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MIKA Quotes.


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I was just watching the 'Glastonbury' interview last night. Love it! :roftl:


Is it just me or does he have a bit of a sore throat or something? His voice isn't as clear as it normally is.


Btw, the female interviewer is Edith Bowman and the male interviewer is Zane Lowe.

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Don't know if that has been posted already, but this is one of the things he said in Baden Baden that were really funny.


MIKA: D'you wanna sing?

AUDIENCE: not very convincingly Yeah!

MIKA: mocks audience "NOOO. :shocked: What's wrong? You're on stage!"



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I was just watching the 'Glastonbury' interview last night. Love it! :roftl:


Is it just me or does he have a bit of a sore throat or something? His voice isn't as clear as it normally is.


Btw, the female interviewer is Edith Bowman and the male interviewer is Zane Lowe.


That's what I thought!


I knew I knew her! (If that makes sense!) Her last name's the same as my friend's. :biggrin2::aah:


EDIT: AND I just saw Zane on TV.

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Love the end of the interview where Mika and co. almost suffocate them by hugging them! :roftl:



I know!



Igloo, sorry I'm taking so long! The download thing I normally use says it's too old. But bear with me!

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(Random interviews I found on the internet!)



"Where would I hit them? RIGHT in the balls!"



(There was no real reason why I included this one. I just felt it was necessary. :biggrin2:)


"Ironically, I'm acting much more like a child now than I ever had when I was about sixteen years old."


"I just spent the morning doing a photo shoot where I was jumping around in bright blue trousers and an anorak, and... And jumping into the air while they took pictures- The whole thing is so silly!"


"On Monday morning, I was a zoo keeper at London Zoo! Being filmed for a TV show! While they interviewed me as I scrubbed the, uh, penguin crap off the side of the walls!"


"AND London Zoo have named a penguin after me! SO rock n roll! And I got to name the other baby, and I called it Humphrey, even though it was a girl. 'Cause I think Humphrey's a lovely name."


"The funny thing about celebs is that they're all either too skinny, or too short. But people even say that about me! They're like: 'Oh, you're too tall and too skinny.' when they meet you in real life but it's true! I've never met a celeb who's actually fits the body image that I had of them in my mind! That's completely irrelevant, but I just thought I'd share that with you."


"I get a much bigger kick out of the fans that I have online, y'know? And the messages that I get from them. Some of them are absolutely insane and hilarious, it really makes me giggle."



"D'you know you can download my laugh as a ringtone? Yeah, for free, as well, yeah. It's horrible, I got the worst laugh ever it's like Janice from Friends, just a little bit lower pitched."


"My name's Mica. M-I-C-A. Then I changed it to a K 'cause I was sick of people calling me Mike-a. Or Misha."



"I think I really did My Interpretation today because it's not high. And I just kind of gave myself a break by uh, by singing that one. But it's a good song."


"For years I was laughed at by all the record companies because I was too strange, whatever that means. "


"It's pretty incredible and part of it's extremely funny!"


"Well I just had this fascination with bow ties but apparently you're not allowed to have that fascination at the age of eleven."


(After a guy asks him if his family is like him.)


"Yeah, the poor things, they are."

(About the whole polarized review thing)


"Some wanna KILL me. Um, and I-I'm very very proud of that. N-No, I'm not proud of the fact that they wanna kill me, but..."


"The same thing has happened in the UK. I suppose when I was sending out my demos, as-as a child, I um... Not as a child, I mean up til about a year ago."





I need to find more videos so for the moment, I'm off! See ya! :wink2:


:roftl::roftl::roftl: Ah the bolds are my favs!!! Im picturing him reading this and him giggling!!:teehee:

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So I just finished reading the whole thread - finally:naughty:

I really love how many funny things he says:naughty:


One of my favourites also is the one I put in my sig

The whole thing went like this:

Q: It seems like sometimes you get a trip from your lively, theatrical music.

MIKA: That's the effect of my music. It's like taking drugs without the bad effect. Like swallowing a rainbow. :roftl:

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So I just finished reading the whole thread - finally:naughty:

I really love how many funny things he says:naughty:


One of my favourites also is the one I put in my sig

The whole thing went like this:

Q: It seems like sometimes you get a trip from your lively, theatrical music.

MIKA: That's the effect of my music. It's like taking drugs without the bad effect. Like swallowing a rainbow. :roftl:

Swallowing a rainbow? Funky. XD




Well... Here ya go...



"Well, well, I come from a family of five kids, so we've got, uh, we all have quite nice, but quite strange names, like my eldest sister's called Yasmine, which is flower, Paloma, which means dove, Zuleika which is... I dunno what that means but anyway...Then Fortune which means lucky in French. But MIKA was just a kind of accidental name because my father.. Wanted me to be called Michael but my mum made me be called Mika... Turns out it just means plastic bag in Moroccan."


