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MIKA Quotes.


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"... But that's the thing, because melody, and a good melody, gives you the feeling of pow-... ... ... Did we just have an accident? We just hit the car in front of us. Yeah we did. Drama."


"Everyone thought I was going to be a dancer, not a singer. (Can you dance?) Really badly. But I do it with feeling."


"... By actually taking them and glorifying them, and glamorizing my problems, y'know? That's what's happening, I'm going to present it to you in a pop song that sounds so huge and so full of fantasy that it's gonna make you WANT my problems."


"Actually Lollipop was written because... It's not really about a heartbreak. It's about my little sister. When I started to see how guys were flirting with her all the time, and as a protective older brother especially being half-Lebanese, I was just like 'Listen. I don't care what I have done in my past You, you're gonna watch yourself. And that's how I wrote it, with a very intent like, 'If you go out with boys too soon, then you're gonna be miserable."



:wub2: :wub2:

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I used to make my mother cry on regular basis


woaww, bad boy :no::naughty:


Randy: Mika. But that means plastic zakzje in maroquain (sp?) language!

Mika: Plastic se- wha?

Randy: plastic zakzje!

Mika: plastic bag, yeah, plastic sastic. That is my name.


Randy: You love rats?

Mika: Yeah, LOVE them. Especially when they're three feet tall.


Mika: What do you wanna do exactly?

Randy: Singing!

Mika: Oh! ...but can you sing?


Randy: it sounds good, eh?

Mika: Yeah. A bit atonal, but sounds good!


Mika: You are honestly the most talented rat I've ever met - and there are a lot of rats in the music industry.


:roftl::roftl: Well I love the whole thing!:naughty:

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"If something is made by hand, it has soul. And when you have soul, you can compete against anyone" (in Vogue)


AH! That definetely just made my entire week, for sure. My gifts are always made by hand. Hope you like it Mika :wink2:


I've always liked this quote:


Darbit. I've forgotten it. Um... let me run through his interviews again...

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Mika: ... Because I have been doing this for a while, you're right. But so have you.

Interviewer: True.

Mika: Longer than me. So if we're going for dated... You win.

Interviewer: Excuse me. Oh, was that some kind reflection of uh, how youthful you are and how ancient I am?

Mika: Well... To put it meanly, yes.


"When you do a job like this, you don't need a therapist."


Mika: ... But telling you where I was born, which you're probably going to ask me next...

Interviewer: No I'm not going to ask you.

Mika: What are you going to have me yodel?


Interviewer: ...Though he's [David Usher] much older than you by the way.

Mika: Is he really?

Interviewer: As you referred to me as ancient.

Mika: I did not, you tagged yourself that poppet!




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Mika: ... Because I have been doing this for a while, you're right. But so have you.

Interviewer: True.

Mika: Longer than me. So if we're going for dated... You win.

Interviewer: Excuse me. Oh, was that some kind reflection of uh, how youthful you are and how ancient I am?

Mika: Well... To put it meanly, yes.


"When you do a job like this, you don't need a therapist."


Mika: ... But telling you where I was born, which you're probably going to ask me next...

Interviewer: No I'm not going to ask you.

Mika: What are you going to have me yodel?


Interviewer: ...Though he's [David Usher] much older than you by the way.

Mika: Is he really?

Interviewer: As you referred to me as ancient.

Mika: I did not, you tagged yourself that poppet!





:roftl: I love him!

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""I'm so prudish. I hate taking my clothes off and it seems funny that

I'm now known for running around and dancing in my underpants!"




"My clothes really aren't that interesting, I have a lot of white in my wardrobe. But my favourite item of clothing is probably my $7 Gap jean I got when I was 17. I love them and they're still so comfortable."




Edited by A. Clay
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"Seriously, if there was a webcam in this room, I would probably never get another job again.... But you can imagine."




From his New Year's Eve Radio 2 dj gig: http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=21137




I like these...:aah:


"Hey this is Mika, on New Year's Eve, with the ultimate Party Soundtrack... That sounds like you can sell it! I think we sould sell it! The Ultimate Party Soundtrack Volume 432!"


"Before I'm going to depart for my imaginary fantabulastic, New York themed, Frank Sinatra Christmas, with Dean Martin sitting at my side..."


"To the man who is riding his llama in the Welsh hills, I hope you find where you're going. To those of you who couldn't decide what to where, I think you look fantastic, it's time to walk out the bedroom. To those of you who are hiding, I'm with you. To those of you who are facing the streets tonight, good luck!"


I think it's this part...


Mika On Radio 2, Part 2



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Mika talking to his mum about feeling pregnant :lmfao:


<<i told my mum yesterday that i felt pregnant

i was like: " i know what you went through mum coz i've got a new album coming out"

i was like: "this must be what it feels like to be pregnant: every morning you wake up and u feel sick"

she was like: Mate.... no!

she didn't quite say that, but i'm not allowed to say what she really said.. well.... my.... whoever... this song is coming out tomorrow (WAG) ..... >>



Mika - BBC Radio 2 - Blackpool - Part 4 - We Are Golden (+ 'pregnancy story' ;) )

Edited by mari62
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Mika talking to his mum about feeling pregnant :lmfao:


<<i told my mum yesterday that i felt pregnant

i was like: " i know what you went through mum coz i've got a new album coming out"

i was like: "this must be what it feels like to be pregnant: every morning you wake up and u feel sick"

she was like: Meek.. no!

she didn't quite say that, but i'm not allowed to say what she really said.. well.... my.... whoever... this song is coming out tomorrow (WAG) ..... >>



Mika - BBC Radio 2 - Blackpool - Part 4 - We Are Golden (+ 'pregnancy story' ;) )


He said "Mate...no." :teehee:

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Mika talking to his mum about feeling pregnant :lmfao:


<<i told my mum yesterday that i felt pregnant

i was like: " i know what you went through mum coz i've got a new album coming out"

i was like: "this must be what it feels like to be pregnant: every morning you wake up and u feel sick"

she was like: Mate.... no!

she didn't quite say that, but i'm not allowed to say what she really said.. well.... my.... whoever... this song is coming out tomorrow (WAG) ..... >>



Mika - BBC Radio 2 - Blackpool - Part 4 - We Are Golden (+ 'pregnancy story' ;) )


He isn't allowed to say what she said??! :lmfao::roftl:

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De kat krabt de krollen van de trap


De koetsier poetst de *strange noise* shabawaba !


Good evening Antwerp ! De koetsier koetst de poets poets met koetspoetspoets .



That was sooo cute ! :wub2:


I always learned it was de kat krabt de krullen van de trap. :teehee:


I could kind of understand him.. a bit.. :teehee:

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