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MIKA Quotes.


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... Sorry, my friend came over, and we watched a Mika concert, and then I TRIED to post at like, 9:24, but my internet get's shut off at 9:30, so I was really rushing, and THEN for some reason, at 9:29, I just stopped writing. My hands just froze.


I dunno. But this little note at the top was written the morning after all of this. :teehee: Sorry that they're only from one interview! I'll get up more when I get home!



"*about the Tamagotchi* Uh, no, I'm just gonna have to feed it, half way through the interview, because it is feeding time. Coming up in about five minutes.(Woman: Okay.) -touches her arm- I can't have it die again!(Woman: Yeah.) It died yesterday and I had to give birth to it all over again. (During a interview?) No, no, percisely because I ignored it, and put it in my bag and was doing work so I keep it on now, I just feed it. Some things in life are more important than work. Keeping your Tamagotchi alive is more important than -through laughter, quietly- What am I saying?"


"(Woman: I've never had a Tamagotchi though.) Really? (Yeah.) Y'know what? You should try it. It makes you feel at one with your... -giggles- Feminine side.. Maternal side."


"*about Big Girl (You Are Beautiful)* (Woman: Do you think they're gonna play it there?) I wonder..! I don't know! If they do, I'M going!"


"(Woman: How do you- How are you really gonna keep your feet on the ground?) I come from a Lebanese family, I'm one of five children. Believe me, it's not that hard! (Do you have any tricks?) Ah, no. Just spend a little time with your family and they'll SLAP you back down to Earth, that's for sure."


"(Woman: Two fast ones.) Sure. (Um, do you have a motto?) Why not? -laughs- (Okay, and then, if you were a super hero, which super hero would you be, and why?) I would be, Snoopy. Snoopy. (You think Snoopy is a super hero?) DUH! Uh, excuse me, sorry! He's hungry. -taps away on his Tamagotchi, which makes beeping noises- (Okay... Alright.) -rest his head on her shoulder, laughing-"



- All from :



Hi :bye:


I'm just joined this thread. Just wanted to say thanks to everyone for the quotes, the are awsome:biggrin2:


Yo! Nice to meet you! :biggrin2:


If you don't mind, may I ask, are you South African? Not to be rude or anything, it's just I was wondering.

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... Sorry, my friend came over, and we watched a Mika concert, and then I TRIED to post at like, 9:24, but my internet get's shut off at 9:30, so I was really rushing, and THEN for some reason, at 9:29, I just stopped writing. My hands just froze.


I dunno. But this little note at the top was written the morning after all of this. :teehee: Sorry that they're only from one interview! I'll get up more when I get home!



"*about the Tamagotchi* Uh, no, I'm just gonna have to feed it, half way through the interview, because it is feeding time. Coming up in about five minutes.(Woman: Okay.) -touches her arm- I can't have it die again!(Woman: Yeah.) It died yesterday and I had to give birth to it all over again. (During a interview?) No, no, percisely because I ignored it, and put it in my bag and was doing work so I keep it on now, I just feed it. Some things in life are more important than work. Keeping your Tamagotchi alive is more important than -through laughter, quietly- What am I saying?"


"(Woman: I've never had a Tamagotchi though.) Really? (Yeah.) Y'know what? You should try it. It makes you feel at one with your... -giggles- Feminine side.. Maternal side."


"*about Big Girl (You Are Beautiful)* (Woman: Do you think they're gonna play it there?) I wonder..! I don't know! If they do, I'M going!"


"(Woman: How do you- How are you really gonna keep your feet on the ground?) I come from a Lebanese family, I'm one of five children. Believe me, it's not that hard! (Do you have any tricks?) Ah, no. Just spend a little time with your family and they'll SLAP you back down to Earth, that's for sure."


"(Woman: Two fast ones.) Sure. (Um, do you have a motto?) Why not? -laughs- (Okay, and then, if you were a super hero, which super hero would you be, and why?) I would be, Snoopy. Snoopy. (You think Snoopy is a super hero?) DUH! Uh, excuse me, sorry! He's hungry. -taps away on his Tamagotchi, which makes beeping noises- (Okay... Alright.) -rest his head on her shoulder, laughing-"



- All from :



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Your not rude, Yes I am South African. Why?