(About why he doesn't have a mono-brow)


"I saw this kind of tabloid headline about, you know, 'Welcome to The Age of Man-Brow Plucking' and I was just like 'Yeah, it's all right for them!' I mean, JLS pluck their eyebrows, well, I dunno if they do, I heard. But um, they're not Lebanese! I've got two or else I'd end up with one kind of massive McDonalds sign!"



(About Grace Kelly)


"It's always when I get to that bit in the chorus where I went, 'I could be brown, I could be BLOOOOO' and I went, 'BLOOO' and every time I hear that 'Blooo' I'm like 'Aw, I should of fixed it, it's all wrong.'"


"Everyone thinks that when you work with your family it's like 'Oh isn't that sweet... It's like the Brady Bunch. The truth is, the truth is, that it's quite horrific. We're all brutally honest with each other."


Mika On GMTV



"And I think nobody can say that they've never done that. And I mean I'm twenty-six and I still do it, I'll probably be 78 and still be doing it. Uh, even if I'm holding a gin and tonic in my hand!"


"Of course when I played the video to my record company they were like '*gasp!* You're in your UNDERWEAR. This is the first single you're coming back with and you're dancing in a room in your underwear?!' I was like, 'Well, it may seem scary to you but it's what every eight year old and... Eighteen year old does so... Y'know. Why not?'"



"I'm a bit of a turtle, I take my time, um, but I'm a snapping turtle and I don't let go."


(About his trousers)


"Demonic clown! Chef! Yeah, these are a bit chef-like... Now I'm never gonna wear them again!"



"Yes.. And it's given me a lot of problems. I was just, I had enough, my hair was getting so long it was down to there, at the back, but it was short at the back, you don't really wanna know this, But I-I took a knife from the kitchen and I just went *makes... Cutting-type noise.*"



I'm off, but I'll be back sooner of later. My mom just needs my help. :biggrin2:



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"Well, well, I come from a family of five kids, so we've got, uh, we all have quite nice, but quite strange names, like my eldest sister's called Yasmine, which is flower, Paloma, which means dove, Zuleika which is... I dunno what that means but anyway...Then Fortune which means lucky in French. But MIKA was just a kind of accidental name because my father.. Wanted me to be called Michael but my mum made me be called Mika... Turns out it just means plastic bag in Moroccan."


(About why he doesn't have a mono-brow)


"I saw this kind of tabloid headline about, you know, 'Welcome to The Age of Man-Brow Plucking' and I was just like 'Yeah, it's all right for them!' I mean, JLS pluck their eyebrows, well, I dunno if they do, I heard. But um, they're not Lebanese! I've got two or else I'd end up with one kind of massive McDonalds sign!"



(About Grace Kelly)


"It's always when I get to that bit in the chorus where I went, 'I could be brown, I could be BLOOOOO' and I went, 'BLOOO' and every time I hear that 'Blooo' I'm like 'Aw, I should of fixed it, it's all wrong.'"


"Everyone thinks that when you work with your family it's like 'Oh isn't that sweet... It's like the Brady Bunch. The truth is, the truth is, that it's quite horrific. We're all brutally honest with each other."


Mika On GMTV



"And I think nobody can say that they've never done that. And I mean I'm twenty-six and I still do it, I'll probably be 78 and still be doing it. Uh, even if I'm holding a gin and tonic in my hand!"


"Of course when I played the video to my record company they were like '*gasp!* You're in your UNDERWEAR. This is the first single you're coming back with and you're dancing in a room in your underwear?!' I was like, 'Well, it may seem scary to you but it's what every eight year old and... Eighteen year old does so... Y'know. Why not?'"



"I'm a bit of a turtle, I take my time, um, but I'm a snapping turtle and I don't let go."


(About his trousers)


"Demonic clown! Chef! Yeah, these are a bit chef-like... Now I'm never gonna wear them again!"



"Yes.. And it's given me a lot of problems. I was just, I had enough, my hair was getting so long it was down to there, at the back, but it was short at the back, you don't really wanna know this, But I-I took a knife from the kitchen and I just went *makes... Cutting-type noise.*"




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"Of course when I played the video to my record company they were like '*gasp!* You're in your UNDERWEAR. This is the first single you're coming back with and you're dancing in a room in your underwear?!' I was like, 'Well, it may seem scary to you but it's what every eight year old and... Eighteen year old does so... Y'know. Why not?'"

No, Mika, more like: every 18 year old fangirl wants to see you dancing around in nothing but your underwear. :mf_lustslow:

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