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(+16 ONLY) This Ones For Us Girls


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heyyy caz.

nothing much.

just wallowing in self pity of not seeing mika due to where we live!!!

and i'm gonna kill our local radio host with lollipops :biggrin2:


:naughty: :naughty: :thumb_yello:


I'm going now! g'nite ladiees!


good night! *kram*


it's ok hun. that's what we are here for!



aaaw thanks! you're so sweet! *hugs*

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hey Caz!! :biggrin2:


not much.. :blink:



I gtg now though.. sorry I have to leave when everyone seems to log on :boxed:


well well.. talk to ya later girls! have a good night!





nighty nite then!

SWEET dreams!!!

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i våras var det två eftermiddagar i veckan, nu under sommaren är det sammanlagt 160 timmar. så jag kommer få ca 14 000 (skatt och sånt tar ju en del. annars hade det blivit 20 000)


oj oj, det är ju en hel del!! :shocked:

jag vill oxå ha pengar :bleh:


ok. will do when next i see her here


haha, do so :thumb_yello:


of course we are!

we're just jealous in a normal we-love-mika-so-much-we-sometimes-can't-stand-not-being-able-to-see-him-whenever-we-want kind of way :blink::roftl:


about wow.. me thinks he wont be able to make it..

or today I do... yesterday I was very hopefull! I was 100% sure he would come on the 11th then!

I hope that hope comes back to me tomorrow.. don't like this feeling... :(


aww sorry, I'm such a baby! but I can't help it... just typing my thoughts..


yeah :roftl:


aww hun don't be sad *hugs hugs*

it's okay. if we won't see him this time we'll see him another time.

I was feeling the way you feel now before, but now I'm pretty hopeful... or more like... happy? no I dunno. it won't be the end of the world.

I just want Mika to be healthy.






hey Caz!

how are you?

aren't you supposed to be at the ICA gig??

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ahh i can't wait for tonight to see the Diana tribute show...that tells u how backward we r!!!

everyone already saw it and i have to wait for tonight!! :thumbdown:

any of u guys watched it?

i can't wait to see Josh Groban and Lily Allen and Elton John and.....

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ahh i can't wait for tonight to see the Diana tribute show...that tells u how backward we r!!!

everyone already saw it and i have to wait for tonight!! :thumbdown:

any of u guys watched it?

i can't wait to see Josh Groban and Lily Allen and Elton John and.....


I don't even know what you're talking about... :blink:

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heyyy caz.

nothing much.

just wallowing in self pity of not seeing mika due to where we live!!!

and i'm gonna kill our local radio hosts with lollipops :biggrin2:



Ok im feeling this too, the closest mika came was 2222 km or 1380 miles.

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ok girlies. i gtg take a shower. it's soooo hottttt!!!!

hope to chat with u guys later :biggrin2:


it was pretty hot here today too :bleh:

bye luv *hugs*

talk to you later, or tomorrow. I'm tired so I think I'll go to sleep pretty soon.

anyway. good night *hugs*


Princess Diana's 40th birthday anneversary. they have a tribut show, with tons of artists and stuff!!!!


oh... okay, sounds fun :thumb_yello:

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oh I see...

ah well, did you have a nice time at dancing and work? :biggrin2:


dancing didnt go too badly, work was fine. it was in between that was AWFUL, CREEPY, SCARY, FRIGHTENING...


I'll tell you about it.


I was waking down the highsreet on my way to work, and this man comes up to me.


"sorry, do you know where Rayleigh Train Station?"


I said no, I apologised, and said where he could get help from. he said "okay thanks, i'll just...walk up here and then i'll make my way back down again."

i was like "okay"...found his behaviour rather strange so i decided to ignore it.


However, he kept talking to me.


He asked me what my name was (I gave him a false name)

He asked me where I lived (I said quite far away)

He asked me where I worked (I said over there somewhere)

He asked me what type of work I do (I said retail, but I don't really)

He asked me what time i FINISHED (I said later tonight)

He asked me if it was about 12-ish (midnight..I said "err kinda" but finished at 10)


He then kept asking me out and asked me if I wanted his number!

I said "No. You're a stranger to me. You've just started talking to me in the street I don't know you, I don't know who you are, I don't trust you. You can never trust anyone."


he was like yeah i understand that, you're a stranger to me too...i don't walk up to girls in the street and start talking to them but i noticed that you're a very beautiful girl and i was looking at how you walk, and I saw something different in you...


I was like "well that's very nice of you but that doesn't change anything"

I wasn't raising my voice or anything, we were both talking like civil people.

He kept asking me out over and over again...eventually he said:

"Is it because you have a boyfriend? Do you have a boyfriend or are you single?"

I said "why do you want to know? That's none of your business."

He was just like "I wanna know why you keep rejecting me" so i said

"look, you seem like a nice guy, but I really don't know you. I don't trust you, you could be anyone. Besides, it's not your business to know my business, I'm not telling you anything."

and he just kept asking why so i just




so i walked off but out the corner of my eye i could see him following me! i was like OOOMMMGGG WHO IS HEEEEEE but he didnt follow me in...but now he knows where i work and thats creepy. I have told people though, so...


i told my dad and he said "to me it does sound innocent, like, as if he just fancied you. Thing is now he knows where you work so you might notice him going in there just to talk to you and stuff."

i was like "i dont CARE, I don't KNOW him, i don't WANT to, I'm not all ATTRACTED to him.."



argh. horrible. FREAK. haha.

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