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lol she's crazy she is... but i hope she gets into the right habbit don't want her getting sacked on her first day :wink2:


haha LOL

we're all crazy :insane:


I bet she'll do just fine :thumb_yello:


I'm gonna watch Jay Leno now :biggrin2:

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have you seent that 5 things you gotta know about mika video? i watch mtv all the time, but for some reason, i havent seen any of these things people post at all! my dad sees more of mika thzn me....i must be unlucky!


isn't those vids from the japanese mtv??

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hey!! how's everyone?? oh my kiwi, yeah i saw that vid before (the 10 mins slideshow) how hottt is that!!!!!!!!!!

the BG vid is not loading :thumbdown: AGAIN I SAY IT'S A CONSPIRACY!!!!

so i'm working on my fan art for the book, i wrote my letter already :biggrin2:

caz when u see it remember i warned u it was wayyy colourful :biggrin2:

so today i had to go to the doc and while i was waiting i played music from my phone...btw we waited over 2 HOURS!!!!! so anyway i basically played the entire LICM twice :biggrin2: for everyone to hear, cause i didn't have my headset 4 my phone, so i had to use the speaker on the phone. and could u believe noone said anything and they were like ignoring him...i mean i was expecting at least one person to jump up and say "is that mika!?!? o my god i love him. i am on mfc. r u?"

lol that would have made my day!!!! at least i sorta spread the mika word though :biggrin2:

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haha...why did you go to the doctor?


my heart hurts occassionally, it started some months ago, but he said it was spasms in the wall of my heart, not too serious and my thyroids acting up again and i have to get a blood test, so i needed him to write out something..so yeah.

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well thats not good!!! you poor child! i dont have mika on ym phone...and i dont ahve an mp3 either, so i dont get to listen unless imat home!


i dont have LICM, but sher bear is getting one for me, which he will sign :) so my phone and comp is the only way i hear mika. as i said b4 noone here knows who he is, so i don't hear him on the radio or see him on tv...and whenever i look at mtv, he's never on:thumbdown:

most of my probs though is cause i have asthma, and i had a really bad attack when i was younger and had to take tons of steroids...and that's not so good for the bod, so yeah.

so what u up to? what time is it there?

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about 1:30 am...you have asthm? i never knew! i had mild asthma till about 3 years ago, then a phneumonia and it got really really bad - to the point when i was on a nebulizer all the time. i still have really bad attacks, and they give me steriods too - i never knew that had an effect on your heart. does that explain why when i have an attack, my chest hurts for days afterwards?

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about 1:30 am...you have asthm? i never knew! i had mild asthma till about 3 years ago, then a phneumonia and it got really really bad - to the point when i was on a nebulizer all the time. i still have really bad attacks, and they give me steriods too - i never knew that had an effect on your heart. does that explain why when i have an attack, my chest hurts for days afterwards?


probably. the doc didn't say that it was due to the steroids, but i know that steroids affects ur bod and me and my mom were talking bout it and most likely it is due to it, cause she said steroids weaken ur heart or something like that.

yeah i have astma. i have been on nebulizer tons of times. i have my spray with me all the time, it's permanently in my schoolbag. but i haven't had an attack 4 a while thank god.

lol that's why my doc andppl tell me i should rethink my career. but i HAVE to be a vet. it's my calling cause for as long as i remember i wanted to be a vet and animals and i have a special connection, so i can't see myself doing anything without animals, whether it be zoo keeper or watever, but i really want to be a vet..and migrate to australia...and meet MIKA!!! lol.

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about 1:30 am...you have asthm? i never knew! i had mild asthma till about 3 years ago, then a phneumonia and it got really really bad - to the point when i was on a nebulizer all the time. i still have really bad attacks, and they give me steriods too - i never knew that had an effect on your heart. does that explain why when i have an attack, my chest hurts for days afterwards?


asthma and steroids suck!!!

poor u..had pneumonia too!!! :thumbdown::thumbdown:

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yeah....its been really bad for a while - like having attacks everyday. i passed out a few times due to lack of oxygen, and then i had my allergy assessment taken again ( i am quite literally allergic to EVERYTHING. i even have a breclet that says so!) and found out that i was allergic to the pollen from the barley in the fields behind our house, and it was making breathin so much worse! so now i have abrown inhaler, a blue inhaler, and orange inhaler, a purple inhaler and a green inhaler ( my new pollen allergy one) i've gone inhaler mad!!!!!

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yeah....its been really bad for a while - like having attacks everyday. i passed out a few times due to lack of oxygen, and then i had my allergy assessment taken again ( i am quite literally allergic to EVERYTHING. i even have a breclet that says so!) and found out that i was allergic to the pollen from the barley in the fields behind our house, and it was making breathin so much worse! so now i have abrown inhaler, a blue inhaler, and orange inhaler, a purple inhaler and a green inhaler ( my new pollen allergy one) i've gone inhaler mad!!!!!


omm, that sucks. yeah i'm allergic to like everything...pollen, dust, strong scents like perfumes, fur etc. i have a brown inhaler and blue inhaler....4 allergies i use benadryll it's the best it works for me :biggrin2: i always carry it cause as soon as i feel the allegies coming on i take one. what do u use for ur allergies?


lol i like that one..inhaler mad!!!

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well, i can use brown, i can use blue, i can use violetsky, i can use (hopefully not hurtful) i can use purple, i could use anything you like!!! hehehe.....

well, piriteze used to work for me, but it doesnt anymore. so im on shots - 2 a day. im allergic to my own hair for god's sake!!it really sucks.

it's always worse when it snows..........

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well, i can use brown, i can use blue, i can use violetsky, i can use (hopefully not hurtful) i can use purple, i could use anything you like!!! hehehe.....

well, piriteze used to work for me, but it doesnt anymore. so im on shots - 2 a day. im allergic to my own hair for god's sake!!it really sucks.

it's always worse when it snows..........


i bet u won't be allergic to mika's hair :naughty:

did u see those vids from the vodaphone TBA gig?!?

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this is sweet dreams, but he didn't do carolina dance...still did a lil dance..hot as usual! and click more from this user and u'll get the rest of vids...damn i wish she/he filmed the part where he was beating the can in LT...plus i heard he broke a few light bulbs!! hilarious, wudda loved to seeit!

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have you noticed when he sings, he had his arm over his chest like it hurts him? ive noticed that for a while now...


yeah...think he still has the chest infection?!?! :shocked: i hope not.

i also think it couldbe to go high...i dunno :blink:

*runs to continu relax proj*

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rigth, you know that interview with jason bellini? where can i find it other than the link on the thread...it wont work


huh? what interview was that...i've seen sooo many i can't remember. u know what it's about?

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