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LOL I was more than happy to tell people i didnt like them.

Like, this guy for example, teased and bullied Charlie and I for about two years, was ALWAYS in our faces. He'd laugh in our faces...taunt us...so when I just said to him "f*** off you're not funny" he'd laugh and say "hey caroline, why dont u like me? u dont like me do u?" and i was like "no i f***ing dont, i hate you" and then they just laughed at me more..


Oh I hate it when people do that! If you don't want me to be honest and tell you straight up, then why even bother asking? GAHH!


Haha that reminds me of when me and these guys made a play called Goldilocks and the Three Pimps :roftl:


all they did was laugh at me.


no matter what i did.


whether i just walked off and took it...


fought back..



argued back...


all i got was a chorus of laughter.


oh sweet jesus can we not talk about this..


-aw hunny-

but at least you had Charlie =]





okie lets talk about happy stuff =]

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Hello all!!:biggrin2:


oh look what the cat dragged in :mf_rosetinted:




Aw thanks Danika, I hope we sort it out soon. But yeah, if not, then me and John are just gonna stick together even more! And he's a Mika fan so we'll be loving today 100% of the time :roftl:


yey that makes it better! hehe :) but yeah always stay together.. and don't let anyone at all get in the way.. thats the worse thing that could happen..


i have a feeling i just said the same thing as i did before? ah well.. doesn't hurt to say things twice :fisch: ( i love mika i love mika) hehehehe

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Oh god I know how you feel :(

I got picked on sooooo much and still do BY THE SAME PEOPLE who just don't get it...I eventually just gave up tried to ignore them but they kept going...


it's the worst thing.


i know this sounds bleak, but there really is no such thing as "beating the bullies".


a friend of mine at dancing was also friends with two guys who used to taunt me. i told her about what they do to me and she told them. so at school i had one of them say to me "she told me that we bully you." so i said "well you do." and they said "well we dont really." so i said "you do it everyday. it might only be names but its still bullying." and he just laughed and was like "oh my god".


ignoring them...

fighting them...

telling an adult about them...

even talking to them...

it just does not work. The only thing you can do is bear with it, school comes to an end eventually.


I could have moved schools, but we live on a small island. Charlie and I were bullied even at junior school (6-10/11 years old) so when it was time to go to senior school, individual bullies went to either of the three senior schools we have on the island. If I went to another school there was always going to be someone else there.

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no u don't sound evil AT ALL, espesh when u say 'kill them' :mf_rosetinted: lol :naughty:




are you being sarcastic?

tis late and i dont get it xD


Haha you're so violent :lmao: :lmao:

And you can use my play title if you let me at least claim Mika's bum :roftl:


Well thats easy

i wont use the play title :bleh:

twill be Golidlocks and the 3 PUMPS! lol


Hello all!!:biggrin2:


hey laura!


how are you?

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it's the worst thing.


i know this sounds bleak, but there really is no such thing as "beating the bullies".


a friend of mine at dancing was also friends with two guys who used to taunt me. i told her about what they do to me and she told them. so at school i had one of them say to me "she told me that we bully you." so i said "well you do." and they said "well we dont really." so i said "you do it everyday. it might only be names but its still bullying." and he just laughed and was like "oh my god".


ignoring them...

fighting them...

telling an adult about them...

even talking to them...

it just does not work. The only thing you can do is bear with it, school comes to an end eventually.


I could have moved schools, but we live on a small island. Charlie and I were bullied even at junior school (6-10/11 years old) so when it was time to go to senior school, individual bullies went to either of the three senior schools we have on the island. If I went to another school there was always going to be someone else there.


aw hunnie -huggles more-

you always make me upset lol xD


i swear, when i've finished saving the world of global warming, im going to kill bullies, and racists, and non mika lovers.

twill be my goal in life xD

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it's the worst thing.


i know this sounds bleak, but there really is no such thing as "beating the bullies".


a friend of mine at dancing was also friends with two guys who used to taunt me. i told her about what they do to me and she told them. so at school i had one of them say to me "she told me that we bully you." so i said "well you do." and they said "well we dont really." so i said "you do it everyday. it might only be names but its still bullying." and he just laughed and was like "oh my god".


ignoring them...

fighting them...

telling an adult about them...

even talking to them...

it just does not work. The only thing you can do is bear with it, school comes to an end eventually.


I could have moved schools, but we live on a small island. Charlie and I were bullied even at junior school (6-10/11 years old) so when it was time to go to senior school, individual bullies went to either of the three senior schools we have on the island. If I went to another school there was always going to be someone else there.



:thumbdown: that really sucks.. u don't see them anymore now do u? now thats school is over.. or do u see them a lot like walking down the streets?

