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I refuse to talk about religion because of the following:-

1) somewhere down the line, someone's gonna get offended, which means it will become debatable

2) There are MANY things we don't know. we only know the standard stuff we were perhaps taught in school. I may know slightly more because of my dad *very long story* in which case the discussion of religion will get deeper and deeper and more heated

3) "There are MANY things we don't know"? Scrub that. Humanity knows NOTHING. We are a bunch of human beings who are far too curious for our own good. Documents were lost for reason. Perhaps there are things we shouldn't know. Sometimes things are best left behind and that way we should continue forwards into the future.


Past is past.


As interesting as it may be, it's gone.


We're never going to uncover it so why waste time thinking about it? Many philosphers do this and what do they find out before they die? Hardly anything. Before you know it your life has past by without you and is saying "tara" before entering the door of death.


The funny thing is, all religions start in the same way (creation, the fact that someone rose up to rid the world from sin). That's the ONLY thing they have in common.

Apart from that, Hinduism is the world's longest on going religion, as no-one knows when it started. Buddhism, Sikhism...they were all created thousands and thousands of years ago.


Christinaity? Islamic? Christianity was only created 2000 years ago, and Muslim short after, yet these are the two religions constantly at war with each other. We should learn to become like the other religions as they are the ones setting the best example: Let everyone believe what they want to believe, it's best not to meddle with other people.


I won't tell you what I think. In fact, I think I've told you enough. I've probably gone too deep into it, unearthing things you guys may not have known/realised.


This is why I refuse to discuss it, I get far too carried away LOL.



I re-recorded "hall om mig nu" because the previous one was awful

here ya go! ^_^


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but there is like no war/conflict between christians and muslims nowadays is there??


also, I think that media is always focusing on islam and muslims. have you ever heard of any upset hindus. not so much in media, but, that could be because of 2 reasons. 1. they are pretty accepting, 2. they don't get media coverage (for better or worse)


anyway, I think there are radicals in every religion. I just think muslims get more media space.




oh, and HI! btw :biggrin2:

i'm back

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I refuse to talk about religion because of the following:-

1) somewhere down the line, someone's gonna get offended, which means it will become debatable

2) There are MANY things we don't know. we only know the standard stuff we were perhaps taught in school. I may know slightly more because of my dad *very long story* in which case the discussion of religion will get deeper and deeper and more heated

3) "There are MANY things we don't know"? Scrub that. Humanity knows NOTHING. We are a bunch of human beings who are far too curious for our own good. Documents were lost for reason. Perhaps there are things we shouldn't know. Sometimes things are best left behind and that way we should continue forwards into the future.


Past is past.


As interesting as it may be, it's gone.


We're never going to uncover it so why waste time thinking about it? Many philosphers do this and what do they find out before they die? Hardly anything. Before you know it your life has past by without you and is saying "tara" before entering the door of death.


The funny thing is, all religions start in the same way (creation, the fact that someone rose up to rid the world from sin). That's the ONLY thing they have in common.

Apart from that, Hinduism is the world's longest on going religion, as no-one knows when it started. Buddhism, Sikhism...they were all created thousands and thousands of years ago.


Christinaity? Islamic? Christianity was only created 2000 years ago, and Muslim short after, yet these are the two religions constantly at war with each other. We should learn to become like the other religions as they are the ones setting the best example: Let everyone believe what they want to believe, it's best not to meddle with other people.


I won't tell you what I think. In fact, I think I've told you enough. I've probably gone too deep into it, unearthing things you guys may not have known/realised.


This is why I refuse to discuss it, I get far too carried away LOL.



I re-recorded "hall om mig nu" because the previous one was awful

here ya go! ^_^


I was going to go to bed but Caz made a very interesting post.


With regards to your first point, I think that most people at the MFC are open-minded and do not get offended easily: we're a mixed bag and proud of it and accepting of it.


With regards to your second point, there are many people in the MFC who are no longer in school system and have studied theology at university or traveled and met people and learnt a thing or two about religion in the real world, not everyone is limited to prescribed textbook knowledge of religion.


With regards to your third point, religion is about making sense of the little that we do know and allowing space for what we don't know to exist.


The past is history and we learn from history. Religion, while often entwined with history and tradition, is not about the past, it's about what we do in the present and the future.


To say that thinking is a waste of time is an easy way to avoid difficult questions. Philosophy isn't about finding answers, it's about finding questions that stimulate thought. Even if you don't come to a concrete conclusion in the end of it, what you learn about yourself and the world around you on the way is what matters.


Creation is not the only thing that religions have in common. Religion isn't about explaining away the past. It's about how you live, what choices you make. Almost all religions have that in common: they preach that you be good and not evil.


Christianity and Islam are not constantly at war with each other. In fact Islam is almost exactly the same as Christianity except for the belief that Jesus is a human Prophet of God and that there was no Original Sin. What people in those two faiths, and most other faiths for that matter, have done is twist and manipulate the meaning of texts and traditions to justify their actions and serve their own purposes. It's people and politics not religion that is the problem.


