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The Canadian Thread


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Oh, I don't need an excuse to have an accident - I am destined and programmed for tragedy - it started in utero.


I've always had psychic abilities, but in the last year or so these talents have escalated to the point where they occur on a daily basis. Anyway, last Monday, I was crossing an extremely busy street - I had the green light and a pedestrian "walk" signal. I was almost in the middle of the street, having passed the first lane of stopped cars. Suddenly I was seized by one of my "premontion feelings" - it was absolutely overwhelming - I knew that I must not take even one more step, that my life was in absolute jeopardy! I STOPPED DEAD IN MY TRACKS!!! Please note choice of words i.e. "dead" LOL!). At that very second this SUV came flying through that lane into the intersection colliding with a Nissan Sentra at such a velocity and with so much force the Sentra did a complete revolution and the whole front fender came flying off!!! Had I taken that one step there is no doubt I would've become unrecognizable roadkill several hundred metres down the road......


I can't get these images out of my head..... And since this has happened I have predicted... oh.... half a dozen other things.....


I'm kind of paranoid to leave my apartment..... LOL


I am psychic too...its not always fun...I tend to get dizzy before a premintion

.It happens at work all the time..I know when a patient will show up and actually increases my efficiency..too:)_:)


May the guardian angels help you and stop the close calls!

wish I could be there to give you a big hug right now!

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yay! go habs go! I like the Canucks personally but they always have it rough for some reason! I am more a Habs fan than a Leafs fan!

we have some serious hockey lovers in this city!


Whoo hoo!!! GO CANUCKS!!!

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Oh, I don't need an excuse to have an accident - I am destined and programmed for tragedy - it started in utero.


I've always had psychic abilities, but in the last year or so these talents have escalated to the point where they occur on a daily basis. Anyway, last Monday, I was crossing an extremely busy street - I had the green light and a pedestrian "walk" signal. I was almost in the middle of the street, having passed the first lane of stopped cars. Suddenly I was seized by one of my "premontion feelings" - it was absolutely overwhelming - I knew that I must not take even one more step, that my life was in absolute jeopardy! I STOPPED DEAD IN MY TRACKS!!! Please note choice of words i.e. "dead" LOL!). At that very second this SUV came flying through that lane into the intersection colliding with a Nissan Sentra at such a velocity and with so much force the Sentra did a complete revolution and the whole front fender came flying off!!! Had I taken that one step there is no doubt I would've become unrecognizable roadkill several hundred metres down the road......


I can't get these images out of my head..... And since this has happened I have predicted... oh.... half a dozen other things.....


I'm kind of paranoid to leave my apartment..... LOL


:shocked: :shocked: :shocked:


hey you! :):) how are you doing? I am checking out MIKAish things on the radio ( or rather hoping to hear) . Lisa from last night said that she just found out about MIKA two days ago when Grace Kelly was playing on Crave95 and woke her up! yayay! its still #13 (Relax) on our local station and hasn't moved for about a month.!




cooool !!! here Relax is slowly starting to take a bow... time to release a new single !!!!! for some reason I think they won't release Big Girl and skip directly to Happy Ending... I don't know why it's just a feeling I have...


I'm doing fine... extremely tired but hey, that's nothing new for me !


yay! go habs go! I like the Canucks personally but they always have it rough for some reason! I am more a Habs fan than a Leafs fan!

we have some serious hockey lovers in this city!


I don't get to see the Canucks play really often.... as for the Leafs... well I'm from Montréal and you know there's a HUGE hockey rivalry between Montréal and Toronto !!! So needless to say I don't like the Leafs ! (sorry my Toronto friends !)


And yeah here too we have some serious hockey lovers... hockey is actually a PASSION in Montréal... all the games of the season have been sold out for a while !!!

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I am psychic too...its not always fun...I tend to get dizzy before a premintion

.It happens at work all the time..I know when a patient will show up and actually increases my efficiency..too:)_:)


May the guardian angels help you and stop the close calls!

wish I could be there to give you a big hug right now!


ok it seems we have many psychics here ! anyone having a premonition about Mika coming back to Canada ?..... please ?

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I am psychic too...its not always fun...I tend to get dizzy before a premintion

.It happens at work all the time..I know when a patient will show up and actually increases my efficiency..too:)_:)


May the guardian angels help you and stop the close calls!

wish I could be there to give you a big hug right now!