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aw hunnie -huggles more-

you always make me upset lol xD


i swear, when i've finished saving the world of global warming, im going to kill bullies, and racists, and non mika lovers.

twill be my goal in life xD


lol im sorry i make you sad. I just had a horrid life at school. It was a bitch.

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it's the worst thing.


i know this sounds bleak, but there really is no such thing as "beating the bullies".


a friend of mine at dancing was also friends with two guys who used to taunt me. i told her about what they do to me and she told them. so at school i had one of them say to me "she told me that we bully you." so i said "well you do." and they said "well we dont really." so i said "you do it everyday. it might only be names but its still bullying." and he just laughed and was like "oh my god".


ignoring them...

fighting them...

telling an adult about them...

even talking to them...

it just does not work. The only thing you can do is bear with it, school comes to an end eventually.


I could have moved schools, but we live on a small island. Charlie and I were bullied even at junior school (6-10/11 years old) so when it was time to go to senior school, individual bullies went to either of the three senior schools we have on the island. If I went to another school there was always going to be someone else there.


I know! All they do is keep going on and on and on until I just want to run and hide...it's the worst feeling ever...and it's like I try so hard not to let it get to me but what they said to me years back still hurts. I got made fun of because I wore weird clothes and was into drama and art and music...what the hell is up with that crap?

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aw hunnie -huggles more-

you always make me upset lol xD


i swear, when i've finished saving the world of global warming, im going to kill bullies, and racists, and non mika lovers.

twill be my goal in life xD


ha ha.. and how many people will be left in the world?

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*hugs* im great thanks, how are you my dear? lol


yo =]

im alright thankies =]


lol im sorry i make you sad. I just had a horrid life at school. It was a bitch.


maybe one day they will realise they were twats, give you all their money and jump off a bridge or something xD

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:thumbdown: that really sucks.. u don't see them anymore now do u? now thats school is over.. or do u see them a lot like walking down the streets?


no i dont see them anymore, thank the lord.

if they were still in my life, i would seriously screw!

i got bullied for the pettiest things:-


-being best mates with a guy

-we got taunted by loads of people "are u two going out" "caroline and charlie sittin in a tree...K-I-S-S-I-N-G..."

-I then got agro when Charlie came out gay

-my hair colour

-who i fancied



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yo =]

im alright thankies =]




maybe one day they will realise they were twats, give you all their money and jump off a bridge or something xD


*high 5*


i love the way you are so positive :naughty: haha!

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ha ha.. and how many people will be left in the world?


well i know i will =P

will you be left danika?



I know! All they do is keep going on and on and on until I just want to run and hide...it's the worst feeling ever...and it's like I try so hard not to let it get to me but what they said to me years back still hurts. I got made fun of because I wore weird clothes and was into drama and art and music...what the hell is up with that crap?


i hated it, but then i moved to a different school, and i was like friends with everyone.

but its funny, cos all the people at my little school who go to my highschool are idiots, and really immature, and they used to bully me.

tis confuzling xD

i cant even remember what i was bullied for xD

i just hope they all die

and then get poked :mf_rosetinted:

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no i dont see them anymore, thank the lord.

if they were still in my life, i would seriously screw!

i got bullied for the pettiest things:-


-being best mates with a guy

-we got taunted by loads of people "are u two going out" "caroline and charlie sittin in a tree...K-I-S-S-I-N-G..."

-I then got agro when Charlie came out gay

-my hair colour

-who i fancied




Oh god I know! People are always asking if me and John go out and it's so annoying!

What does agro mean?

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I know! All they do is keep going on and on and on until I just want to run and hide...it's the worst feeling ever...and it's like I try so hard not to let it get to me but what they said to me years back still hurts. I got made fun of because I wore weird clothes and was into drama and art and music...what the hell is up with that crap?


OHHHHHHHHH you also bring up another factor.


-Was bullied because I sang, danced, acted.


funnily enough everyone complimented me when i drew, though. People were jealous that I sang.

In junior school, in the last year, I got a main character *had to audition* and I had to sing. I remember once we had to show it to the school, and the following day when i was eating dinner, a kid a few years younger than me said "hey you're the girl who was singing in that show weren't you" and i said "yeah i am". that was it, but at that moment i felt so proud. i thought i was finally getting recognition for something that i could do. for a brief moment, i kinda felt as if...people actually liked me...


even though whenever we used to sing hymns in assembly i felt i had to sing quietly...because if i were loud people in the the row in front of me would turn around and give me weird looks. i suppose they also thought it was strange that i could actually sing in tune and hit the notes *lol*

even in music class in year 5 (the year before leaving) people would give me weird looks just for singing too loud.


enter year 7, first year of senior school. Again, Music Class, singing too loud...one person goes "woo go caroline" in a sarcastic tone. some people sniggered, i turned around and looked at her.

wtf was their problem? it was SINGING for gods sake, everyone does it!

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