! like i said b4 somewhere, they r not on mfc, so that says it all!!

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are we talking about dancing? ive just come back from dance class! we have a dance show in july :D been dancing since i was 4 hehe ^_^


and how amazing is mum! (well she's amazing for now lol)

we were in the car listening to Mika (obv) and she was telling me about this conversation she had with a lad at work.

anyway my mum said to him "yeah that mika's good isnt he" and he was like "NO WAY I CANT STAND HIM, I HATE HIM, I CANT STAND PEOPLE WHO TRY TO BE SOMEONE ELSE!"




So my mum told him the story about grace kelly (that i told her lol, and i made her watch the jensen interview too so she heard it from the man himself as well in his own words) and so the boy was like "oh right okay i didnt know that"


next day they're talking about it again and my mum asked him if he liked him (lol) and he was like errr i suppose he's okay (HA!) and then my mum was like do u want me to teach you the words (LOL like she knows them herself!) and he was like NAH MY MATES WILL KILL ME!





slowly but surely, the guy is getting converted! WOOP!










but how the hell is MIKA trying to be someone else...its the total oposite!!!!


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but how the hell is MIKA trying to be someone else...its the total oposite!!!!



yeah, that's the total opposite!!! we really need a class where we teach about mika....hmm mabe one of those informative programs on tv....like everyday from 8 am to like 8 pm! :roftl:

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the global warming theory?


let me tell you how it is.


Yes, we are speeding up global warming. There is so much pollution going on nowadays that is DOES in fact heat up our planet. Don't forget about the greenhouse gases either. These can come from anything; pollution, aerosols, etc. These create holes in the O-Zone layer, making the suns rays stronger on our planet, also heating up the Earth. Because of this heat, the ice caps in the north/south pole are melting making the water rise which will in time create more floods.






It's to do with Nature itself as well. Soon, the Earth is going to tilt on it's axis, if it has not already, and that itself will change the weather.


You watch - in a good few years time (maybe 100 or so) they'll be saying we'll be landing ourselves in another ice age. It will all go round in a vicious circle.


Not only that the sun is swelling up anyway because the hydrogen is running out, eventually causing the sun to explode which will wipe out our solar system. (don't worry, not for anothe billion or years or so yet).


However, this is why scientists are frantic, looking for another planet capable to support our life. Although we have a billion years for the sun to explode, we don't have much time until Mother Nature, and us, destroy Planet Earth and ourselves.



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oh my god! i think i may have disproven the global warming theory! mika was born in 1984 - the same time the government began to notice global warming! the reason the ice caps are melting is mika - je's been secretly melting people with his smile for 23 years! and heating up the atmousphere by making girls blush and boil with desire all his life - THIS is the heat getting trapped in the atmousphere, not the sun's ! think about it - he is no ordinary man: he's a god, and god's have powers. mika's is eveidently his grin. mika and global warming: COINCIDENCE????!!!!! i think not!


hmm but that's not really disproving it *confused smile*

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yeah, that's the total opposite!!! we really need a class where we teach about mika....hmm mabe one of those informative programs on tv....like everyday from 8 am to like 8 pm! :roftl:


oh we should soooooo do that....record ourselfs saying educational things about MIKA...and make it into like a tv program on youtube...so ppl know what MIKA is about!!!!:biggrin2: :biggrin2: :biggrin2:

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well, it's proving that the other unknown factor to global warming is infact mika, so it disproves the comon knowledge that it is all our faults for drivning cars.....this provesw their are natural factors as well.....ie: mika.

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the global warming theory?


let me tell you how it is.


Yes, we are speeding up global warming. There is so much pollution going on nowadays that is DOES in fact heat up our planet. Don't forget about the greenhouse gases either. These can come from anything; pollution, aerosols, etc. These create holes in the O-Zone layer, making the suns rays stronger on our planet, also heating up the Earth. Because of this heat, the ice caps in the north/south pole are melting making the water rise which will in time create more floods.






It's to do with Nature itself as well. Soon, the Earth is going to tilt on it's axis, if it has not already, and that itself will change the weather.


You watch - in a good few years time (maybe 100 or so) they'll be saying we'll be landing ourselves in another ice age. It will all go round in a vicious circle.


Not only that the sun is swelling up anyway because the hydrogen is running out, eventually causing the sun to explode which will wipe out our solar system. (don't worry, not for anothe billion or years or so yet).


However, this is why scientists are frantic, looking for another planet capable to support our life. Although we have a billion years for the sun to explode, we don't have much time until Mother Nature, and us, destroy Planet Earth and ourselves.




yeah but i think mika also have something to do with this :naughty: jk!

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does anyone have any idea how many ppl wait behind for MIKA after a gig!?!?!:biggrin2: :biggrin2: :biggrin2:


at shepherds bush there was about 10 people lol including me and charlie.


someone read my global warming malarkey it took a while lmfao


OHHH!!! In the car with my mum (as we were both singing along to MmmmmmMika!) i said "we should all go to his concert one day!! There's one in december! No TWO!!"



And she was like errr we'll see lmao


so...im gonna MAKE her see the light!!! It might take a while...but we WILL GO TO A CONCERT!!


I mean frikkin hell i went to the osmonds and steve brookstein with her! time to give something back! *i did the competition on my own, that had nothing to do with my family whatsoever lol apart from my sister who helped us get there and my dad who brought us home haha*

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at shepherds bush there was about 10 people lol including me and charlie.


someone read my global warming malarkey it took a while lmfao


lol. god, we're on a mikafan website talking about GLOBAL WARMING????!!!! now who can say the kids today don't care about politics....look what caz wrote, it poves we really know quite a lot. we are mika inspired

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oh we should soooooo do that....record ourselfs saying educational things about MIKA...and make it into like a tv program on youtube...so ppl know what MIKA is about!!!!:biggrin2: :biggrin2: :biggrin2:


:thumb_yello: that is a good idea!!!! and put pics realated to wat we r saying, as much as possible. like say he wears glasses (put pic of him in glasses), etc. that would be a nice project to work on! i wonder how they put together those stuff, i can't do those sorta things :( *sigh* i have exams. so i gtg! i don't wanna leave....

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at shepherds bush there was about 10 people lol including me and charlie.


someone read my global warming malarkey it took a while lmfao


OHHH!!! In the car with my mum (as we were both singing along to MmmmmmMika!) i said "we should all go to his concert one day!! There's one in december! No TWO!!"



And she was like errr we'll see lmao


so...im gonna MAKE her see the light!!! It might take a while...but we WILL GO TO A CONCERT!!


I mean frikkin hell i went to the osmonds and steve brookstein with her! time to give something back! *i did the competition on my own, that had nothing to do with my family whatsoever lol apart from my sister who helped us get there and my dad who brought us home haha*


im going to both of those!!! i cant wait!!

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I've gotta go






for those who want the Aux Champs-Elysées recording...






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My problem with learning French songs is the pronunciation. I am HORRIBLE with pronunciation in French.


I know all of the words to A La Claire Fontaine by heart, but can't sing it well because of all of the accents, etc.

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