No, I was just wondering, since I am too! :biggrin2:


I was born there, moved to Canada, and I live in England now. I have a very... Odd accent, according to my friends. :aah:





Okay... Need da quotes... Here you go! (From various interviews, I'll do the whole link thing again!)


(In this interview, for your information, there's one rabbit, two Big Girls, two Lollipop Girls, an elephant and a parrot.)


"(Woman -can't remember her name for the life of me-: Introduce to each and every one of the-) D-Don- No, there's- It's not- There's no real sense to it... *turns around* Is there? (Man: Perfect.) No... That-That-That's the reason for doing it. (Man: Makes perfect sense.) Makes perfect sense 'cause there is no sense, right?"


"Someone told me that when I came on stage I was so wet, it's almost like taking a shower! *ruffles his hair* Still wet, look! *moves towards them, shaking his head* (Woman: I don't wanna touch your hair!) (Man: I'll touch it! Yeah, yeah, you're wet, you're wet!)"


"Even HE'S wet look! *holds up the elephants foot, which is muddy* (Woman: Dumbo's wet!) D'ya know I rented these from Angels in London? (Woman: What, the day before you came?) No, I rented them for the whole summer! But they're completely screwed up now! They're gonna cost me a FORTUNE! (Woman: You're not getting your deposit back!) (Man: I was gonna say, didn't you hand a bond over for these costumes or what did-) Y-Y-Yeah! And now my dry- I don't even know if you can dry-clean them! (Woman: Haha! You ain't gettin' your deposit back that's for sure!) [b]No! There goes my fifty-five quid![/b]"


"*as the man's saying goodbye* EVERYBODY GIVE 'EM A BIG HUG!..(Man finishes saying goodbye)....... OUCH!"




"(Jo Whiley: Why do you not have a house? Where do you live?) Um, I DO have a house, but it's a building site and my builders are listening right now, and I hope it's going REALLY WELL! Right Daniel? I hope it's going well! (Jo: Are they gonna finish on time?) Are they gonna finish on time? Why don't they call us and tell us? (Jo: Daniel, you better!) -laughs- You've made his YEAR!"





"*about his flat* No, it's a flat, I've always lived in. 'Cause I... Like... Staying in the same places."


"*One of Jo's kids break a bauble* Oh no! You've broke the bauble! (Jo: *says the kid's name. I can't hear that well. Caz?* You've broke my bauble! It's my favourite bauble! Aw...) *Mika holds his mic near the kid.* (Jo: What do you say to Mummy?) (Kid: Sorry...) *Mika moves his mic to the other kid* (Other one: It wasn't me!) (Jo: We're sitting by the Christmas tree-) -laughs- It's all started!"



"You live here with you're partner, right? (Jo: Yeah, obviously, yeah.) But it's ALL GIRL! It's like 100% girl! There's- It's all YOUR shoes on the floor... (Jo: Yeah.) All your clothes... (Jo: Well yeah, I'm just trying to look for evidence... What is this?) -laughs- (Jo: People have been planting stuff here!) *picks up a whip.* (Jo: Aw! You're so funny! You're so funny! That'll be-) *Mika holds it out to the kid* What is it? Tell me what it is! (Kid: Is that a whip?) -laughs-"






And that's all for now! I'll be back later, but at the moment, I'm hungry, and I feel like raiding the fridge. I've noticed the other people talk more than Mika in these things... I think I need to stop quoting from those videos. :teehee:



(I feel like putting this quote in. It's not from Mika, but from a guy who went to see one of the shows.)


".. And for reasons I'll never understand, at one point in the show, Mika walked offstage playing with a teapot marionette and was replaced temporarily by a giant walking teapot holding a Mika marionette! I wish I could explain that in a way that doesn't sound so much like a bad acid trip, but maybe it's something you just need to see to understand."




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Hello everyone!


Since I'm new on the MFC I've been reading this thread for hours now, watching all the video links and I'm ROTFLMFAO !!!