I agree with "let everyone believe what they want to believe", that's one of the first principles of peaceful co-existence. What I would add to that is "and respect their belief".

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it's over 100 names already. *hopes for more*


really? hmm.. well we got thousands of people here so hopefully the list will increase very soon!


seems like you're the only one here mona lol, hows your day been?

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Mona, I signed the petition also. I really hope that it works out: both Mika and the MFC deserve it. :thumb_yello:


but there is like no war/conflict between christians and muslims nowadays is there??


also, I think that media is always focusing on islam and muslims. have you ever heard of any upset hindus. not so much in media, but, that could be because of 2 reasons. 1. they are pretty accepting, 2. they don't get media coverage (for better or worse)


anyway, I think there are radicals in every religion. I just think muslims get more media space.

I agree. There is a minority of people in all faiths who twist and manipulate religion to justify their actions and serve their political or power purposes. The only difference with Islam in the present is that the media is without a doubt biased in its coverage.


Scut darling, I believe and agree with everything you said in that post.

Thank you. I meant everything that I said and I appreciate that you share my views. :original:


Now, after my last very long post, I shall call it a night and go to bed. Good night, ladies. We'll chat again tomorrow. :wink2:

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really? hmm.. well we got thousands of people here so hopefully the list will increase very soon!


seems like you're the only one here mona lol, hows your day been?


yes, I hope so too. 1000 names would be very nice :biggrin2:


it's been okay. not doing much.

how was your day? heard you met Camilla...


Mona, I signed the petition also. I really hope that it works out: both Mika and the MFC deserve it. :thumb_yello:


I agree. There is a minority of people in all faiths who twist and manipulate religion to justify their actions and serve their political or power purposes. The only difference with Islam in the present is that the media is without a doubt biased in its coverage.


Thank you. I meant everything that I said and I appreciate that you share my views. :original:


Now, after my last very long post, I shall call it a night and go to bed. Good night, ladies. We'll chat again tomorrow. :wink2:


good luv! :thumb_yello: I hope it works too.


it's bad... and sad, that people kill in the name of the Quran or Allah. or any other God or religion for that matter.




see you tomorrow luv *hugs hugs*

Bye. sweet dreams

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I was going to go to bed but Caz made a very interesting post.


With regards to your first point, I think that most people at the MFC are open-minded and do not get offended easily: we're a mixed bag and proud of it and accepting of it.


With regards to your second point, there are many people in the MFC who are no longer in school system and have studied theology at university or traveled and met people and learnt a thing or two about religion in the real world, not everyone is limited to prescribed textbook knowledge of religion.


With regards to your third point, religion is about making sense of the little that we do know and allowing space for what we don't know to exist.


The past is history and we learn from history. Religion, while often entwined with history and tradition, is not about the past, it's about what we do in the present and the future.


To say that thinking is a waste of time is an easy way to avoid difficult questions. Philosophy isn't about finding answers, it's about finding questions that stimulate thought. Even if you don't come to a concrete conclusion in the end of it, what you learn about yourself and the world around you on the way is what matters.


Creation is not the only thing that religions have in common. Religion isn't about explaining away the past. It's about how you live, what choices you make. Almost all religions have that in common: they preach that you be good and not evil.


Christianity and Islam are not constantly at war with each other. In fact Islam is almost exactly the same as Christianity except for the belief that Jesus is a human Prophet of God and that there was no Original Sin. What people in those two faiths, and most other faiths for that matter, have done is twist and manipulate the meaning of texts and traditions to justify their actions and serve their own purposes. It's people and politics not religion that is the problem.


I agree with "let everyone believe what they want to believe", that's one of the first principles of peaceful co-existence. What I would add to that is "and respect their belief".



I understand that most people on the MFC are not at school, however, the majority of girls in this thread are still indeed at school, or just about to leave and go to college. This is the reason why I said that most of the people in this thread would pretty much only know what they have been taught.


I completely agree that religion has pretty much turned into a state of politics. I was talking to someone at work about it a couple of weeks ago *unfortunately*. I know Islam/Muslim is actually a pretty peaceful religion, I know it's pretty much the same as Christianity, and I know it is the minority of these two groups that make it bad for the larger audience. I was just speaking in general: Twin Towers, the bombings in London are just an example.


I find history very fascinating. England's past, Ancient Greece, Egyptian Mummies. We can unearth them without having a lot of problems, whereas digging for things about our religion can create chaos. While I do actually find religion fascinating as well, even though I would also love to know all about it, I feel I can't. Talking about it on here is very different to talking about it in "real life" as everyone at college had their own opinion, which they should have, but very closed minded about hearing other people's, which was very frustrating. The other reason I feel I can't know more about it is because...well, we all know there's a big secret behind religion in general. There are many things in our own bible that aren't true (adam and eve for example) and what about the story of Jesus and Mary Magdeline? There are many different theories as to what's true and what isn't, but I feel the truth was lost many years ago and is unable to be rediscovered. Or if it is, it's very well hidden, and for a reason. Someone didn't want it all to be unearthed again. Maybe it caused chaos in the past and didn't want chaos to happen in the future.