Oh, thank you Sweetie! You don't know how much that in itself helps!!! It really is NOT FUN much of the time. A few weeks ago I had a bad nightmare that there were all these emergency vehicles outside my window - ambulances, firetrucks, police cars, sirens, lights, voices, screaming, etc. I woke up in a cold sweat, relieved to see it was only a nightmare. So I went back to sleep, only to awake two hours later, with the real thing going on outside..... apparently my manager (and dear friend) had suffered a heart attack and all the emergency vehicles were responding to that...:boxed:

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Calico & ellanorelle -

I always believed that "psychic" ability is a continuum. And I myself, often feel I am at the "low" end of that spectrum. I can't predict, and I don't have the dizziness like or overwhelming feelings but more often than not, I figure things out before they happen. I don't know if its intuition or having a knack for being able to quickly determine which outcome is most likely to occur, but my hubby gets all freaked out. I don't want to have this and I block it, because I hate feeling like I'm walking on eggshells or have to be cautious or paranoid. I don't want to stress about bad events before they actually happen, as I like being in a good mood as long and as much as possible.

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Calico & ellanorelle -

I always believed that "psychic" ability is a continuum. And I myself, often feel I am at the "low" end of that spectrum. I can't predict, and I don't have the dizziness like or overwhelming feelings but more often than not, I figure things out before they happen. I don't know if its intuition or having a knack for being able to quickly determine which outcome is most likely to occur, but my hubby gets all freaked out. I don't want to have this and I block it, because I hate feeling like I'm walking on eggshells or have to be cautious or paranoid. I don't want to stress about bad events before they actually happen, as I like being in a good mood as long and as much as possible.


I don't have psychic abilities and I'm glad I don't... must be freaky sometimes...

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:shocked: :shocked: :shocked:




cooool !!! here Relax is slowly starting to take a bow... time to release a new single !!!!! for some reason I think they won't release Big Girl and skip directly to Happy Ending... I don't know why it's just a feeling I have...


I'm doing fine... extremely tired but hey, that's nothing new for me !




I don't get to see the Canucks play really often.... as for the Leafs... well I'm from Montréal and you know there's a HUGE hockey rivalry between Montréal and Toronto !!! So needless to say I don't like the Leafs ! (sorry my Toronto friends !)


And yeah here too we have some serious hockey lovers... hockey is actually a PASSION in Montréal... all the games of the season have been sold out for a while !!!



Sunshine...What kind of North American Tour would be ideal for MIKA next year or whenever? I hope Toronto, .Quebec , Montreal, Ottawa, Edmonton, Winnipeg, Vancouver , Victoria....I hope! I like to pray any way! He had better come to Canada! Montreal at least!!!! but I am sure he will consider Vancouver because its a big city and lots going on !!!! as for the states..well NY Of course, LA, the list is huge!!!!!!!


that is why if I can't get to a gig this year...getting primed for the North America tour!




what you think?



I have emailed both Radio stations about how I like MIKA and how I want him to come to Vic/Van! We have a Michael Buble concert that sold out in two days! we have big artists here like Meat Loaf and Spice Girls (in Vancouver)

which is sold out too!!


::biggrin2: :biggrin2:

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I miss Vancouver!! Part of me still wishes my sister lived there so I could visit her :roftl:

She lives here now...




That sounds exciting!!! What are you performing?


my two pieces "First Light" and "Sea Bell". They are my piano solos. One song is 2 minutes, the other aroud seven.

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ooh Philosopher Kings on the radio right now!

I am so a PK fan and Prozzak fan! (the icq song???)

and John Levine fun <-------me big PK and Prozzak fan!!!!!! such good music!


:punk: :punk:


any of you PK fans???


the lead is very yummy

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Sunshine...What kind of North American Tour would be ideal for MIKA next year or whenever? I hope Toronto, .Quebec , Montreal, Ottawa, Edmonton, Winnipeg, Vancouver , Victoria....I hope! I like to pray any way! He had better come to Canada! Montreal at least!!!! but I am sure he will consider Vancouver because its a big city and lots going on !!!! as for the states..well NY Of course, LA, the list is huge!!!!!!!


that is why if I can't get to a gig this year...getting primed for the North America tour!




what you think?



I have emailed both Radio stations about how I like MIKA and how I want him to come to Vic/Van! We have a Michael Buble concert that sold out in two days! we have big artists here like Meat Loaf and Spice Girls (in Vancouver)

which is sold out too!!