Got to page 30 and realized I haven't even seen half of it. Gonna continue tomorrow, I guess :wink2:


So does anyone have a link to the giggle and laughing ringtones? The links from 2008 have been deleted but I'd love to put them on my mobile...


Thanks for your help!

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I know this must have been posted a million times, but i just rewatched old interviews and it was the one where he was on the couch with Dustin Hoffman and Dustin said he hadnt heard the album Life in Cartoon Motion and was like "Mika, don't you have an extra copy for me?"


And mika says, "I might, but you're rich enough, you can buy one!!":roftl:


And Im also South African :biggrin2:

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I know this must have been posted a million times, but i just rewatched old interviews and it was the one where he was on the couch with Dustin Hoffman and Dustin said he hadnt heard the album Life in Cartoon Motion and was like "Mika, don't you have an extra copy for me?"


And mika says, "I might, but you're rich enough, you can buy one!!":roftl:


And Im also South African :biggrin2:


I was watching that interview recently and I love that bit! :roftl:

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I know this must have been posted a million times, but i just rewatched old interviews and it was the one where he was on the couch with Dustin Hoffman and Dustin said he hadnt heard the album Life in Cartoon Motion and was like "Mika, don't you have an extra copy for me?"


And mika says, "I might, but you're rich enough, you can buy one!!":roftl:


And Im also South African :biggrin2:


haha:roftl: where does he say that?

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I know this must have been posted a million times, but i just rewatched old interviews and it was the one where he was on the couch with Dustin Hoffman and Dustin said he hadnt heard the album Life in Cartoon Motion and was like "Mika, don't you have an extra copy for me?"


And mika says, "I might, but you're rich enough, you can buy one!!":roftl:


And Im also South African :biggrin2:


I LOVE that quote! :aah:


Thanks for the quotes. I love watching all the interviews.


P.S. I'm so glad there are South Africans here, I was starting to think I was the only Mika fan in SA :aah:


You're welcome! And nice to meet both of you! :biggrin2:



(Random interviews I found on the internet!)



"Where would I hit them? RIGHT in the balls!"



(There was no real reason why I included this one. I just felt it was necessary. :biggrin2:)


"Ironically, I'm acting much more like a child now than I ever had when I was about sixteen years old."


"I just spent the morning doing a photo shoot where I was jumping around in bright blue trousers and an anorak, and... And jumping into the air while they took pictures- The whole thing is so silly!"


"On Monday morning, I was a zoo keeper at London Zoo! Being filmed for a TV show! While they interviewed me as I scrubbed the, uh, penguin crap off the side of the walls!"


"AND London Zoo have named a penguin after me! SO rock n roll! And I got to name the other baby, and I called it Humphrey, even though it was a girl. 'Cause I think Humphrey's a lovely name."


"The funny thing about celebs is that they're all either too skinny, or too short. But people even say that about me! They're like: 'Oh, you're too tall and too skinny.' when they meet you in real life but it's true! I've never met a celeb who's actually fits the body image that I had of them in my mind! That's completely irrelevant, but I just thought I'd share that with you."


"I get a much bigger kick out of the fans that I have online, y'know? And the messages that I get from them. Some of them are absolutely insane and hilarious, it really makes me giggle."



"D'you know you can download my laugh as a ringtone? Yeah, for free, as well, yeah. It's horrible, I got the worst laugh ever it's like Janice from Friends, just a little bit lower pitched."


"My name's Mica. M-I-C-A. Then I changed it to a K 'cause I was sick of people calling me Mike-a. Or Misha."



"I think I really did My Interpretation today because it's not high. And I just kind of gave myself a break by uh, by singing that one. But it's a good song."


"For years I was laughed at by all the record companies because I was too strange, whatever that means. "


"It's pretty incredible and part of it's extremely funny!"


"Well I just had this fascination with bow ties but apparently you're not allowed to have that fascination at the age of eleven."


(After a guy asks him if his family is like him.)


"Yeah, the poor things, they are."

(About the whole polarized review thing)


"Some wanna KILL me. Um, and I-I'm very very proud of that. N-No, I'm not proud of the fact that they wanna kill me, but..."