Let the past have it's secrets.

We don't know everything of everything, we're not supposed to. Religion is a mystery, life is mystery, that's why life itself is such a ride. If we knew everything, wouldn't life be boring?


Unfortunately not everyone can see that and it's ruining life for everyone else. And that's sad.

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yes, I hope so too. 1000 names would be very nice :biggrin2:


it's been okay. not doing much.

how was your day? heard you met Camilla...




good luv! :thumb_yello: I hope it works too.


it's bad... and sad, that people kill in the name of the Quran or Allah. or any other God or religion for that matter.




see you tomorrow luv *hugs hugs*

Bye. sweet dreams


Aw, yeah it was alrite... was sooo nervous more than when i met mika.. but she's royalty so thats prob why :fisch: lol.



Ach I hate all this killing and stuff :thumbdown: espesh when it concerns religion.. its quite sad really

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I completely agree that religion has pretty much turned into a state of politics. I was talking to someone at work about it a couple of weeks ago *unfortunately*. I know Islam/Muslim is actually a pretty peaceful religion, I know it's pretty much the same as Christianity, and I know it is the minority of these two groups that make it bad for the larger audience. I was just speaking in general: Twin Towers, the bombings in London are just an example.


Okay, this may sound to you as I'm upset, but I'm not, at all.


I know this is a weird thing to compare to 9/11 and 7/7, but the Crusades were christians "saving the sacred Holy Land from the muslims" was it not?

yes, 9/11 and the London bombing are very much more current, but people are still obsessing about the muslims getting into Spain many years ago.


It feels to me as if the Christians are forgiven for past mistakes but the muslims aren't. And they never will be.


And also, I know that you said that it is a small part of the muslims that ruin everything for the others, and I'm very happy you're aware of that. But I still believe that muslims, and Middle eastern people in general aren't that "welcome" to people (anymore). We're found to be suspicious.


oh, wow. feels like I'm standing up for Islam and muslims, kind of funny. I'm not religious. I'm open to all religions.


Again, I'm not upset, just so you know. I was like this throughout the post -> :biggrin2:

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Aw, yeah it was alrite... was sooo nervous more than when i met mika.. but she's royalty so thats prob why :fisch: lol.



Ach I hate all this killing and stuff :thumbdown: espesh when it concerns religion.. its quite sad really


cool. never met anyone royal. except in Madame Tussaud's :roftl: :roftl:

what did you say??


yeah, it's sad

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Okay, this may sound to you as I'm upset, but I'm not, at all.


I know this is a weird thing to compare to 9/11 and 7/7, but the Crusades were christians "saving the sacred Holy Land from the muslims" was it not?

yes, 9/11 and the London bombing are very much more current, but people are still obsessing about the muslims getting into Spain many years ago.


It feels to me as if the Christians are forgiven for past mistakes but the muslims aren't. And they never will be.


And also, I know that you said that it is a small part of the muslims that ruin everything for the others, and I'm very happy you're aware of that. But I still believe that muslims, and Middle eastern people in general aren't that "welcome" to people (anymore). We're found to be suspicious.


oh, wow. feels like I'm standing up for Islam and muslims, kind of funny. I'm not religious. I'm open to all religions.


Again, I'm not upset, just so you know. I was like this throughout the post -> :biggrin2:



no i understand you. It's a shame everyone lives in a stereotypical world nowadays.

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hotdlp are u going in fancy dress to the ICA gig?:biggrin2:


I want to, but I don't know what I can wear... and I don't wanna wear the same thing I will wear at Somerset House.. or maybe I could.. well I got 2 days to think about it properly.. are u?


cool. never met anyone royal. except in Madame Tussaud's :roftl: :roftl:

what did you say??


yeah, it's sad


Ha ha bless lol, yeah today was my first time.. well scary.. u got photographers, sniffer dogs checking if there are bombs etc, then the whole having to keep saying 'your royal heniess' and 'mam'.

A group of us had to like talk to her about our art (individualy).. then she randomly asked me where i came from.. i must be a very obvious foreigner or summin :blink:

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I want to, but I don't know what I can wear... and I don't wanna wear the same thing I will wear at Somerset House.. or maybe I could.. well I got 2 days to think about it properly.. are u?




Ha ha bless lol, yeah today was my first time.. well scary.. u got photographers, sniffer dogs checking if there are bombs etc, then the whole having to keep saying 'your royal heniess' and 'mam'.

A group of us had to like talk to her about our art (individualy).. then she randomly asked me where i came from.. i must be a very obvious foreigner or summin :blink:


LOL. well you do have tanned skin and dark features. The only people you tend to get in England nowadays are WAG wannabe's who end up looking like oompa Loompa's xDD

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