::biggrin2: :biggrin2:


mmm well one thing for sure he HAS to do Vancouver if he comes back... I mean it's a huge city and he's never been there...


I hope he does as many cities as possible... but honestly I think he will do MOntréal, Toronto and Vancouver...

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ooh Philosopher Kings on the radio right now!

I am so a PK fan and Prozzak fan! (the icq song???)

and John Levine fun <-------me big PK and Prozzak fan!!!!!! such good music!


:punk: :punk:


any of you PK fans???


the lead is very yummy


mmm don't know PK...

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mmm well one thing for sure he HAS to do Vancouver if he comes back... I mean it's a huge city and he's never been there...


I hope he does as many cities as possible... but honestly I think he will do MOntréal, Toronto and Vancouver...


that will do perfectly!


Vancouver here I come--or Toronto or Montreal


but its more fun in a "home city" ! I can't wait for the party I hope to arrange with other help?????hint hint???????

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that will do perfectly!


Vancouver here I come--or Toronto or Montreal


but its more fun in a "home city" ! I can't wait for the party I hope to arrange with other help?????hint hint???????


I'm up for every city he does in a 600 km radius ! lol


you know Philosopher KIngs ! I am sure you do!


maybe I do... I'd have to hear a song...

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go canucks!!!! yaay! i was involved in that Riot years ago and got tear gassed


( i was a spectator..not a causer!)

I had the dubious honour of working at St. Paul's Hospital Emergency Department starting a few hours after the riot. Now THAT was an experience for the history books!!! I got to see some of the major players up close and too personal - like the Faceplant People and the Rubber Bullet Guy...... Wow, what a ZOO!!! You certainly don't see s*** like this on your average day!!!

Calico & ellanorelle -

I always believed that "psychic" ability is a continuum. And I myself, often feel I am at the "low" end of that spectrum. I can't predict, and I don't have the dizziness like or overwhelming feelings but more often than not, I figure things out before they happen. I don't know if its intuition or having a knack for being able to quickly determine which outcome is most likely to occur, but my hubby gets all freaked out. I don't want to have this and I block it, because I hate feeling like I'm walking on eggshells or have to be cautious or paranoid. I don't want to stress about bad events before they actually happen, as I like being in a good mood as long and as much as possible.

I do not blame you in the least - you have extremely valid points!!! I have enough problems in my life and I certainly don't need the extra stress... But - on the bright side - occasionally this ability/talent? can and does save your life!:wink2:
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I had the dubious honour of working at St. Paul's Hospital Emergency Department starting a few hours after the riot. Now THAT was an experience for the history books!!! I got to see some of the major players up close and too personal - like the Faceplant People and the Rubber Bullet Guy...... Wow, what a ZOO!!! You certainly don't see s*** like this on your average day!!!

I do not blame you in the least - you have extremely valid points!!! I have enough problems in my life and I certainly don't need the extra stress... But - on the bright side - occasionally this ability/talent? can and does save your life!:wink2:


Joan, are you a Nurse????

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I do not blame you in the least - you have extremely valid points!!! I have enough problems in my life and I certainly don't need the extra stress... But - on the bright side - occasionally this ability/talent? can and does save your life!:wink2:


Yes! You are right about that!

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Oh, thank you Sweetie! You don't know how much that in itself helps!!! It really is NOT FUN much of the time. A few weeks ago I had a bad nightmare that there were all these emergency vehicles outside my window - ambulances, firetrucks, police cars, sirens, lights, voices, screaming, etc. I woke up in a cold sweat, relieved to see it was only a nightmare. So I went back to sleep, only to awake two hours later, with the real thing going on outside..... apparently my manager (and dear friend) had suffered a heart attack and all the emergency vehicles were responding to that...:boxed:


oh, Joan...is your manager ok now?

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ok yeah you're right I know PK ! lol


ok well off to bed I shall go... I'm exhausted !!! good night yall !


have a great sleep!!!!!!!!


love Suzanne:)


its so nice to keep up with this Thread! we have to keep this up!

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mmm well one thing for sure he HAS to do Vancouver if he comes back... I mean it's a huge city and he's never been there...


I hope he does as many cities as possible... but honestly I think he will do MOntréal, Toronto and Vancouver...


*crosses fingers, toes, and eyes and hopes & prays that sunshine has some psychic abilities too* :naughty:

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