"The same thing has happened in the UK. I suppose when I was sending out my demos, as-as a child, I um... Not as a child, I mean up til about a year ago."





I need to find more videos so for the moment, I'm off! See ya! :wink2:

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(Random interviews I found on the internet!)



"Where would I hit them? RIGHT in the balls!"



(There was no real reason why I included this one. I just felt it was necessary. :biggrin2:)


"Ironically, I'm acting much more like a child now than I ever had when I was about sixteen years old."


"I just spent the morning doing a photo shoot where I was jumping around in bright blue trousers and an anorak, and... And jumping into the air while they took pictures- The whole thing is so silly!"


"On Monday morning, I was a zoo keeper at London Zoo! Being filmed for a TV show! While they interviewed me as I scrubbed the, uh, penguin crap off the side of the walls!"


"AND London Zoo have named a penguin after me! SO rock n roll! And I got to name the other baby, and I called it Humphrey, even though it was a girl. 'Cause I think Humphrey's a lovely name."


"The funny thing about celebs is that they're all either too skinny, or too short. But people even say that about me! They're like: 'Oh, you're too tall and too skinny.' when they meet you in real life but it's true! I've never met a celeb who's actually fits the body image that I had of them in my mind! That's completely irrelevant, but I just thought I'd share that with you."


"I get a much bigger kick out of the fans that I have online, y'know? And the messages that I get from them. Some of them are absolutely insane and hilarious, it really makes me giggle."



"D'you know you can download my laugh as a ringtone? Yeah, for free, as well, yeah. It's horrible, I got the worst laugh ever it's like Janice from Friends, just a little bit lower pitched."


"My name's Mica. M-I-C-A. Then I changed it to a K 'cause I was sick of people calling me Mike-a. Or Misha."



"I think I really did My Interpretation today because it's not high. And I just kind of gave myself a break by uh, by singing that one. But it's a good song."


"For years I was laughed at by all the record companies because I was too strange, whatever that means. "


"It's pretty incredible and part of it's extremely funny!"


"Well I just had this fascination with bow ties but apparently you're not allowed to have that fascination at the age of eleven."


(After a guy asks him if his family is like him.)


"Yeah, the poor things, they are."

(About the whole polarized review thing)


"Some wanna KILL me. Um, and I-I'm very very proud of that. N-No, I'm not proud of the fact that they wanna kill me, but..."


"The same thing has happened in the UK. I suppose when I was sending out my demos, as-as a child, I um... Not as a child, I mean up til about a year ago."





I need to find more videos so for the moment, I'm off! See ya! :wink2:


The 'Humphrey' one is my favourite!



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(In this interview, for your information, there's one rabbit, two Big Girls, two Lollipop Girls, an elephant and a parrot.)


"(Woman -can't remember her name for the life of me-: Introduce to each and every one of the-) D-Don- No, there's- It's not- There's no real sense to it... *turns around* Is there? (Man: Perfect.) No... That-That-That's the reason for doing it. (Man: Makes perfect sense.) Makes perfect sense 'cause there is no sense, right?"


"Someone told me that when I came on stage I was so wet, it's almost like taking a shower! *ruffles his hair* Still wet, look! *moves towards them, shaking his head* (Woman: I don't wanna touch your hair!) (Man: I'll touch it! Yeah, yeah, you're wet, you're wet!)"


"Even HE'S wet look! *holds up the elephants foot, which is muddy* (Woman: Dumbo's wet!) D'ya know I rented these from Angels in London? (Woman: What, the day before you came?) No, I rented them for the whole summer! But they're completely screwed up now! They're gonna cost me a FORTUNE! (Woman: You're not getting your deposit back!) (Man: I was gonna say, didn't you hand a bond over for these costumes or what did-) Y-Y-Yeah! And now my dry- I don't even know if you can dry-clean them! (Woman: Haha! You ain't gettin' your deposit back that's for sure!) [b]No! There goes my fifty-five quid![/b]"


"*as the man's saying goodbye* EVERYBODY GIVE 'EM A BIG HUG!..(Man finishes saying goodbye)....... OUCH!"





Is there any other way to see this one? Geographical restrictions... :sneaky2:

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